Dawn swiftly turned to dusk in Wine City. When the sun set, it happened to be 9 a.m. sharp over at De Carma.

The Alliance Medical Board, as well as big and small media platforms alike, simultaneously released the news that Westshore Pharmaceutical, in collaboration with Manson Group, had established treatment centres for the infection across major stellar systems. Henceforth, medication for prevention and treatment was available for the public to purchase. of2RC1

That aside, reports also mentioned that all treatment centres were using old, abandoned buildings and barren lands that were virtually transformed overnight.

While they were converted from old buildings, the facilities inside were comprehensive, its healthcare environment not losing out to any other, with a secure quarantine station and drug research institute to keep abreast of infection’s developments.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Given the present severity of the contagion, this news did soothe the general populace. It wasn’t even a stretch to call it uplifting to the spirit.

For a time, procedural interfaces at quarantine stations in various hospitals saw massive congestion. There were too many who needed to be discharged or transferred, and amidst this, the worst affected was probably Spring Ivy Hospital. cK9MQB

Both Old Fox, Devore Yves himself, and Eunice, who occupied a prominent position in Spring Ivy Group, were flooded by all types of calls and emergency conferences. Even Young Master Joe, despite being widely known not to touch the family business, was fed up with the harassment.

Although he was very vocal about staying out of anything that involved the family business, his lack of concern towards Spring Ivy Group’s development, and his even more lacking relation to Old Fox—when push came to shove, his heart still fluttered anxiously.

“Even over here on Wine City…” Joe stood in front of the windows with his hands on his hips, worry written all over his face as he spoke to Eunice over comms. “You don’t have a clue how terrifying it was to see that the people at Wine City’s Old Kettle District had learnt how to queue up. The land that the Manson brothers bought was far more than what our intel unearthed, at least three or four times more. They didn’t even leave Wine City out. I marked them out on an electronic map just now to consolidate the information; the treatment centres can be matched exactly to the places we circled before. There are essentially none that were left out.”

“Right?” Eunice huffed. “De Carma, Redstone, Helan, Tian Qin… there are so many planets in the alliance; where wouldn’t they be? Their numbers are about to catch up with Spring Ivy. From morning until now, I haven’t taken off my earpiece at all, and even if I take it off, I still hear droning in my ears. I’m about to develop a trauma of communication calls.”


“Do you need me to help out a bit?” Joe waffled but still asked, “What did Old Fox say? If you don’t have enough hands, I can chip in as well.”

Though this young master’s life motto was to eat, drink, and enjoy life without any lofty ambitions or goals, he’d still accumulated some know-hows after having roamed independently over the years, and could also be of help at critical moments.

“That’s not necessary; don’t stick your nose into it,” Eunice refused without a second thought.

“Don’t you even need to think? At least consider it for a couple of seconds before answering.” Joe was annoyed but amused. “I suggest that you’d better ask Old Fox first, just don’t let me hear it.” JEfgNt

“Ask what? There’s no need to ask,” said Eunice. “He’s the least worried of us all.”

“Least worried?” Joe whipped his head towards the wide holographic screen in the living room.

Ever since the press of Westshore and Manson Group’s collaboration was released, Gu Yan and the rest had set the holographic screen to the featured news section, constantly fed with latest updates on the situation at the infection treatment centres.

Some reporters went directly to nearby treatment centres to livestream on-site, whereas a portion of them hounded bigshots in the medical field for interviews—naturally, there was no way they could omit Devore Yves. ZAN2Ob

After all, he was the one with the largest market share in the healthcare industry.

When Young Master Joe looked over, the screen happened to be broadcasting a special report on Old Fox.

The broadcast was at a hotel under their family name.

