Chapter 133: Time and Harvest

Name:Firebrand Author:
Chapter 133: Time and Harvest

Time and Harvest

Master Jerome raised an eyebrow as Martel appeared in the workshop for his Solday duty of assisting the artificer. "Are you still sparring with that mageknight boy?"

"Maximilian, yeah, I am." Martel did not feel up for explaining that he was attacked last night, as that would inevitably only lead to more questions and more lies. Easier to just use the excuse handed to him.

"One might think you were training for the legions. Or is he using you as his punching bag in preparation for the Golden Harvest? He really should spare your head all those blows."

"No, we're just practising." The novice frowned. "Wait, what's golden harvest?"

"Ah, just the name we use for the festivities this time of year, when the yellow grain is brought in. I guess you call it something else up in Nordmark."

"We just call it harvest." Despite the lack of a fancy name, they certainly celebrated this event back home. Solstice was fun and all, and Father Julius made a big mention of Sol during those times of the year, but harvest determined whether they would have enough to eat during winter or not.

"It begins next Solday, lasting a whole fiveday." Master Jerome scratched his forehead. "Did nobody tell you?"

"Well, I guess I knew that harvest is soon. Why, am I supposed to do something?"

"No, no, not at all. But you do have all classes in the afternoon off so you can attend the festivities."

"What, every afternoon the whole fiveday?"

Master Jerome laughed. "Indeed. Well, I suppose they would have told you when the time comes. You're still a novice. I sometimes forget that, so this part won't matter as much for you. But during the Golden Harvest, there are various games held, where the acolytes of the Lyceum may compete."

"I suppose next year, that'll be relevant for me," Martel considered.

The mageknight frowned. "Crafty little bastard. What did you do?"

Martel grinned. "Floated a big rock above his head and let it fall. Gold can't protect him from that."

"Hah, good show!"

The novice looked at the other mageknights still practising. "You're at it late. I thought you guys already trained in the morning?"

"We do, but with the Golden Harvest coming up, we all want to be at our sharpest."

"Isn't it late to hone your skills? If it starts in a fiveday. I don't recall you doing archery before."

Maximilian gave him a look. "I have practised plenty, thank you," he said brusquely. "But if you recall, lately our time spent together was for your benefit, training you, not me."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." Martel wonder if perhaps he became a little self-absorbed at times and felt guilty.

"Well, you can make up for it. I need someone to help me. Not tonight, I am knackered, but tomorrow night."

"Can we do it the evening after? I ought to visit The Copper Drum and tell the fighters about Leatherfist. Just so they know what happened to him." He also had a letter he needed to deliver in the city.

"Fine," Maximilian grumbled. "But no further delays." He began walking back towards his bow and arrows. "Harvest waits for no man!"

"I thought that was the tide?"

The mageknight shrugged. "Nature is an impatient lady in general."