Chapter 308

Name:Finest Servant Author:Yu Yan
Chapter 308 Peak Surprise"She said her surname is Xiao," the old monk repeated with a smile.

A sense of urgency overtook Lin Wanrong's heart. Could it be a homonym? He pulled out a pencil from his pocket, sketched a few strokes on his hand, and cautiously asked the master, "Master, is her surname Xiao (肖), or is it Xiao (萧)?"

The monk smiled and shook his head, "She did not specify."

His heart cooled when he realized she had not clarified. Doubtful, he asked, "May I ask Master, what does she look like?"

"The female benefactor veiled her face, I couldn't discern her features," replied the old monk. "Moreover, in the eyes of a monk like myself, all living beings are equal. Be they a beautiful lady or a skeleton, they all look the same to me, I truly cannot distinguish between them."

"Both a beauty and a skeleton look the same?" Lin Wanrong chuckled lightly and pointed at Xu Zhiqing, "Master, do you think I'm as good-looking as Miss Xu?"

The old monk chuckled, glanced at both of them, and nodded, "To an outsider, you may seem different, but in my eyes, the two of you are indistinguishable. Even the distinguished guest who just left is no different from you."

The distinguished guest who just left? There seemed to be a hidden message in the old monk's words. Considering his status as the abbot of Grand Prime Minister Temple, it was indeed strange that he had personally delivered the message. Lin Wanrong, having been deceived once before, was naturally cautious. He suppressed his excitement and asked, "May I ask, Master, what did Miss Xiao say?"

The monk nodded, "Miss Xiao said she is waiting for you at the hot spring in the back mountain."

"The back mountain hot spring?" Xu Zhiqing couldn't help but furrow her brows, "Master, as far as I know, the hot springs of Grand Prime Minister Temple are not open to outsiders. How did Miss Xiao get up there?"

"That's true, that's true," Lin Wanrong laughed, admiringly glancing at Miss Xu. If not for her reminder, he would not have thought about these aspects. The high status of the Grand Prime Minister Temple today was largely due to the presence of the hot spring. It maintained a pleasant climate year-round, allowing them to host a flower appreciation event in early spring, attracting countless visitors. If the hot spring were freely open to outsiders, it would surely create chaos.

"Om Amitabha," the old monk uttered a Buddhist phrase and laughed, "Miss Xu is correct. The hot spring in the back mountain is indeed precious and sits atop a steep peak, difficult even for our temple's monks to climb, let alone ordinary visitors. However, the lady holds the seal of an old friend of mine. I must tell you, the hot spring of this temple was first discovered and developed by this old friend. How could I refuse when her descendant sought help here?"

An old friend of the old monk? A man or a woman? Lin Wanrong had more questions, but he saw the old monk speak seriously, "Rest assured, Mr. Lin, my old friend is a righteous person. Since Miss Xiao is her descendant, she will certainly not harm you. I guarantee this on behalf of my position as the abbot of Grand Prime Minister Temple."

‘Guarantee? What kind of guarantee is there if my life is at risk?’ He was not worried at this moment about a return of the fairy; given the poison in the bee needle, the fairy was likely clinging onto life at this point, far from being able to spend time bathing in hot springs and playing mysterious. Could it really be Qingxuan seeking him out? His heart pounded in his chest, amplifying his confusion.

Remembering the events of that night, the Eldest Miss grew anxious. She tugged at his sleeve, "Are you going again?"

Could he refuse? The old monk said the woman's surname was Xiao. Even if she was not Qingxuan, she certainly knew Qingxuan's whereabouts. Besides, looking at the benevolent face of the old monk, who even Xu Zhiqing respected, he probably had no ill intentions. As long as they meant him no harm, why not go?

Seeing him nod, the Eldest Miss snorted but could not find a reason to dissuade him.

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "Don't worry, this time I'll be cautious. I won't repeat last time's mistake. Why don't you come with me?"