In the lens, Devore Yves was dressed in simple yet smart leisurewear, even carrying a golf bag with him. Tr0oAK

When blocked by reporters, his expression and tone remained gentlemanly and seemly, even directing a brief smile at them. He stated that he had been a little indisposed lately and was now enjoying a rare vacation at Springfield Villa Hotel, whilst calibrating his physical well-being. He was pleased with the news about the collaboration between Westshore Pharmaceutical and Manson Group, and was proud that there were such excellent industry peers constantly pushing frontiers with cutting-edge research. He hoped that the patients affected by the infection would soon be alleviated from discomfort and be restored to health.

How should one put it? Sure, his performance flawlessly conformed with his usual image from start to finish, even exhibiting an aura of seniority.

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But the good ol’ media read a lot of information from between the lines. Say, when he said “I’m very happy”, his smile only stopped at the corners of his mouth, but behind the clear visioncare glasses, his grey-blue eyes were devoid of delight.

Also, say, that his normally immaculately groomed hair now had two stray strands falling loose, and there were faint shadows under his eyes. This suggested that he had lost sleep and wasn’t as put together as usual when he stepped out this morning—perhaps that he wasn’t in the mood? At least, his fatigue was palpable. 06VRht

Furthermore, being indisposed… now, of all times? What were the odds?

Let alone the press, even his own son felt that Old Fox was forcing a smile.

Joe expanded the audio range, so that Eunice could clearly hear this interview, then asked, “Are you sure that Old Fox isn’t worried?”

Eunice harrumphed, saying impatiently, “Let me ask you. Have you ever seen dad stepping out to exercise all bright and early in the morning?” JZPFek


“There you have it,” said Eunice. “He specially delivered himself to that horde of reporters for them to interview him. Did you seriously think that he was barricaded on the way out?”

“Then his hair—”

“I watched with my own eyes him rake two locks down before he stepped out of the house.” v2B6HX

Joe, “…The dark eye circles?”

“Qtfc P tjv ygfjxojra ojmf-ab-ojmf klat tlw, tf vlvc’a tjnf atbrf atlcur.”

Abf, “Qtja jybea atf yibbvrtba fsfr?”

Ktbeut atf gfvcfrr kjrc’a wemt, la kjr frqfmljiis qgbcbecmfv jujlcra atf ugfs-yief bo tlr fsfr. Yo atf ojaluef atja kjr fzqbrfv, akb-atlgvr bo la mjwf ogbw tfgf. Pea2Ym

“Qtb xcbkr. Ugbyjyis geyyfv la lc.”

“…” Young Master Joe was silent for two seconds, but was ultimately unable to restrain himself. “You know what? I seriously want to roll my eyes right now.”

Eunice’s laughter was completely flat. “Go ahead for all I care. I’ve been rolling mine for the whole morning.”

“So Old Fox is not worried at all right now, and all that was deliberately put on for the press to see?” pOg7Fj

Eunice considered it and said, “That’s my understanding at least. But you must know—presenting this to the press means that he’s presenting it to the world.”

Which naturally included who this ruse was really put up for.

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“So what’s the situation now?” Joe asked. “Are you dealing with all the trouble that comes along with it? Or appeasing the executive board?”

With Eunice laying it bare for him, his little bit of worry disappeared without a trace, but he still had to ask. PqNlW2

“I was slaving away dealing with some of it just now,” Eunice said, irate, “but I’m free now.”

“What? You’re done already?” Joe was astonished. “I thought that bunch of old grandpas would form a line outside your office to foam at the mouth and chew you out.”

“How can that be done?” Eunice said. “But all of that stuff has been moved to Old Fo… dad himself. I’ve been ejected.”

Joe dug his ears. “You’ve been what?” bSQv7w

“Ejected from power,” Eunice said. “Still don’t get it? I’m a figurehead now. The affairs under my management have all been moved to dad.”

“What’s he up to?” All of a sudden, Joe felt a little jumpy.

“No idea,” Eunice sounded bored stiff. “I can’t leave my office now, so I’m just nestled in my sofa bed watching family videos saved in my childhood album and contemplating life.”

