After entering the genetics building, Gu Yan projected the hologram of his smart device.

-Eyes on him? 

Right before those three words were sent out, Joe’s message popped up.

[I’ve already made the arrangements; there’s someone watching him on the lab side. A few security cameras are still being adjusted. I’ll sync them to you later.]

In fact, they’d been in close contact with Joe all this time, finding suitable people to keep an eye on Jack White. It was difficult to do anything with a lurking danger in their midst.

This was especially in view that Jack White had ties with the landlord and Lin Yuan. If anything really happened to him, it would surely be a huge blow to both of them. 

[Joe: Would you look at that! The surveillance feeds just came in and I caught him coming out of his lounge. Lin Yuan was there, too!]

Gu Yan received a live feed of multiple surveillance angles on his smart device,  including the corridor where the laboratories were located. Lin Yuan had just parted ways with them and returned upstairs when he ran into Jack White.

After watching it for a while, he swiped back to the chat interface, deleting the unsent three words, typing out a new message: [Who’s the man you have on him in the lab? Don’t alert Jack White.]

[Joe: A guy called Shawn. He’s a researcher originally under Lin Yuan, and would often work shifts to watch the lab with others. It’s his responsibility to keep an eye on the numbers and the reactions, so it won’t surprise Jack to see him there.]

[Joe: If Jack really does mess around with their research data or experiments, he’ll keep the evidence and inform you guys immediately.]

“How is it?” The corners of Yan Suizhi’s lips carried mirth as he glanced at his screen.

To others in the lobby, it looked like the most mundane and idle chatter.

Gu Yan opened his access to the chat, and every message in this conversation was visible to him. 

“Inform us?” Yan Suizhi softly said, “Remind him that he can just keep you informed. My smart device is still being targeted by little mice.”

Gu Yan passed on the advice, and Joe swiftly replied: [Yeah I remember. No problem.]

Nodding, Yan Suizhi looked away, offering Joe a sentence of praise, “The young master is actually rather reliable at critical moments.”

He went up to press the elevator button. Behind them, several young women came over, chatting among themselves. 

Just as Gu Yan was sending Joe a message, one of them accidentally knocked into his elbow.

“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry,” she profusely apologised, then gave a start. “Ah, it’s you two?”

Yan Suizhi’s head turned at this, and a pair of eyes crinkled gently back at him.

It was actually Amy Borro—the nurse who they had been tailing yesterday. 

Today’s Amy Borro had returned to her usual image. Her hair was fluffed up, her fringe covered her forehead, and her mask was pulled down to her chin. She wasn’t wearing make-up, or maybe it was light make-up. Her visage was soft yet plain, and it was like the person at the highway rest stop wasn’t her but someone else.

Truly a bonafide superstar actress.

Fortunately, Gu Yan had never been very vocal or emotive. He simply paused for a beat in faint surprise.

The surprise was of little consequence, just as though he couldn’t quite recognise who this young lady that greeted him was. 

The elevator doors opened with a ding.

Chattering, the young nurses streamed into the elevator. The one at the end tugged Amy Borro, calling, “Amy! What are still you standing there for? Come in, we’re going to be late!”

“Cws?” Tjc Velhtl rffwfv ab pera gfulrafg atf cjwf, jcv tf kfca “bt”, rwlilcu lc ecvfgrajcvlcu. “Tbe’gf atf sbecu ijvs ktb’r jikjsr vglnfc ab tba afjgr ys Lbgjmf Off?”

Ktf reqfgrajg jmagfrr kjr kbgats bo tfg jmmbijvf. Cws Dbggb jmaejiis ibbxfv rilutais fwyjggjrrfv. 

Tjc Velhtl kjr lwqgfrrfv, ageis.

Ktf fifnjabg gbrf rbecvifrris.

Amy Borro asked, “Are you going to visit Mr Lee again?”

Gu Yan nodded, saying indifferently, “Checking on what his condition is like today.” 

Amy Borro, “I heard that his fever went down in the morning, and his vomiting and rashes are getting a little better—”

At this, she turned her head to her colleagues, seeking confirmation, “That’s what Dr Xiao said, right?”

The other two nurses stationed on the same floor concurred, nodding, “Yeah, his health has taken a turn for the better. The head nurse even instructed us to keep an eye on the monitoring after we take over. If he doesn’t get another fever for the whole of today, then it’ll still be manageable.”

Gu Yan, “That’s for the best. It’ll save us a lot of trouble. Otherwise…” 

Amy Borro curiously asked, “Otherwise?”

“It’s nothing much,” Gu Yan said. “If his symptoms return and don’t alleviate, I’m inclined to recommend my client to be referred to an infection treatment centre.”

To Yan Suizhi, who was in the know, all of this sounded like bull. But it might not to Amy Borro.

After hearing this, her shoulders dipped slightly, and the corners of her mouth twitched minutely. 

These minuscule reactions were taken in by Yan Suizhi, which indicated that she was very relaxed…

Or rather, Gu Yan’s words put her at ease.

Gaze lowered, Gu Yan was still sending messages to someone on his smart device. The screen had been changed to private mode, and no one could see what was on the screen.

To the oblivious, he looked calm, like he was dealing with his morning mail. Occasionally, he would take his attention from his work, looking up and chatting with Amy Borro in clipped sentences. 

Cold, gentlemanly, and polite; as he always was.

In actuality, the messages that came and went into and from his smart device were as follows.

[Joe: I’ve also put eyes on that nurse. I’ve also forwarded the locations you guys have marked out to my sis. Ms Eunice is the best at this. You know, I never really succeeded in running away from home back in the day, all thanks to Ms Eunice. She truly made me feel the essence of what it meant to be everywhere.]

