When it approached evening the next afternoon, Chief Kane returned to the villa compound, bringing with him 1.5 pieces of good news.

“One good news is—” Kane’s gaze swept across each of the faces of the men and women standing or seated around. “Lawyer Jason Charles is out of immediate danger. He awoke an hour ago, stayed conscious for twenty minutes, and answered some questions for us with hand gestures. The doctor said that thanks to his weight, the pressure from his ascent was buffered to a certain extent…” 

Coming to this point, Chief Kane couldn’t help but grimace. “Naturally, his body shape is also part of the cause of this incident; I hope all of you will be more diligent in exercising and keeping fit. If you are overweight, don’t obsess over sports like diving. Promise me to live a safer lifestyle, let us police answer less calls, got it?”

Everyone in the hall laughed, and the gloomy atmosphere that enshrouded the island all day and night was finally dispelled.

“I called it, a good man like Jason is bound to live a long life.” Laura and the rest visibly let out a relieved exhale, cheering up significantly.

Yan Suizhi’s heart also lightened. But not everyone looked like they had a weight off their minds. 

His gaze indiscernibly scanned everyone present, and found that there were two whose expressions were incongruent with the rest, as if they were still bogged down by other troubles, or were simply zoning out.

One was George Manson, whose mood had been down in the dumps the whole time. When opening the door this morning, he had even accidentally toppled over a bottle of spirits. His pants still reeked of liquor.

The other was the instructor who was responsible for their safety on the dive, Chen Zhang. He was an average man in both appearances and build who always wore grey for his casual wear. He was very unobtrusive in a crowd, and was often overlooked by others. At this time, his presence was greatly heightened, because as others were celebrating, for some reason, he seemed quite absent-minded. He kept fidgeting his left foot at a certain frequency; it was a habit that many people had when lost in thoughts or feeling uneasy.

His motions were very slight, and he quickly stopped as soon as he noticed. Aside from Yan Suizhi, most others had probably not noticed this.

However, there were many complex factors that could affect behaviour. Someone who looked innocent today could look suspicious the next day. It was difficult to discern if it was the person’s mentality that had changed, or the observer’s mentality that had changed. After many years of practising law, Yan Suizhi was keenly aware of this point.

Compared to suspicions based on subtle outward gestures, he was more inclined to believe the lack of evidence and facts.

After all, presumption of innocence was the most immovable principle for lawyers.

He watched this for a moment, then calmly shifted his gaze away. He listened as Chief Kane started to deliver the second piece of news, spittle flying. “The other .5 good news is that based on some information given by Lawyer Jason Charles, when pieced together with the conversations we had with each of you, as well as the results from the scene investigation… the vast majority of everyone present have been cleared of suspicion.” 

“Then why do you say it’s only half-good?”

“Because we hope to reach a conclusion through rigorous investigation, with no loose ends. A few of those more closely related to the incident will have to remain patient for another day,” Chief Kane explained. “We have to conduct a second investigation. If we can confirm that everything lines up, then this incident is really just an accident of mistakenly taking the wrong diving suits.”

Normally, the results of the primary investigation were sufficient to determine the nature of the incident. The second investigation was no more than Kane, an upright and serious person, going the extra mile. Everyone present knew deep down that there likely wouldn’t likely be any discrepancies in the result, which also meant… that this incident really was just an accident.

With this, everyone set their minds at ease. 

As the sky darkened, Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan said their farewells to Joe. The two of them had already been definitively cleared of suspicion and intended to make a move on first.

“Don’t sweat about it, I know you’ve so many things on your hands that they’re about to spring out.” Joe was long used to Gu Yan’s hectic schedule and was very understanding. “I thought it’d be good to give you a chance to let loose, but I never thought that it would turn out to be such a shitshow this time.”

“This isn’t something you can control,” Gu Yan said. “I’ll make it up to you another time.” 

“Oh-ho!” Joe was delighted. He dug his ear. “Say that again?”

“I said, I’ll make it up to you another time.”

Young Master Joe flashed his smart device, the cheap thrill causing him to toss his head and wag his tail in elation. “I learnt it from your dishonest lawyer-y ways, I’ve recorded it, whoever doesn’t make good is the grandson!”