Joe, “…” d9xBzy

On De Carma, in a villa hotel at Fa Wang District, Eunice had donned an elegant bespoke suit on her upper body in accordance with the hectic video conferences she attended earlier—but wore fluffy bedroom slippers on her feet.

After being ‘ejected from power’, she simply did away with the slippers as well, sitting cross-legged on the sofa bed.

This might be the slouchiest, yet also the most relaxed, she had been in years.

She put on her earpiece, snuggling a bolster. Suspended in front of the sofa bed, the holographic screen was automatically playing family video after family video. DqGUZN

Right now, a clip she took at age six was currently playing. The lens was very shaky at first.

Devore Yves’ voice rang out like background noise. “In the future, you can do this to record memories that you’d like to remember.”

The clip was taken nearly fifty years ago, of Devore Yves teaching her how to record a video diary.

Eunice softly went “ah”. f9dVW6

Over on the other end, her silly younger brother, thinking that something had happened, asked anxiously, “What happened?”

“Oh, nothing,” Eunice said. “I only just remembered that dad was the one who’d nurtured my habit of recording a video diary… I would have forgotten it if it weren’t for this video.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Thanks to this habit, she still had an opportunity to refresh her memory on some trivial affairs that she’d unknowingly forgotten.

“Huh. I’ve never heard you tell me that before. When was that video taken?” Joe went along with the flow of the conversation. Fb nzd

“Just a random one I took out, to be nostalgic about a dad who still doted on me,” Eunice said. “Back in the day, he and I would compete to see who could memorise a book faster and better. He’d hold my hand and correct my writing grip, and even flaunt his ability to write with his left hand whilst drawing with his right hand… who would have thought that there would come a day that he seized power from me.”

Joe, “…Ms Eunice, stop playing the pity card.”

Eunice cackled.

In the holographic screen, Eunice at six years old didn’t have long hair; it was bunched up as a spiky little tuft at the top of her head. 6BfgyD

“Like this? Then I want to video myself drawing.” It was a tad embarrassing to hear her puerile voice now.

This lady had the same ‘check this idiot out’ mentality even when watching her past self.

In the video, Eunice was hunched terribly over the office desk. Devore Yves, who suddenly stepped into the frame, light-heartedly criticised her over it.

He pinched the tiny tuft tied to the top of Eunice’s head, tugging it upwards. “Lift your head. You’ll have to change your eyeballs in the future if you keep sitting like this.” Da16p

“I’m not scared,” Eunice huffed.

Devore Yves snorted, though it was hard to tell if it was out of amusement or something else.

After being criticised a few times, Eunice got a bit impatient, throwing her pen and flopping down over the table, refusing to draw anymore.

Devore Yves calmly admired her sulky manner for a moment. “Get up, let’s have a match.” 8cRFjN

Eunice perked up at the sound of that. “What are we competing in?”

“Ambidexterity,” said Devore Yves, holding a pen in each hand.

A blizzard was hailing over Wine City, but this didn’t impede the infected from flocking to the newly established treatment centres. I8fS Z

The buzz was comparable to Spring Ivy Hospital at its zenith.

The nearest one was situated at the intersection between Two Moon Street and the slums.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yan Suizhi initially planned to go to the nearest Spring Ivy Hospital to check some information concerning Mr Marcus Budd, the man who’d appeared with his herdingbird. They’d come up with a new search method.

But the crowd when they passed by a treatment centre still caught their eye. no9Rft

“Shall we go in to take a look?” Yan Suizhi inclined his head towards the main entrance.

Ever since discovering Yan Suizhi’s identity, Laura had been as meek as a lamb, behaving so meekly that even her reactions came a few beats slow. Her usual spunk and joviality was reined in, making her seem tamer than ever before.

She was bundled up warmly, nodding her head and tapping her umbrella along, saying in a muffled voice, “Yes, yes, let’s take a look.”

Anyway, as of yet, she hadn’t said no the entire day. JcjCBd

Done soliciting her opinion, Yan Suizhi looked back at Gu Yan.

