CH 41.1

Name:Feigned Pity Author:
With the arrival of the Chinese New Year, Gu Mu Yang, who had always been away from home, finally had a break from his busy schedule and was home on the eve of Chinese New Year.

Even so, some people still managed to see a gap and stick in a needle1. 

“I’m here to look for Director Gu.” The man’s face was oily and his pot belly strained tightly against his suit.

He was accompanied by a woman, dressed beautifully in gold and silver, she bore some resemblance to Gu Mu Yang. She held onto her daughter’s hand. The girl took after her father and she dressed prettily in a custom-made dress.

Nanny Yang had some impression of this family.


During Elder Gu’s generation, the family faced many issues regarding their family assets leading to the separation of the family. After the big family split into their individual families, only Elder Gu, who was previously pushed down, managed to successfully expand his family business.

In addition, when Gu Mu Yang took over the family business, his career flourished and he became very rich and well-renowned in their social circle.

Seeing how well-to-do they became, the rest of the relatives were filled with jealousy. While the older generation did not come knocking for the sake of maintaining their reputation, the younger generation was not held back by such things.

Mblu clzklhle vbyv obyv byrrldle oyp y xyvvla clvolld vbl ralhkswp tldlayvksdp yde vbyv kv oyp dlnlppyau dsv vs czwa vbl zkdlp cu eayttkdt kv vs vbl uswdtla tldlayvksdp.

Lyddu Zydt ypjle vblx vs oykv yv vbl ldvaydnl yp pbl oldv vs kdqsax Qw Yw Zydt clqsal zlvvkdt vblx kd.

Mbl osxyd qasodle kd ekppyvkpqynvksd. Mbaswtb bla vbkd nblljp, sdl nswze pll bla rasvawekdt nblljcsdlp yp pbl yaastydvzu nakvknkgle, “El’al yzps ryav sq vbl Qw qyxkzu! Tso eyal usw, y xlal plahydv, xyjl wp oykv! Zsw esd’v lhld byhl vbl pzktbvlpv ckv sq ekpnladxldv.”

Lyddu Zydt bye clld okvb vbl Qw qyxkzu qsa xydu ulyap yde oyp ds zsdtla nsdpkelale vs cl fwpv y xlal plahydv. Ohlausdl vbyv xlv bla oswze valyv bla rszkvlzu yde ayalzu eke svblap valyv bla yp ekpnswavlswpzu yp vbkp zyeu eke.

Gqvla pbl plvvzle vbl taswr kd vbl zkhkdt assx, pbl kdpvawnvle ydsvbla plahydv vs cskz psxl oyvla.

Qw Kkdt Zwyd zlkpwalzu zygle sd vbl psqy yp bl rzyule bkp tyxl – y aloyae qasx Mys Zk Dk qsa tlvvkdt y rlaqlnv pnsal kd xyvblxyvknp ulpvlaeyu.

Tlyakdt vbl xshlxldv, bl aykple bkp lulp yde bkp tygl oyp kdekqqlaldv. Tl vbld zssjle yoyu dsdnbyzydvzu yp vbswtb bl eke dsv pll vbl taswr sq pvaydtlap.

Omvalxlzu yaastydv.

The family was discerning enough to know not to disturb him. It seemed that they had heard rumors of this Young Master’s notorious temper.


They took a seat on one side. The girl could not help sneaking glances at Gu Jing Yuan. She had never seen such a handsome guy before. Even those idols that she fangirled over in the entertainment industry could not compare to him. If her classmates knew that such a good-looking person was her Ge-ge2, they would definitely faint in envy. The little abacus within her heart was swiping away swiftly and loudly. 

The woman chortled before she gently spoke to him, “You must be Jing Yuan, I’m your paternal Auntie. Look at you, you’ve grown up so much. Do you still remember? When you were young, I carried you before.”

There was no answer, the person to whom the question was directed was too lazy to even look up and only the sound effects of his game echoed as a reply. 

The woman’s smile fell and her expression switched between shades of green and white, and the atmosphere was very awkward.

At that moment, Tao Yi Xi stepped out of the kitchen with two mugs in her hands. Noticing so many people in the living room, she paused slightly before putting the mug in front of him. 

Only then did Gu Jing Yuan react, he smiled at her, “Thank you.”

The woman found a way to retreat and she ordered as if she was in her own home, “You there, pour us three cups of tea.”

Tao Yi Xi turned and looked at the arrogant lady in confusion, revealing her beautiful visage.

The woman frowned and her daughter tugged at the hem of her dress in jealousy.

This servant was too good-looking and she did not look very old either. 

As for the man, he was leering at Tao Yi Xi with obscene eyes. He thought to himself that this Gu family was quite lucky.

Gu Jing Yuan’s face sank, and his sharp eyes pierced the man’s vulgar countenance, dashing the man’s little ulterior motives as he fidgeted uneasily.


Tao Yi Xi could roughly guess their identities. She was about to go when someone grabbed her wrist.

“No.” Gu Jing Yuan objected darkly.

Relying on the fact that she saw herself as part of the Gu family, the woman could not stop herself from taking on the stance of an elder as she educated Gu Jing Yuan on being neglectful.

“Jing Yuan, we’re not only relatives but also guests. That’s not right of you to treat us as such.” Compared to her previous tone, she sounded more amicable as she still did not dare provoke him. 

Gu Jing Yuan sneered at them as if they were just ants and coldly replied, “Who do you think you are?” 

Even he could not command her to do things, so on what grounds do they think they were on? 


“Gu Jing Yuan.” A deep voice stopped him.

Gu Mu Yang arrived, closely followed by a beautifully dressed Xia Yan.

“Be courteous,” he told Gu Jing Yuan off indifferently.

