Chapter 306

Name:Finest Servant Author:Yu Yan
Chapter 306 King Among FlowersXu Zhiqing was a remarkably astute woman. After hearing these few words, her heart held a new understanding. Hurriedly, she addressed Lin Wanrong, “What are you standing there for? Hurry up and express your gratitude.”

“Gratitude, for what?” Lin Wanrong responded with astonishment. He had no comprehension of these matters. Being gifted an entire garden with just a word was something he only ever saw in television dramas. It had no relation to him, Lin Wanrong; he had no awareness of such magnanimity.

Seeing Lin Wanrong's cluelessness, Xu Zhiqing was both exasperated and amused. When he was sharp-witted, she felt like biting him; when he was being slow, she wished she could kick him. To sum it up in one sentence: without punishment, he would never learn.

Su Mubai, of course, did not state the obvious. The elderly man in the pavilion, who had taken a liking to Lin Wanrong, had his own reasons. This was not something that he, Su Mubai, could interfere with.

The old man seemed to enjoy Lin Wanrong's pretense of playing smart while being genuinely confused. He didn't explain the situation, but laughed heartily for a while and changed the subject. “Miss Xu, Su Mubai, and Lin Wanrong who's sitting here, I mentioned that I would test you all today, and I’m a man of my word. Those who answer well will be awarded.”

Being the reigning Top Scholar and having been personally tutored by the Emperor, Su Mubai did not fear this test. He respectfully responded, “Please, sir, may you bestow upon us your question.”

After considering for a moment, the old man in the pavilion chuckled and said, “Since we are appreciating flowers in this peony garden today, tell me, among all the flowers here, which one is the king?”

The king of flowers? Lin Wanrong immediately thought of the past, the days by the Qinhuai River with Xian'er. Unable to resist, a smile crept onto his face. He wondered where that vixen An had hidden Xian'er. They had been in the capital for a while now, but he had not seen her yet.

Upon hearing the question, Su Mubai considered for a while before he said, “In my opinion, the king among the flowers is none other than the top-quality 'Drunk Rouge' peony. Its petals are delicate, blooming wide and grand, bearing the demeanor of a nobleman. The color is pure, the symbolism profound, representing our great nation's prosperity and our land's longevity, it is a blessing from heaven. As the saying goes, it uplifts the clear waves of the green water, nourishes the fertile soil, condenses the essence of Mount Tai, and collects the gentleness of beautiful water. Proudly walking from the ancient past, brilliantly adorning the different eras. Leaping forth among the thousands of new plants, competing with a hundred beautiful flowers. Calling upon the Luo River Goddess for company, lowering its branches gracefully."

Listening to this, Lin Wanrong felt the sweat beading on his forehead. He turned to Xiao Yuruo, the Eldest Miss, and said, “Eldest Miss, what is this Top Scholar talking about? I can't understand it! Alas, it seems I'm falling behind again. Could you please translate it?”

Eldest Miss was indeed well-learned. Smiling, she said, "Top Scholar Su is indeed deserving of his reputation. He has quoted from 'The Eulogy of Peony,' praising the nobility and extraordinary origins of 'Drunk Rouge'. In such a short time, he can quote classical texts and articulate his thoughts. The title of Top Scholar is indeed appropriate for him."

So, it was an argumentative essay. Lin Wanrong was inwardly outraged. ‘Damn, what kind of game is this? Reading some things I can't understand to fool me, and you can be a Top Scholar? If I write some calculus equations, I'm sure none of you would recognize them. Wouldn't that make me fit to be the Top Scholar's father?’

Upon hearing Su Mubai's speech, everyone nodded in agreement, acknowledging that his scholarly reputation was indeed well-deserved, with the notable exception of Lin San. If he had known that this garden was now his, upon hearing Su Mubai's ancient and classic lines, he would have likely driven him out with a broom long ago.

The elder in the pavilion smiled and said, "Very good, Su Mubai. Your talent is indeed extraordinary. It seems that selecting you as the top scholar was the correct choice. Servant, grant him a seat."

Su Mubai quickly clasped his fists in thanks, a humble expression on his face. When the attendant brought over a cushioned stool, he cautiously perched on the edge of it, an act that could hardly be considered sitting, especially when compared to Lin San's casual sprawl on the ground. Lin Wanrong watched this and chuckled to himself. What was the fun in being so timid as a top scholar? He found his own carefree life far more enjoyable.

"Miss Xu, it's your turn," said the elder, sweeping his gaze over Xu Zhiqing and giving her a slight nod.

Xu Zhiqing curtsied lightly and strolled a few steps in the garden, surveying her surroundings for a while before finally uttering, "The king of this garden – is not a single one."