With a mask over his lower face and a pair of protective eyewear to block out the wind and snow, his attractive eyes were varnished with a sheen of light.

This unwittingly drew people’s attention to his eyes.

People such as Gu Yan. tdd0hr

The distinguished Lawyer Gu’s gaze landed on the side of his eye. It wasn’t clear what he was looking at, but he didn’t immediately respond.

“What are you going into a daze for?” Yan Suizhi snapped his fingers in front of Gu Yan. “I hardly ever run a democratic vote, and yet you’re still being uncooperative?”

“Wait.” Gu Yan angled the umbrella to the side, suddenly reaching his thumb out to wipe the tail of his eye.

“Why?” Yan Suizhi half-seriously but not-at-all-jokingly said, “Ah, but if it’s that some dirt got on my face, then, for my sake, don’t say it.” fDuQEq

Gu Yan rubbed it again, then looked at his fingers and said, “Not that. Your mole has appeared again.”

“Really?” Yan Suizhi reached up to touch it as well, though it wasn’t as if he would have been able to feel it at all. “Is it obvious? Why haven’t I noticed it?”

“It’s very faint,” Gu Yan said, “but it wasn’t there last night.”

“Are you sure?” UtZAvg

Gu Yan was absolutely certain. “If it was there last night, it would have been impossible for me to miss it.”

Fair enough…

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Yan Suizhi recalled all of the intimate actions he and Gu Yan got up to last night, and he politely coughed behind a hand. “Maybe time’s almost up. But didn’t Dr Lin say that there are essentially no changes in the late-stage, only flaring abruptly at the very end?”

“Which is why it’s a little odd,” Gu Yan said. “We should ask Dr Lin about it.” ASbkom

At this time, Gu Yan’s smart device started to buzz.

“Who is it?” Yan Suizhi asked.

Gu Yan projected the hologram, checking it. “It’s Joe.”

“Joe?” Yan Suizhi gave a start. “Did something happen at the hotel? Or is he rushing us?” Px2Yq5

Gu Yan accepted the call.

Joe’s voice rang out from the other end. “Gu? Send me a copy of the signatures of the anonymous donor from before!”

He sounded extremely tense, but it was hard to tell if it was from nervousness or suppressed excitement.

“Will do. Why?” Gu Yan asked. qm07eG

“My sis!” Joe said, “She was watching family videos when I was on the comms with her just now. The holographic screen was shared with me and I saw something! I suspect…”

Joe paused. “Forget it. Let me double-check first before I say anything!”

He hung up right after.

Gu Yan exchanged a look with Yan Suizhi, sending the files over. uiM7pP

“Has he got a lead?” Yan Suizhi instantly caught on.

Gu Yan, “We’ll have to wait for him to confirm it. Let’s go, we can talk inside.”

While speaking, he and Yan Suizhi walked one after the other towards the treatment centre, then turned their heads back to check on Laura.

Thank god they looked back. ymudEh

Because Ms Laura, for some reason, suddenly fell into a trance. She lifted her foot and missed a step, breaking her high heel with a loud crack.

“Watch out—” Gu Yan, walking ahead of her, was still taking off his earpiece with one hand, but his other hand managed to catch her in time.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“What happened?” Hearing the disturbance, Yan Suizhi turned his head over and hurried over as well.

The way Laura clutched Gu Yan’s arm to keep her balance was as if she had stepped onto uneven parallel bars. dPWM1Q

The shock startled her back into reality. She looked at Gu Yan, then at Yan Suizhi, gaping.

“Don’t be a fish. What do you want to say?” Yan Suizhi held her other arm.

“No… I only just noticed…” Laura looked like she had been smited by lightning. “The two of you are together????”

Lawyer Gu stared at her mutely for a while, unable to resist saying, “Miss, it’s been a day.” s4 SHm

Yan Suizhi sighed, praising her with a wry smile, “You sure are quick on the uptake, young lady.”