“Tch.” Gu Jing Yuan sneered.

With so many people around, Tao Yi Xi quietly tried to break free from him.


Gu Jing Yuan hesitated for a moment before he reluctantly released her hand.

In that split second that he was distracted, he lost and the game interface turned gray. He suddenly all lost interest in it.

Xia Yan took the initiative to instruct Tao Yi Xi, “Yi Xi, go pour some tea for our guests.”

Gu Jing Yuan pressed the tip of his tongue against the roof of his mouth.

Very good… He barely instilled some sense of self-awareness into these people and now her mother was the one that was going to make her do demeaning things. 

Tossing his phone aside, he jeered, “Did we fire all the servants?”  

The little tyrant at home had spoken and the servants did not dare remain still. One hurriedly served tea to the guests.

Xia Yan dare not make another sound. She awkwardly sat beside Gu Mu Yang and continued acting like a beautiful vase.  

After witnessing this episode, the woman felt slightly relieved. It seemed that the Young Master’s nasty attitude was directed at everyone indiscriminately. 

Peeking at Xia Yan, it was not difficult to guess that she was probably Gu Mu Yang’s new wife.

Glancing at Tao Yi Xi, she asked, “and who is this?”

“This is my daughter,” Xia Yan replied.


“Oh?” The woman was taken aback. Seeing how protective this Young Master was over her, she had thought that this was some little lady that he fancied. 

Noticing that the two were currently sitting apart with a clear gap between them, she assumed that she had been mistaken. 

The woman smiled perfunctorily and complimented, “Sure enough, it’s easy to tell that you’re a pair of mother and daughter. You both look equally good-looking.”

And both look just like seductresses. 

Turning her head and smiling obsequiously, “Cousin, I’m Gu Jia Jia, and this is my husband.”

“Greetings Director Gu, I’m Gu Jia Jia’s husband.”  

“Yuan Yuan, didn’t you say that you look up to your Uncle Gu? Why don’t you come and say hello?”

Influenced by her parents’ attitudes, the girl was a little nervous as she shyly greeted, “Hello Uncle.” 

“Umm,” Gu Mu Yang nodded. “What brings you here?” 

“Chinese Year Year is around the corner so I decided to bring the family over to exchange new year’s greetings. I’m afraid that you’ll be busy in the coming days, so we decided to visit on the eve. I’ve also prepared a small gift and I hope you’ll like it.” 

Inside the bag was a brand of red wine that Gu Mu Yang enjoyed drinking. However, due to the small harvest this year, the production was limited and it was not easy to get one’s hands on it. It looked like this man had done his homework before they came for the visit.

Gu Mu Yang nodded, “Much appreciated.”

“I’ve heard that Gu Corporation has a new upcoming project next year and is looking for a partner?” Gu Jia Jia asked tentatively.

“Indeed, that’s the plan. You can submit your tender to Gu Corporation.”  

The man rubbed his hands and uneasily added, “Director Gu, you’re also part of the Gu family. You should know better than anyone else that our factory was once deemed one of the best in the country. So shouldn’t this bidding be unnecessary?”

Gu Mu Yang had a very shallow smile as he looked at the man. His coercive aura made the man feel guilty that his voice gradually became smaller.

“As you’ve said yourself, that was a thing of the past. And what is the current circumstance? I believe, as a manager, you should know better than me. It is because we’re all part of the Gu family that I’m giving you this chance.”

Otherwise, with their current qualifications, they were not even qualified to submit a tender.

Both were well aware of the current situation. 

Gu Mu Yang did not state everything clearly. This was him showing consideration of their honor.

The man released a dry chuckle and Gu Jia Jia immediately took over the reins of the conversation.

“Aiya, it’s the Chinese New Year holidays, let’s not talk about things that are business and work-related.” 

Gu Jia Jia could not be bothered about the company’s affairs. As long as her husband gave her sufficient money to maintain her lavish lifestyle. She had come here with another motive.

“I’ve heard that Jing Yuan’s grades have shown amazing improvement. Boys really do have great potential. This prestigious middle school is also really different from the rest.” 

There were no parents in this world that did not like hearing others praise their children.

Gu Mu Yang gave a smile, “He has been doing well recently.”

Gu Jing Yuan, on the other hand, was indifferent to other people’s compliments.

As he leaned back against the sofa, his long arms came in contact with silky skin that was resting on top of a cushion.  

Gu Jing Yuan looked over, and coincidentally, Tao Yi Xi also happened to raise her gaze in his direction. The two pairs of eyes met.

Her eyes were dewy, shining like gems. She blinked and tried to avoid his scorching gaze.

Her fingertips shrank away, trying to escape further away.

Suddenly, a dry and warm palm fully clasped around her own. Her heart skipped a beat and her eyes subconsciously skimmed across the people surrounding them. 

Thankfully, Gu Jia Jia was still talking, keeping everyone’s attention on her person.

She tried but could not break free. In anger, she shot him a glare.

The corners of Gu Jing Yuan’s lips curled upwards. He liked watching her become angry, it made her look more human. 

However, he dare not go too far. After he angered her, he still needed to coax her, and there laid the main issue, he still was not adept at coaxing her yet.    

Holding onto her hand, he stealthily shifted their interlinking hands under the cushion. 

On the surface, the two people looked like they were sitting upright, ignoring each other. 

Hidden from sight, he kneaded her soft hand like dough. 

Her heart was pounding rapidly. 

He was no different. Yet, it seemed that he had gradually gotten used to the feeling of his heart drumming against his ribcage whether he came in contact with her. 

He never noticed previously that his heartbeat could go so out of control. 

Gently hooking her fingers. Only the two of them were privy to this concealed bliss.