The Eldest Miss snorted again without answering. Xu Zhiqing, though unaware of what had happened, smiled upon seeing their expressions, "Miss Xiao, there's no need to worry. The old monk is a virtuous sage, skilled in divining human affairs. He said that Miss Xiao bore Lin San no ill will, he won't be wrong. After my mother passed away years ago, my father went to this temple to make merit. The old monk had a conversation with my father, jokingly predicting that my father would encounter another marriage in his later years. At first, my father didn't believe it, but recently he indeed met Aunt Su, didn't he?"

The old monk can tell fortunes? Lin Wanrong hurriedly said, "Old monk, venerable sir, can you really tell fortunes? Are they accurate? Could you look at mine? I want to ask about my career, wealth, love, life, and when I will find Qingxuan. Please, can you clarify?"

Xu Zhiqing chuckled at him. This man was adept at embellishing a situation. One would say one thing, but he could associate it with ten unrelated things.

The old monk stroked his beard, laughing heartily, "Fate is predestined. Who can truly discern the secrets of the universe and divine one's fate? Such superstitions, better not to believe them. Lin San, you just follow your own mind. Do what you want to do, and you will see results. Don't be swayed by others."

The old monk spoke as if presenting a Zen riddle, but anyone could say such words. Lin Wanrong didn't mind, nodding, "In that case, I will go take a look. Can you tell me where the hot springs on the back mountain are?"

The old monk nodded, smiling at a young monk behind him, "Wujing, you can guide Mr. Lin."

Knowing she could not deter him, the Eldest Miss sighed, glancing at him, "Be careful. Don't let it be like last time, falling into someone else's trap."

Lin Wanrong grinned, nodding, thinking to himself, ‘What trap? If it hadn't been for you ruining things last time, I would have captured the fairy by now.’ But this time, it definitely wasn't the fairy causing trouble. If she really wanted to strike at him, she wouldn't need to go to all this effort. She could just lay an ambush on the road or shoot an arrow, and that would be the end of him.

Naturally, Lin Wanrong wouldn't say such things to the Eldest Miss. Pulling along the young monk called Wujing, he hurried towards the back hill of the Grand Prime Minister Temple. After a few turns, he vanished from sight.

Upon seeing his figure disappear, Eldest Miss stood still for a while, then gave a deep sigh. Xu Zhiqing took her hand and asked, "Miss Xiao, what is he going to do?"

Xiao Yuruo felt a pang in her heart and softly said, "To see his wife?"

"His wife?" Miss Xu furrowed her brows, "He's already married? Why didn't my father mention it?"

"Who knows if he is married or not?" the Eldest Miss said irritably, "He has countless beloved ladies; this scoundrel himself probably lost count. I bet he would need to count on his toes to get the right number."

Xu Zhiqing chuckled, looking at Xiao Yuruo with interest. The Eldest Miss blushed slightly and asked, "Sister, why are you laughing?"

Miss Xu responded seriously, "Miss Xiao, do you trust my words?"

The Eldest Miss nodded softly, "Miss Xu, you are an epitome of learning and knowledge. How can I not believe your words?"

Holding Xiao Yuruo's hand, Xu Zhiqing led her a few steps forward and smilingly said, "Then, I will ask you a few questions, and you will answer me honestly."

The Eldest Miss nodded. Xu Zhiqing looked at her with a slight smile, "Miss Xiao, do you truly like this Lin Wanrong?"

Xiao Yuruo blushed. After hesitating for a while, she finally gathered her courage to nod and softly hummed in affirmation.

Xu Zhiqing gave a slight smile, "Miss Xiao, it is natural for a man and a woman to be attracted to each other. There's no need to be overly shy."

Xiao Yuruo softly hummed, her eyes emitting a tender glow. She quietly said, "That may be so, but this rascal never takes things seriously. He doesn't seek fame or office. I'm afraid it would be hard to convince my mother."

Xu Zhiqing took her hand and, with a smile, said, "Mutual attraction has nothing to do with social status. An Emperor can marry a commoner; a Princess can marry a butcher. Although Lin San spends his days in laughter, with his ability, seeking a position isn't a difficult task. That's not an issue at all. Madame Xiao is astute and certainly wouldn't oppose your affair with him over such a matter."