Gu Yan looked at him evenly. 

Joe, “Same gen, same gen. Everyone’s the grandfather, we’re all grandfathers.”

Yan Suizhi, “…” Incredible, some young’uns seriously have no spine.

“By the way, the favours you asked me of last night—” Joe was midway through his words when he noticed that Gu Yan’s expression suddenly turned somewhat odd. “What’s with your face? Why did it turn green for no reason?”

Yan Suizhi turned his head over. 

By then, Gu Yan had smoothened the crease between his brows, regaining normalcy. “We’ll discuss it another time.”

But the manner he put on made it seem as if he didn’t even intend to discuss it another time. If it was possible, he looked like he wanted to selectively forget what he’d said yesterday, and force Joe to forget it too.

Lbkfnfg, Tbecu Zjrafg Abf kjr j yibmxtfjv; tlr jylilas ab jcjisrf fwbalbcr qgbyjyis bcis uba j qfgofma rmbgf ktfc la mjwf ab Bf Alc, jcv ja jii batfg alwfr, la kjr j ylu oja hfgb. Lf kjnfv j tjcv, rjslcu, “Rjt, P pera kjcafv ab rjs atja P’nf jigfjvs jggjcufv obg rbwfbcf ab ufa atbrf akb atlcur vbcf. Prc’a ws foolmlfcms nfgs tlut?”

Gu Yan’s expression turned paralysed. After a moment, he nodded. “Noted. Thanks.” 

“This is nothing, don’t mention it,” Joe laughed heartily. “I won’t be sending you guys off, there are still others who have to stay here for a few more days. Anyway, I don’t have to go through all the courtesies with you.”

When the two of them left the villa compound, they took the garden trail on the west side, passing by the windows of the westward-facing rooms of the villa compound.

Yan Suizhi, walking slightly behind Gu Yan, spotted a figure out of his peripheral vision after just a few steps. When he turned over, he saw that George Manson was sitting on the windowsill with a leg crooked, a glass cup loosely held in his hand. In it, amber liquor gently swayed.

He looked a little tipsy. His eyes were half squinted and he looked exhausted, as if he hadn’t managed to rest well. Across the six metres of low greenery, he looked towards Yan Suizhi. 

Seeing Yan Suizhi look back at him, he ceremoniously raised his glass. “Are you leaving?”

His words were slurred. Yan Suizhi wondered, This young master hadn’t been drinking a day and a night without rest, had he?

But, out of courtesy, he smiled back, replying, “Yes.”

Gu Yan, who was walking ahead, stopped in his steps and looked back, his eyes falling on Yan Suizhi’s side profile. He listened for a moment, before looking towards George Manson. 

It stood to reason that George Manson should know him better than the intern, Yan Suizhi. But with the flower bushes blocking them, the young master didn’t seem to see him, only Yan Suizhi.

“Let’s have some drinks together another time.” George Manson extended an invitation to Yan Suizhi.

He was obviously smashed, casually inviting people for drinks, paying no heed to their level of familiarity.

Yan Suizhi continued to maintain a cordial smile, nodding to appease the drunk. “Sure, if there comes the opportunity.” 

Right after saying so, he found that Gu Yan had walked two steps towards him.

“He’s wasted,” Yan Suizhi shrugged at him, saying in a low voice.

As soon as he said this, he heard that tipsy young master spout more nonsense. “Your skin is very fair.”

Yan Suizhi, “…” 

Gu Yan, “…”

The esteemed Professor Yan had never heard such a crude and forward compliment in many a year. He glanced at George Manson, yet saw that that young master was fixated on his hands.

Yan Suizhi moved his fingers, slightly amused and vexed as he replied, “Thank you… hm? What did you come back for?”

While he was dealing with the drunk, at some point in time, Gu Yan had walked back over. 

Maybe he wanted to see what other drunken ramblings that Young Master Manson could come up with.

However, the young master failed to continue his performance. Because he had stared too long at Yan Suizhi’s hands, his centre of gravity shifted and he wobbled forwards, almost falling from the windowsill. In the mess of motion, the liquor in the glass sloshed out, and he didn’t have the spare breath to talk any more nonsense.

