Two hours passed in a flash.

"It's still a bit worse."

Blacksmith Zhang looked at the newly forged sword and shook his head.

"I feel fine."

Xiao Chen leaned forward to have a look, not flattering, but really good.

Although it has not yet reached the divine weapon, but among the demigod soldiers, it is definitely the top.

Maybe it is only a thin line away from the magic weapon.

"Here, go to Dihai to kill a sea monster, get it's blood, and try again when you come back."

Blacksmith Zhang thought about it and said to his disciples.

"Yes, Master."

Zhang San responded, took the sword and left.

"Kill the sea monster? Use the blood of the sea monster?"

Xiao Chen was curious.

"Is it possible to let this sword evolve into a magic weapon?"

"A glimmer of hope, try."

Blacksmith Zhang smiled.

"The former swordsmiths had their own methods in order to forge divine weapons... According to legend, there were obsessives who threw themselves into the sword furnace and eventually became divine weapons."

"Use yourself to sacrifice the sword?"

Xiao Chen's eyelids twitched, isn't this too crazy?


Blacksmith Zhang nodded.

"So, some methods can still be tried... Maybe there is a lack of an introduction. With this introduction, a trace of spirit can be born."

"It's really a university question."

Xiao Chen said with emotion.

"Let's go, let's go out for tea and wait for him to come back to continue."

After Zhang Blacksmith finished speaking, he walked out.


Xiao Chen is also looking forward to it, wondering if he can witness the appearance of the magic soldier today.

When he came out, he found that Wang Pingbei was gone.

"Maybe I'm bored, so I went out for a walk."

After Xiao Chen sat down, he said.

"Come, drink tea."

Blacksmith Zhang didn't say much, and poured tea for Xiao Chen.

About half an hour later, Zhang San came back with a blood-stained sword and a blood-stained crystal nucleus.


Blacksmith Zhang got up and returned to the wing room.

The blood-stained sword was burned red again, and the crystal nucleus also shattered and fell on the sword.

Xiao Chen looked carefully, and soon he realized that this different.

The sword, the same sword, but with a different feel.

"The magic weapon is successful!"

Xiao Chen's eyelids twitched, he was definitely a magic weapon.

"It is ok."

Blacksmith Zhang smiled.

"Although it doesn't satisfy me yet, it's okay."


Xiao Chen twitched the corners of his mouth, isn't your request too high?

"Come on, Xiaoyou Chen, take a look."

Blacksmith Zhang said, and handed the sword to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen took it over and operated the 'Chaos Jue', the consciousness fell on it, and the perception became clearer.

"Congratulations, senior."

This is indeed a magical weapon!

"Hehe, I can't talk about congratulations yet, but I don't need to be ruined."

Blacksmith Zhang laughed.

"It can be sold."

"How about a price, how about selling it to me?"

Xiao Chen immediately said.

"Isn't Chen Xiaoyou not short of magical weapons?"

Blacksmith Zhang looked at Xiao Chen.

"Hehe, if you don't lack, you won't lack. If you see it, you want it."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Just make an offer."

"Since Chen Xiaoyou wants it, let's have a thousand spirit stones."

Blacksmith Zhang thought for a while and said.

"Senior, you are no different from giving away for free."

Xiao Chen was surprised.

"Hehe, make a good relationship."

Blacksmith Zhang shook his head.

"Wouldn't it be nice if you could cooperate with me because of this?"

"Senior is so helpful to me, even if I don't cooperate, if I need to do something, as long as I can do it, I will definitely not refuse."

Xiao Chen said seriously.


Blacksmith Zhang nodded in satisfaction.

Afterwards, Xiao Chen bought this freshly baked magical weapon at the price of five thousand spirit stones.

The price is neither high nor low.

No matter how high it is, blacksmith Zhang doesn't want it.

Xiao Chen is too embarrassed to take advantage of the low price.

But soon, he felt that something was wrong. How did Blacksmith Zhang know that he didn't lack magic weapons?

He showed it off in front of the Ghost King, did the Ghost King tell Blacksmith Zhang?

In other words, the Ghost King and Blacksmith Zhang are quite close?

"Today's release of the Divine Weapon is a good omen... I hope that in the future, there will be another sword that satisfies me."

Blacksmith Zhang looked at the stove with hope.

It's been a long time since there has been a magical weapon that satisfies him, and now the vision of Dihai may also be his opportunity.

After they came out, Wang Pingbei had already returned.

"Senior, then I won't bother you."

"To find Cripple Lee?"

Blacksmith Zhang asked.

"Well, go and have a look and get to know each other."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Then bring some good wine, you should have a good attitude, otherwise I can't pay attention to you."

Blacksmith Zhang laughed.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior."

Xiao Chen cupped his hands and took Wang Pingbei away.

"Why did you go there just now?"

After leaving the door, Xiao Chen asked.

"I was a little bored waiting, so I went out for a walk..."

Wang Pingbei replied.

"Hehe, aren't you afraid of meeting someone from Shanhailou?"

Xiao Chen smiled.

"I just walked around the back street, so I wouldn't be so unlucky."

Wang Pingbei shook his head.

"Brother Chen, his sword today was destroyed again?"

"No, here."

Xiao Chen took out the sword cast by blacksmith Zhang from the bone ring.

"Today, there are some magical soldiers."

"God soldiers?"

Wang Pingbei was surprised and looked at it.

"Is this the one?"


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Let me buy it."

"I thought he gave it to you."

Wang Pingbei took the sword and made a gesture.

