Duanmu family.

Duanmu Yun, Duanmu Hai, Duanmu Ting and others, including the innate master Duanmu Yu.

Below is the direct line of the Duanmu family, and Duanmuqing is also there.

He didn't want to be there, but he dared not be there!

Duanmuqing was very nervous, he already knew what happened last night, because he also participated in the hunt in the second half of the night!

Xiao Chen blew up the Duanmu family, even if it wasn't a tenth of it, it was still serious!

After all, the Duanmu family is one of the twelve families, when was it bombed like this!

How embarrassing!

"Overnight, we lost seven or eight Huajin masters..."

Duanmu Yun's face was ugly, even the Duanmu family couldn't bear this loss!

Huajin masters have a high status in the ancient martial arts world. Like some small forces of the fourth or fifth ranks, there may only be four or five, or even two or three Huajin masters!

It can be seen what the master of Huajin represents!

As for the Duanmu family, they lost seven or eight, which is too great a loss!

"I don't think it's like Xiao Chen and the others did it. Didn't they find a group of Huajin masters who came to Yangming?"

Duanmuhai also had a sullen face, and said slowly.

"They and Xiao Chen are in the same group. We hunted Xiao Chen and others last night, obviously alarming them, that's why we killed our people!"

"We can't let them continue, otherwise, we will lose too much."

Duanmu Yun nodded, then looked at Duanmu Hai.

"What does the Holy See say? They also lost a few energy, don't they plan to seek revenge from Xiao Chen? Or, they don't plan to kill Xiao Chen?"

"Obisco is already in contact with Archbishop Mede, and plans to send another group of experts here, but these experts will not arrive in two or three days!"

When Duanmuhai said this, he paused.

"So, before this, we can only rely on ourselves..."

"This loss should not be borne by our Duanmu family alone..."

Suddenly, Duanmuyu, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

"Let the subordinate forces of the Duanmu family send at least two Huajin masters from each force!"

Hearing Duanmuyu's words, Duanmuyun and Duanmuhai's eyes lit up, yes, why didn't they think of this!

As one of the Twelve Aristocratic Families, the Duanmu Aristocratic Family still has affiliated forces, which are second- and third-rate forces, and the Duanmu Aristocratic Family is the leader!

Normally, the Duanmu family doesn't interfere with them, but since there is something wrong now, it makes sense for them to send some experts to help!

In this case, at least a dozen Huajin masters can come!

With this group of Huajin masters, it will be much easier to encircle and suppress Xiao Chen and others!

Even if they face this group of mysterious masters who haven't shown themselves yet, they won't be too disadvantaged!

"Yes, Patriarch."

Duanmu Yun nodded.

"I'll call them right away."

"Well, as soon as possible, Xiao Chen must be eliminated as soon as possible, this kid... is a bit evil! He is alive, and the old man can't sleep well!"

Duanmu Yu said in a deep voice.


Everyone looked at Duanmuyu, was this considered a compliment?

It can make a congenital master so fearful, and if it spreads, it will increase Xiao Chen's reputation again!

"I'll call now, you guys discuss other things first."

After Duanmuyun finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and started making calls.

The first call was made and answered quickly.

"Master Xue, I am Duanmuyun..."

Duanmuyun put on a lot of momentum.

"Hmm, Patriarch Duanmu, hello."

Over there, the posture is also very low, after all, it is an auxiliary strength.

"Master Xue, I'm in trouble here, and I need a few Huajin masters to come over. Do you think you can send a few Huajin masters over there?"

Duanmuyun didn't talk nonsense, he was straightforward.

He didn't say two, because the faction he called was a third-rate faction, with seven or eight Huajin masters, it wasn't considered weak.

He felt that it shouldn't be a big problem to send three or four Huajin masters.

"This...Patriarch Duanmu, you opened your mouth at first, so there is nothing wrong with it, but recently my junior brother and the others have gone on a trip, even if I contact them, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back for a while."

Head Xue over there said in a difficult way.

Hearing this, Duanmuyun frowned, did he travel? Is there such a coincidence?

"Who has traveled?"

Duanmuyun asked in a deep voice.

"Everyone except those who travel, come!"

"Hey, I've traveled all over, and I'm the only one left."

Master Xue coughed and said again.

"You're the only one?"

Duanmuyun was furious, he didn't believe Master Xue's nonsense at all!

How can there be such a coincidence that if you don't need people and don't travel, once you use people, you will all travel?

Even fools don't believe it!

"Yes, it's just me."

Master Xue replied.

"Then come here!"

Duanmuyun shouted angrily.

"Patriarch Duanmu, this may not work, I have to stay to deal with daily affairs... If I leave, there will be no one in charge, and something serious will happen."

Head Xue said helplessly.

"Xue Qingrong, what do you want? Rebellion?"

Duanmuyun was completely angry.

"Give you one day, you must send me two Huajin masters, otherwise..."