“We should go, leave the drunk man be,” Yan Suizhi urged.

Only then did the two of them continue to stride out of the villa compound. 

On the way back, Joe sent several voice messages to Gu Yan, harping on the things that he had pulled strings for, whereas Gu Yan’s face remained completely paralysed throughout it all.

Professor Yan wasn’t interested at first, but this piqued his rare bouts of curiosity. He cheerily asked, “What did you get him to help you with? You look like you’re holding a mourning vigil.”

When this guy came up with nonsense to tease another, the phrases he used were always very exaggerated. Gu Yan selectively ignored half of it. “Nothing much.”

“Excuses.” Yan Suizhi arched an eyebrow. “It’s very easy for people to doubt your motive with the way you’re covering it up.” 

“‘You might have a keen nose, but you cannot presumptuously pin someone to the suspect’s seat.’ Returning your words to you as it is.” Gu Yan said.

Hopefully, a certain dean could be a little more conscientious in setting a good example.

Regrettably, the dean couldn’t. “Oh? I actually said this?”

Gu Yan, “…” 

It was already night on Yaba Island when they boarded the space shuttle back to De Carma.

The biggest selling point of the nightscape on the island was the lamp pine forest. Hence, in order to better flaunt the glowing embers of the lampflies, lighting outside the buildings was limited. Even in the villa compound, there wasn’t a single bright streetlight, only warm yellow ground lights installed at every turn of the garden paths.

The ground lights shone over a limited radius. Only the outlines of the paths could be made out.

George Manson continued to sit in his tipsiness in the night for a while, then staggering into the room with a bottle of wine and a glass, leaving the night breeze quietly flitting through the open sliding window. 

In the hall of the main villa, the group of fun-loving young masters were throwing a dance party to celebrate Jason Charles’ smooth recovery, their release of suspicion, and the false alarm.

“Where’s Manson?” Someone asked amidst the sounds of clinking glass.

Joe shook his head. “I went to call him earlier, but he can’t even get his words out clearly anymore. He only said he won’t join; he wants to take a bath and find a way to get some sleep in a while.”

He pointed towards the hallway as he spoke, “I got him to leave the door open. If he stumbles, he can just call for help.” 

The others looked over and saw that George Manson’s room door was half-open. But the interior was pitch-dark; the lights of the outer suite weren’t on. He was probably having a bath further inside the suite. A bodyguard and a service staff were standing each on one side outside the door, so they could respond in time if anything happened to that drunk young master.

With Glenn around, the group of them partied hard. Afterwards, even Zhao Zemu and the instructor, Chen Zhang, who hadn’t fully recovered and should be resting, came to the hall and found a spot on a sofa. Joe made sure that they were served fresh juice, not allowing them to touch alcohol.

On the other side, Laura found a stand to dock a dynamic camera, immortalising the full spectacle of their wild partying. However, the lens ended up catching Ke Jin, who was sitting on the fringe of this group of former coursemates, his dark eyes quietly watching them as he took two sips of juice. He appeared well.

They were similarly raucous, but there was a subtle difference between the atmosphere in their section and that of the group of young masters; it was a little more peaceful on this side, and the young masters ran slightly wilder. 

Joe, who should have been mingling with that group of young masters, sat his long legs down next to Ke Jin. He said something or other to Elena and the others, and everyone burst into laughter. Only Ke Jin continued to sit quietly, but his gaze gradually turned to rest on Joe.

“Ke Jin looks in better shape again.” Laura had tagged on this voice message to the video.

Gu Yan was too lazy to watch the wild partying and quickly pulled the video to the end. After finishing it, he simply slid the smartphone off his little finger. “Hand.”

“What?” Yan Suizhi froze for a beat, but he still unconsciously spread open his hand to him 

When the ring fell into his palm, it still carried the warmth from Gu Yan’s finger.

“What’s this? Are you offering your smart device to me?” Yan Suizhi joked.

“Video.” Gu Yan supplemented, then reached out to project that clip again, saying blandly, “I think you might want to watch it.”

However, what the distinguished Lawyer Gu didn’t consider was how succinctly he had spoken, such that Yan Suizhi didn’t know which part of the video he should focus on. 