The crowd in the garden was immediately taken aback. Could it be that in Miss Xu's eyes, not one of these vibrant peonies was worthy? Wasn't her taste a bit too refined?

Su Mubai frowned and queried, "In your opinion, Miss, none of these peonies deserve the title of king of the flowers. So then, which flower could claim such an ability?"

Xu Zhiqing smiled faintly but remained silent, while Lin San enthusiastically gave a thumbs-up, exclaiming, "Well said, well said, I knew Miss Xu would favor this!"

The elder in the pavilion was also puzzled, but he knew of Xu Zhiqing's capabilities. She was a formidable woman who had been on the battlefield and matched wits with foreign tribes, a woman who could certainly hold her own among men. There was certainly more to her words than meets the eye.

"Lin San, it seems you understand Miss Xu's words?" the elder inquired with a certain curiosity.

Lin Wanrong laughed and replied, "Just a wild guess, I'm not sure if I'm correct. Anyway, I'm a man of no learning and limited experience, so there's no harm in guessing blindly."

Xu Zhiqing gave him a slight smile and retorted, "I won't be responsible if you guess wrong."

The elder burst into hearty laughter, his voice indicating great amusement, "You youngsters always love your riddles. If I were twenty years younger, I would join in your game. Lin San, go ahead then, explain to us the meaning of Miss Xu's four-word phrase, 'not a single one.'"

With a mischievous grin, Lin Wanrong said, "Eldest Miss, let's play a word riddle. 'Not a single one'—guess one character. If you guess it right, we will have solved Miss Xu's riddle."

Xiao Yuruo pondered for a moment before bursting into laughter, "I get it now. 'Not a single one' refers to the character 'white'. So Miss Xu, you prefer the white peony! The whitest and most vibrant of all is the 'Trembling Wind's Beauty' from Luoyang. Sister, you imply that this 'Trembling Wind's Beauty' is the true king of the flowers, isn't that right?"

[TL: The characters for “not a single one” is 实乃百无一是, read as Shí nǎi bǎi wú yī shì, the third character 百 (bǎi) is similar in the form and pronunciation with the character 白 (bái) meaning “white.”]

Xu Zhiqing nodded and laughed, "Miss Xiao from the Xiao family is truly intelligent." Xiao Yuruo bashfully smiled, and Lin Wanrong mentally added a sentence for her: "Not at all, it's our Lin San who is smart."

Xu Zhiqing cast a glance at Lin Wanrong, a trace of anticipation flickering in her eyes. Though Lin San was always jovial and never serious, he had a knack for pleasant surprises at critical moments. He had just solved a small riddle, catching the essence with ease. His wit and cleverness were remarkable, unlike Top Scholar Su who, failing to comprehend the meaning and overly eager to impress, made himself a laughingstock.

The old man in the pavilion nodded, "Miss Xu, you indeed have your ways. But why did you choose the white peony as the king of flowers?"

Xu Zhiqing paused for a moment before responding, "National beauty fills the morning wine, heavenly fragrance dyes the night clothes. These four characters describe the stunning beauty of peonies around the world. Top Scholar Su is fond of 'Drunk Rouge' because of its festive color, a good omen for the nation. Yet 'Trembling Wind's Beauty' is pure and untarnished, epitomizing the nobility of leading the masses. This principle applies both to flowers and to governance. Those in power should follow the example of the 'Trembling Wind's Beauty', remaining unblemished through trials by fire. Only by avoiding personal desires and ruling impartially can they bring prosperity to the nation. Only then will there be perpetual joy, heavenly blessings, and benevolence showered upon our great citizens."

Xu Zhiqing's words, starting with flowers then applying the lesson to people and nations, carried profound implications. Compared to Su Mubai's sole focus on flowers, her discourse was on another level. Lin Wanrong glanced at Xu Zhiqing, this girl indeed possessed remarkable scholarly talent. Her discourse was well-cited yet easy to understand, far superior to Su Mubai. At least a layman like him could comprehend, she was ambitious and spirited, indeed extraordinary!

The old man in the pavilion sighed, "Miss Xu, if you were not born a woman, you would be destined to inherit your father's position. It's a pity. Although Xu Wei has a son and a daughter, the son, while brave, lacks strategic intelligence; the daughter is extremely intelligent but unfortunately, a woman. What a shame, such a shame."

The old man's repeated sighs reflected his deep regret. In an era that prioritized men over women, someone as enlightened as Xu Zhiqing was rare, regardless of gender. Few among men could compare.

