"Since you are one of your own, do you know what to do?"

Xiao Chen put away the gun and said to the bearded man.

"Yeah, I know, I haven't seen you before."

The bearded man is very good, and he is relieved, it seems that his life has been saved.

"You can say that you have met me, but I hope you think about the consequences. Not only will you die, but you will die miserably...not only you, but all of you in China will die! We, the Duanmu family, are not so easy to mess with of."

Xiao Chen said coldly.

"Well, I know, I won't."

The bearded man nodded.

"It's worthless to die like this... I still want to benefit all mankind."

"Well, for your great dream, you can't die either."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"I'll give you a number. After you leave here, call this number."


the bearded man asked.

"Yes, mine."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"I also want to meet your idol 'Su'. I know her daughter, but he hasn't appeared for a long time."


The bearded man agreed, saying that after leaving, he would definitely call him.

"Then what, can we go out and talk? This is the cold room, and I feel like I'm going to freeze."


Xiao Chen glanced around.

"If I take these medicines away, will they be discovered?"


The bearded man nodded.

"Also, you can't take it with you."

"Then bring less, one bottle for each type."

Xiao Chen said, and started to take the medicine.

Because of the beard, he didn't put it in the bone ring directly, but pretended to put it in his trouser pocket, and then put it in again.

Then... the bearded eyes got bigger and bigger.

He stared at Xiao Chen's trouser pocket, how much can this pocket hold?

Why is there a lot of potions installed, even if it can continue to be installed, it is still not visible from the outside!

Xiao Chen didn't bother to explain, this guy definitely didn't dare to ask.

After filling all the potions, Xiao Chen looked at the bearded man: "Go, take me to the database."

"The security on the database side is stricter than this side, and there are still experts... If they find something abnormal, then we will die."

The bearded man said to Xiao Chen.

"Don't be afraid, with me here, you can't die... If you really find something abnormal, they will die too."

Xiao Chen said lightly.


The bearded man nodded, and led Xiao Chen out of the refrigerator.

"By the way, do you have a picture of Su's daughter? My idol's daughter, isn't she beautiful?"

"None of your business!"

Xiao Chen glared at him.


The bearded man fell silent, watching Xiao Chen put on his mask again, and walked towards the database.

"It's best not to play any tricks. If you dare to shout, I will kill you immediately."

Xiao Chen said in a low voice.

"I know, I dare not."

The bearded man smiled wryly and quickened his pace.

With a beard leading the way, Xiao Chen can move freely here.

Even if there were people, they would be dealt with by the bearded man.

Soon, the two came to one place.


Someone stood guard outside, nodding at the bearded man.

"Who is he? The mask is off."

"My colleague, he's sick and contagious and can't take off his mask."

The bearded man said.

"Sick? But this is the rule..."

The man frowned.

"If it infects you, I'm afraid there will be some trouble."

Xiao Chen said with a hoarse voice.

"This is the rule, take off the mask... we just need to stay away."

The man still persisted.

"Hey, there...is there any problem? You are too careful."

The bearded man was a little worried. If he really took off the mask, he would definitely be exposed!

"Okay, since you want to see it, let me show you."

Xiao Chen nodded and raised his right hand.

The bearded man's heart is raised, it's over, what should we do?

Just when they thought Xiao Chen was going to take off his mask, two cold lights shot out suddenly.


The two of them trembled, and there was almost no reaction, and they slowly collapsed to the ground.

"You... you killed them?"

The bearded man's face changed, and he didn't see clearly the movement so fast.

"No, just passed out."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"Come on, let's go in."

"There are cameras here...you have been exposed!"

The bearded man raised his head and looked at the camera.

"Don't worry, it's fine."

Xiao Chen smiled, took out the electronic equipment, and put it on the ground.

"However, we must hurry up."

The bearded man had no choice, stepped forward to open the door, and walked in with Xiao Chen.

"These are all data..."


Xiao Chen took out a camera, clicked, and started taking pictures.

"What's in the computer?"

"It's nothing, because computers are not considered safe, so the most important data are recorded in the most primitive way."

The bearded man said.


Xiao Chen nodded, took out another camera, and threw it to the bearded man.

"Come on, help me take a picture together, hurry up."


Seeing Xiao Chen performing magic tricks, the bearded man took out two cameras and froze for a long time.

Where did these things come from?

And those medicines, where did they go?

He couldn't figure it out.

"Don't be dazed, hurry up."

Xiao Chen urged.

"Oh, good."

The bearded man nodded and began to help take pictures.

