Chapter 609 A Decision Made… Kinda?*

Name:First Demonic Dragon Author:
Chapter 609 A Decision Made... Kinda?*

Sif recalled in vivid detail the first time that she ever slept with her ex-husband.

Because she was worried about how the actual act would go.

When it came to stature, he was smaller than any man she'd ever known before.

It also didn't help that he was bone thin and sickly.

Crushing him was a frequent concern of hers; as well as exhausting him due to certain... overindulgences.

Giant races are known to be very active in that regard.

However, Sif was partially amazed to find that intimate acts were one of the few occasions where he would be filled with energy.

Matching the libido of a giant was somehow doable for the young dragon who got winded just walking up a flight of stairs.

And though she did have to be careful not to grip him too tightly or risk snapping his bones, she quickly learned to control her strength so that nothing so unfortunate would occur.

Looking at him once again, it was incredibly hard to tell that this was the same man from before.

In or out of her disguise, he now had to be the one who was careful not to break her.

A fact he now had to keep in mind.

'The more I look at her, the more delicate she seems...' Abaddon was possibly the only man who could see a six foot, muscle bound ice giant woman and think of her as petite.

'She's actually lost weight... no wonder she got so mad at me for asking if she'd gotten bigger.'

Sif sat on the bed first and had the charming couple stand in front of her.

She stripped them both like a child unwrapping a Christmas present and gulped at the sight of their fully uncovered bodies.

This wasn't her first time seeing them nude, but for some reason she was as starstruck as if this were their first time spending the night together.

"Getting cold feet?" Abaddon asked.

Sif wasn't sure if she should keep her gaze above or below her ex-husband's waist.

"I-In your dreams, dragon boy... I have nothing left to be afraid of..!"

Stubbornly, Sif took Abaddon's member into her mouth.

Since this wasn't her first time with him, she knew exactly where to stimulate him in order to garner a reaction.

Though she was less skilled than his wives, she was far from amateurish.

But as Abaddon began to grow more and more aroused, the difficulty Sif was facing ballooned considerably.

In an instant, she could no longer fit him into her throat without discomfort.

As she removed it from her mouth, she coughed dramatically and stared at his member like it was both her best friend and worst enemy.

"Seriously.. I'll never understand how this thing got so huge in our time apart..."

"Shall we show you how to handle it properly?" Ayaana asked somewhat smugly.

"I-I know what I'm doing, thank you!"

Since she could no longer fit Abaddon's dick inside of her mouth, Sif resorted to using her tongue to lick the undersides of his shaft with her long tongue.

"Aww, don't be cheap. You can do better than that." With a small malicious glint in their eyes, Ayaana grabbed Sif forcefully by the back of her hair.

In one fluid motion they made her take the entire length of their husband's member into their throat; causing the flesh to bulge outward.

Instant tears formed within Sif's eyes as she tried to break away, but Ayaana was so strong that she couldn't have gotten away even with ten of her pulling on a rope.

Ayaana brushed her lips past Sif's pale ear and bit her somewhat roughly. "Easy now. If you want us to loan our husband to you, then surely you can bear atleast this much. Just breathe through your nose and relax."

A dull pink glow came from the palm of Ayaana's hand.

Sif's eyes suddenly rolled back into her head not from stress but from pleasure.

Her body finally relaxed and stopped struggling against Ayaana's strength; allowing the wives to move her head back and forth along their husband's member with impunity.

A wet spot began to accumulate on the bedsheets underneath Sif, and the mere smell only served to stoke Abaddon's arousal further.

Ayaana suddenly kissed him somewhat roughly as if she were trying to lovingly work out her own frustrations.

As Abaddon breathed heavily into her mouth, she bit his lower lip hard enough to break the skin.

But pain in the midst of sex had long ceased to jar him, and instead further enticed him.

"You're... jealous." He noted between kisses.

"How could we not be..? Just tell us one thing, love... Is she better than us?"

"What a silly question to ask..."

Abaddon dropped his hands below Ayaana's waist and gripped her large ass firmly.

"That's not an answer..." the girls noted.

He smiled. "You girls are the most-"

Sif suddenly began tapping Abaddon on the leg as if she had to say something.

Begrudgingly, Ayaana allowed her to breathe, but she didn't release her grip on her hair for even a moment.