Lin Wanrong whispered to Eldest Miss, "Is this what they call questions about state policy? Are these the types of questions asked during the examination for the top scholar in the Imperial Court?"

Xiao Yuruo chuckled, "How would I know? I've never sat for the exam. However, questions in the Golden Palace are directly posed by the Emperor. Examples like Miss Xu's, starting with flowers then transitioning to people and politics, are not unheard of, but certainly not common. Given Miss Xu's knowledge, she could easily become a top scholar ten times over."

Lin Wanrong smiled faintly. Even though he disliked the peonies and thought Xu Zhiqing's discourse contained a lot of subjective speculation, her ability to bring these thoughts together was remarkable and deserved his respect.

The crowd in the garden fell silent. After a while, the old man spoke, "Come, offer Miss Xu a seat to the left of Top Scholar Su."

Lin Wanrong didn't understand the last sentence and asked Xiao Yuruo, "Eldest Miss, why should Miss Xu sit on Su Mubai's left?"

At Lin Wanrong's naive question, the Eldest Miss couldn't help but laugh and cry. She didn't want to hit him, didn't want to scold him, but she somehow found herself bewitched by this endearingly foolish man who had stolen her heart.

"Just like arranging a seating order, left is considered superior and esteemed—Lin San, I am going to ask you a very serious question, have you ever read a book?"

Lin Wanrong's face reddened, feeling embarrassed and judged by the Eldest Miss. The ancient traditions were long gone in his previous life, how was he supposed to remember?

Seeing his rare blush, the Eldest Miss laughed and said, "From tomorrow on, I will supervise your studies. You will read Confucius and Mencius in the day and the Book of Songs at night. We will aim for you to earn the Zhuangyuan title in three years."

Reading Confucius and Mencius in the day and the Book of Songs at night? Lin Wanrong chuckled, "That sounds great! The Eldest Miss will need to monitor me day and night. You must do a thorough job, not missing a single time." The Eldest Miss's face turned red, she gave him a glance and the grand dream of earning the Zhuangyuan title was snuffed out by his lewdness.

Xu Zhiqing did not refuse and took her seat to the left of Scholar Su. Su Mubai had long heard of Xu Zhiqing's learning and wisdom. Seeing her gaining the upper hand did not cause him too much embarrassment. After all, Miss Xu was well-known. One defeat to her was excusable. The old master in the pavilion, however, cast a glance at Scholar Su, sighed lightly, his eyes flickering, seemingly lost in thought.

The blind old man standing behind him whispered, "Master, Young Master Su merely lacks experience. A temporary setback isn't a major issue. With more practice, he will be ready for important tasks."

The old master's eyes gleamed with a strange light. "Little Wei, Lin San was recommended by you, yet you're speaking in favour of Su Mubai?"

Little Wei's face remained unchanged. "Master, recommending someone doesn't matter. As long as it benefits our Great Hua, even if it costs my life, I won't hesitate."

The old master's expression changed unpredictably. After a long while, he said, "Little Wei, I know of your loyalty. You lost your sight for me. Had you not risked your life to save me years ago, I fear I wouldn't be in this world anymore. Even Xu Wei and Li Tai do not understand the past. Only you know, you have suffered these years."

Little Wei quickly knelt down, his voice trembling, "Master, I'm terrified. My life was given by you, Master. Even if I were to be smashed to pieces, I would have no regrets."

"Stand up," the old master said indifferently, his gaze drifted into the distance, a sinister glint crossed his face. "That man is treacherous and cunning. He severed my lineage, cut off my descendants. If not for the blood oath I swore in front of my father's deathbed, I would have him taste the pain of having no descendants."

Blind Little Wei stood up, not daring to utter a word. The old master continued, "My father made me swear that I wouldn't harm him during my lifetime. But how would he know the miserable state this beast put me in, that I can't even have an heir? For twenty years, he has run rampant in court while I endured silently. Now the time for retribution has come. If I am forbidden from taking action, can't I use another's hand?"

He slammed his hand onto the table, radiating a chilling aura of murderous intent, his rage uncontrollable as he declared, "I want him to taste the bitterness too. I won't let him off!"

The elderly master started coughing violently in his agitation. Little Wei quickly came forward and offered him a medicinal pill. After the master swallowed the pill with lukewarm water, his coughing significantly subsided. However, an eerie pallor washed over his face. After a moment of contemplation, he sighed, "Since I ascended to this position, in the past twenty years, you're the only one I can talk to. Even Xu Wei and Li Tai, who've been with me for thirty to forty years, gradually fail to understand my thoughts."

