Chapter 195: Slippery Paths
Slippery Paths
Martel did not require map or markings for the first leg of the journey. With only one direction to travel in, he continued down the familiar path that led to the pipework of the Lyceum, flowing into the sewers. As he reached that point, he had to make his first decision. Several tunnels branched from here, though the choice seemed easy. He remembered where Julia had appeared from the first time he met her, so he went that way. Still on familiar ground – he could undoubtedly find his way back to the Lyceum from here – he did not use his map or chalk just yet but continued going, happy that his mask protected him from the surrounding stench.
It could not protect him from other dangers, though. As the waters of the sewers occasionally rose during heavy rain, they left the ledges serving as pathways both slimy and slippery. More than once, Martel almost lost his footing. While falling into the water would probably not hurt him, he did not wish to conduct his search drenched in filth. It might ruin his clothes as well, and he doubted the quartermaster would be pleased about having to replace them.
After a while, his next decision arrived, this one more challenging than the last. He had arrived at a crossroads with three other tunnels besides his own, small grate bridges connecting them across the waters.
Martel looked at his map, trying to ascertain the cardinal directions. He believed that he had been walking west and south so far. Assuming that was true, the tunnel to his left should lead towards the market district; he assumed that since Julia had chosen to appear at Emperor Lucius' square, that was the most likely location to find her. His choice made, Martel took his chalk and left a large mark on the nearest wall to show where he had come from, letting him track his way back when the time came.
On occasion, Martel heard something scurry about ahead of him in the dark. Using his ability to sense the heat, he could always tell that nothing other than rats kept him company; nothing big enough to be a human, not even an underfed girl.
It was difficult to keep track of time, walking underground in surroundings that looked the same regardless of distance, but he began to feel foolish. Judging by his map, he had only traversed a small part of the sewers, but he had seen nothing to indicate where Julia might be. It was clear to him that he could not hope to search all of the underground tunnels before night had ended, even if he could not be sure how long he had left until sunrise. Loath to admit it, Martel started entertaining thoughts that he should abandon his search.
Stubbornness kept him going. Especially the thought of paying Weasel five silver pieces with nothing to show for it. Going as far south as he could, assuming the winding tunnels had not led Martel astray, he decided to turn east towards the bridge district.
The water flowed differently in this part, perhaps because it fed into the river east of the city. Martel was not sure if the two connected; he probably should have paid more attention when Mistress Vana explained the subject some months ago. In his defence, it was difficult to predict that Martel would have need of such knowledge.
"Spare me the remarks. Here, hold the torch while I get my flint out."
Step by step, careful not to make any sound, Martel slowly inched away.
"Just get it lighted. We've already searched half the eastern sewers, I'm ready to go home."
"Don't remind me," groaned her partner. "They'll just send us back tomorrow for the other half."
"Waste of time. I told the high inquisitor we ought to start to the north, underneath the Imperial palace, but no, it had to be here."
Martel stopped in his tracks. Perhaps he might glean something useful before he left.
"North, east, it doesn't matter where these sewer rats are. They live here in the dark. As soon as they see us coming with torches, they scatter. We'll never get to interrogate any of them about the maleficar." The sound of flint striking tinder could be heard with little sparks lighting up.
It took Martel a moment to realise, the rats in question were people like Julia, not actual rodents.
"We have to keep trying. Judging by his pattern, last victim from the copper lanes, he'll strike next to the north, east after that, and so on."
The male inquisitor managed to light the torch, and Martel figured he had pushed his luck far enough. Reaching out again, he extinguished the torch a second time and made his retreat.
Tracing his steps back, Martel considered what he had learned. The maleficar was still active in Morcaster, or at least the inquisitors assumed so. Furthermore, he had left enough victims to establish a pattern. This only made Martel all the more convinced that he had to do something. Whether he might find Julia or the dark wizard first, he could not know; regardless, his course of action remained the same. He would have to return tomorrow night.