Yi Chenyan reached out and wiped the rice grains from Yang Anyu, and then Yang Anyu was stunned.

This relative's movements evoked Yang Anyu's previous memories, and he couldn't help but think of the generals who occasionally had such small movements. Whether they were servants at first, they grew up and became his personal bodyguards, followed him. When fighting.

Yang Anyu’s heart was hot, and the eyes of Yi Chenyan became more hot.

Yi Chenyan’s hand was stiff for three seconds and then quickly recovered. Rao was calm for a long time, and he was really uncomfortable by Yang Anyu, and he stood up: "I am full, you eat slowly."

After the words are finished, he will go away.

Yang An Yu looked at the back of Yi Chenyan, and smiled comfortably. Although it was the reincarnation of the generals, their character was not exactly the same, but their essence should be the same.

This Yi Ying Emperor should also be a gentle person.

The next day, Yang Anyu alone faced Yi Chenyan's shot, the number of ng was significantly reduced, and the filming was much smoother.

"Yes, I heard that you are not in the state yesterday, I want to come over and see, it seems that my worry is superfluous."

Guo Lixu smiled and smiled. Originally, he intended to cheer Yang Anyu. After all, they are both students, and their acting skills are definitely not comparable to some professional actors.

Guo Shaoye and Yang Anyu are not ignorant, and the relationship is not as bad as it used to be.

"I figured out something, so today I am different from yesterday." Yang Anyu raised his eyebrows and his face was quite proud. "But thank you for coming to see me."

"What's the thank you for this." Guo Lixu waved his hand. "When you have time, let's go to a few songs with a few people."

Yang Anyu: "Yeah."

Gu Xin also returned to the crew. She just watched Yang Anyu and Yi Chenyan's play, and now the whole person is in excitement.

In that scene, Yi Chenyan taught Yang Anyu to move, and when he corrected the apprentice's posture, his eyes were even gentler, and Yang Anyu was facing his own respected master, with a dog's loyal eyes, his eyes sparkling. Full of love!

Gu Xinyue wants to be more and more cute, quickly boarded the button with his mobile phone and secretly sent a message to his sister.

[Sister, I found the male **** and my tender elementary school full of cp feelings, it’s just a **** face (*/w\*)]

Cheng Jie, next to her, cleared her throat and pretended not to see anything.

Zhou and other staff members were very satisfied with Yang Anyu's performance today, but Yu Siyuan and Yan Feng had no smile on their faces.

Shuangshi Third Ring Road, Shangyu Media's headquarters building.

"What! Yang Anyu's mixed kid ran to be a substitute?" The documents in his hand fell heavily on the ground, and Yang Yan's face was incredible.

Assistant Feng bent down and put it back on his desk, adding: "Well, and still in the "Boxer" crew, give Yu Siyuan a martial arts substitute."

"Which martial arts substitute?"

Yang Lan frowned and fell into thinking. Yang Anyu always fights before, he knows, but did not expect this younger brother to have martial arts?

Yang Anyu entered the "Boxer" crew, is it difficult to be related to Yi Chenyan? After all, the two of them were still not married, and the boy was particularly obsessed with Yi Chenyan, always trying to approach him.

When Yang An Yu was about to marry Yi Chenyan, Yang Lan was strongly opposed. Yang Anyu was eating a scale and smashing his heart. How could he persuade him not to listen? After the brothers had a big fight, Yang Lan was too lazy to manage.

"Right, is Yu Siyuan still okay?"

Yang Anyu did not have any influence on the Yang family and the monk. This time, Yang Lan was still too lazy to manage, but he asked Yu Siyuan in the same crew.

"General." Feng Assistant said that he was concise and did not want to say anything.

Yang Hao nodded slightly, but in fact he had a number in his heart. Yu Siyuan is currently eating by his face. It is impossible for this acting to make much progress for a while. It’s just that he recently heard some bad rumors. Yu Siyuan is always late, and his mood is not good. He has already used his means to suppress it.

It seems that Yu Siyuan has been too fast in the past two years, and he has more arrogance on his body. Recently, Yan Feng has been more and more indulgent. He must remind them of his return.

Some artists are uneasy, Yang Yi took a forehead, and thought that he was so optimistic about Qin Nuoxi, but he has been deliberately hiding from him, and his mood is even more depressed.

"Right, how is the preparation for "The Voice of Tomorrow" in this season?" Yang Lan asked again.

"It’s almost gone, the judges are also connected, and when the specific time is determined, the activities can be started."

"Yeah." Yang Lan's brow slightly stretched out, I hope this show will go well.

At nine o'clock this morning, there was no sun, and the sky was a bit gloomy.

An antique pavilion building is more than seven meters high. Yang Anyu stands on the roof in front of the wind. His hair in front of his forehead flutters and his face looks radiant.

Because of the action scenes that had been replaced before, he had finished shooting, so this roof confrontation was the last scene of Yang Anyu. Although the difficulty is relatively large, after the end, he can be completely liberated, eat a good meal, and then sleep beautifully.

This scene was selected on the high court of Zhongyi Hall in the play. Inherited the spirit of Master Jiang Hai's boxing. The male lead Jiang Yunxue played all his strengths and made a final battle with the beastmaster Zhang Tang.

In order to make the picture real and layered, this time is mainly a long-range shooting. When the lens is stretched, it can also let people see that the entire Zhongyi Church has fallen into a hot scene.

The two stuntmen jumped and flipped a lot, even hanging Wia in the air for a few rounds, and in the second half, the heroine Su Wenzhao will bring people to support, so there are still guns and bombing buildings, Greatly increased difficulty and danger.