Hearing Xu Zhiqing's words, the Eldest Miss felt like she'd swallowed a reassurance pill. After thinking it over carefully, she felt that Xu Zhiqing seemed to be holding something back, so she asked, "Sister, do you mean that the difficulty in my relationship with him is not due to status, but something else?"

Xu Zhiqing neither admitted nor denied it, and only smiled, "Miss Xiao, although our acquaintance is not long, I can see that you are a determined woman, steady and firm in dealing with matters, strong-willed, and not one to easily succumb. In other words, you are different from other women; you have the ability to live independently, without relying on a man."

This was indeed true. Since her childhood in commerce, Eldest Miss had developed a strong character. If not for encountering Lin Wanrong, few people would have seen her tender side. Seeing Xu Zhiqing's slightly furrowed brow, Xiao Yuruo urgently said, "Sister, is there a problem with this? Please, enlighten me."

Xu Zhiqing nodded, "Exactly, therein lies the problem. A woman as talented, beautiful, and independent as you is a rare find in this world, so I'm certain you have high standards. If any ordinary man were to meet you, he would undoubtedly devote himself entirely to you, with no spare thoughts for other women. Now, tell me, which woman in this world wouldn't wish for her husband to love her alone, especially a remarkable woman like you? However, Lin San, with his flirtatious nature, has countless women besotted with him. Even if he has you, he still courts others. Does this not bother you?"

Eldest Miss sighed softly, "What can I do if it bothers me? If this scoundrel dares to abandon me, I'd rather die than watch him."

Xu Zhiqing laughed, "Don't talk nonsense. You're still young, and you haven't even begun to explore the depths of love with him. Why bring up death?"

Xiao Yuruo's face colored like autumn leaves, and she said with feigned annoyance, "What love? Sister, are you teasing me again? But what can I do about his flirtatious nature?"

Xu Zhiqing smiled mysteriously, "You must not underestimate yourself. A charming woman like you, if you wish to capture his heart and make him love only you, it's not impossible." She leaned over and whispered in Eldest Miss's ear…


Although it was referred to as the 'back mountain', it was still quite a distance away from Grand Prime Minister Temple. The young monk, Wujing, led him out. Lin Wanrong hurried a few steps to catch up with him and said with a laugh, "Master, you're called Wujing, right?"

The young monk said, "Indeed, I am Wujing."

Lin Wanrong looked him up and down, raised his thumb in admiration and said, "Great physique, handsome face. You are indeed a high-ranking monk. Master Wujing, are you close with Master Huikong?"

Wujing said, "Master Huikong is my teacher. I have always followed him in learning about Buddhism, never leaving his side."

Lin Wanrong grinned, made a bow with his hands, and said, "Congratulations, Master. It seems like Master Huikong is grooming you as his successor." This young monk, who was only sixteen or seventeen, would only become the successor after the death of his teacher, his grand-teacher, and perhaps hundreds of his senior disciples. This was Lin Wanrong's usual ploy to flatter and coax, whether it was effective or not.

Wujing quickly recited a Buddhist mantra and repeatedly said he was not worthy.

Lin Wanrong laughed, "Master, there's no need to be modest. Consider this: Master Huikong keeps you by his side all day long. Isn't he grooming you? Have you ever seen him do this with others? I didn't think so."

Having grown up in the temple, the young monk Wujing was pure-minded and easily led astray. Following Lin Wanrong's words, he began to believe that he was indeed being groomed for succession. He couldn't help the smile that spread across his face.

‘Am I a bit too naughty?’ Lin Wanrong chuckled to himself and continued, "Today, when Miss Xiao went to see Master Huikong, were you there? Ah, I haven't seen Miss Xiao for a long time, I wonder how she's changed? Has she grown taller or shorter, fatter or thinner?"

After some thought, the young monk replied, "The female benefactor was wearing a veil, so I couldn't see her clearly. But from her figure, she must be an extremely beautiful woman."

"Oh, really?" Lin Wanrong asked calmly, "How about her figure? Any distinctive features?"

