Xiao Chen stared at the helicopter in mid-air, and his thoughts changed sharply.

What if it was really aimed at them?

Even if these helicopters are shot down and the people on them are wiped out, their whereabouts will be exposed!

At that time, it is estimated that the blockade will not be Yuezhou, but the entire Bang Country!

Leng Feng and the others in the commercial vehicle also spotted the helicopter in mid-air, and all drew their guns.

The three eyes are even more direct, the sniper rifle is loaded, and it is still an armor-piercing bullet.

This kind of armor-piercing projectile can penetrate the fuselage of the helicopter and knock the helicopter down without any problem.

Just when they were nervous, several helicopters didn't dump them at all, or didn't see them at all, and flew straight forward.

Xiao Chen and others looked at the helicopter going away, and let out a sigh of relief, it was so dangerous!

He glanced at the commercial vehicle, because in order to prevent the target from being too obvious, they didn't have driving lights!

If they had turned on the headlights, they would have been spotted for sure!

"Go! Go!"

Xiao Chen got into the car and said something.

Zhang Dalu started the car, stepped on the accelerator, and drove forward.

As long as they leave the range of Yuezhou, they won't be so worried!

Half an hour later, they left the boundary of Yuezhou, which made them all heave a sigh of relief.

"Don't take the high speed."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said to Zhang Dalu.

"it is good."

Zhang Dalu nodded, found a highway intersection and went down, set up the navigation, and went straight to Guangchuan.

On the way, Xiao Chen called Fatty.

"Hey, you finally called me!"

As soon as the phone was answered, the fat man said hurriedly.

"What's wrong?"

"What did you guys do in Yuezhou?"

"You are really well-informed...don't talk nonsense, are you still in Guangchuan?"

"I am here."

"Well, then help me find a way back home."

"Back to China? Back to Huaxia?"

The fat man was a little surprised.

"Yes indeed."

"Aren't you going to help Qiu Shangxi? Why are you going back to China again?"

"I won't go back, my brothers and the others will go back... I have to send them back so that I can help Qiu Shangxi with peace of mind."

Xiao Chen said seriously.

"Now that the entire Bang Nation is under martial law, how do we get there?"

The fat man said with some embarrassment.

"Fatty, I believe in your ability, and I can't help you."

Xiao Chen flattered.

"When will you arrive in Guangchuan?"

"Seven or eight o'clock in the morning."

"Okay, then I'll try to arrange it. When you arrive, come directly to me."

"it is good."

Xiao Chen nodded and hung up the phone.

"Brother Chen, are you looking for Fatty?"

Hammer asked.

"Well, if the fat man can't help it, then call the country."

Xiao Chen nodded.

Along the way, the atmosphere was a little silent, after all, Yuan Bao's body was in the car.

Looking at him, no one is in the mood to speak.

Its daybreak.

At around 7:30, the commercial vehicle entered the boundary of Guangchuan.

Xiao Chen gave Fatty's address, Zhang Dalu set up the navigation, and went straight there.

"Watch out for the police."

Xiao Chen reminded.


Zhang Dalu nodded.

Another half an hour later, they arrived at Fatty's residence.

"Leave Yuanbao in the car first, and turn on the air conditioner."

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he opened the door and got out of the car.

Then, a group of people went upstairs and knocked on the door.


The door opened, and the fat man poked his head out from inside.

"No one is following you?"


Xiao Chen couldn't laugh or cry.

"Oh, all right."

Fatty nodded, opened the door, and let Xiao Chen and the others come in.

"Who are these two?"

"Oh, also my two brothers, Zhang Dalu and Xu Bing."

"Well, hello, you guys."

The fat man nodded to the two of them as a greeting.

Afterwards, he stared at Xiao Chen: "You guys are too bold, aren't you? What did you do on the golf course?"

"It's nothing, just blow up the golf course."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"What? Blow up the entire golf course?"

The fat man's eyes widened.

"Well, it should be, maybe some corners were not blown."

Xiao Chen thought about it and said.


The fat man really didn't know what to say.

"Fatty, have you got in touch with me?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"There is a boat that will leave Guangchuan tonight and go to Huaxia... The boss of the boat has already agreed, but the price is very high."

"How many?"

"One person, half a million."


"No, Huaxia coins."

"Oh, that's not much. I'll give you half a million dollars each, and the rest is yours."

Xiao Chen said generously.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, the fat man's eyes lit up: "I just like your generosity!"

"However, you have to tell the other party that there is a corpse on my side."

Xiao Chen looked at the fat man and said slowly.

"What? A corpse?"

The fat man was surprised, then shook his head.

"Impossible, the boss of the ship will not agree to have dead people, this is too unlucky."

"If you give him a suitable price, he should agree."

