Hearing Xiao Chen's mumbling, Su Qing was taken aback.

"Xu Gang? Is it Director Xu from the Food and Drug Administration?"

"Food and Drug Administration? Ah, I remembered, it's him."

Xiao Chen slapped his forehead, he had saved his account back then, but because he hadn't contacted him for a long time, he forgot about this person!

Immediately, he pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Director Xu, how are you?"

"Mr. Xiao, hello."

Xu Gang's voice came from the receiver.

After a few pleasantries, Xu Gang explained the purpose of his call.

"Mr. Xiao, the General Administration of Food and Drug Administration sent a few people. They said that they had received a report that Qingcheng's new product contained carcinogens, and they wanted to come and investigate."

Xu Gang said in a deep voice.

"SFDA? Carcinogens?"

Hearing Xu Gang's words, Xiao Chen frowned.

"Yeah, there are five people in total who came from the capital, and they said they wanted us from Long Hai to cooperate and investigate together...Mr. Xiao, I told them, but they seem determined to investigate. Look... I There is no way, after all, it is from the General Administration."

Xu Gang said with some anxiety.

"What I can do is to say hello to you in advance, so that you can be prepared..."

"I see, Director Xu, when are you coming over?"

Xiao Chen nodded and asked.

"Say it's in the afternoon and make a surprise inspection."

"Okay, Director Xu, thank you."

"It's nothing, then I'll hang up first, and we'll talk about it when we meet in the afternoon."

"it is good."

Xiao Chen nodded and hung up the phone.

"What's wrong? What about the Food and Drug Administration and carcinogens?"

Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"Xu Gang said that someone reported that our company's products contained carcinogens... The Food and Drug Administration has sent people over to form an investigation team, and asked Long Hai to cooperate with the investigation and launch a surprise inspection in the afternoon..."

Xiao Chen said slowly.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Su Qing's expression changed, and the Food and Drug Administration sent someone to investigate?

"Su Qing, tell me, could this be done by Ouli Group?"

Xiao Chen looked at Su Qing and said suddenly.

"Oli Group?"

Su Qing frowned.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Otherwise, how could anyone report it? Besides, it's still at this time...I'm a bit of a conspiracy theory. I can't think of anyone else to deal with us except the Ollie Group."

"Ouli Group...With the strength of Ouli Group, it shouldn't be possible to do such a thing?"

Su Qing hesitated.

"Hehe, shopping malls are like battlefields, and there are all kinds of methods... Every behemoth has dirty and bloody capital accumulation that is unknown."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"I think the Ouli Group should be very skilled at playing these things."

Su Qing was silent.

"It's no secret that we are going to launch a new product. Many people know... It's normal for the Ollie Group to act first."

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette.

"You don't have to worry too much. This also shows that we can make them fearful. Otherwise, they wouldn't engage in such small tricks."

"Are they coming this afternoon?"


Su Qing checked the time and stood up.

"Go, go to the meeting first, then go to the factory!"

"it is good."

Xiao Chen nodded, followed Su Qing and walked out.

When the two came to the conference room, the others had already arrived.

"President Su, President Xiao."

When everyone present saw Su Qing and Xiao Chen, they all stood up.


Su Qing nodded, her eyes swept over everyone one by one.

"Sit down, let's have a meeting."


The managers and persons in charge of each department all sat down.

Xiao Chen also sat across from Su Qing.

In the past, no one sat in this position, but now it is him.

This is enough to explain his status in the company, No. 2!

"I'm looking for everyone today because of the new product..."

After Su Qing looked around, she spoke slowly.

On the opposite side, Xiao Chen looked at Su Qing who looked indifferent, and secretly praised him in his heart.

Don't look at Su Qing who was a little worried in the office just now, but in front of the people below, she didn't show the slightest bit.

And this is the wind of the general!

Just like on the battlefield, no matter how bad the situation is, the general can't mess with himself.

If the generals are in chaos, then there is no need to fight this battle!

When the people at the scene heard 'Ouli Group', all their expressions changed.

Even after learning about the childlike face of the Ouli Group, her face was still a little pale.

After all, the two are not of the same magnitude at all, and it is not an exaggeration to use the word 'crushing'.

"Why, don't you have any confidence?"

Seeing everyone's expressions, Su Qing asked slowly.

"President Su...is this news accurate?"

A person in charge asked in a low voice.


Su Qing nodded.

"Tell me what you think."

"President Su, I suggest that we stagger the time and not head-to-head with Ouli Group."

A woman spoke.

"Well, I think we should also stagger the time, advance or postpone!"

Another woman agrees.

"It should be better in advance, but once the Ollie Group builds momentum, will there be many people waiting for their products?"

