"Brother Xiao, I have already greeted the hotel. Let's have lunch together, so it's a celebration for you."

While Xiao Chen and Bai Ye were talking nonsense, Lin Nan came over and said.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"It's mine at noon today!"

"Why, look down on Brother Lin? Although you, Brother Lin, are not as rich as you, you can still afford a meal!"

Lin Nan looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Of course that's not what it means. Okay, so Brother Lin will be counted at noon today, okay?"

Xiao Chen smiled and said.

"That's about the same."

Lin Nan nodded in satisfaction, and went to greet Mr. Bai and others.

"Brother Chen, is this pie on your head?"

Bai Ye looked at Lin Nan's back, took out a cigarette, and handed one to Xiao Chen.

"Well, I'm a little confused now."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Why did you disband the Xiao family just now? It made me anxious... don't care if you smash it or not, since there is a pie, let's take a bite first!"

Bai Ye lit a cigarette and said.

Listening to Bai Ye's words, and thinking about what he said just now, Xiao Chen became angry.

"What did you say just now? Fuck, are you stupid? You little brat, what do you know? This might not be a pie, but a trap!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Bai Ye was startled.

Xiao Chen looked around, lowered his voice, and recounted his guess.

"Ah? You mean, that guy is here to tie you up in Long Hai?"

Bai Ye was startled.

"Yeah, after establishing the Xiao family, can I still be as free as before? Of course not!"

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Actually, it doesn't matter. It's good for you to stay in Longhai. We brothers can be together all day..."

White night doesn't matter.

"Why don't you talk about you brat!"

Xiao Chen rolled his eyes.

"My buddy's goal is the sea of ​​stars, not the sea of ​​dragons... Do you know?"

"Okay, okay, stars and seas, but now that person insists on making you establish the Xiao family, what can you do?"

"What can we do, let's build it!"

"That's right, it's not about chopping off your head, don't act like you're not willing to, as if you've got a bargain and act like a good boy."

"Get out! Also, what nonsense you just said, I don't have so many women!"

Xiao Chen was upset.

"Have you not?"

Bai Ye asked back.

"Fuck, even if I have it, I can't say it on this occasion? What kind of occasion is this? Such a serious meeting, is it suitable for discussing my personal private life?"

Xiao Chen wished he could beat this guy up.

"Hehe, are you afraid that Sister Qing will hear it? I just noticed that Sister Qing didn't respond, so she shouldn't care... Besides, how could Sister Qing not know about your women? She usually doesn't say anything. Well."

Bai Ye smiled and said.

"Get out, what about this and that!"

Xiao Chen knocked his head loudly, not bothering to talk to this guy anymore.

"By the way, on the Qin family's side, you can help Hua Zi pay attention."

"I see."

Bai Ye covered his head, looked at Qin Jianhua who was on the phone in the distance, and nodded.

"That old thing Qin Kunlun is really capable of tossing around, everyone can't stay idle."

"The wheel of the times is moving forward, let him toss..."

Xiao Chen sneered.

"After today, just look at it, the Dragon Sea forces will enter a new era."

"Huh? Like?"

"The age of our youth."

Xiao Chen looked at Mr. Bai and the others, and said slowly.

"Well... My old man also said this, and the Bai family plans to hand it over to me in the future."

Bai Ye nodded.

"Hehe, then congratulations, I can no longer call you Young Master Bai, but Patriarch Bai."

Xiao Chen looked at Bai Ye and smiled.

"No, I refused."

Bai Ye shook his head.

"Huh? Why?"

Xiao Chen was surprised.

"My old man wants to be lazy, so I won't give him this chance... You see, he is in his prime, and it doesn't mean that he is old and can't take care of it anymore... Why can he go out to pick up girls when I have to work hard to take care of the Bai family? I won't do this drudgery!"

Bai Ye shook his head.

"What? Picking up girls?"

Xiao Chen was dumbfounded.

"That's right, this guy has a lot of women outside. He thought I didn't know about it, but I actually know it!"

Bai Ye nodded.

"Three female stars have become popular recently, do you know? Two of them are related to my father... Damn it, I was still thinking about it, but I found someone to investigate and found that my father had already done it!"

Afterwards, Bai Ye felt a little depressed.


Listening to Bai Ye's words, Xiao Chen glanced at Bai Wei in the distance and was speechless for a while.

Good guy, these guys really don't have a fuel-efficient lamp!

"Brother Chen, do you know? In order to prevent anything from happening, I have to investigate a girl now, and I have to investigate first, if it has nothing to do with him, I can start... Otherwise, what would happen? Right? He is so busy all day, I still have time to pick up girls, if I let him relax, what's the deal? I won't have any girls to pick up from now on!"

Bai Ye said angrily.

"So, this patriarch, I won't do it even if I am killed. I will continue to be my devil king... And, I also have my plan."

"What plan?"

Xiao Chen was curious.

