Kameda Fuji and others have already walked out.

Xiao Chen and the others didn't write any ink, got up and followed out.

Soon, Kameda Fuji and the others got into the car and left roaring.

Hei started the car, followed quickly, and merged into the traffic flow.


Xiao Chen took out the weapons from the bone ring and gave them to Hao Jian and others respectively.

"Tonight... the three-foot green front is bloody, fighting for China!"

Hao Jian tried his hand lightly, and said slowly.

"Then I'll kill with a knife and chop off the devil's head!"

Xiaodao also answered.


Hearing what the two said, everyone laughed.

Xiao Chen glanced at the killing knife in Xiaodao's hand, and his consciousness entered the bone ring space.

Originally, when he stored the killing knife, he hesitated, but the knife was lost in it, not once or twice.

If you really lost the killing knife, it would be a pain in the ass.

I didn't see Xiaodao treating the killing knife like a daughter-in-law, so I almost fell asleep with my arms around her!

I'm really going to lose it, the knife is going crazy.

But after he put it in, he paid attention to it for a long time, and there was no movement, so he was relieved.

Now that it is taken out, nothing has changed in the bone ring space.

"They sped up."

Suddenly, Hei Yi said something, and then speeded up to keep up.

"Did you find us?"

Qin Jianwen sat up straight and looked at the two cars in front of him.

"probably not."

Hei Yi shook his head, he was quite confident in his driving skills.

"Find a place with less traffic and prepare to do it."

Xiao Chen also looked forward and said.

"it is good."

Black nodded.

"How to do it? Stop their car?"

"You said, how can we end the battle quickly without giving them time to react?"

Xiao Chen looked at the car in front and asked playfully.

"Stop the car, everyone will do it, and kill the others first... Give the three of you Huajin, and it should be able to end the battle as quickly as possible."

Qin Jianwen thought for a while and said.

"No, that's too slow."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"Then how?"

Qin Jianwen was startled.


Xiao Chen chuckled, and took out two individual soldiers from the bone ring. Quiver, throw one to Li Hanhou.

"One person, one car, it just exploded!"

"It just exploded? Isn't it to capture Kameda Fuji alive?"

Qin Jianwen was startled.

"Kameda Fuji is not weak, and there are two Huajin masters beside him, they will definitely protect him... So, even if the car explodes, they should not die."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Of course, you can't blow up the car all at once, Dahan, aim at the wheels and overturn the car, can you do it?"

"no problem."

Li Hanhou nodded.

"Forget it, you'd better blow up that one, that one will just blow up... If you don't use energy, if the car explodes, everyone will definitely die."

Xiao Chen pointed to another car and said to Li Hanhou.

"it is good."

Li Hanhou nodded, skillfully turned on the individual fire. Scope for quiver.

"Are you sure, it was just overturned, and it won't be bombed directly?"

Qin Jianwen asked.

"Hehe, don't you believe my level? Dahan, get ready to do it."

Xiao Chen smiled, and also took up the individual gun. Quiver, opened the skylight.

"This way... is the way to end the battle in the shortest time! Except for Hua Jin, everyone else must die, and if they don't die, they will be seriously injured!"

Qin Jianwen curled his lips, you are too rude!

Just when Xiao Chen and Li Hanhou were about to make a move, the car in front seemed to have noticed something.

"The car behind seems to have come out of the bar and has been following us."

A master of energy transformation, looking at the car behind, said in a deep voice.

As a master of energy transformation, his intuition is very keen... He didn't pay attention to it when there was a lot of traffic just now, but if he still follows them now, there may be a problem.

"Followed from the bar?"

Another Huajin master also frowned and looked backward.

"you sure?"


The Huajin master nodded.

"Why don't we stop and see what's going on?"

"Don't worry about them, let's take a look... If they really follow us, then kill them directly."

Kameda Fuji didn't care too much, and said something coldly.

His grandfather is about to step into the half-step genius, and by then...his Kameda's unique status will also increase in the island country!

Coupled with his own strength and talent, he will be the most dazzling arrogance of the island nation!

Therefore, he, who was already arrogant, naturally became even more arrogant, and he felt that he didn't take everything seriously.

"it is good."

Just as Hua Jin master nodded and glanced in the rearview mirror, his face suddenly changed wildly.

On the roof of the car behind, there were two people... To be precise, there were two people, half of their bodies were leaning out from the sunroof.

They all held something in their hands and pointed it at the vehicle they were in.

"That's... individual fire. Quiver?"

Although they are from the mixed martial arts world, they also know about weapons.

"No, jump out of the car..."

This Huajin master reacted very quickly, and let out a stern shout.


Kameda Fuji was startled, what do you mean?


Before Kameda Fuji could react, there was a loud noise.

Immediately afterwards, the car next to it was lifted up by a ball of flames, and then... turned into a fireball.


The fireball exploded in midair, sending debris flying.