Sif coughed and wiped her mouth of running drool while she tried to gather her clarity.

"I'm sorry... but I can't take it anymore..!" Sif begged with true desperation in her eyes.

Once the normally inactive crest on her body started to glow again, the pair knew that she was at her wits end.

"Oh? But you're supposed to be our toy for the night, and you're already ready to jump to the good part? I don't believe that's your decision to make."

Ayaana pushed the golden haired goddess into the middle of the bed.

She climbed on top of her and positioned her body so that she could lower her pussy just above Sif's lips.

As her eyes drooped closed once again, she had her clearest epiphany in recent memory.

'I knew it... I can't give this man up, even if it kills me.'


"So... you guys aren't getting back together?"

"""No, sweetie."""

"But mom is going to move in down the hall from you guys... and she'll be spending the night with you a few nights a week?"

"""Mhm / Yep / That's right."""

Thrudd wondered if maybe it was too early for her to fully wrap her mind around what she was hearing.

Across from her, Sif was barely keeping her eyes open, Abaddon was surprisingly energetic, and Ayaana seemed unbelievably cheerful.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a little bit confused... What exactly is your relationship?"

""We're divorced."" Abaddon and Sif answered.

"Right, but beyond that."

""...We have no idea.""

"What's that mean?! Are you like friends with benefits or something?!"

"Thruddie, don't make me sound like some loose woman off the street." Sif rolled her eyes.

"Okay.... Concubi-"


All three of them flicked their daughter on the forehead.

"Guys... I'm really just trying to get an understanding of what exactly your relationship is here."

If Thrudd's hair began to fall out, it was going to be because of all of this stress that was dumped into her lap first thing in the morning.

Ayaana rubbed her chin thoughtfully as Valerie's voice came out. "Wellll we say that your mother is our little toy, but I don't think that's what you want to know."

"It definitely is not!"

"W-Why would you tell her that?!" Sif looked like she was absolutely going to die of embarrassment at any moment.

"We haven't decided on any other kind of title, and we know you liked that one, so..."

"I-I do not!"

'The proof that you do is all over our bedroom, but whatever...' Abaddon yawned.

Thrudd was five minutes away from crawling under the covers to go back to bed and put this whole thing behind her.

"S-Skip the relationship status thing... are you guys going to keep fighting all the time?"

Sif smiled at her daughter sadly. "No, sweetie, your father and I will-"

"Not all the time, but sometimes. Arguing with your mother has become so normal to me now that I may just pick with her for the hell of it." Abaddon shrugged.

A thick vein bulged in Sif's forehead as she showed her ex-

husband a smile that was not a smile. "I'm sorry... what the hell did you just say?"

Abaddon smiled widely as he ignored her. "Any other questions, my darling daughter?"

Thrudd blinked her eyes until the confusion disappeared from her face and she realized that she had just one question left.

"Well... Are you guys going to act all lovey dovey and couple-


""Sometimes?"" The two shrugged.

"Depends on how we feel when we wake up in the morning." Ayaana clarified.

Sometimes they may be fine with it, on others Sif may get an unprovoked punch in the stomach.

After all, there were ten women inside of her.

Some days one of them was bound to feel more jealous than others.

Thrudd stared at all of her parents dryly. "You guys are so confusing..."

Abaddon: "Just know that we're taking all of this day by day."

Ayaana: "And we're still trying to figure some things out."

Sif: "But we've all discussed it, and we're all pretty happy with this arrangement for now."

Thrudd finally seemed to realize she wasn't gonna get a much better explanation than that and pulled the covers back over her body.

"Well as long as you guys are happy I guess... Oh, but there's something else."


"Maybe next time you guys can soak in the bath a little more before you come rush to tell me this... You guys all smell like squirt and cum still."

The girls looked mortified and quickly ran out of the room.

Abaddon also looked disturbed, but for entirely different reasons.

"Why the hell do you know what that stuff smells like?!" He immediately yanked the covers back away from Thrudd's face.

"It's not what you think! I just have a married brother and sister who live on the same hall as me!"

Even though he was sex itself and fully comprehended the beauty and complexity of such a natural act, Abaddon internally mourned the eventual loss of his children's innocence.

'I think... I'm going to take Courtney to work with me today.'