Chapter 283

Name:Finest Servant Author:Yu Yan
Chapter 283 SerendipitySince returning from the Reclining Buddha Temple, Lin Wanrong's mood had improved considerably. Although he hadn't found Qingxuan, at least he now knew that the Reclining Buddha Temple was indeed the Jade Buddha Temple, and Qingxuan had not deceived him. The appointment on the seventh day of the seventh month seemed distant, but as long as he persevered, there was a chance he could see Qingxuan earlier than expected.

Upon seeing his soaked figure running back, his face full of smiles, completely different from his demeanor when he left, the Eldest Miss couldn't help but ask, "You're still this happy after getting soaked in the rain? Was the Reclining Buddha Temple the place you were looking for?"

Lin Wanrong nodded and laughed, "Actually, I really have to thank Sister Song. Without her, I wouldn't have known when I would find it."

The Eldest Miss lightly hummed in acknowledgment, whispering, "You were looking for that place to find Miss Qingxuan, weren't you? Have you found her?"

Lin Wanrong sighed, "I haven't found her yet, but one day I will. You know, there's nothing in this world that I, Lin San, can't accomplish."

"Nonsense!" The Eldest Miss huffed, "Miss Qingxuan has deep feelings for you. Once you find her, you should treat her well. For a woman, meeting someone they truly love is a blessing of three lifetimes. You mustn't break her heart."

Lin Wanrong sized up Xiao Yuruo from head to toe, chuckling, "Eldest Miss, is this really coming from your mouth? This sounds quite unlike you."

Xiao Yuruo glared at him and said nothing more, she whispered, "Hurry and change out of those wet clothes. I'll have Sister Song make some ginger soup for you so you don't catch a cold. Tomorrow morning, Sister Song and I are visiting some prominent families in the capital. You will accompany Yushuang to Jinghua Academy. Mother has already given instructions. You only need to escort her there. Remember one thing, avoid causing trouble."

"Avoid causing trouble," this phrase had become a mantra the Eldest Miss would advise him with each time he left the house. But these days, even if he didn't seek trouble, trouble seemed to find him. It had become a routine everyone was accustomed to.

Hearing the Eldest Miss's words, Lin Wanrong suddenly realized that tomorrow was the seventeenth of the first lunar month. Jinghua Academy would be starting its term, and Yushuang was essentially a "university student" in this era, which was indeed worthy of celebration.

After eating dinner and taking a hot bath, the vitality of his body, chilled by the sudden rain, was restored. The Eldest Miss was still in the living room with Sister Song preparing gifts for their visit tomorrow. Seeing the light shining brightly in Yushuang's room, he quietly sneaked over to her room and lightly tapped on her door, whispering, "Second Miss, Second Miss--"

Yushuang's voice came from inside, "Come in, the door isn't locked!"

With a squeak, he pushed the door open. The room was warmly lit. Yushuang was busily packing her things into a suitcase. There were clothes, toys, snacks - all sorts of things a young girl might like. At the end, she even added in the four treasures of the study, along with many soaps and perfumes. It looked as if she was preparing for a long journey. Seeing this familiar scene, Lin Wanrong was reminded of the night before he left for university when his mother packed his bags. His initially passionate mood calmed down instantly, warmth filling his heart. He walked over to Yushuang and said, "Is everything packed? Don't forget anything."

Second Miss huffed, "You think I'm like you, leaving things behind everywhere! All the things I need to bring are listed on paper, nothing is missing." She turned around and grabbed his hand, saying, "Today was clearly overcast, and you still went out without an umbrella. If you catch a cold, we'll see what you do!"

This Second Miss had a touch of a fussing housewife about her. Lin Wanrong chuckled and gently tapped her small nose, peering into the box, "Are you planning to move with all this stuff? We're all in the capital, you can come home every fortnight and we can send over anything you need. Wouldn't that be much easier?" Seeing the delicate Yushuang preparing so many things, he felt like he was sending a child off to school, even though standing before him was a girl he had mentally chosen to be his wife a hundred times over.

Second Miss looked at him and shook her head firmly, "No! I'm going to the academy specifically to learn. If I come back every half month, how can I focus on my studies? Besides, with you, the bad guy here, I'm afraid I'll not want to go back once I come home. Bad guy, you and sister must promise me that you won't come to see me after I start school. I want to put all my focus on my studies. You've said it too, I'm still young, and I can learn a lot of things. In the future, I can help sister and you. Lin San, will you promise me?"

Lin Wanrong paused. This girl had such a firm mindset, he had underestimated her before, nearly making her a decoration.

"Yushuang, let's sit down and have a good talk." He nodded seriously, an unprecedented seriousness in his voice, "I've been talking about sending you to Jinghua Academy, but I still don't know what you want to learn."