[Gu Yan: Is the person testing what goes to Horace Lee still Jack White?] 

[Joe: No, switched it. As it happens, I was worried how to put it to make it seem less abrupt when Jack approached me. He said that he had a problem with the data from his research project and needed to work overtime, so he couldn’t do the tests. So, I went along with it and made the switch.]

[Gu Yan: When did that happen?]

[Joe: Just now. Say, do you think he’s Mansons’ man? If he isn’t, there are too many coincidences. If he is, then why would he push away doing the tests? He could just do all of them and give me fake results. Or has he sensed our suspicions and is deliberately cutting off any links?]

[Gu Yan: Or we might have to be ready for what can’t be detected.] 

[Joe: Are you saying that… they’ve already cleaned up the traces, which is why they’re comfortable with having outsiders test them? How can we catch evidence, then?]

[Gu Yan: Follow Amy Borro closely today.]

[Joe: Why makes you say that? Will she make any movements today?]

[Gu Yan: A nurse said just earlier that Horace Lee’s symptoms were getting better. If he doesn’t have a fever all day, that means that it’s under control and he doesn’t need to be transferred.] 

[Joe: Oh! I get it! To make sure Horace Lee gets transferred, Miss Amy Borro will definitely make sure that he has another situation today.]

The elevator stopped at the floor of the special wards. The door opened.

“We’re getting off here.” The three nurses parted from their other colleagues inside.

Amy Borro then waved at Gu Yan and Yan Suizhi, saying, “We’re going to the changing room to get ready for work. Remember to wear your masks when entering the special ward.] 

“Okay, thank you.” The two men nodded and walked towards the wards.

“What did the little young master say?” Yan Suizhi asked.

Gu Yan simply showed him the chat history.

Yan Suizhi scanned it, then cast Gu Yan a profound look. 

“What?” Gu Yan asked.

“Nothing.” Yan Suizhi’s eyes curved into crescents.

It was just the thought of Amy Borro standing next to Gu Yan just now, laughing merrily and making small talk with him—whilst with an utterly composed face, he discussed with Joe how to catch her in the act.

A scene so thrilling, yet Lawyer Gu was still utterly calm and collected. 

It was really very…

The elegant Professor Yan thought about it, and he clicked his tongue. “I truly am a scoundrel.”

Gu Yan, “…”

Gu Yan, “???” 

While Amy Borro changed into her nurse uniform, her smart device suddenly vibrated.

She tightened her belt, unhurriedly straightening her nurse’s cap before tapping open a hologram to check it.

The message was short. 

[How is it in the hospital today? Anyone suspicious? Can you get it done today? Hurry up, the trial is going to start soon.]

Amy Borro considered the chat in the lift, replying: [Normal, no, don’t worry.]

The day had only just begun. There was ample time for her to find the perfect moment to strike.

As long as Horace Lee’s medication was administered by her, as long as there were no other colleagues beside her, as long as those two lawyers weren’t around and the officers guarding the door weren’t paying attention… 

There were just too many opportunities like that! Amy Borro thought to herself; all she had to do was to grab any one of them.

8:45 a.m.—the nurses who had changed shifts began their first rounds.

In the past, the rounds had been one person to a room, doing a basic physical examination and checking the nutrition machine for any abnormalities. Then, hand out the right amount of medicine and watch the patient take it. 

Amy Borro had planned all night and made herself the logical choice to be assigned to Horace Lee’s ward. But when she entered, before her was Dr. Xiao, the attending doctor, and behind her was the uneasy head nurse. In the ward, Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan were asking questions, and outside the ward, the officers were watching like hawks.


Miss Amy Borro seriously wanted to curse someone out.

At 10 a.m. sharp, the nurses began their second rounds. 

Amy Borro received the iron tray from the nurse distributing the medications and stepped into Horace Lee’s ward. Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan paused in their questions to nod and smile at her, and outside the ward, the officers looked in intently again.

Whereas Horace Lee, that son-of-a-bitch with a deathly sick countenance, was snaking away again, refusing to let her get close enough to stick the needle in.

Yan Suizhi politely asked her again, “Miss, do you need help?”

And with that, he gently and unceremoniously took the injection away from her and read the dosage instructions. As the saying went, ill at ease the first time and at home the second, he jabbed the needle into Horace Lee’s arm. 


The smile on Miss Amy Borro’s face was close to crumbling.

2 p.m.—the nurses began the lunchtime rounds. 

At this hour, the rounds weren’t about administering the medication and recording data, but about keeping an eye on patients to see if they were following instructions. For example, if they were smoking, hiding their meds and not taking them, pulling out their infusion needles, or whether the amount they ate and drank met the requirements.

Horace Lee needed to have a routine check-up that afternoon, which required him to drink enough water beforehand.

Amy Borro had concealed a grain-sized drug pellet in the crook of her fingers. When she gave Horace Lee his water, the transparent drug would fall silently into the glass with the barest release of her little finger.

“Have you had your water, Mr Lee? Don’t forget you have a medical exam later and you have to empty your bladder before that—” When Amy Borro stepped into the ward, Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan looked up from the electronic pages of the records, nodding politely at her. 

Amy Borro’s words caught stiffly in her throat.

“What’s wrong?” Yan Suizhi gave a start. “You don’t look too good. Did you not rest well at lunch?”

“No, I just thought that it isn’t too appropriate to shout as I had just now. I didn’t think that the two of you were still around.”

Superstar Actress • Miss Amy Borro had a faint blush on her face, while she cussed out his entire family lineage in her head. 

Why are you guys still here?!

Are you planning to make camp here today or what?!

Can’t you give this client some space to breathe? Can’t you see that he’s about to be driven to his grave from frustration?!!