Chapter 354: Secrets of the Trade

Name:Firebrand Author:
Chapter 354: Secrets of the Trade

Secrets of the Trade

Martel did his combat lessons as usual, trying not to think about Ruby, which meant that he ended up doing exactly that. He disliked that despite her actions, her duplicitous nature, he still thought about their time together at the first masquerade in the Pearl, dancing and laughing; back when her smile had only held charm in his eyes, unlike now, where he assumed it meant another ploy.

Such as this latest scheme with the artefact trader. Ruby's help came at a cost, he was sure; the only question remained what it might be. Did she need him for something, or did she plan to somehow hoodwink him?The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

While Martel felt suspicious that the latter might be the case, he could not imagine what her deception might be. The only way to find out would be to play along and keep his wits about him. So when a message from her awaited him in the entrance hall, detailing a meeting tonight, Martel decided to join.


She waited for him near the Lyceum's entrance at the hour appointed in her note. There was a chill in the air, and Martel pulled his cloak around himself as he approached her.

"Our man responded swiftly. Probably the thought of coin spurred him on. Come, his place is in the market district." Ruby turned and began walking in that direction, Martel falling in alongside her.

"He might be disappointed when he finds out why we're there, making him unlikely to help us," Martel pointed out.

"I anticipated as much," she claimed. "I have a good handful of eagles to turn his frown into a smile." She patted a purse hanging on her belt.

"You think ahead and towards every purpose," the mage muttered. "Which begs the question why you asked me along? You didn't need me to get this meeting arranged."

"As much as I have my doubts about you wizards, it's hard to handle things without you when it comes to magic," Ruby admitted. "If our good merchant tries to make up stories, I assume you'll know."

Much like the Keeper also needed him. While Martel remained on guard, he accepted this might be the answer. "Very well." They continued deeper into the market district.


Ruby took them down several alleys, which did not seem the most direct route; either she was trying to keep Martel confused about the route, or she thought they might be followed. Regardless, they finally stood outside a small, unassuming house wedged in between two shops.

"No sign." Martel looked at the surface of the building and above the house.

"He doesn't announce his trade," Ruby replied, knocking repeatedly on the door in a strange rhythm before finally standing back.

They waited a little while before shuffling feet could be heard and the door became unlocked. "Come inside."

As Martel did so, he found himself inside what seemed an ordinary home. Not the cheap kind in the lower district with the entire floor being one room; instead, chairs of good make surrounded a table with chests and drawers lining the walls. A kitchen could be spotted through an empty door further back, where an old woman laboured.

"She's deaf," the owner of the house remarked, noticing Martel's gaze. He closed the door to the housekeeper. As for him, he was short with beady eyes and thin hair. In his woollen robe, dyed green and embroidered, he looked the part of a small-time merchant. He extended towards the chairs around the table; once Ruby and Martel sat down, he did so as well. "Your message mentioned you had an interest in a purchase, but nothing more." He looked at the woman present.

Meanwhile, Martel let his magic sense sweep out in every direction. No sources of heat other than the people he knew to be present, except what he assumed was a cat upstairs. No immediate dead areas suggesting golden weapons. Even Ruby did not wear any golden jewellery; she must trust him, though Martel chastised himself for not checking her when they first met.

He did notice the aura of magic; the trader wore bespelled garments or trinkets. To be expected from a merchant trafficking in such items. Martel could not determine what they did, which made him wonder if his magic sense could be trained to do so.

He licked his lips again. "As it so happens, yes. Now, if the buyer had been a Ninth Lord, I would obviously never have revealed this."

Ruby smirked. "Obviously." She began pushing the coins on the table towards him, one by one.

"In this case, my customer was a member of House Thierry. He did not say his name, but their crest was embroidered upon his handkerchief. He sneezed and had to wipe his nose."

"Very observant of you," she remarked.

"Given the volatile nature of my trade, paying attention keeps me alive and wealthy."

"No doubt." Ruby pushed the remaining coins over to his side. "You have my thanks." She got up, and Martel followed. While he would have pushed the trader for more details on this mysterious buyer, he accepted following Ruby's lead. And certainly the visit had paid off.

They left the house and began walking down the street. As earlier, Ruby chose a route that went in and out of winding alleys; unfamiliar with this area of the market district, Martel found himself confused by their surroundings and had to simply follow along.

"What happens now?" he asked.

"You bring this information to your friends, I bring it to mine. Our business is concluded. To mutual satisfaction, I would say."

"For once."

She winked with a smile, though her expression held a hint of contempt or perhaps superiority. "Farewell for now, wizard." She took a sudden turn down a street, increasing her pace.

Martel watched her leave for a few moments before orienting himself. Once he got his bearings, he began walking home to the Lyceum. On his way back, he realised that he had never learned the trader's name; glancing over his shoulder, he doubted that he could find his way back to the man's house.


His visitors gone, the trader collected the silver coins from Ruby. He walked upstairs to reach his study and dropped them into a drawer before he sat down by his desk. After tearing a piece of parchment into smaller scraps, he grabbed a feather pen and dipped it in ink.

Pearl's woman came

mage with her, red robe

young, eighteen or so

tall, dark hair, blue eyes

told them as agreed

After blowing on it briefly to help the ink dry, the merchant got up and walked downstairs again. He stepped outside his house, glancing to either side; nobody was in the alley. He walked for a little while, reaching the end where some urchins sat on the street, playing knucklebones.

One of them looked up expectantly as the trader approached, who in turn extended his hand holding the missive and a penny. "For Lord Ironside."

The child nodded, accepting both message and money before running off.