"Hand over the storage magic weapon, and I can spare your life."

The old dwarf looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Xiao Chen, this is the last chance I give you, you have to cherish it, don't be ignorant of current affairs..."

"I... just don't know the times!"

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he jumped up, Xuanyuan Dao turned into a golden light, and slashed at the old dwarf.


So what about the gods!

The gods can still be killed!

In Xiao Chen's eyes, there was a majestic fighting spirit and determination, even if he knew he was invincible, he would still use his sword!

This has nothing to do with strength, but... courage!

When the old dwarf saw Xiao Chen approaching, surprise flashed in his eyes.

Under the gods, who can be the enemy, who dares to be the enemy?

People in the Western world, who doesn't tremble when seeing a god?

And this young man from the east, knowing that he is invincible, has such courage?

Unfortunately, it is the enemy.

Otherwise, just relying on this courage, he would use it for himself.

However, courage is commendable, and some gaps cannot be bridged by courage alone.

Like... right now.

I saw the old dwarf raised his hand and pressed down, and the majestic force suppressed Xiao Chen.

This was his first time to fight against Xiao Chen himself.

The attack just now doesn't count.


Xiao Chen, who had just jumped up, seemed to have encountered a mighty force and was severely suppressed.


Holding the knife in both hands, Xiao Chen let out a low growl, and the veins on his forehead popped out.

However, even so, it was difficult for him to resist the blow of the old dwarf.

The old dwarf is much stronger than Wolfe!

Although he is not a main god-level powerhouse, he is also the most powerful god of the Kona tribe.

Among the gods, he is also the strongest!


Xiao Chen fell to the ground again, and barely stabilized his figure.

He raised his head and looked at the dwarf, his heart was shaken.

It's hard to imagine that such a small body has such terrifying power!

"How can ants fight with gods? Overestimate their capabilities."

The old dwarf didn't attack again, but said coldly.

"Gods... shit gods!"

Xiao Chen bent his legs, exerted a sudden force, and flew up again.

He didn't believe it, he couldn't even cut it with a knife.


The golden dragon shadow roared, tore apart shadows one after another, and rushed towards the old dwarf.

"The spirit of the divine soldier?"

The old dwarf looked at the golden dragon shadow, then at the Xuanyuan knife in Xiao Chen's hand, thoughtfully.

In the next second, greed flashed in his eyes.

He helped the God of Light get back the stele, and the rest... all belonged to him.

"Old patriarch, come out and kill!"

The moment Xiao Chen flew up, with a low growl, a shadow flew out from the bone ring.


As soon as the old patriarch came out, he immediately activated the strongest state and turned into a giant wolf.

The moment Xiao Chen was enveloped by this space just now, his mind entered the bone ring and told the old patriarch.


The old patriarch's heart sank slightly, but he didn't have any fear. It's not like he hasn't killed a god before!

The wolf god... At its peak, its strength was not weaker than that of the light god, the existence of the main god level.

Together with Xiao Chen, didn't he just kill the wolf god?

"Old patriarch, he is the god of the Kona tribe, you and I hold on for a while, my grandma and the dark god will come to rescue us soon."

Xiao Chen shouted at the old patriarch.

"it is good."

The old patriarch responded, and all the combat power broke out.

bang bang bang...

The war started.

Facing Xiao Chen and the old patriarch, plus a golden dragon shadow, the old dwarf felt a little pressure.

"The werewolves..."

The old dwarf looked at the old patriarch, a little surprised, where was he just now?

Could it be that Xiao Chen's magic weapon for storage can also release living things?

Thinking of this, the old dwarf became more greedy, and he had to take down Xiao Chen.

Although God Amaterasu can't be provoked, he is good at the way of space, so it's not too difficult to leave.

As long as the God of Light stops Amaterasu, he can take Xiao Chen away.

At that time, with his innate supernatural powers, even if Amaterasu wants to find him, it will not be so easy.


Xiao Chen was knocked into the air again, and Xuanyuan Dao was almost thrown out of his hands.

And the giant wolf was also beaten a lot, and the old patriarch's aura slipped from the peak.

As for the golden dragon shadow, it has also returned to Xuanyuan knife.

"How much longer?"

The old patriarch asked Xiao Chen.

"It should be... soon."

Xiao Chen had no idea, so he could only persevere as much as possible.

clap clap...

Just as Xiao Chen was struggling to persist, the sound of whips from outside exploded like firecrackers.

One after another whip shadows enveloped the God of Light, until his clothes were torn, revealing blood marks.

The God of Light became more and more frightened as he fought more and more. The strength of God Amaterasu was stronger than he imagined.

What's more, he is now fighting on two fronts, and his avatar still has to entangle the Dark God.

"Dark God!"

Amaterasu's voice was cold and stern, a little angry.

"You can't even solve the avatar of the God of Light?"

She was very worried about Xiao Chen's safety, five or six minutes passed, what would the gods of the Kona tribe do to him?


The Dark God wanted to say a few words, but held back.

In order to stop him, the God of Light has made a lot of preparations... Although it is only a clone, it is not much weaker than the main body.

