That's right! At that time, I really didn't understand. Later on, I knew that a big star like them would be doomed once they entered their life.

Don't look at the amount of money they spend on an advertisement. If their image affected the brand, then they would have to pay an astonishing price.

Besides, he must have paid a great price for climbing to his current position. It was difficult for ordinary people to understand.

I patted his shoulder, not knowing how to comfort him. I wanted to convince him of the boss's trust, but I couldn't find a single reason to convince him of it, so I finally sighed and said, "You should tell me how you hooked up with that woman. Tell me everything you can think of.

He wiped away his tears and said, "I don't remember which number it was. Anyway, she added my WeChat when she was in Beijing last month and then sent me a photo. I thought we could continue chatting. She was the one who contacted me during this trip to the capital. She said that she was in the vicinity of my hotel, so would it be possible for her to meet with me? You know we're all men and women, and she's not bad, so why should I refuse? So I let her come. When she came, she said she had medicine and asked me if I smoked it. I never tried it and couldn't stand her temptation, so I tried it a little. I only tried a little, and she seemed to be using it a lot, but I didn't have any idea, and then she fell asleep, and I called her a few times and she didn't move, and I went to sleep too, but who knows when she woke up the next day she was already cold. "

Hearing him say this, this matter seemed to be a little problematic. If it was a public relations matter, it wouldn't be completely without a clue. It was just that I couldn't think of a concrete method in a short period of time.

"Since you didn't go to bed with her, then don't be anxious. There must be a way to deal with this. Although I can't think of a concrete course of action, my boss definitely has an idea."


"Yeah, and I think this woman came here on purpose to harm you."

"But I don't know her."

"Yeah, you don't know her, but you're a star and you're handsome, so it's understandable that she asked to meet you, but it's a little strange to ask you to bring drugs. I ask you, did she say anything about drugs when you were talking? "

"No, if she mentioned drugs, I would have long blacklisted her. The company is very strict on this aspect, I don't dare to mess around. And if she hadn't provoked me last night, I wouldn't have smoked. "

"That's right, she died on purpose in your bed."

Wu Yue was stunned as soon as he said that. He suddenly quieted down with his mouth half open. I think he must know who wanted to hurt him.

But I didn't ask. It wouldn't do me any good to ask too many questions.

And if I really want to know, check out the Hong Kong stars he's been working with all this time.

In our domestic entertainment circle, there are two types of people that are the most powerful, one is people with a deep relationship with the financial backer, the other is people with a huge family background, both are relatively clean, they can't easily do that kind of thing that would kill people, and that's why Jiang Xue didn't find anyone to do it for me.

But in Hong Kong and Taiwan, the entertainment industry is not the same. The two big bosses there are more or less involved in the crime, and they are not as gentle and reasonable when it comes to handling matters as we are in the Mainland.

So the person who did this to him must be from Hong Kong.

"Thank you. If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known what was going on."

"Don't think too much into it. In any case, your territory is mainly in the Mainland, so you don't have to be afraid of them."

"Let's settle this matter first."

At this moment, Wu Yue was already very calm. Perhaps the thing that bothered him the most had already changed. Compared to the trouble in front of him, perhaps the person who caused him the most trouble was the one who gave him the most headache.

Just then, the boss called me.

On the phone, she said that the matter had been resolved and that Wu Yue didn't need to go to the police station.

"How could this be? I thought that this matter wouldn't be resolved in a short period of time."

"The most important thing about crisis management is that it's in time. If we drag it out for a long time, the corpse would probably stink."

"How did you solve the problem? It's really amazing. Until now, I still can't think of any way to deal with it."

The boss smiled and said, "That's because you don't know how many resources I have. In short, you tell Wu Yue that the woman died in his downstairs room last night and the person who made the room with that woman is his little assistant who offended that person."

So the boss already knew that someone wanted to harm Wu Yue. But how did she know which room that little assistant lived in? It was really amazing.

I wanted to ask a few more questions, but the boss had already hung up.

Then I told the news to Wu Yue, who cried with joy and wiped away two more tears. I asked him if he wanted to go back to the hotel, and he shook his head and said he wanted to go and drink, and asked if I wanted to stay with him.

At that time, I was also quite frustrated. I thought it would take at least a week for such a big case to be completed, so I didn't have to stay in the office and work hard to type. Who knew that it would be resolved in less than a day?

"You can drink, but no matter where you go, someone will recognize you. Aren't you afraid of being discovered?"

"Why don't you buy some wine and come to your house?"

"My family is in the basement, if you don't mind, I'm fine."

"I don't mind, as long as there's a place to drink."

So I first sent Wu Yue to my home, then went to the company to return the car to the boss.

When I got home, Wu Yue was lying on my bed watching TV in boredom.

I frowned a little. I didn't expect him to be so casual. He came to my house for the first time and laid on my bed, but we were all men. We just had to go as long as he didn't mind being dirty.

"This place is pretty good. It's as safe as night and day."

"Do you want to drink and chat, or do you want to drink alone?"

"About what?"

"Are you sure you want me to think about the subject? Aren't you afraid that I'll pry into your privacy?"

I smiled and said. Actually, I was a little selfish by bringing Wu Yue back.

"Say it, I don't know what to talk about."

"Then let's talk about your celebrity friends. How are they doing recently? Are there any businesses suitable for me?"

"Hahaha, how can you be so direct? Shouldn't you speak of these things tactfully?" Wu Yue laughed. Only now did I understand why he was a superstar. Even I, as a man, felt a little jealous when I saw such a bright and handsome smile.

However, it's not like I can't compare to him. The two taels of meat that he revealed in his bathrobe earlier was not as majestic as my brother's. So God is fair to everyone.