"Brother Chen, didn't you tell me that the outside world is very big? So, I want to go and have a look, I can't be trapped in Longhai, I'm really a frog at the bottom of a well, right?"

Bai Ye said seriously.

"Well, that's a good idea. It's good to walk around and see more."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"That's right, what a beautiful world of flowers, so many beauties..."

"No, wait a minute... What a beautiful world, so many beauties? Why did you go out?"

Xiao Chen interrupted Bai Ye's words.

"Uh, I've learned a lot, and by the way, I'll have some fresh beauties... Outside, I don't have to worry about whether this beauty has something to do with Lao Bai!"


Xiao Chen was speechless.

As time went by, the news spread.

The new structure of the seven major families spread among Long Hai's top circles in the shortest possible time.

The Jiang family is over!

This news surprised many people. A super power, is it over after talking?

And some vassals under the Jiang family were also worried and panicked, not knowing what was waiting for them.

The Xiao family was established!

This news also shocked a group of people.

The Xiao family?

Where did the Xiao family come from?

Why have you never heard of the Xiao family before?

However, someone still made a guess, it couldn't be the Xiao Ba Clan, right?

Before they finished guessing, more accurate news came out.

The new Xiao family is Xiao Chen!

One person is worth one family, this was just a joke before, but it will not be the case in the future.

It's official!

Whether they are willing to admit it or not, among the seven major families in Long Hai, there is already a place for the Xiao family!

All of a sudden, Longhai's top circle was in an uproar!

Many people responded quickly.

The Xiao family has just been established, so will they have a chance to get closer?

Therefore, they searched for Xiao Chen's contact information one after another, and prepared to get closer to this upstart in Longhai.

In a teahouse, on the second floor, single room.

Xue Zhanhu and Luo Shijie were sitting opposite each other, drinking tea.

Their phones rang almost at the same time.

"It seems that there is a result."

The two looked at each other, smiled, and each answered the phone.

Today's five-year conference, the two of them did not go.

Because it has nothing to do with them.

At the last nomination meeting, they just went to make soy sauce.

Today... Lin Nan said hello, but both of them found reasons to refuse.

The underground world is inextricably linked with Long Hai's top circle, but the two of them also know that the underground world is rarely stable nowadays, so it's better not to get involved with other things.

So, the two made an appointment to come over for tea and wait for the news by the way.

When the two of them answered the phone, they both showed a bit of surprise.

Immediately, another inexplicable smile appeared.

"Did you get the news?"

Xue Zhanhu put away his phone and looked at Luo Shijie.

"Well, the Xiao family, hehe, it's interesting."

Luo Shijie smiled.

"What a surprise."

"I didn't expect it either, but... this is enough to show that he is very much in the heart of the superior."

Xue Zhanhu nodded and said.

"Otherwise, such a great benefit can be taken back with great difficulty, so how can they be willing to take it back?"


Luo Shijie agreed with Xue Zhanhu's words.

"So, for the alliance of the Green Gang, Hongmen, and Longmen, the higher-ups should turn a blind eye...as long as he is there, the higher-ups won't make any moves."

"That's right."

Xue Zhanhu nodded, this is what they are most concerned about!

All along, they have been worried, respecting their orders, the underground world of Longhai is not to say that it is monolithic, and it is not much worse.

This is the last thing those in power above want to see.

Now, they are relieved.

"Okay, don't drink this tea, find a time and make an appointment with Xiao Chen."

Xue Zhanhu put down his teacup.

"By the way, Lao Luo, you don't intend to retire, do you?"

"I have this idea."

Luo Shijie nodded.

"Why, it can't work now?"

Xue Zhanhu raised his eyebrows and asked.

"I just told you to take it easy when you were young. Look, how old are you, it's useless, and you are going to retire?"

"It's useless to talk less, are you envious of me?"

Luo Shijie chuckled lightly.

"I'm envious of you woolen yarn. Your son Luo Changkong is good, but my son Xue Fei is not bad either... Cough, he just lacks some experience."

Xue Zhanhu stared.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I talked to Zhang Kong, and he doesn't want to take over Hongmen for the time being... So, even if I want to retire, I can't, I have to last for a few more years."

Luo Shijie shook his head and said.

"Hehe, that's right, young people need more experience."

Xue Zhanhu smiled.

"However, on the side of the seven major families, there may be a change of old and new. The Qin family and the Su family are already dominated by young people, and the Bai family is probably coming soon..."

"We don't care about their affairs. Let's go. After drinking tea all morning, it's time to eat something."

Luo Shijie said and stood up.

"By the way, Old Xue, yesterday my people arrested a few members of the Bloody Hand Gang... The Bloody Hand Gang landed in Long Hai, and the heart is not dead, should we do something?"

"Oh? Hehe, the dragon has not crossed the river for many years, what do you think?"

Xue Zhanhu looked at Luo Shijie and asked.

"Hehe, that's what I mean too, prepare yourself."

Luo Shijie nodded, a cold light flashed in his eyes.