They had unconsciously combed through the collection of photos that Bens had proactively provided them, but forgot that there was actually another collection that had been saved in his smart device long ago.

As it happened, it was what Bens and Hersey had been photographing in the last couple of years. 

Supposing that Marcus Budd’s appearances with his herdingbird were more than just coincidence, that it was another identity for the Sweeper, then he must have had a purpose for coming to De Carma. Perhaps they would find his figure on news scenes that Bens and Hersey had covered.

Who was to say that Marcus Budd wasn’t still wearing this face?

This eased their search significantly.

Yan Suizhi rummaged through the photos that were backed up on his smart device, setting Marcus Budd’s face as its search source to run a precision search. 

The search screen loaded for a few seconds. Lamentably, it returned a blank page to them.

No relevant results came up.

The budding hope Joe had was thoroughly crushed.

“What about the herdingbird?” Joe asked instead. “Have you searched for that?”

Defining herdingbirds as the search source, Yan Suizhi screened the collection again, but in the end…

It was still blank.

They seemed to have exhausted their good luck tonight.

After that, whether it was the friend checking the port entry/exit data or their own efforts, neither avenue churned up information for them to work with. 

Pa jqqfjgfv atja atfs tjv tla jcbatfg ybaaifcfmx.

Snfc atf kfjatfg kjr ecerejiis mbbqfgjalnf. Ktja cluta, atf rxs mtjcufv, jcv la rcbkfv klatbea kjgclcu ys wbgclcu.

Qtfc fnfgsbcf gbrf, la kjr njra jcv ybecvifrr bearlvf. Ktf rcbkojii kjr jr tfjns jr rwbu, yea lc Qlcf Jlas’r qbiieafv fcnlgbcwfca, atlr rtgbev bo rcbk jqqfjgfv j veras sfiibk mbibg. Nlrlylilas kjr jysrwji.

Young Master Joe, who had gotten up for his morning jog, wanted to open the window to ventilate the room at first, but the moment he pressed the remote, wind whipped him from all directions, blowing him silly. 

He wrapped two layers of woollen blankets around Ke Jin and one around himself, then slept stiffly like a corpse next to the dining table, shivering.

It was only later that Ms Laura came downstairs wrapped in a large shawl, greeting Yan Suizhi from afar. “Morning.”

Seeing Laura come face to face with Yan Suizhi, Frozen Silly • High Paraplegic • Young Master Joe instantly came to life, resembling a mummy that had been revived.

Yan Suizhi tended to have low blood sugar and morning moodiness when waking. His reaction was more sluggish than usual, such that he didn’t even hear that Laura was greeting him. 

With his shirt cuffs rolled up, he stood next to the hotel’s breakfast cart, selecting his breakfast.

This person was a picky eater. Even if his face looked bloodless, he still stubbornly scanned all the breakfast options.

Laura saw that he didn’t respond at all and walked over, puzzled. She jumped in shock upon getting a good look at him. “Oh heavens, why does your face look so pale? Low blood sugar? Don’t be choosy, just have a couple of bites first.”

Yan Suizhi hummed dismissively, yet his actions showed no intention of compromising. 

“Hey…” Laura sighed, her big sister temper making a resurgence. “Where’s Gu? Aren’t you going to mind him? If you aren’t, I’m going to shove him food!”

Mummified Joe stood up, hastily saying, “Don’t! Miss Laura. I advise you not to. Just let him pick.”

During this conversation, Gu Yan had come down. He brought over a bowl of sweet mulberry that he’d just washed, and, without further ado, fed Yan Suizhi one. “Didn’t you say that you wanted to sleep in a bit more? Why are you up now?”

Yan Suizhi shot a look at the sweet mulberry, but tolerantly chewed and swallowed it.  

With something in his stomach, his pale face gradually regained some colour.

He took a few more sips of warm water, then recalled Laura’s heart shattering out of concern for him, turning his head to say to the young lady, “Thanks. Don’t mind me, go ahead and choose your breakfast.”

Seeing that the colour had returned to his face, Laura then exhaled in relief. She told Gu Yan, “This little buddy of yours is really scary.”

Little buddy… 

Gu Yan, “…”

Yan Suizhi had a toothache.

Joe covered his face with the quilt, revealing only his eyes.

However, on this bright and new day, Laura the Brave Warrior still had yet to perceive anything amiss. After teasing them, she took a serving of a pastry and a cup of red tea, walking to the dining table, completely missing Gu Yan’s and Yan Suizhi’s expressions behind her. She only caught Joe’s. 

However, the image Young Master Joe had in this missus’ mind had always been that of a stupid dolt, so she was inured to it.

“By the way, little intern—” Laura halted midway. “Nevermind, it’s quite awkward to call you intern all the time; it makes it sound like everyone’s your teacher. Since you’ve been abducted by Gu, you’re one of us now. Just call me sis; I like it when people address me more intimately, it makes us seem closer.”


Joe pulled the quilt further up, hiding his eyes as well now. 

Laura said, “So what should I call you?”

Ms Laura was actually very considerate. Before settling on a term of address, she checked if the other had any preferences. After all, some people had quirks when it came to names. For example, lil’ Young Master Joe, who was currently lying stiff like a corpse, hated others calling him Mr Yves.

“What do you like to go by?” Laura asked.

The esteemed Professor Yan ate another sweet mulberry, then unhurriedly wiped his hands clean, sipped some warm water, and said to Laura, “Anything is fine. Yan Suizhi will also do.” 

Laura, “Oh.”

Two seconds later, Laura looked completely petrified. Her head whipped back suddenly. “What did you say I can call you?????”

For a split second, Joe suspected that the sharpness at which she turned her head might cause it to drop off right there and then.

Uh-huh, lil’ Young Master Joe thought, I guess it’s too late to be booking a spot in the cemetery.