Second Miss smirked, "I'm going to learn poetry and painting. I see that you seem to know quite a lot about these, once I've learned them, I'll definitely defeat you in the future!"

Lin Wanrong gave a wry smile, "What are you learning these for? Can poetry and painting help your sister, or me? One talented lady Luo is already a handful for me. If you learn these too, in the future, our house will only be filled with the banter of two talented ladies, and I as the husband will have to keep my distance."

Second Miss giggled, "I'm a girl, if I don't learn poetry, what do you want me to learn?"

Lin Wanrong pondered, "Is there anything like arithmetic or addition? You could learn bookkeeping, and when my business expands in the future, you can be a chief accountant, managing the accounts of the Lin family."

"What's a chief accountant?" Yushuang asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Oh, a chief accountant, it's, it's someone who handles the main accounts," he explained haphazardly.

Second Miss covered her mouth and giggled, "Alright then, I'll become your chief accountant in the future, hee hee!"

His own words sounded awkward to him, and he couldn't help but chuckle, "Though we say that, I've never been to Jinghua Academy, I wonder if they only teach things like poetry and painting? I don't know if there's a major for learning accounting specifically?" sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ N0vᴇlFirᴇ.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

Yu Shuang nodded and laughed lightly, "You, you're really underestimating the Jinghua Academy. It's the highest place of learning for our Great Hua students. It teaches not only arithmetic and mathematics but also cultivates military strategy. As for the poetry, calligraphy, and painting you mentioned, that goes without saying. You can choose to study any of these subjects if you wish."

Lin Wanrong was surprised, "So, the Jinghua Academy is really a comprehensive, all-encompassing, and diverse university. It has faculties of Arts and Sciences, and even offers military training. I did underestimate this place."

"And what did you choose, after all?" Lin Wanrong asked with a smile. "You didn't pick military studies, did you? Are the Lin family to have another female general?"

Second Miss gave a slight smile. From a brand-new small pouch wrapped in red cloth, she took out a small, exquisite object, swinging it lightly. The beads on it made a rattling sound, "Hehe, Lin San, do you recognize what this is?"

Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, "Little darling, you've been preparing. We truly have a meeting of minds, don't we? From now on, the chief accountant of the Lin family will be none other than you."

"Hate, nonsense!" Second Miss blushed, flicking the beads on the object lightly with her finger, making a rustling sound. Yu Shuang said, "This thing. I saw it from someone else. They say it's very useful for accounting. I had a hard time finding one. But not many people know how to use it. I wonder if the masters at Jinghua Academy will teach this?"

"If they don't, I, your husband, will! Isn't it just an abacus?" Lin Wanrong giggled, took the small abacus, and flicked it a few times, "Three minus two equals one, four minus one equals three, ——"

Yu Shuang was so shocked that her mouth gaped, "Naughty, you, where did you learn this? I've seen only a few people in Jinling who can use this abacus! And what's the trick you're reciting —— It turns out you're the chief accountant!"

Sweat, ‘I'm not an accountant, I just learned this in elementary school.’ But seeing Yu Shuang's surprised expression, he was somewhat astonished. It seemed that in this era, although the abacus had appeared, it was not yet widespread, and no one had summarized the rhymed formulas for bead arithmetic. He didn't know if there were any experts at Jinghua Academy! Mathematics is the mother of all knowledge, the cornerstone of natural science. If mathematics cannot develop, technological progress would be just empty words.

He couldn't help scratching his head with a troubled look, should he teach this bead arithmetic formula to Yu Shuang? This way, she might become the first person in the mathematics in Great Hua, and it would also bring honor to his Lin family. But seeing Yu Shuang's delicate little hand, his thoughts faded, never mind, he should cherish his own wife, these hard tasks should be left to others. Later, he could find someone compatible in Jinghua Academy, teach them this formula, and he would have contributed something to the mathematics of Great Hua.

Yu Shuang gently threw herself into his arms, "After you send me to Jinghua Academy tomorrow, don't come looking for me. I won't leave this academy until I've mastered my studies."

"I support you, absolutely!" Lin Wanrong patted her fragrant shoulder, "I've always been fully supportive when it comes to my wife's pursuit of progress!"

Second Miss softly hummed in agreement before suddenly exclaiming, "Five limbs? Where did that come from?"

He laughed heartily but didn't respond. Second Miss sighed, "You enjoy your gallivanting outdoors, accompanied by sister and your lady friends, which is fine. But I'm alone, immersed in strenuous learning. This longing is like a knife. What if I miss you?"

"That's simple," he retorted. "I'll draw a self-portrait, making sure I appear gallant and dashing. Place it by your pillow and take a glance before and after meals. That will ease your yearning, won't it?"