Duanmuyun didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning of the threat was already clear.

"Patriarch Duanmu, we..."


Before Master Xue could finish speaking, Duanmuyun hung up the phone.

Duanmuyu and the others all looked at Duanmuyun, what happened?

"What's wrong?"

Duanmuhai asked a question.

"Xue Qingrong, that bastard, said that all their Huajin masters have gone out on a trip, and he is the only one left... I asked him to come, but he still pushed me back and forth, saying that he can't leave people on his side!"

Duanmu Yun said with a humming voice.


Hearing Duanmuyun's words, everyone frowned. Xue Qingrong has such courage?

"After I finish cleaning up Xiao Chen, I will clean up this guy."

After Duanmuyun finished speaking, he made another call.

When the call was answered, the other side was also very polite and respectful.

But when Duanmuyun wanted someone, he also found a reason: "Patriarch Duanmu, I'm afraid it won't work recently."


Duanmuyun was furious, but he still held back and asked.

"The day before yesterday, we collectively got food poisoning, and now we don't have the strength to walk, and we can't do anything else...Patriarch Duanmu, do you think this will work? When we are well and recover, we will help right away."

The people over there said.


Duanmuyun clenched his fists, he was poisoned by food, and he didn't even have the strength to walk? Is this a collapse?

These words... are even more unbelievable than traveling abroad!

A dignified ancient martial arts practitioner, a dignified master of transformation, can get food poisoning? Can pull prostration? Who would believe it!

"Ten days, no, maybe it won't take ten days, we'll be fine in a week... At that time, how about we rush over to help as soon as possible?"

Seeing that Duanmuyun didn't speak, he hurriedly said.

"Just pull you to death!"

Duanmuyun cursed and hung up the phone.


Everyone looked at Duanmuyun again. Normally, he is a person who basically hides his emotions and anger, and rarely gets angry, but what is the situation in front of him?

"what happened again?"

Duanmuhai asked again.

"He said that they collectively suffered from food poisoning, had diarrhea, collapsed, and had no strength to walk, and they could only come to help after a week!"

After Duanmuyun finished speaking, he scolded his mother a few times and almost smashed his phone.


Everyone was speechless, this reason...does Duanmuyun be considered a fool? No wonder he was so angry.

"Something's wrong."

Duanmuhai was also very angry, but soon he frowned.

"Normally, they don't dare to shirk... Could it be that something happened again, something we don't know?"

Hearing Duanmu Hai's words, Duanmu Yu nodded, and he also sensed that something was wrong.

"I'll try again."

Duanmuyun called again, and the other side said...they were in internal turmoil, and the three Huajin masters were fighting desperately, all of them were injured, so they couldn't come here for the time being.


Duanmuyun finally couldn't bear it any longer, and smashed the phone to the ground, breaking it into several pieces.

"Civil turmoil... I have to believe it!"

Duanmuyun cursed angrily.

"Something's wrong..."

A bad premonition arose in Duanmuhai's heart. It was absolutely abnormal for these subordinate forces to react like this!

Duanmuhai was not the only one who had such an idea, Duanmuqing also murmured in his heart, could it be that Xiao Chen did something again?

For example, did Xiao Chen threaten these forces?

But in one night, how could Xiao Chen threaten so many?

It shouldn't be possible, right?

Just when they were thinking about what happened, there was a sound of footsteps.

"Oh no……"

"What's the matter, panic!"

Duanmu Yun was already in a bad mood, so he asked in a cold voice.

"A... something big happened."

The person who came in had a pale face with beads of sweat all over his face.

"It's been rumored outside that our Duanmu family is in collusion with the Guangming Holy See... not only that, but we have also caught warriors everywhere to be experimental mice, and we have killed hundreds of warriors!"


Hearing this person's words, all the people present changed their faces.

Duanmu Yun was even more furious, and his face changed wildly.

News got out?

How is this possible!

Except for the direct descendants, no one else knows about the affairs of the Holy See!

Why did it suddenly spread?

Regardless, the fact that they captured warriors for experiments has also spread!

This...is more serious!

What is this?

Kill fellow martial arts?

This crime, even if it is placed in a martial arts novel, is still a serious crime, the kind of crime that is attacked by groups!

If one fails, one may find out about the 'six sects besieging Guangmingding', but this time the besieging is not Guangmingding, but their Duanmu family!

"It's Xiao Chen!"

Suddenly, Duanmuhai slammed his fist on the table, extremely angry.

Last night, they thought Xiao Chen didn't know anything, and Xiao Chen didn't show it.

Now it seems that Xiao Chen knows everything!

It's just that he didn't mention this at all last night!

"Big trouble!"

Duanmuyu's old face was also changing, even he didn't dare to think about what kind of storm this would be!

Under such a storm, can the Duanmu family survive?


"Xiao Chen... This move is really amazing. This kick kicked the Duanmu family into the abyss."

Duanmuqing also turned pale, too cruel!