Yang An Yu's costumes, equipped with basic protective gear, although it is used second-hand goods, but he does not mind, anyway, the treatment of domestic stuntmen is like this.

At this point, Yang Anyu's body was hoisted with three wires, which can be started at any time. The opposite body brother clenched his fist and said that he was ready.

In the process, when the fire gradually spread, it spread to the top of the pavilion. This part was selected after several small blasts at appropriate safe places, and the effects of special effects were added later.

However, in the next wave of blasting, the fireworks division made another mistake in the position of the bombing point. The impact of the artillery fire was biased to Yang Anyu, and the bricks under his feet were blown out.

In the fight, Yang Anyu was excited and quickly ran away. Who knows that after a turn-over action, the rope hanging from his own rope suddenly loosened, and the wire on his body suddenly broke, causing Yang Anyu to face down and see that the whole person would fall from the roof!

In an instant, Zhou and other staff members were all white, so if they fell, they would not be able to fracture!

Yi Chenyan and Li Wei outside the studio also tightened their nerves, but Yu Siyuan and the agent Yan Feng were very calm, as if they had expected the general.

After the blast, the smell of Mars still remains in the wind. At the height of more than seven meters, Yang Anyu, who is down from the body, has only one wire hanging around, and the whole person is crumbling in midair.

Snapped! The last wire was also completely broken. At the critical moment, Yang Anyu bit his teeth, and despite the fact that his hands had been scratched by bricks, he immediately clasped the ridge on the ridge, and he was also secretly dying. His body is slowly stabilizing and will not fall suddenly.

Since the soul has worn this young Yang, he is actually strengthening the exercise of the new body every day. Although the internal strength is still very weak, it is better than nothing, and it still plays a role at the crucial time.

Upon seeing it, Zhou leads quickly to prepare people to have a strong cushioning inflatable skin. Yang Anyu can't hold on for a while, then he will protect his body and jump out and get out of danger in time.

Yi Chenyan’s hanging heart was put down. He stepped forward and was about to raise Yang Anyu. However, several figures were rushing in front of him. He suddenly rushed over and surrounded Yang Anyu. .

Squinting at the stunned movie actor, I want to laugh a little.

"Xiao Yu! How are you?"

Gu Xin was nervous, and suddenly it happened. In the scene just now, she was on the sidelines as a heroine, and she was really scared.

"Oh! Xiao Yu, your hands are bleeding, hurt?"

"Xiao Yu, do you feel okay? Don't be stubborn!"

"We still send you to the hospital."


A few small girls, stylist sisters and deputy guides have also come over, they are very distressed by Yang Anyu.

Yang Anyu didn't care about the scratches on his hands, but when he got up, he found that he had injured his ankle and walked a little. But he still shook his head and smiled at everyone: "Reassure, this little injury is nothing."

The two small dimples he laughed at the moment made people feel at ease.

"Xiao Yu, you still hurt your foot." Observing the micro-guided Zhou, he saw it. He told the medical staff behind him, "You have to pack him quickly. If you can't, you will go to the hospital."

Several medical staff nodded.

"I am really fine, Zhou Gui, I can continue."

Yang Anyu does not want to delay the shooting progress of the entire crew because of himself. If you change to the previous one, then there will be such a small injury, hey, it’s different now.

"No hurry, your body is tight, today is still a break, tomorrow I must let people check all the equipment, to ensure that no more mistakes." Zhou guide a serious face, watching Yang Anyu's eyes more than a few deep meaning .

During the filming process, accidents will inevitably occur. In addition to flexible skills, martial arts substitutes are also an important guarantee for completing difficult movements.

This child is not very old, but it is doing very well.

"Yeah." Seeing Zhou’s attitude is firm, Yang Anyu has to compromise.

The next second, next to someone else did not care, Yang An Yu's head was biased, secretly glanced at the distant Yi Chenyan, want to see his expression and reaction, but unfortunately Yang Anyu looked over, Yi Chenyan has passed Going to the body, only Li Yan rushed him to smile.

Later, in order to consider Yang Anyu's safety, Zhou Dao still let the medical staff take him away.

Before leaving, Yang Anyu looked at Yu Siyuan and Yan Feng deliberately, and could vaguely detect what. He is not a fool, and he thinks that he is not so unlucky, it may be that someone deliberately mischievous.

In this accident, the pyrotechnician felt guilty for his mistakes. The props division even apologized. He said that he had already checked it before, and there was no problem at all. I don’t know what happened.

Last time, Yu Siyuan’s original avatar, Zhao Ge, was also injured. He has been dereliction of duty twice. Regardless of the rhetoric and reasons, Zhou Dao waved his hand and will not use him again.

As for the props, who moved hands and feet? Zhou guides silently swept a few starring presences, he guessed something, but did not speak.

This circle is like this. The whole thing in the back of the land has long been commonplace, but this time, there is no way to go.

Gu Xin smiled coldly, and her agent Cheng Jie was also well aware. Some people were too small, but I didn’t expect even a temporary stuntman to hold it.

In the afternoon, Yu Siyuan played a mobile phone in his lounge, and he lost someone who had been swaying in front of him. His mood was especially good.

Yan Feng just finished a phone call, took out the Yu Siyuan itinerary, and then crossed out a few items with a pen.

"What happened?" Seeing this, Yu Siyuan next to him did not understand.

"The company canceled a few of your activities, but there is no big problem. After you finish the movie, you can rest for a few days."

Yan Feng’s voice did not fall. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

After Yan Feng opened the door, the look changed. The visitors were actually Yi Chenyan and the agent.