It is also very difficult for him to destroy this clone for a while.


On the other side, Joan also became more and more worried, and shouted loudly.


Beside her, the attacks of Xue Chunqiu and others were still falling on the distorted space.

Although it seemed useless, they did not give up.

They can do nothing but this.

"Go and deal with the gods and bring back the Elf King!"

Suddenly, Su Shiming called out.

"Yes... let's go!"

Zhao Laomo was stunned for a moment, then immediately responded, without even thinking about it, he killed the god.

At this time, how can he be half greedy for life and afraid of death!

Xue Chunqiu and others followed closely behind.

Just now Xiao Chen was going to the God of War, and they agreed one by one.

But now, Xiao Chen has a life-and-death crisis, so they have to fight even more!


A series of attacks fell, and a god had to retreat.

The Elf King also took advantage of this to get away, and came straight to the place where the space is distorted.

"Get out of the way..."

The Elf King shouted, if he wants to deal with the gods of the Kona tribe, he must first tear this space apart!

The elves and the Kona are old enemies, and they know each other very well.


Rays of light appeared, colorful.

The attacks of the Elf King continued to fall.

There was no room for any reaction just now, but with the attack of the Elf King, it became even more distorted.

Faintly...with the appearance of a rupture.

"Wells, if you dare to kill Xiao Chen, I will definitely destroy your Kona family."

The Elf King shouted loudly, and the attack became more violent.

bang bang bang bang bang bang...

The space distortion is getting stronger and stronger.

At its very center, something like a black hole appears.

Seeing the black hole appearing, the Elf King killed it directly.

This is the portal of this space!


Just as the Elf King was approaching the portal, a light burst out and blasted towards him.

The elf king didn't dodge, but confronted it.


In the space, Xiao Chen, who had already vomited an unknown amount of blood, looked sluggish.

It means that he has strong resilience, otherwise it would have been difficult to support him.

With his strength, the gap with the old dwarf is still very large.


With the sound of cracking, Xiao Chen suddenly raised his head and looked at the unstable space.

This space is about to collapse?

He didn't know what the consequences would be if this space collapsed.

However, he has some shadows about the space crack.

Especially the experience of Guiyuanjie made him be very careful every time he went to the independent space, ready to escape at any time.

For fear, the space suddenly cracked and was buried inside.


The old dwarf looked at the unstable space and frowned. There were god-level powerhouses attacking outside.

He looked at Xiao Chen and the old patriarch, his face became more serious, the time left for him is running out!

He must, must take down Xiao Chen as soon as possible.

Once Amaterasu came to kill him, he would be in danger.

"Mirror of space!"

The old dwarf whispered, and saw a mirror appear out of thin air in this space.

The shadows of Xiao Chen and the old patriarch appeared on the mirror.

"The means of the gods are not something you can fight against..."

After the old patriarch finished speaking, he waved his hand, and several of the mirrors were broken.


As the shadow on the mirror 'shattered', Xiao Chen opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, his face became paler and more sluggish.

This sudden change shocked him too, what happened?

"Kona means, avoid mirrors, don't let yourself appear in mirrors!"

The old patriarch yelled when he thought of something.

Hearing the words of the old patriarch, Xiao Chen reacted and quickly wanted to dodge.

But before he dodged away, several more mirrors were broken.


Xiao Chen had a severe headache, staggered and fell to the ground.

His eyes were darkened, and it was difficult for him to get up.

"Xiao Chen!"

As the old patriarch said, he was about to come to the rescue.

"The werewolf clan is really in decline... Now, there is not even a god."

The old dwarf looked at the old patriarch and said coldly.

"The wolf god back then stood on top of the world..."

"Hmph, the wolf god you mentioned died by my hands."

After the old patriarch's words fell, the giant wolf disappeared, changed into its usual appearance, and launched an attack.

No way, the giant wolf is too big to avoid the mirror.

At this time, the smaller it is, the easier it is to dodge.

"The wolf god died at your hands? How could it be..."

The old dwarf was a little surprised and didn't believe it at all.

The werewolf in his impression was almost invincible in the world... Back then, it was impossible for him to compare with the wolf god.

"The power of the wolf god... go!"

The old patriarch ignored the old dwarf's words and launched a violent attack.

"Wolf God...you really are a new generation of Wolf God."

Feeling the power of the wolf god, the old dwarf frowned, then laughed mockingly.

"However... with your strength, what qualifications do you have to be called a god?"


The old patriarch staggered back and looked at Xiao Chen.

If there is no rescue outside, the two of them will soon be unable to hold on.

With the two of them, it is impossible to defeat this old dwarf!

"Persevere... Persist... They are already saving us, the space is unstable."

Xiao Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said weakly.

"Five minutes at most... I believe that in five minutes at most, they will be able to come in."

"Five minutes? Oh, within a minute, it should be over."

The old dwarf sneered, the black robe on his body trembled, and suddenly turned into a huge black hole.

The black hole is spinning and getting bigger and bigger... He wants to use the black hole to swallow Xiao Chen!