He fell silent for a while, looking at the few people in the garden, then suddenly laughed, "This Lin San you recommended, he's good, very good. His scholarship is not profound, but his knowledge is quite extensive and practical. He's a useful talent, no worse than those I painstakingly nurtured myself. He protected our business in Jinling, wiped out the White Lotus in Shandong, and did a great deed without seeking credit. I've remembered all of this. Today, I rewarded him with this garden, which though beautiful, doesn't hold much value—it's like a peach on paper, won't incite jealousy, and saves me from accusations of arbitrary land distribution by those imperial censors at court."

The blind old man knew this wasn't the time for him to speak, so he remained silent. As expected, a glimmer of expectation flashed in the old master's eyes, "If he performs well, I will give him a fair chance. Everyone's opportunity is equal, not a bit more, not a bit less."

When Lin Wanrong saw that both the Top Scholar Su, and Miss Xu had taken their seats, and the elderly master behind the curtain didn't make a sound, he waited for a while and saw no movement. Just as he was about to ask, he heard the master's voice chuckling, "Lin San, do you intend to remain seated on the ground, or would you like to take a high stool? Now it's your turn. Among all the flowers in this garden, which one is the premier?"

Among the three of them, only Lin San hadn't spoken yet. Many people in the garden, aside from a handful, didn't understand why the master elevated Lin San to such a level. Among the three debaters, one was the daughter of the Grand Scholar Xu, whose scholarship surpassed even Xu Wei. Another was the newly awarded top scholar whose scholarship need not be mentioned. As for this servant of the Xiao family, Lin San, how important could he be that the master would rank him along with the other two?

Lin Wanrong was also puzzled. The master esteemed him highly, but why did he insist on having him speak when they weren't close?

Seeing his hesitation, the old man chuckled again, "What is it? You don't want to, or you dare not?"

Lin Wanrong laughed, "It's not that I don't dare. I'm just afraid that I dare to speak, but someone doesn't dare to listen."

Although he wore a smile, his words were startling. The old man chuckled and whispered to Little Wei behind him, "This young man you recommended, I fear no one will be able to control him in the future."

The blind old man gritted his teeth and said, "If someone could control him, he wouldn't be worth my recommendation to you, Master. Let me ask you, Master, who in this world can control you?"

The old man understood the clever analogy, and with a slight smile, he stopped chatting with Little Wei, instead loudly proclaiming, "Lin San, whatever it is that you believe we might not dare to hear, just say it."

Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, "Respected elder, you said you wanted to pick the king from the hundreds of flowers in this garden, didn't you?"

"Indeed," the old man replied.

"So, I can choose any of the plants in this garden?" Lin Wanrong asked.

"Indeed, as long as you can justify your choice, you may select any plant in this garden," the elder replied, his interest piqued. Sᴇaʀᴄh the NʘvᴇlFirᴇ.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

"This is wonderful," Lin Wanrong replied with a smile. He shook the tuft of foxtail grass in his hand, declaring, "I choose this."

Top Scholar Su nearly tumbled off his stool as he gazed at the fluffy neither-flower nor-grass thing in Lin Wanrong's hand. After a long silence, he finally managed to ask, "Brother Lin, are you sure?"

"I'm sure. This is my choice," Lin Wanrong nodded confidently.

Eldest Miss initially thought he would choose an orchid, considering his familiarity with them. But when he chose the foxtail grass, the most inconspicuous and universally despised plant, she couldn't help but shake her head and laugh. "This rascal, I can never guess what he's thinking."

Xu Zhiqing glanced at Lin Wanrong, a flicker of interest in her eyes. She laughed and told Eldest Miss, "Your man here, he's going to be something. Miss Xiao, let me congratulate you in advance."

"What do you mean by 'something'?" Eldest Miss blushed, both pleased and embarrassed. "If you mean he's going to make a nuisance of himself, you're right. He's a complete scoundrel."

The elder in the pavilion, born to a prestigious family, had always been surrounded by the most exquisite flowers. Today, however, he was intrigued by Lin Wanrong's unremarkable choice. "Lin San, what is this?" he asked.

"This," Lin Wanrong answered with a smile, "is called foxtail grass. These fluffy things you see are its flowers. It's the most ordinary and disliked plant. Isn't it ugly?"

The elder laughed, "So you're selecting this foxtail as the king of flowers? Truly unexpected." The crowd in the garden couldn't help but laugh. How could foxtail compare to the beautiful peonies? Even a fool would know it didn't stand a chance.

Unfazed, Lin Wanrong looked at Xu Zhiqing, who was watching him curiously. What was he up to?

