Xiao Chen left the company and went to the orphanage.

In order not to be noticed, he drove the car very fast, and even stopped the car halfway and entered a shopping mall.

He wandered around for a long time, then went to the bathroom to put on Su Yunfei's mask, and then left the mall with the flow of people.

Later, he took a taxi to a location near the orphanage.

That's all, not counting, he backed another bus, finally found a public toilet, took off his mask, and finally came to the orphanage.

He is so cautious, not only to guard against foreign forces, but also to guard against... the country!

It is almost impossible for those foreign forces to follow him quietly, but the power of the country is strong!

Some celestial eyes and even satellites can be tracked silently, even if it is him, he dare not say that he can fully discover it!

Therefore, in order to be safe, he tossed for so long and met Aunt Cai.

"Xiao Chen, why are you here?"

Aunt Cai smiled when she saw Xiao Chen.

Today's Aunt Cai has really changed drastically from before. She used to be like an old lady, but now... a half-old mistress, and she is very attractive!

Aunt Cai is very beautiful, it is no exaggeration to say that if she were twenty years younger, Xiao Chen would be tempted to see her.

The skin that used to be full of wrinkles is now flimsy, even better than the skin of some young girls.

She knew that Xiao Chen brought all of this, so she was grateful to Xiao Chen from the bottom of her heart.

"Aunt Cai... No, I don't think I should be called Aunt Cai anymore, I have to change my name."

Xiao Chen looked at Aunt Cai and shook his head.

"Change your name? What's your name?"

Aunt Cai asked strangely.

"I have to call Sister Cai!"

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

"You guy...you can make Aunt Cai happy, come, sit down and talk."

Aunt Cai smiled lightly and asked Xiao Chen to sit down.

"Aunt Cai, I'm here today to tell you something."

"Well, you say."

Xiao Chen didn't hide his plan from Aunt Cai either.

After hearing Xiao Chen's plan, Aunt Cai's expression changed, and she said directly: "No, this is too dangerous!"

"Aunt Cai, this is the best way I can think of. It will allow Su Qing and Xiaomeng to live in the sun instead of being stared at all the time."

Xiao Chen looked at Aunt Cai and said seriously.


"Aunt Cai, I have no choice."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

Aunt Cai frowned, she regarded Xiao Chen as her savior, but she also regarded the Su family sisters as her own children!

What should I do?

"Is there really no other choice besides this?"

Aunt Cai asked.

"It's gone. These foreign forces are more ferocious than the other. Otherwise, even if they are temporarily afraid of the government and withdraw from Long Hai, what can they do?"

"Oh, it's really too dangerous... Besides, you still use Yunfei's identity."

Xiao Chen smiled wryly, but didn't speak.

"By the way, don't they know?"

What did Aunt Cai think of and asked.

"I don't know, how long can I hide it, I'm afraid they won't be able to bear it."

Aunt Cai nodded: "Then what do you want Aunt Cai to do?"

"Aunt Cai, what they want is actually with you."

"What? With me?"

Aunt Cai was taken aback for a moment, then her expression changed.

"You mean, the notebook?"


Xiao Chen nodded.

"What they want is that notebook... There are several scientific research results on it, and this is what they want."

"So that's how it is."

Only then did Aunt Cai understand why Su Qing said to keep it safe when she handed it over.

"Aunt Cai, you should keep this notebook... If... I mean, if, if I can't come back, then you can give this notebook to someone."


"My grandfather, I will tell you his contact information... When you give it to him, he will take care of it and take care of the Su family sisters."

This is the result of Xiao Chen's thinking for a long time. He dare not hand it over to the country now. In case the secret is leaked, what will they really do to the Su family sisters?

He couldn't take any risks, so after much deliberation, he decided to leave it to the old fortune teller to be the safest!

Because among the people he knew, only old fortune-tellers could talk to officials on an equal footing.

This kind of equal dialogue is based on strength.

In fact, this is the case. People and people, countries and countries, people and countries, don’t they all talk based on strength?

"Your grandfather?"

Aunt Cai froze for a moment, a little surprised.

"Yes, my grandfather."

"Your grandfather is..."

"Hehe, an old fortune teller."

Xiao Chen smiled.

Aunt Cai didn't think too much, and nodded: "Okay, I'll keep this notebook safe, I'll keep it, unless I die, it won't fall into his hands."

"Well, I will also tell Su Qing not to come here again... There are quite a few people staring at her now, even if I came just now, I made a big circle."

"it is good."

Xiao Chen explained some more things, and then asked Aunt Cai to take out her notebook and took photos from the beginning to the end before leaving the orphanage.

On the way back, he also struggled a lot, and finally returned to the place where he parked, got in the car, and headed to Guanduanshan's residence.

When passing by a stationery store, he got out of the car to buy a pen and paper, then got in the car, and copied the photos he had taken.

This is the scientific formula for the 'Red Potion', which he is going to hand over to Guanduan Mountain.

