Chapter 535 Stop Groping Them, Nyx!

Name:First Demonic Dragon Author:
Chapter 535 Stop Groping Them, Nyx!

In the Tathamet master bedroom, Lailah walked in while being trailed by her mother Sei, her ancestor Izanami, and her children Belloc and Nubia.

The mother-daughter trio were in their room looking for something, while Belloc was just on his way here to make the scheduled baby hand off.

The five of them paused when they saw Bekka and Audrina still in the bed.

It would be nice to say that they were holding each other cutely or maybe even doing a bit of spooning, but somehow Audrina had gotten turned around and ended up with her feet in Bekka's face.

But the tiangou dragon didn't seem to mind all that much judging solely by her snoring.

"You don't need to worry about being quiet, since it's time for them to wake up anyway." Lailah said as she went to a book case in the corner of their large bedroom.

"Your bedroom is surprisingly clean..." Sei muttered.

"Y-Yes, well we are all adults who can clean up after ourselves."

*Let the record show that Tatiana, Lillian, Erica, and Lisa are the cleanest and often chastise the rest of the girls.*

"Were you expecting to find clothes and shoes lying everywhere?" Lailah asked with a grin.

"And sperm." Izanami confirmed.

"Sometimes I come in here and find ripped underwear or food wrappers and dirty bowls." Belloc admitted.

"D-Don't tell your other mothers about that!" Lailah panicked.

At the sound of so many familiar voices, Audrina finally woke up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Hmm..? What's everyone doing in here?"

Belloc sat on the bed and held out baby Nubia; complete with a little white dress and a bow in her hair.

"I came to swap with you since you're next on the schedule."

Nubia was still trying to decide how she felt about being passed around so much, but she was admittedly having a hard time being mad at it.

Everyone talked to her in a strange baby voice sure, but they also fed her without her even having to ask and made sure she never had to walk anywhere.

Naturally she knew that this couldn't go on forever, but... she wasn't in much of a rush to see it end.

Audrina visibly perked up when she saw her youngest daughter and she held out her arms in desperation.

Belloc didn't look particularly happy to be giving his sister away, but he respected the sacred laws of the timesheet.

As always, Audrina greeted Nubia with a flurry of cheek kisses and sandwiched her small body between the breasts that were peaking out of her nightgown.

"What have my adorable little fruit pies been doing today??"

'Fruit pie..?' Belloc didn't know if he would ever get used to the naming sense of his mothers.

"Brother taught me that if father ever annoys me I am supposed to tell him that he would get washed by a talking slime." Nubia confessed. "...But I do not fully understand what that means."

Belloc folded his arms across his chest and nodded proudly as a response.

Audrina felt her lips twitch as she looked for a way to respond to that, when suddenly an intangible feeling drew the attention of everyone in the room.

Even Bekka who was dead asleep suddenly sat up and stared out the large window in their bedroom.

"Ugh, when did we agree to put a sun down here..?"

"We didn't." Lailah said as her eyes narrowed.

Suddenly, Izanami clicked her teeth as she folded her arms across her chest.

"You did not tell me that you had made contact with Nyx..."

"Oh? You know her, G-G-Ma?" Lailah questioned.

The ancient goddess nodded like she was having displeasing memories.

"She is... a primordial among primordials. Even at the height of my power, I still was not particularly close to her in terms of might.

And as the eons grew, the gap between us only widened.

She is not a malicious being, but be cautious with her. Living for as long as we do... makes one slightly bored. Especially as we become more powerful.

And a goddess like Nyx who can make even the king of Olympus whimper in fear... she is likely more desperate to alleviate her boredom than most."

At this, Bekka leaned forward as her bright orange eyes narrowed. "Ma'am... what are you saying exactly?"

Izanami blushed faintly as she looked away.

"I am saying that... maybe leaving her alone with your very... very attractive husband and sisters may not be in your best interests. Even I often think about... nevermind." ReAd latest chapters at Only


A wave of pure destructive power rippled outward from Abaddon's hands, and Nyx teleported away to avoid it.

But of course, the ability passed over Lisa harmlessly as if she wasn't even there.

Once Abaddon helped her up, he and Lisa glared at the woman floating above their heads.

"This is a serious spar, Nyx. Not an opportunity for you to feel us up."

Nyx clasped both of her hands together and lowered her head apologetically.

"I am very very sorry... I promise to reflect properly after I touch Lisa's breasts and your penis."

"NYX!" Lisa yelled.

"I am a curious woman by nature!" She defended.

Suddenly, a huge shadow passed over Nyx and she craned her neck to look overhead.

There, she found a relatively horrifying sight high in the sky.

No, Seras was an absolute abomination.

At 375 meters tall, she was only a little bit smaller than her husband as an eldritch horror.

She had the build of a western dragon, though she was much thinner and sleeker than normal, and her scales were a dirty bone white.

Her chest, all the way to her throat was cracked open as if she had suffered some kind of grievous injury, and bony protrusions could be seen jutting from her flesh.

Bright red blood began to leak from the 'wound'.

As if it had its own mind, it ran up her back and mimicked a pair of bony red wings and an unholy halo made of blood.

She trained all three pairs of her eyes onto Nyx and let out another catastrophically loud roar.

The mere sonic vibrations from her roar were so destructive that they not only obliterated every floating rock for 200 miles, but they also conveniently shredded Nyx's clothes.

"Kyaa! Seras~ How playful!" Nyx joked, knowing that she could have protected her fabrics at any moment, but chose not to.

Suddenly, she noticed that two more shadows rose up to dwarf her.

One looked like a dragon made of lightning and nightmares.

It's body was completely made of yellow electricity, but it was covered by a shiny black metal shell that only barely covered the raw energy underneath.

The other creature circling Nyx was a giant black beast covered in a shining exoskeleton and with the front limbs of a preying mantis.

It had eight monstrous tails swinging behind it's back, and if one looked closely enough they almost resembled the heads of dragons.

With all three creatures of nightmares hovering over her, most would have been fearing for their lives at the moment.

But Nyx was utterly unlike anyone else.

She cracked her knuckles casually as she prepared to show them something really special.

"It's been eons since I did this... Its a good thing that you all cannot die, or else I-"




So I was getting some questions about the power scale and stuff and why exactly Abaddon cannot overpower Nyx and I wanted to take a moment to explain it.

Currently, Abaddon is just as destructive and powerful as a primordial deity.


He is still not an actual primordial.

Nyx touched on this a bit, but basically primordial deities function on a different wavelength from other beings.

Y'all ever play Pokémon?

You know how it takes a ghost type to hurt another ghost type and normal types don't really do anything to them?

Same shit.

So even though Nyx and Abaddon might have similar or close levels of raw power, it is of an incompatible variety.

Especially since Abaddon's spark is damaged.

But who knows, he might be about to fix that very... very soon. *Wink, wink*

Hope that answers any questions or confusion.