"Peonies bewitch and disturb one's heart, making a whole country crazed, not sparing any expense," Lin Wanrong recited slowly. He plucked a beautiful, pure white Trembling Wind's Beauty flower and sniffed it, saying, "Beautiful, fragrant. Indeed, the beauty and fragrance of a nation. Suddenly, I feel like reciting a poem: 'A bunch of national beauty flowers, ten houses of people's eulogy, each family follows the custom, everyone is confused about the enlightenment.' Top Scholar Su, you are the Zhuangyuan chosen by the Emperor. Can you explain the meaning of this poem to us?"

Su Mubai's face changed; he knew what the poem meant. It depicted people's infatuation with peonies, almost to the point of obsession. It was a satirical poem.

Lin Wanrong sighed, "This peony is truly beautiful, so beautiful that one cannot bear to touch it - but aside from its beauty, what else can it do? It's delicate and easily damaged, requiring meticulous care. A little negligence, and it's gone. Look—" He dropped the beautiful peony onto the ground, lightly stepping on it. The petals shattered into a pitiful mess.

"Brother Lin, what are you doing?" Su Mubai frowned, "We, as flower admirers, should cherish and love flowers. This act of spoiling them is truly sinful."

"Top Scholar Su's words are indeed commendable," Lin Wanrong gave a thumbs up. "You truly cherish, appreciate, and love flowers. However—" his tone took a turn as he burst into laughter. "May I ask you, Top Scholar Su, what flower exactly do you appreciate, what flower do you love—"

Su Mubai seemed to grasp something abruptly, his complexion changing. Lin Wanrong roared with laughter. "Let me answer that for you. What you appreciate is beauty, what you love is national color and heavenly fragrance. But would you appreciate and love this foxtail grass? It would be accurate to say you appreciate and love beauty, but it would be a mistake to say you appreciate and love flowers. Am I right, Top Scholar Su?"

How sharp-tongued. Su Mubai had no retort, while Xu Zhiqing was utterly engrossed in the debate.

"Loving beauty is never wrong, but I must ask: in this world, are there more peonies or more foxtail grasses? All of you coddle that noble peony, loving it, pampering it, but who cares for the countless foxtail grasses? Who cares? Who the hell cares?" Lin Wanrong gave the peony another couple of stomps, yelling furiously.

The Eldest Miss hurriedly gave him a light tug, her beautiful eyes reprimanding him, softly speaking, "Mind your language."

"Ah, my apologies, apologies." Lin Wanrong offered a helpless smile, glancing at Xu Zhiqing. "Miss Xu, the pure, aloof white peony stays unsullied by the world, leading the crowd. It's a good point. But I'd like to ask, who exactly is this white peony leading? The peony, chrysanthemum, or orchid? No, no, they're all leaders too. You're leading us, a bunch of worthless foxtail grass. During prosperous times, it doesn't matter much. But in times of chaos, would you abandon the peony first or the foxtail grass? Miss Xu, can you give me an answer?"

Xu Zhiqing bit her lower lip, unwilling to speak. The people in the pavilion watched Lin Wanrong with gleaming eyes, a faint smile curling on their lips.

"In fact, I don't need your answer." Lin Wanrong spread his hands, shrugged, and smiled. "This foxtail grass is ugly, vulgar. When you see it on the road, you want to crush it. But can you truly kill it?" Lin Wanrong chuckled, threw the little grass onto the ground, and stepped on it hard several times. When he picked it up, the grass was still connected at its root, standing tall and slender. "We, the grassroots, possess the strongest vitality, and we don't need your protection. In times of chaos, a peony can wither overnight, but the grassroots can survive for millennia. Big waves sift sand, and what remains is gold. Who exactly abandoned whom? Do you understand, Miss Xu? To put it bluntly, if a fire burnt down this garden, see who remains. Who is the unburnable phoenix? Who is the true king among flowers? —Miss Xu, do you understand what I'm saying?"

Xu Zhiqing bit her lip, her face reddening. She clenched her small hand, gave him a look, but said nothing.

Lin Wanrong chuckled, waving his hand. "Enough said, enough said. It's less interesting when things are too obvious. Anyway, we all understand. The person in the pavilion, I'm tired from speaking. Could you get me a stool?"

The elderly man in the pavilion gave the blind old man a meaningful look and laughed. "Indeed, he should be granted a seat. Little Wei, in your opinion, should we seat him to the left or the right of Su Mubai?"

"Master, your judgment is wise," Little Wei responded respectfully, his face unchanging.

"Come, grant Lin San a seat, to the left of Miss Xu," the elderly man proclaimed cheerfully with a loud voice. On the stoic face of the blind old man, a hint of a profound smile emerged...

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