In any case, there wasn’t much for him to do on the space shuttle. Yan Suizhi simply watched the full hour and five minutes of video recording, and even watched it very carefully. Only at the end when Ke Jin finally appeared did he vaguely understand what Gu Yan meant, and at once felt like laughing.

“I’ve finished watching it. You—” Midway his words, he turned and realised that Gu Yan had already fallen asleep.

A message from Fizz just happened to pop up on the screen of his smart device:

-You’ve gone through the case file I sent you last night, right? I helped you contact the court, but they can only push it to tomorrow noon at the latest, which also means you’ll have to head over as soon as you touch down. I’ll pick the two of you up at the port tomorrow. 

This was the hearing that Gu Yan should have been in attendance for the previous day, but was delayed by two days due to the incident at Yaba Island. He had to go over to settle the case.

Once Yan Suizhi saw this message, he knew that Gu Yan must have once again been buried in the case file through the night and hadn’t slept much. Now that he finally had some buffer time on the shuttle, Yan Suizhi naturally wouldn’t wake him.

He fiddled with the ring-shaped smart device in his hand and attempted to gently put it back on Gu Yan’s little finger without disturbing him.

After three failed attempts, Yan Suizhi gave up and kept it with him for now. 

During the whole journey, Gu Yan’s smart device vibrated a few more times. But once returning to standby mode, the message content wouldn’t pop out by itself again. Yan Suizhi further wouldn’t impolitely rifle through messages not meant for him, so he left them be.

In truth, a 10-hour shuttle journey was rather tiring. When touching down, people would always be a little lethargic and lazy to speak.

The two of them went through customs together, and immediately spotted Ms Fizz waving at them from the most conspicuous spot of the arrival hall.

“Gu, Ruan.” Ms Fizz spoke rapid-fire in her usual bouncing bean manner. “All the interns have to attend a meeting. Ruan, you can just follow my car back. Gu, I’ve arranged a car for you, the legal assistant is waiting for you in the car with the rest of your stuff; you can head straight to the courtroom.” 

“Okay.” Gu Yan nodded.

Ms Fizz always got things done in a dynamic whirlwind of action; right after this encounter with Gu Yan, she was all ready to haul Yan Suizhi off towards the car park. But as soon as she turned around, she saw Gu Yan catch Yan Suizhi’s wrist. “Wait a moment.”

Ms Fizz had only ever seen Lawyer Gu coldly tell people to wait. Never had she seen him make a move like this.

“What’s wrong?” Fizz asked. 

And then, she saw Gu Yan spread his palm towards Yan Suizhi. “My smart device.”

Fizz’s morning mood disappeared in a flash. Her vigour came roaring right back.

Immediately after, she then saw the young intern nonchalantly say with a smile, “I almost forgot.” And with this, he removed a smart device from his own little finger and placed it on Gu Yan’s hand.

Fizz, “Um…” 

She wondered if she had gotten out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. Why else would Gu Yan’s smart device end up on an intern’s finger?

Was there anything more personal than a smart device??

“You received a few new messages, by the way, remember to check them,” Yan Suizhi reminded.

Gu Yan hummed and put his ring back on. 

“It might have been me, I sent you a couple to let you know that I’ve already arrived at the port,” Fizz briefly mentioned.

“Okay. I’ll head off first.” Gu Yan raised a hand and turned to stride in the direction of the car that Fizz had arranged, quickly disappearing out of the exit.

Yan Suizhi watched him walk off, and when he turned around, he saw Ms Fizz winking madly at him, practically about to explode from the thirst for gossip bursting out of her expression.

However, Yan Suizhi wasn’t a person with any type of upstanding moral character. He smiled faintly, very politely and elegantly asking Fizz, “What’s the matter? You don’t look very well, do you need to use the washroom? I’ll wait here for you.” 


Fizz silently puked blood.

The hearing that Gu Yan attended lasted a long time, spanning past lunch and after a brief recess, continued for another three hours.

Those messages sat quietly in Gu Yan’s smart device for several hours more. So, it wasn’t until he returned to the law firm that evening that Gu Yan, from the messages and information from other sources, learned that something had happened on Yaba Island on the night they left.