This is also the decision he just made today. If he wants the donkey to work, he must let the donkey eat grass!

Although this metaphor is not very pleasant, it is actually the case.

Xiao Chen can't let the country just do things, he has to come up with some benefits.

This 'red potion' that is already half-exposed is a benefit!

"Why are you here again?"

Guan Duanshan looked at Xiao Chen, a little strange.


Xiao Chen threw the notebook he just bought on the table.

"what is this?"

Shun Duanshan was surprised and picked it up.

"My words are worth hundreds of millions."

Xiao Chen sat down and took a sip of tea.

"Worth hundreds of millions? Ha ha."

Guan Duanshan curled his lips and smiled, and opened it.

But when he saw the scientific research formula inside, his eyes widened immediately.

"This...is this?"

Although he didn't understand it very well, he almost understood it a little bit, so his heart was shaken.

"The scientific formula of the red potion."

"Ah? Why are you willing to take it out? This doesn't look like your style!"

Guan Duan Shan was surprised, with a strange expression on his face.

"You can't just let the donkey work and not let the donkey eat grass? So, I took it out."

Xiao Chen said lightly.


Guan Duanshan's face turned dark all of a sudden, so who is the donkey?

"Old Guan, let me tell you the truth. I have already arranged everything. If I don't come back, the scientific research results will be sent to the old fortune-teller... So, don't think about it. What about my sisters, unless you can bear the anger of the old fortune teller."

Xiao Chen looked at Guanduan Mountain and said something.

Guan Duanshan's face changed again: "Old fortune teller?"

"That's right, so, don't play any tricks... By the way, did you agree to put the location in Xuanyuan Mountain?"

Xiao Chen nodded and asked.

"Well, I contacted No. 1 and he agreed."

Guan Duan Shan suppressed his surprise and nodded.

"Okay, then follow the plan! When it's brewed, Xiao Chen will disappear and Su Yunfei will appear in Long Hai!"

Xiao Chen nodded, all the preparations he should make have been done!

Do your best,

Listen to fate!

Although Xiao Chen has never believed in fate very much, and more than once felt that "my fate is up to me", but he has to admit that this son of a bitch is really mysterious!

"wait for my call."

Guan Duanshan nodded, the arrow was on the string, and he had to send it!

After Xiao Chen left, Guan Duanshan made a video call to No. 1 again and talked about the red potion.

No. 1 immediately said, immediately let the relevant departments conduct research and produce as soon as possible!

Because it has been experimented before, it goes without saying about the effect!

If it can be produced by energy, then the value of this potion will be great.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Duanshan got in touch with the relevant personnel, that is, the person who came to test it in person last time, and passed the scientific research formula to him.

This is a treasure, and he promises again and again that he will conduct thorough research in the shortest possible time, and then mass produce it.

After finishing the work, Guan Duanshan recruited dozens of specially trained subordinates.

"Send it to the capital."

Guan Duanshan looked at the things recorded in the notebook and smiled, just like what Xiao Chen said just now, this thing... billions of dollars are hard to find!

However, what is hard to find is not Xiao Chen's words, but the formula above!

After get off work, Xiao Chen went to Su Qing's office.

Su Xiaomeng was still angry, when she saw him coming, she snorted coldly and ignored her.

"Hehe, Xiaomeng, are you still angry? I apologize, okay?"

"Hmph, ignore you."

"Really ignore me? I might leave tomorrow."

Xiao Chen looked at Su Xiaomeng with a smile.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Su Xiaomeng couldn't care less about getting angry.

"Are you leaving tomorrow?"

"Well, almost."

Xiao Chen nodded, after a night of deliberation, it was probably almost done.

It is impossible for these foreign forces to wait too long, he must attract their attention and lure them away before they erupt!

Otherwise, once it breaks out, the Su family sisters will be in great danger.

Even if there are bodyguards from Zhongnanhai, Xiao Chen is not at ease.

Su Qing also looked at Xiao Chen, a trace of worry flashed deep in her eyes, will he leave tomorrow?

"Then how long will it take you to come back?"

Su Xiaomeng pulled Xiao Chen's clothes and said.

"Soon, hehe."


Su Xiaomeng nodded, no longer arguing with Xiao Chen, she will be leaving soon, let's cherish the time.

After get off work, the three left the company.

Originally Xiao Chen said to go out to eat, but Su Qing and Su Xiaomeng shook their heads, expressing that they wanted to go back to eat.

After thinking about it, Xiao Chen agreed, and then the three of them went to the supermarket together, bought some ingredients, and returned to the villa.

Xiao Chen wanted to cook dinner, but Su Qing and Su Xiaomeng kicked him out, saying that they would cook dinner tonight.

This made Xiao Chen secretly moved, but then he secretly scolded himself as a cheap bone. He used to cook, but now he is moved when he cooks a meal?

What a fucking bitch!