
Xiao Chen left the small restaurant, caught up with Mu Xiyu, and went straight to the parking lot.

At this time, the fans also chased him out of the small restaurant, shouting while chasing.

"Goddess, don't go, give me an autograph!"

"Mu Xiyu, I love you like a mouse loves rice!"

"Goddess, I'm your fan!"


Hearing the shouts from behind, Mu Xiyu really wanted to stop and meet them, sign autographs and take photos with them.

But Xiao Chen firmly held Mu Xiyu's hand, and walked forward at a faster pace.

"We can't stop, we have to leave! Once we are surrounded, it will be too difficult to leave!"

Although Xiao Chen has never been a bodyguard for a female celebrity, he knows a thing or two about this.

At that time, no matter how powerful he is, he will not be able to take care of the messy scene with eight hands and eight eyes!

Therefore, at this time, there is no way to stop, leaving as soon as possible is the most correct way.

"it is good."

Mu Xiyu looked back and nodded, she also knew to stop, it was very irrational, and it would even lead to a bad situation.

Even if she herself is not harmed, once trampled on, it is her fault!


With the shouts, more and more people joined in, some even chased and blocked Xiao Chen and Mu Xiyu.

Xiao Chen also had a headache, these are Mu Xiyu's fans, not enemies!

If it is an enemy, then he can just make a move, but these people can't make a move!

So, he's tied up!

"Go over there."

What Xiao Chen can do is to drag Mu Xiyu to escape!

Because there were too many people on the pedestrian street, he didn't dare to walk, so he got into the alley next to him.

After turning two alleys, he was also confused. Where is the parking lot?

Fortunately, Mu Xiyu opened the map in time to determine the location of the parking lot.


Although he drilled through the alley, someone still chased him in.

"Oh shit."

Xiao Chen cursed secretly, this feeling is really bad!

Thinking about how he was treated as an idol by a little girl just now, and asked him to sign, he felt very happy.

In the blink of an eye, so many people seemed crazy, wanting to have Mu Xiyu sign a photo!

This is the gap!

The pride in Xiao Chen's heart disappeared long ago.


"it is good."

Xiao Chen nodded, then looked back.

"You fans are so crazy!"

"This is just a small scene. If it wasn't for the fear of being trampled, it would be fine for me to stay."

Mu Xiyu shook her head.

"No, let's make less trouble."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"Now I know it's not easy being a celebrity."

"Hehe, aren't you famous too? Just now, some fans asked you for an autograph and a group photo."

Mu Xiyu said with a smile.

Hearing Mu Xiyu's words, Xiao Chen rolled his eyes: "I said Xiao Mu, are you laughing at me?"

"No, didn't some fans ask you to sign a group photo just now?"

"I'm the only one, what about you? There are hundreds of people chasing us!"

Thinking of the scene just now, Xiao Chen couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, chasing after each other as if they had molested their wives and daughters, what's the matter?

"Mu Xiyu..."

While the two were talking, another person suddenly rushed out from the alley next to them, which startled them.

"She's not Mu Xiyu, Mu Xiyu went there!"

Xiao Chen looked at this person and said loudly.

"Huh? Really?"

This person may not have enough brains, after a moment of stunned, he looked in the direction Xiao Chen was pointing.

"Really, I don't lie to you, if I lie to you, you are a puppy!"

Xiao Chen spoke the second half of the sentence so fast that he could hardly hear clearly.

Seeing that Xiao Chen had said that, the man chased after him, shouting, "Goddess, wait for me..."

"Huh, it's okay, let's go."

Xiao Chen let out a sigh of relief, fortunately he met someone who was not enough brains.

Otherwise, once you are entangled, the people behind will have to catch up!

After going around for about ten minutes, the two finally came to the parking lot without any danger.

"Huhu, hurry up, get in the car."

Xiao Chen opened the car door and said to Mu Xiyu.

"it is good."

Mu Xiyu nodded, got into the car, and sat on the passenger seat.

Xiao Chen didn't dare to neglect, and quickly got into the car and started it.

"Goddess Shepherd is there..."

Someone came after him and shouted loudly.

"You still want to chase? Heh."

Xiao Chen sneered, put in gear and stepped on the gas pedal, the car roared and rushed outward.

When he just rushed out of the parking lot, he saw more than a dozen people chasing him from the other side.

But when they saw the Maserati going away, they were all angry, why did they let the goddess run away!

"Finally got rid of it."

Mu Xiyu glanced at the rearview mirror and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hehe, these are all your fans. If it were someone else, they would have beaten them to tears."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"If I had brought bodyguards to maintain it today, I would not have left...Because of their support, I have come to where I am today step by step. One must be grateful."

Mu Xiyu said softly.

"Well, but if you stay now, it's not a good thing for them."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"By the way, didn't you say you want to see the venue? Where is it?"

"Longhai Stadium."

"it is good."

Xiao Chen agreed, checked the direction, and drove towards the gymnasium.

Half an hour later, the two arrived at the Longhai Gymnasium.

"Go to Simon."

