Chapter 245: Wisdom or Bravery

Name:Firebrand Author:
Chapter 245: Wisdom or Bravery

Wisdom or Bravery

The next morning, Martel went to the apothecary for his usual chore. As far as he knew, his arrangement with Mistress Rana had not changed. As he entered, the alchemist herself rather than her apprentice met him. He slowly closed the door to the infirmary behind him, wondering what this signified.

"Martel. I have been told of changes in your status."This chapter's initial release occurred on the n0vell--Bjjn site.

Unsure what she meant exactly, he stayed silent.

"As an acolyte, with one year of experience in addition, it is only reasonable that I pay you for your continued work. You are not an apprentice, so your payment will be one silver for every bell. You may collect your salary on Soldays. I will make sure it is waiting for you."

Martel stood, almost confused at hearing good news for a change. This would alleviate his most pressing money concerns and provide him with some coin for the future. "Thank you," he finally stammered.

She inclined her head. "You have earned it. Now, work awaits." She pointed to one of the tables that lay ready with ingredients to grind.


Martel had yet to receive his new schedule, which meant that besides work in the apothecary, he had little to do. He drifted around the Lyceum, trying to ignore how others either stared at him with whispers or shied away. The only exception came as he went for lunch; crossing the entrance hall, Flora intercepted him. He raised his eyebrows at the rare sight of her inside the castle, but understood her meaning as she gave him a look and left. He quickly followed.

They met again at the tavern across the square that had hosted their gatherings previously. She gave a smile with a closed mouth as he sat down opposite her. "You look the same, yet I imagine much has changed."

"You could say that. What's the reason you're showing up here?"

"I have something for you. I promised immediate delivery. Do you remember the Fire Eater?"

"Martel, please. I do not require that. Consider it a gift."

He took her hand and placed the coins on her palm. "I know you feel that way, but it bothers me if I don't pay you back. Please, for my sake."

She closed her hand around the money, and he let go. "Very well."

Now came the hard part. He took a deep breath. "There's something else. I thought you should know that you were right. I have this need to help people, probably more about making myself feel good than anything else. It's gotten me into so much trouble, so many dangers. I should have listened to you."

"Martel," she breathed. "I spoke those words out of anger, and because I feared for you. I had no right to disparage everything you have done for others with no expectation of reward or recognition."

"I thought I could go up against Duke Cheval. I had no idea what I was getting into. I figured I could solve this, and now I ruined everything."

"Maximilian told me what happened. Everything he knew, at least. What you did might not have been wise, but it was brave. And without you, a dreadful fire would have consumed the district." She glanced at him as he sat next to her. "You saved lives."

"But I didn't stop him. He'll continue driving them out." Martel took a deep breath. "Shadi and her father left. Or they will at the next ship, anyway."

"I am sorry to hear that. I know how much she means to you."

"Another reason I wanted to talk to you." He felt his voice shaking a little, and he cleared his throat to regain control. "Can we be friends again? I have precious few left."

"Oh, Martel. We still are. I was angry, upset, and maybe most of all afraid. But even in these months when we did not speak, I still thought about you."

"Me too."

She leaned her shoulder against his. Around them, snow began to fall.