Chapter 210: The River Pearl

Name:Firebrand Author:
Chapter 210: The River Pearl

The River Pearl

Ten warriors, wielding an assortment of arms but without emblems on their clothing, stood in a semicircle to prevent the three Night Knives from escaping. Martel noticed that they all wore an earring of red gold, presumably in lieu of an insignia.

Marcus pushed past Martel to stand by Flora's left side, holding his sword and round shield ready. Having observed the mageknights in training, Martel understood where to position himself and stepped forward to guard her right side.

"You are not allowed here, mercenary." The man in front of the other thugs stared at the mage before him.

"We go where we please," Flora told him coldly. "But if you all would step aside, we'll take our leave."

"First you hand over your spoils. All such earnings in this district belong to the Comtesse." Behind him, all his men raised their weapons with various expressions of intimidation or anticipation on their faces.

"This money and other items rightfully belong to our client," the earthmage explained with calm patience, "so I cannot do that. And unless you wish to tangle with two wizards, which I sincerely doubt you have the numbers for, I suggest you make an expedient retreat. Before we tear you all apart."

"Yeah, that's believable," the thug sneered. "Get them!"

The fight began. Martel, having kept the spell ready, summoned his shield as the first thing. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Marcus had stepped forward to make several swings, mostly just keeping their attackers at bay. Next to him, a ray of frost shot out from Flora's hand to hit the leader straight in the stomach, making him crumble to the ground.

An axeman came swinging with a loud scream at Martel. The assailant stared in disbelief as the edge of his weapon hit the mage on the shoulder, yet barely cut a single thread. Disbelief turned to terror as a ray of fire flew out to hit him in the chest, and he ran away, now screaming for a different reason. Martel's spell was still active, and the flames continued, hitting the man behind him, who promptly reacted the same way.

The close quarters, while useful in keeping the Night Knives from escaping, quickly proved a detriment to their attackers, as they could not use their superior numbers to their advantage. Another ray of frost from Flora felled a second man. He lay groaning on the ground, hindering his comrades from getting close enough to attack the earthmage.

Taking advantage of the moment, Martel released a fire bolt and hit another target. He prepared to shoot again when he saw there was no need. Already, the last attackers standing turned and fled.

"Let's make ourselves scarce," Flora told the others, and the trio hastily left the street.This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

They traversed the bridge district until they reached the great main road that ran from the gate in the east towards the Lyceum in the heart of the city. Flora steered them towards a large building made from stone, rising up several stories. It was not an insula, however, but some manner of tavern or public house. Several doors gave access, large and inviting with people entering and leaving. Signs hung above showing the usual symbols for food and drink, including others he could not decipher.

The three companions stepped inside, entering a large common room typical of these places, though different when compared to The Copper Drum or The Golden Goose. First of all, a heavy scent of perfume lay in the air. Even though it was early in the afternoon, a bard played on a harp somewhere. Rather than lots of tables and chairs to make the most space for customers, the place had mainly sofas with low tables, where the patrons and their female company could sit.

It took Martel a little while to grasp where he was. He sometimes walked past harlots on the docks, offering their services to sailors, often in rather aggressive fashion. Whenever the target of their advances, Martel had always just hurried past. He had never imagined a whole establishment full of them.

"My darling Flora, you returned." The extravagantly clad woman with the bald head that Martel recognised as Lady Pearl appeared. Furs, jewellery, and perfume lay heavy around her, the latter even penetrating the other scent already present as she approached them. "With good news, I hope?"

The earthmage hefted the bundle in her hand.

"Please, step inside my study and we can settle accounts." Lady Pearl looked towards one end of the room, which held large barrels of drink and a pyramid of mugs. "Darling, offer our guests some refreshments on the house," she told a waitress stacking the mugs. "Slake their thirst, though anything else, they'll have to pay." The proprietress turned her attention back on the mercenaries. "Welcome to The River Pearl, my good masters. Flora, shall we?"


While Marcus and Martel received their drinks, served with a lascivious smile and wink that made the latter blush, Flora followed Pearl to her chamber. Unlike the common room, heavily decorated in all manners intended to pique the senses, Pearl's study was lacking in ornamentation. It held the basic furniture for conducting business, though all of it made from expensive wood imported from the Western Isles. Flora placed the bundle from the patrician's house on the desk, letting the cloth unfold. Sitting down, Pearl quickly appraised the pieces of jewellery in between the golden coins. "Any trouble?"

"Some. A bunch of bloodgolds tried to keep us from leaving. We denied them the gold, bloodied their noses, and took our leave." Flora smiled at her own play on words.

Lady Pearl smiled, quickly looking up. "Good. I suppose that means I owe you extra payment."

"It does. I did wonder, Lady Pearl, did you expect the bloodgolds would try to stop us?"

"It was a possibility. That's why I hired two mages. Why? Are you afraid of the Comtesse?" The bald woman looked at the earthmage with scrutinising eyes.

"Not if we have another ally equal to her."

Lady Pearl gave a laughter that matched her name. Opening a drawer, she counted out a stack of silver. "Make sure you get a drink before you leave."