Mu Xiyu was chatting with Sister Zhang on WeChat, and said to Xiao Chen.

"it is good."

Xiao Chen nodded and came to Ximen.

"Let's go in."


The two got out of the car and entered the gymnasium.

"Sister Zhang, I've arrived, where are you?"

"I'll let Xiao Li pick you up right away."

"I'm in Simon."

"it is good."

Soon, a young girl appeared.

"Xiaomu, you're here."

"Hehe, isn't there nothing wrong? Let's go."


The young girl glanced at Xiao Chen, nodded, and led them inside.

Xiao Chen looked at the gymnasium, this was his first time here.

Looking at the huge field below, Xiao Chen looked weird. It would be cool to put Rush here, right?

If there is a massacre of thousands of people, the scene will definitely explode.

A few minutes later, Xiao Chen saw Sister Zhang.

"Mr. Xiao?"

Sister Zhang was a little surprised when she saw Xiao Chen.

"Hehe, Miss Zhang, hello."

Xiao Chen nodded to Sister Zhang.

"Xiaomu, are you with Mr. Xiao in the morning?"

Sister Zhang looked at Mu Xiyu.

"Yes indeed."

"Then you are still secretive and don't tell me."

"I'm not afraid of you worrying."

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Sister Zhang shook her head: "Mr. Xiao, please sit down."

"it is good."

Xiao Chen nodded with a smile.

"Hey, Miss Zhang, something happened."

Suddenly, a girl shouted.

"What's wrong?"

"Xiao Mu was photographed!"

"How did you shoot it?"

Miss Zhang was surprised.

"Look, the title is "Mu Xiyu Takes Mysterious Boyfriend to the Pedestrian Street, Interlocking Fingers, Very Sweet", and Xiaomu and this man...Huh? Is it Mr. Xiao?"

The girl stared at Xiao Chen with her eyes wide open.

"Bring it here and let me have a look."

Sister Zhang took the phone and looked it up quickly.

Mu Xiyu looked at Xiao Chen and shrugged. There were so many people just now, they were indeed photographed!

Now everyone has a mobile phone and has entered the era of live broadcasting.

"Xiaomu, you and Mr. Xiao..."

Sister Zhang shrank her eyes when she saw the photo of the two interlocking fingers. Did something really happen to them?

"Sister Zhang, don't get me wrong. The situation was urgent. I was afraid that Xiaomu would be surrounded by them, so I dragged her away."

Xiao Chen explained with a smile.

"So that's how it is."

Sister Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, but when she saw the news on the Internet, she frowned again.

"Public relations immediately."

"Sister Zhang, there's no need to make a big deal out of a molehill, right?"

Mu Xiyu looked at Sister Zhang, and said a little speechlessly.

"Isn't that the only thing?"

"Why are you making a fuss over a molehill? At this juncture, there can't be any news, or your fans will be so sad."


Mu Xiyu nodded, and let Sister Zhang go to public relations.

Sister Zhang found a few assistants and began to discuss.

And Mu Xiyu chatted with Xiao Chen in a low voice.

"See? What's so good about being a star."

Mu Xiyu said helplessly.

"Hehe, you didn't choose the road yourself. This Avenue of Stars, no matter how many people want to go, they can't walk."

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

"I don't want to be a star! I just want to sing quietly."

"Hehe, people can't help themselves?"

"Not really, I like to sing, and I also like that many people like my songs."

"Come on, sing me a song."


"Yes indeed."

"it is good."

Mu Xiyu nodded and hummed softly.

Xiao Chen sat beside him and listened quietly.

Mu Xiyu's singing voice is very nice.

When the singing was over, Xiao Chen was still immersed in her singing.

"Does it sound good?"

Mu Xiyu looked at Xiao Chen and asked softly.

"It sounds good, it sounds good."

Xiao Chen gave a thumbs up and said in admiration.

Many female stars can't sing a cappella, they are only suitable for recording studios.

As soon as you walk out of the studio, it's revealed!

But Mu Xiyu's cappella has a special taste.

"No wonder so many people like your singing voice, it's really nice."


Since her debut, Mu Xiyu has received too much praise, she has even taken it for granted.

If it was someone else, she might not feel anything if she praised this sentence.

But from what Xiao Chen said, she was still very happy.

"It's settled, you must give me a ticket for the concert, I want to come to the concert."

"Hehe, okay, I'll leave you a VIP ticket."

"Not expensive, right? If it's too expensive, I can't afford it."

Xiao Chen was joking.

"Based on our friendship, I will give it to you for free without charging."

Mu Xiyu also laughed.

"It's free? Haha, that's great. Here are a few more."

"no problem."

The two were chatting and laughing, while Sister Zhang and the others were busy sending out public relations messages.

"Sister Zhang, Xiao Mu and this Mr. Xiao, will not really..."

an assistant asked in a low voice.

"Don't talk too much, don't ask too much."

Sister Zhang glanced at her and said lightly.

"Yes, Miss Zhang."

The female assistant nodded hurriedly, not daring to say any more.