"It's time for you to prepare. If you can die, then don't blame me."

Xiao Chen grumbled and pressed the launch button.

He purposely stayed a little later than Li Hanhou, just to prepare for the Huajin master in the car... After all, he didn't want to kill everyone, but let the Huajin master protect Kameda Fuji.


a fire. The arrow flew out and hit the rear wheel.

The speeding car was no longer under control, the rear of the car suddenly tilted up, and then... the car flipped over in the air and hit the ground heavily.


Xiao Chen is quite satisfied, almost as he imagined.

As soon as Hei stopped the car, Xiao Chen and others all got out of the car and walked towards the car with its four wheels turned upside down.


They had just walked a few steps when the door of the car was kicked off.

Immediately afterwards, two figures emerged from it.

"Kameda, how are you?"

Immediately afterwards, Kameda Fuji, who was covered in blood, also got out of the car.

He shook his dizzy head and wiped the blood from his face: "I...it's fine."

After all, he doesn't have the strength to protect his body, so it's inevitable that he will be injured... It's because of the two forces that pushed him to the seat, otherwise, it wouldn't be such a minor injury.

The people in the same car, except for the three of them, were all seriously injured and dying!

The two Huajin masters also had injuries on their bodies, but they were not serious, and they looked very embarrassed.

They turned their heads and looked at Xiao Chen and his group. Who are they?

"Who are you...!"

Kameda Fuji also recovered now, glaring at Xiao Chen and the others, shouted angrily.

"Kameda Fuji, the grandson of Kameda Luanlun..."

Xiao Chen looked at Kameda Fuji, and spoke lightly.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, the expressions of Kameda Fuji and the two Huajin masters around him all changed.

Chinese people?

Although they couldn't understand what Xiao Chen said, they could tell that it was Chinese.

Are these people Chinese warriors?

Thinking of this, they felt cold all over, were they really being targeted by Chinese warriors?

"It's you?"

Kameda Fuji looked at Xiao Chen, as if thinking of something, his face changed again.

He remembered, isn't this the man he saw in the bathroom just now?

It turned out to be a Chinese warrior?

The two Huajin masters also remembered at this time, and their eyes widened.

They... have been targeted by Chinese warriors for a long time?

"Well, it's me, we meet again."

Xiao Chen nodded, this time he didn't use Huaxia language, but island language.

"Hehe, isn't it surprising?"

"You... Chinese warriors, dare to show up?"

Kameda Fuji stared at Xiao Chen, in his opinion, Huaxia warriors are now like rats crossing the street, everyone is shouting and beating, they should be hiding!

"Is there anything you dare not show up... Huaxia warriors are not the sick men you speak of."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"You... why did you come to me!"

Kameda Fuji gritted his teeth and asked.

"I want to find your grandfather, but I can't find him. I need you to lead the way..."

Xiao Chen stepped forward slowly.

"You're looking for my grandfather? What are you looking for?"

Kameda Fuji frowned, and at the same time the atmosphere of martial arts permeated, no matter what, he is also a master of dark energy Dzogchen, and his strength is powerful.

"He took something from me, and I went to him to get it back."

Xiao Chen said slowly.

"Take something?"

Kameda Fuji was taken aback, then thought of something, and his face changed again.

"You are...Xiao Chen?"

"Oh? It seems that you have heard of me... Hehe, that's the best."

Xiao Chen smiled.


The faces of the two Huajin masters also changed. This young man...is Xiao Chen?

They shouted loudly, and Kameda Fuji turned around and ran away.

Xiao Chen looked at their actions, and couldn't help being taken aback, I'm so awesome now, can I scare the little devil like this?



Without waiting for Xiao Chen to say anything, Hao Jian made the first move, Zhui Yunjian turned into a cold light, and went straight to one of them.


Li Hanhou didn't move too slowly. With a loud roar, he dragged his huge mace and chased after the other one.

"Don't run away, you can't run away."

Xiao Chen also flickered, and went straight to Kameda Fuji.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Hao Jian had already fought with that energy-transforming master, sparks were flying everywhere, it was very intense.


On the other side, Li Hanhou swung the mace round, and at once... broke the knife of another Huajin master.

"Others, kill them all."

Xiao Chen had already caught up with Kameda Fuji, and said lightly.


Qin Jianwen and others nodded, came to the overturned car, and killed all the people who were still alive.

"Xiao Chen, you dare to show your face!"

Kameda Fuji looked at Xiao Chen who stopped him, showing a bit of despair.

He... He heard about the things Xiao Chen did in the island country, and also heard about Xiao Chen's performance in Morishando.

That's why he was so scared!

"Is there anything I dare not show up...Fuji Kameda, aren't you also the martial artist of the island country? Are you too timid? That's it...you still want to plunder Chinese warriors?"

Xiao Chen looked at him and said playfully.

"Didn't you just say that Huaxia Martial Arts is nothing, are they all sick men?"