"Xiao Chen, why do you want to take the corpse back? Do you know that even if the other party agrees, they will ask for a very high price."

The fat man said seriously.

"No matter how much it costs, I will send him back."

Xiao Chen said in a more serious tone.

"He is my brother, it is impossible for me to leave him in a foreign country."

The fat man froze for a moment, his eyes swept over Leng Feng and the others, four familiar faces appeared, and one of them disappeared.

He had an impression of Yuan Bao, because that guy talked the most.

Is that guy dead?

The fat man thought for a while and nodded: "Okay, I will discuss it with the other party, but if the other party really disagrees, there is no other way."

"You discuss it first."

"it is good."

The fat man nodded, picked up his phone, and went to the back room to make a call.

"Who is this fat man?"

Xu Bing asked curiously.

"It's the same person as Kim Belton, and he introduced me to him."


Xu Bing nodded, understood.

After about five or six minutes, the fat man came out from the back room.

"How about it?"

Xiao Chen looked at the fat man and asked.


The fat man shook his head.

"I said $500,000 per person, but he wouldn't do it."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, half a million dollars per person was already a sky-high price for those smuggled boats.

Eight of them, 500,000 U.S. dollars, that is 4 million U.S. dollars, converted into RMB, more than 20 million!

With more than 20 million yuan, you can buy two small transport ships.

Basically, the boats used for smuggling are not big, because for those engaged in large-scale transportation, who would value the money for smuggling?

The risk is too great!

Benefits and risks are not directly proportional.

"500,000 dollars per person, don't do it?"

"Well, the boss of the boat said, it's too unlucky."

Fatty nodded.

"Are there any other ships besides him?"

"No more, just such a boat."

The fat man shook his head.

"Okay, let's go with this one."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"No corpse?"

"No, take it, I will talk to the boss of the boat myself when the time comes."

Xiao Chen shook his head and said.

"The boss of the ship said that no amount of money will do."

"Half a million dollars won't work, what about a million dollars?"

Xiao Chen said lightly.


The fat man narrowed his eyes, a million dollars? This guy, in order to transport a corpse, really plans to spend a lot of money!

"Well, you are rich and willful."

"It's not capricious, I can't leave my brother in the stick country."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

The fat man shrugged and said no more.

"Old Yin, what's going on with Shouyan?"

Xiao Chen thought of something and asked.

"It's still the same. I've contacted Qiu Shangxi, but she still doesn't trust me."

The fat man shook his head and said.

"When I send them away tonight, I will go to Shouyan with you."

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette and took a puff.

"it is good."

After chatting for a while, the fat man took out his notebook and browsed casually.

"You...you really caused big trouble!"

Suddenly, the fat man shouted loudly.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know who leaked the situation on the golf course... There are even a few photos of the scene!"

"Let me see."

Xiao Chen frowned. How do the Bangguo officials handle things? Can this thing be leaked?

The fat man handed the notebook to Xiao Chen: "It's too bloody, it's too horrible..."

Xiao Chen took the notebook, Leng Feng and others also came forward.

Although they were prepared in their hearts, their eyelids twitched a few times when they saw the photos of the scene.

Especially Zhang Dalu and Xu Bing, their faces turned pale all of a sudden, and they even felt like vomiting.

When they bombed before, they just felt refreshed, but now when they see the photos, they can't help but tremble.

This, is what they did?

Xiao Chen didn't feel anything, looked at a few photos, and squinted his eyes.

Since ancient times, war has been like this!

He not only wanted to avenge Yuan Bao, but also to frighten some people!

However, when the photo was exposed, it was still somewhat unexpected.

Xiao Chen browsed, and finally closed the notebook.

He believed that the baseball country officials would give an explanation.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, all the photos about the golf course were gone.

The official also responded, saying that this is a rumor!

He also said that the fire on the golf course last night was caused by the aging of the power supply.

When Xiao Chen saw the official explanation, although he was not in the mood to laugh, he still couldn't help laughing.

Look, officials all over the world have the same virtue, and they are all deceived!

China is like this, and so is Bang Country!

However, the people of Bang Country are not fools.

Especially in Yuezhou, more people took to the streets to march.

They protest the system!

Seeing the people's protests, the Bangguo officials wanted to cry. Even if they wanted to deploy the system now, they couldn't do it!

All the system equipment shipped over were all blown up!

Forget it, that afternoon, the old man in the country of America even tweeted that he would make the country lose money!

Naturally, Huaxia also got the news.

Guan Duanshan went to Office No. 1, and the two talked for a long time.

Later, Huaxia officials expressed sympathy for what happened in Bangguo, and condemned a few words by the way.

This made the Bangguo officials very angry. Everyone knows who did it, so they can't stop saying these things to disgust them!

However, they can't say anything, after all, these can't be brought to the table!