This bus really goes to the central business street.

After three stops, almost all the people on the bus will get off.

Yun Hua tugged Bo Si Qing's coat corner: "let's go down, you don't have any luggage I don't have any clothes to change. "


Cloud painting is also thinking of clothes, just suddenly found that Bo Si Qing's clothes are very strange.

Due to the weather, it was very hot in F City in May. He took off the windbreaker he was wearing. At the moment, he was wearing a strange style of clothes, which was very exotic.

Cloud painting suddenly asked: "your clothes..."

"Oh, I came back in a hurry and forgot to change the local clothes of s country in Africa." Bo Si Qing chuckles at her, "how, dislike I wear not good-looking?"

Cloud painting instantly gave him a big white eye and snorted, "it's because it's so beautiful that everyone is looking at you. I'm not happy!"

She didn't mean it.

Bo Siqing's height, appearance and temperament, even if he was covered with sacks, the pride in his bones could not be changed!

Take his exotic clothes as an example. It will give people a very cheap feeling if they are worn by someone with a slightly worse temperament.

But he wore How to wear, how to look good.

The radian of Bo Si Qing's lip corner rises more and more, and the smile in his eyes is deep.

To be honest, there are only a few men's clothes with good brands known by Yun Hua. These brands are already very expensive in the eyes of ordinary white-collar workers. They will stick to their teeth and buy one, keep them carefully, and only wear them when attending some important occasions.

Yunhua also thinks these brands are expensive.

But she knew that for Bo Si Qing, these brands might not get into his eyes at all.

"You may not be used to these. You can buy two sets at will first." Said Yun Hua.

Bo Si Qing hook lips: "I am used to everything, not so delicate."

Cloud painting blinked, and suddenly realized that he thought too much.

Bo Siqing is not the same as the general second generation. He has experienced things and suffered hardships that the ordinary second generation dare not even think about.

Clothes For him, maybe it's just to cover the body and keep out the cold. Whether it's expensive or not, he really doesn't care.

In his capacity, how expensive to wear clothes?

What's the use of precious?

His identity is high enough, and he doesn't need expensive clothes to set off. On the contrary, any clothes he wears, even if they are worthless, will become invaluable in the eyes of those who know his identity.

In addition, expensive clothes for him, in addition to binding his action, no advantages, and can not block a barrage of bullets, it is not as good as his combat uniform!

Although he doesn't care about the brand and price of clothes, Yunhua really can't take him to the supermarket to buy them casually. It's not that he has no money!

The well-known brand area of the shopping mall, the passenger flow is not big, scattered few guests, the price here is too expensive.

Since Bo Siqing doesn't care about the brand, cloud painting doesn't choose the brand according to his own inherent impression. Anyway, any brand here is very expensive, so just choose the one that looks good.

"Come here and have a look." Yun Hua pulls Bo Si Qing into a counter.

"Welcome." The teller has a polite smile on his face, and his service is formulaic, neither cold nor warm.

This is the attitude of most high-end store tellers, which will not show obvious disdain or disdain, but certainly not enthusiastic. , the fastest update of the webnovel!