"I agree, and we need to increase publicity..."

"I think we should not advance or postpone, just go according to our plan."

Just as they were discussing how to avoid the Ouli Group, a voice suddenly sounded in the meeting room.

Hearing this voice, there was a sudden silence in the conference room, and then everyone looked over.

It's Xiao Chen!

Su Qing also raised her head and looked towards the opposite side, a slight arc was drawn at the corner of her mouth, but it disappeared soon after.

Xiao Chen saw that everyone was looking at him, and smiled: "Everyone, what you said just now is similar, nothing more than avoiding the Ouli Group... But, I think that's a bit embarrassing."

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, the people who spoke just now frowned slightly. After all, being called "counseling" is not a nice thing to say!

"Everyone, this is Huaxia, our home stadium...Yes, our brand influence and market share are not as good as those of the Ollie Group, but this time, only the sub-brand of the Ollie Group - Ou Li Cosmeceuticals, is involved. So it's not like there's no chance, is it?"

Xiao Chen looked at them and said slowly.

In the meeting room, it was still very quiet, no one spoke.

"When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. If you give up before the battle, that's not so good."

Xiao Chen showed a smile.

"Don't forget, we still have a big killer, and it's not that we don't have the power to fight."

Big killer?

Everyone was startled, and then reacted.

"Mr. Xiao, are you talking about Mu Xiyu?"

someone asked.

"That's right, Mu Xiyu."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"With her influence, it is enough to bridge the distance between us and the Ollie Group... Think about it, if the goddess endorses, many people will buy it and try it? I know what you are worried about. It is nothing more than brand influence, which the market does not give. We have a chance, don't we?"

Listening to Xiao Chen's words, many people's eyes lit up.

Yes, the influence of the goddess is also very strong!

Even, more than the 'Oli' brand!

After all, the brand is dead, but the goddess is alive!

The atmosphere in the meeting room has changed slightly, and many people have regained some confidence.

Just now, many people were a little desperate.

"I have decided that this battle cannot be retreated."

Su Qing spoke slowly.

Hearing what Su Qing said, everyone else nodded, and the boss said it was time to fight, so let's fight!

What's more, Xiao Chen gave them confidence just now!

Afterwards, Su Qing said some more, and then announced the adjournment of the meeting.

However, she left a few people behind and explained it alone, including the investigation by the Food and Drug Administration.

Among them, Tong Yan was included.

When Tong Yan and the others heard that the Food and Drug Administration was coming to conduct random inspections, they were all shocked.

What happened last time had a big impact on Qingcheng Company.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Chen's action in the end to cure those allergic consumers, it would definitely put Qingcheng Company in a desperate situation!

"Don't worry everyone, it might just be a normal random inspection...Boss Su and I believe in our products. As the saying goes, we are not afraid of shadows. They are willing to conduct random inspections, so let them do random inspections."

Xiao Chen smiled and said.

"That's right, Tong Yan, as I said just now, you are in charge... Manager Xu, Manager Zhang, follow me to the factory later!"

Su Qing said in a deep voice.


"Okay, let's go get ready."

After Su Qing finished speaking, she left the small meeting room.

"Brother Chen..."

Tong Yan looked at Xiao Chen, a little worried.

"Don't worry, it's all small things."

Xiao Chen gave Tong Yan a reassuring look, smiled, and followed Su Qing out.

Half an hour later, the two cars left the company and went to Qingcheng's factory.

Last time, it was because of a problem in the factory that the product had a problem.

This time, Xiao Chen and Su Qing also had to be careful.

Especially Xiao Chen, he felt that since the Food and Drug Administration had come, the other party should not be as simple as making a report call.

If this is the case, it doesn't make much sense, and it won't have much impact on Qingcheng Company.

Therefore, he felt that there should be a problem on the factory side.

"Su Qing, let's call in a few more scientific research personnel."

On the way, Xiao Chen said to Su Qing.

"There are over there at the factory."

Su Qing shook her head.

"Actually, the most important laboratory is on the factory side, and the company's side is just a small one, doing some preliminary research and development! In addition, I worked as a laboratory in the company to cover up my small laboratory. "


Xiao Chen nodded.

"What did you think of?"

Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"There should be a problem with the factory... The other party reported that our products contain carcinogens, so we have to start from this aspect... Su Qing, which link is prone to problems?"

Xiao Chen asked slowly.

"Which link?"

Su Qing narrowed her eyes.

"You mean that there is a possibility that this man behind the scenes deliberately created problems for us?"

"Of course."

"If that's the case, it's too despicable!"

Su Qing was a little angry, which had already touched her bottom line.

"Meanness is the passport of the mean..."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Right now, it's just my guess. It will be clear when we get to the factory."