"Who wants to look at you?" Second Miss's face flushed crimson. In a lower voice, she added, "Then paint me in it as well. The two of us, forever together."


Ever since Lin Wanrong found himself in this utterly unfamiliar world, he never envisioned returning to a university campus. However, standing at the entrance of Jinghua Academy, he felt as if he had been transported back to his own university days.

Jinghua Academy was the leading educational institution in Great Hua, located outside the southern gate of the capital, directly opposite the Imperial Palace. The academy consisted of three departments—literature, mathematics, and military strategy. Only exceptional talents who passed rigorous examinations were admitted.

Examinations? Lin Wanrong glanced at Second Miss walking beside him and shook his head helplessly. Even in ancient times, people used connections to gain entry into universities.

In Great Hua, literature was valued over martial arts. Most students who enrolled in Jinghua Academy did so to study under famous literary masters. Upon being recommended to the court, they were certain to rise rapidly in their careers. Students of military strategy were relatively fewer. They were either descendants of martial families or meritorious soldiers—also a force to be reckoned with.

The weakest were students like Second Miss, studying mathematics. They lacked both military power and political influence, which were underappreciated, not just in Jinghua Academy, but across the entire Great Hua Dynasty. Consequently, very few enrolled to study algorithms and mathematics—less than one in ten. This was a far cry from Lin Wanrong's era when mastering science and math was a prized achievement.

Early in the morning, Lin Wanrong, who had accompanied Second Miss to register, looked at the sparse list of math applicants and then the throng of people in front of the literature board. He shook his head. What was this about? Merely composing sensual verses and romantic poetry could make Great Hua rich and its people strong? What a joke! He, too, was considered a half-baked talent, but he viewed this title with disdain!

However, Second Miss was exceedingly excited. At the tender age of seventeen, she reveled in the bustling atmosphere. Here was Great Hua's highest academy; her excitement mixed with pride mirrored Lin Wanrong's feelings when he first entered university.

There were few applicants for the mathematics course Xiao Yushuang wanted to study. The classroom was a small courtyard with only forty to fifty people, less than ten of whom were women. When Second Miss entered, she naturally caused a sensation.

Yushuang glanced at Lin Wanrong with apprehension. Seeing his reassuring smile, she felt a sense of calm descend upon her. She cast a lingering glance at Lin Wanrong before heading toward her designated place.

According to their agreement, once inside the academy, Lin Wanrong had to leave. He couldn't disturb Yushuang's rigorous study—of course, he fully endorsed such a dedicated spirit.

With a smile towards Yushuang, Lin Wanrong quickened his pace, about to exit the small courtyard, when hurriedly two figures approached from outside. Leading was a woman, her head lowered in deep thought, who walked hastily without paying attention to the path before her. She almost collided with him.

Lin Wanrong swiftly sidestepped, barely avoiding contact. 'This girl, in such a rush,' he mused. 'Good thing I have the reflexes of a swallow, otherwise, she'd be a swallow in my arms.'

The man following the woman, seeing the near collision, anxiously rushed forward and asked, "Miss Xu, are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

'This guy, always jumping to conclusions,' Lin Wanrong thought. 'We didn't even touch, and he's asking if she got hurt?' He shook his head in resignation. He noticed the man was in his early twenties, dressed in white, slender, with a jade-like face and crimson lips. He was strikingly handsome, even more so than the legendary beauty Pan An.

[TL: Pan An, one of the most beautiful males in ancient China]

Lin Wanrong had an innate dislike for men more handsome than himself. He didn't bother to glance at the woman either and turned to leave.

"Hold on!" The handsome man called out, "Sir, you almost knocked Miss Xu down. Shouldn't you at least apologize?"

'Wait, the girl almost knocked into me, and now I'm the one at fault?' Lin Wanrong sighed internally. Remembering the Eldest Miss's words, "Don't cause trouble," he slowly turned back with a cheerful smile and said, "Oh, I almost knocked her over? I'm truly sorry about that, miss. I apologize."

The so-called Miss Xu seemed to snap back from her deep thought then, frowning, she asked, "Brother Ye, what's happening? Is something wrong?"

Lin Wanrong was at a loss. 'This girl, so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't even notice the near collision. Good thing there are no cars for her to drive in this era!' However, her voice sounded somewhat familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

The handsome Young Master Ye explained, "Oh, Miss Xu, it's nothing major. You were deep in thought earlier, and this gentleman here almost ran into you. I asked him to apologize to you."

Lin Wanrong had to hold back his frustration. Had this been in the past, he would have lost his temper, but things were different now. Yushuang still needed to study here, and the Eldest Miss had specifically told him to avoid any trouble. For the sake of the two sisters' peace, he endured.