Two people shot together, and the speed was much faster. In just two or three minutes, all the data was shot.


Xiao Chen put away the camera and walked outside.


The bearded man took a few glances, and it was really gone.

After leaving the database, Xiao Chen picked up the electronic equipment.

"What is this for?"

the bearded man asked.

"Those who interfere with the camera cannot be seen from the monitoring room."

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he pulled out the silver needles on the two of them.

Just when the two woke up, he performed hypnotism and erased the memory of seeing them just now.

"this is……"

The bearded man stared wide-eyed.

"They won't remember seeing us, go."

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he left quickly.

The bearded man hurriedly followed, and just as they left, the two guarding the door woke up.

They looked at each other, there was nothing unusual, and continued to guard the door.

"You... how did you do it?"

The bearded man looked at Xiao Chen and asked in shock.

"It's just hypnotism, delete their memory...how about I delete your memory too, so that you forget to see me?"

Xiao Chen said casually.

"Oh, no, I don't want that...that kind of feeling must be very bad."

The bearded man waved his hand and said.


Xiao Chen smiled.

"What else is important here? Go, take me around."


The bearded man is speechless, still turning? Does this make me a guide?

While Xiao Chen was wandering around the base, Duanmuqing also found the whereabouts of Bai Ye and others.

He didn't dare to show up in person to avoid being watched, but sent a confidant over there.

"Mr. Bai? Mr. Duanmu's phone number."

As the confidant said, he took out his mobile phone and handed it to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye wondered, and at the same time had a bad premonition, did something happen to Brother Chen?


"Bai Ye, it's me, Duanmuqing."

Duanmuqing's voice came from the receiver.

"The fact that you came to Yangming has been exposed... The Duanmu family already knew about it, and they are now looking for you! You immediately leave the hotel where you are staying and find a new place! They sent a half-step innate master to kill Xiao Chen !"

"Kill Brother Chen? They know Brother Chen has gone to the base?"

Bai Ye's expression changed.

"I'm not going to the base, but I'm going to look for you... When the time comes, half-step will be innate, and you won't be able to run even if you want to...Leave quickly!"

Duanmuqing said in a deep voice.

"Damn it!"

Bai Ye cursed.

"Okay, let's leave now."

"You take this mobile phone with you, we will keep in touch at any time! In addition, I have arranged for Mu Lao and the others to meet you. If there is nothing wrong, they will not show up. If there is something wrong, they will show up masked!"

Duanmuqing said to Bai Ye.

"it is good!"

Bai Ye hung up the phone and said the matter again.

"Quickly, go and inform Sister Ning and the others!"

Sun Wugong said to Bai Ye.


Bai Ye nodded and went to find Mr. Ning Ke.

After Ning Kejun finished listening, he made a decisive decision: "Go, we will leave immediately!"

She knew that if they fell into the hands of the Duanmu family, then this round... Xiao Chen would definitely lose!

Afterwards, a group of people were about to leave, and Hua Youque also contacted Jiuxian, in case there was anything wrong, they could still take care of them!

"Should we inform Brother Chen? What if he is also exposed?"

What did Sun Wugong think of and asked.

"No, we can't get in touch, just wait for him to contact us...Brother Chen is so strong, it must be fine."

Bai Ye shook his head.

"Let's go now!"


While talking, the group of them left the room and walked towards the elevator.

Just as they got into the elevator, more than a dozen cars roared towards them.

The Duanmu family also found out their whereabouts, but a little later than Duanmuqing!

After all, this is Yangming, it's too easy for the Duanmu family to find out what they want!

That is to say, Duanmuqing vaguely knew where they were, otherwise he would not be able to seize the opportunity!

"Surround here..."

Duanmuhai came in person, his voice was extremely cold.


Following Duanmuhai's words, a large number of masters blocked the surrounding area of ​​the hotel.

"Xiao Chen... Sixth Patriarch, Xiao Chen will trouble you."

Duanmuhai looked at the old man next to him and said softly.

"Okay, the masters from the Holy See of Light, are you here?"

The old man nodded.

"It's coming soon, tonight Xiao Chen... can't escape with his wings!"

Duanmu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Let's go."

The old man looked up at the hotel and walked slowly inside.

Duanmuhai followed closely, and was about to meet Xiao Chen soon.

He must be very surprised to see himself, right?

However, this is also the last accident!

Tonight, Xiao Chen must die!

"not good!"

In a car in the distance, Duanmuqing's face changed, Duanmuhai came too fast!

As soon as he finished reminding him, the master of the Duanmu family arrived!

Bai Ye and the others are in danger!