"Distinctive features?" The novice monk echoed to himself. After some careful reflection, he suddenly clapped his hands in realization and said, "Master Lin, I remember now - she was quite... large."

"Large? What do you mean, large?" Lin Wanrong asked curiously.

The novice monk gestured at his chest and explained, "Here, she was large here."

Lin Wanrong, following the monk's gesture, glanced down at his own chest, and in an instant, he understood the implication. He was immediately drenched in cold sweat. ‘So, this young monk was a lecher, ogling women's chests whenever he could. If it was really my Qingxuan you were peeping at, I'd feed your eyeballs to the dogs. The monk Huikong, what on earth was he teaching his disciples? Was he also the same type?’ The very thought made him shudder. ‘May Buddha bless me.’

"Master Lin, what's wrong?" The novice monk saw his fierce expression and hurriedly asked.

"Oh, nothing. Tell me, young monk, do you stare at the chest of female patrons every day?" Lin Wanrong asked, his eyes gleaming with malice while his smile remained.

A blush spread across the novice monk's face, and he hurriedly chanted, "No, no, I never peek at women. My master always said that women and skeletons are indistinguishable. When I see a woman, it's as if I'm looking at a skeleton, Ah, Amitabha, a skeleton."

Lin Wanrong found this amusing. This young monk, at the tender age of sixteen or seventeen, was at the age when an interest in women was quite natural. ‘But if you dared to disrespect my Qingxuan, whether you're a monk or a boar, I'll castrate you a hundred times over.’

The novice monk dared not utter another word and hurriedly led Lin Wanrong on. After a short time, they arrived at the half-mountain cliff. The hot spring at the back mountain was located at the peak. The terrain was steep and difficult to climb.

The novice monk put his hands together, recited a mantra and said, "Master Lin, Miss Xiao is at the peak. I can't accompany you the rest of the way. Please, ascend on your own."

Lin Wanrong looked up and saw that the only path to the peak was a narrow, rough-hewn stairway that wound its way along the mountainside. The stairs were very steep, only wide enough for one person. If someone were to block this path, no one would be able to reach the summit.

As soon as the novice monk had finished speaking, he left in a hurry. Lin Wanrong thought for a moment. If it were a fairy coming to take revenge, she wouldn't need to invite him to the top of this hot spring mountain. And if it were Qingxuan, why would she go around so many twists and turns? After much consideration, he couldn't figure out who it might be. He carefully checked all the treasures on his body and, after confirming everything was in order, he slowly ascended the narrow path.

The path was treacherously narrow and winding, at times forcing him to cling to the rock face to climb up, and at others, threading through gaps in the stone walls. He had to be careful to avoid any potential ambushes. The strenuous climb took nearly an hour before he finally reached the peak.

At the entrance to the peak, a large natural rock was deeply embedded in the earth. Lin Wanrong pushed with both hands, pulling himself up onto the rock. His body was somewhat fatigued, so he simply sat down on the rock.

The sun was already setting, and as he sat on the peak, he had a panoramic view of the distant mountains overlapping each other, with clouds bathed in colorful sunset hues. It was a scene of unparalleled tranquility, which filled his heart with contentment.

However, he hadn't come for the view. Remembering that the mysterious Miss Xiao was waiting for him, he quickly became anxious. Stealthily, he stuck his head out from behind the rock and surveyed the surroundings.

The mountaintop was expansive, with rocky cliffs towering on all sides, their peculiar shapes looming. The only exception was the center of the peak, which featured a large pool. A spring bubbled, spurting out hot steam, and the rushing hot spring enveloped the surroundings in a thin mist. It was neither bright nor dark, filled with mystery.

On this mountaintop, apart from rocks and hot springs, there was no sight of human figures. Lin Wanrong examined the area more carefully, but it was still quiet. A sudden thought struck him - had the old monk deceived him?

As this thought crossed his mind, a soft noise arose. The water in the pool rippled and parted, and from it emerged an exquisite figure. Long, beautiful hair was casually flipped, casting droplets of water that carried a warm vapor into the air. The mist swirled and rolled away, creating the image of a beautiful white lotus blooming in the afterglow of the sunset...

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