"Send it to me? Hehe, the friendship is not up to that point, and I dare not accept it even if he gives it away."

Xiao Chen smiled and shook his head.

"Things that don't cost money are often the most expensive."

"This blacksmith is really powerful. If he can create magic weapons, he is already a master-level character. No matter which faction he goes to, such a character will be a guest of honor."

Wang Pingbei said with emotion.

"It's unexpected that such a character is hidden in Xuanyuan Town."

"Hehe, Xiao Yin is hidden in the wild, and Da Yin is hidden in the city... let's go."

"Where are you going?"

"Go find Cripple Lee."

"Is he the Guardian?"

"Well, sure, yes."

Xiao Chen put away his sword and took Wang Pingbei to the residence of the lame Li.

As for wine... the most indispensable thing in his bone ring is wine.

Ten minutes later, he saw the cripple Li.

Looking at it with a glance, he couldn't believe it, this is a guardian.

Without him, it would be too down and out.

If it wasn't for the clothes or something, which were still clean, he would have thought it was a beggar.

A black iron crutch next to him represented his identity, and he was right.

"He... is Limp Li?"

Wang Pingbei looked at the old man sitting on the base of the wall basking in the sun, he couldn't believe it.


Xiao Chen glanced at the black iron crutch, how could a normal person use it.

"The guardians... are getting weirder than each other."

Wang Pingbei couldn't accept it. There were blacksmiths, businessmen, and beggars?

"Hehe, let him alone."

Xiao Chen smiled, stepped forward, and cupped his hands at the old man.

"I've seen Senior Li."

The old man didn't raise his head, and didn't even open his eyelids. They were still closed, as if he was asleep.


Seeing that the old man ignored Xiao Chen, Wang Pingbei couldn't help frowning and wanted to shout.

Xiao Chen waved his hand to stop him.

"It's quite arrogant to be so downcast."

Wang Pingbei held back the words that came to his lips, and couldn't help muttering.

He didn't think the old man was really asleep, he just ignored him.

Xiao Chen looked at the old man, but he was not angry. He took out a jar of wine from the bone ring, opened the mud seal, and the fragrance instantly filled the air.

The old man who had his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the wine jar in Xiao Chen's hand.

"Senior Li is awake?"

Xiao Chen asked with a smile.

"who are you?"

The lame Li was talking, but his eyes were fixed on the wine jar in Xiao Chen's hand.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen thought to himself that blacksmith Zhang hadn't lied to him, this old guy is addicted to alcohol!

"My name is Chen Xiao."

Xiao Chen said, and handed over the wine jar in his hand.

"This is good wine, Senior Li, try it?"

"I don't know, why give me wine?"

The lame Li finished his sentence, took the wine jar, raised his head and drank.

"Aren't you afraid of being poisoned to death?"

Wang Pingbei complained in his heart. He didn't know him, but he dared to drink something given by a stranger?

"Hehe, I came to Xuanyuan Town to look for opportunities, and I heard about my seniors, so I came to pay a special visit."

As Xiao Chen said, he took out a few jars of wine and put them on the wall.

"It's a little thought."

"This wine...isn't it from Tianwaitian? Where did it come from?"

Cripple Li narrowed his eyes after taking a few gulps of wine, as if he was savoring the taste.

Hearing Li Li's words, Wang Pingbei's complexion changed, and he cried out inwardly.

Could it be that Xiao Chen took out the wine from the mother world, right? This identity must not be revealed?

On the other hand, Xiao Chen's expression remained unchanged: "It's really not from Tianwaitian, but from Three Realms Mountain."

"Three Realms Mountain? Where is Three Realms Mountain? I've never heard of it."

Cripple Li said, and drank a few more sips.

"Although there is not much difference, it has a different taste...good wine!"

"As long as seniors like it."

Xiao Chen also let out a sigh of relief, he was still careless, who knew that this old guy could taste it with such a mouthful.

Fortunately, he didn't bring out some red wine or something, otherwise it would be troublesome.

"You are young, and you carry a magic weapon with you. This Three Realm Mountain should be a powerful force in the hidden world, right?"

The lame Li half-closed his eyes and looked Xiao Chen up and down.

"Hehe, it's just a hidden power, not a big one."

Xiao Chen said a word of humility.

"It seems that the seniors are hiding here, and don't ask about Jianghu?"

"I'm old and crippled, I just eat and wait to die every day."

Cripple Li was drinking.

"What do you come to see me for? If there is anything, don't open your mouth. Go back where you came from."


Wang Pingbei frowned, isn't this old guy too rude?

After drinking someone else's wine, you still say that?

"Nowadays there are many practitioners in Xuanyuan Town, and the vision of the Emperor Sea appears. Seniors really don't do anything?"

Xiao Chen's smile remained unchanged. Blacksmith Zhang had introduced him to him before, so he was prepared.

"What did you do? So what if you did it, so what if you didn't do it? Young man, for the sake of these wines, listen to my advice, leave here as soon as possible, so as not to be buried here."

After the cripple Li finished speaking, he drank and ignored Xiao Chen.

"As a guardian, senior Li, how can he stay out of it?"

Xiao Chen looked at the lame Li and said slowly.

"Zhang Tiejiang, Ghost King, and you...we were born to live for this, weren't we?"

"Good wine, good wine."

The lame Li still ignored Xiao Chen, drinking and muttering.

"I am proficient in medical skills, maybe I can make you lose that iron crutch."

Xiao Chen thought for a while, and then said.