Miss Xu calmly shook her head, "No need, Brother Ye. I was indeed thinking and walking hastily, almost bumping into this gentleman. In terms of fault, I share half of it."

She sounded familiar, and her words were reasonable, taking half the responsibility, even though she was entirely at fault.

Young Master Ye nodded and said, "Miss Xu, your graciousness is truly a model for all the teachers and students of Jinghua Academy. I greatly admire you." Miss Xu just smiled faintly without speaking.

Lin Wanrong shook his head in disdain. 'Keep flattering her, your skin is thicker than mine.' He didn't bother giving Miss Xu another look. Just as he was about to leave, he heard Young Master Ye ask, "Sir, are you a student of the academy? Are you here to study mathematics? How come I have never seen you before? Miss Xu, have you seen him?"

While Young Master Ye was courteous and humble in his speech, his words were always tinged with an air of arrogance. Perhaps it was because he was handsome, Lin Wanrong consoled himself, and replied, "I am not a student of the academy. I'm here today to accompany my young mistress, who has come to study mathematics. She is from the Xiao family in Jinling—"

"The Xiao family's young mistress?" Miss Xu gasped, "You came from Jinling?"

The Xiao family was well-known, even in the capital? Lin Wanrong feigned modesty and confirmed, "Indeed, I am from Jinling." He had just tolerated Young Master Ye's interrogative questioning, without losing his temper. However, as he conversed with Miss Xu, he never once lifted his head to look at her, using this as a form of silent protest against the duo - 'I won't look at you!'

"Do you know Miss Luo Ning, the talented woman from Jinling?" Miss Xu asked.

"Miss Luo?" Lin Wanrong nodded, "I do. We're quite acquainted. We know each other very well."

Young Master Ye chuckled, "Miss Luo is the daughter of Luo Min, the former governor of Jiangsu. She has a high status. How can a servant like you be acquainted with her?"

"Haha—" Lin Wanrong suppressed his laughter, "A servant? How lowly? Why doesn't Miss Luo consider me as such? I earn my living with my own hard work, I eat with my own hands, why should I be inferior? Sir, you categorize people into classes, this contradicts the Buddhist teaching that all beings are equal. I suggest you go to the Jade Buddha Temple in the north of the city to gain some merit."

Young Master Ye was stunned that a servant could be so eloquent. After a moment, he shook his head, "Whether or not people are classified into classes is not for you or me to decide, it's in people's hearts. I won't argue with you, so as to maintain my dignity."

Lin Wanrong shook his head without a word. This man's self-perception was incredibly high. Today, for the sake of the young mistress, he couldn't be bothered to argue, it was time to leave!

As he was about to step away, Miss Xu raised her eyebrows slightly and hurried a few steps forward, "Jade Buddha Temple? Sir, are you familiar with the Jade Buddha Temple?"

With her steps blocking his path, Lin Wanrong lifted his gaze and was instantly taken aback.

This Miss Xu was in her early twenties, her slender figure and graceful bearing a sight to behold. Her skin was as white as snow, her lips cherry-red. Almond eyes, peachy cheeks, although her face bore no smile, there was an indescribable air of calmness about her as she stood in front of him. Lin Wanrong was somewhat dazed, marveling not only at her beauty but more so at the aura that she radiated. It was a serenity filled with confidence, a true intellectual beauty.

Unperturbed by Lin Wanrong's stare, Miss Xu calmly asked, "Could you tell me, sir, how did you come to know about the Jade Buddha Temple?"

"Cough, well—" Lin Wanrong felt a sense of foreboding rise within him and hastily took two steps back, "Who in the capital who has lived some years does not know about the Jade Buddha Temple? I learned of it from an older sister."

Miss Xu gently shook her head, "Most people only know of the Reclining Buddha Temple, not the Jade Buddha Temple! The reclining Buddha is carved from uncut jade, few in the capital are aware of this."

"Miss, people all have eyes, it is not only you who are good at observing," retorted Lin Wanrong.

Miss Xu gave a slight nod, "Sir, your vision is indeed sharp. May I ask then, did you visit the Jade Buddha Temple yesterday?"

"Yesterday? It was pouring rain yesterday, why would I go to the Jade Buddha Temple!" Lin Wanrong stated righteously, a flicker of determination in his eyes.

Miss Xu stared into his eyes for a long moment before asking, "Do you know what happens to a person's eyes when they lie?"

"I do not know, my eyes have not been wandering!" Lin Wanrong replied solemnly.

Miss Xu responded with a soft "oh", her face devoid of any emotion as she said, "My goal is to win your affection, and then reject you. Sir, could you please repeat this sentence to yourself?"

Cold sweat started to bead, layer upon layer. Even Lin Wanrong, a seasoned scholar of the darker arts, was at a loss as to what to do next.

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