A certain dean lasted all of three days before starting to flout medical advice.

The first to go was his rehabilitation. 

Admittedly, there weren’t hard requirements for rehabilitation after a gene surgery like his.

But the changes to his height, weight, appearance, and proportions in such a short period of time would take some time getting used to, even if he had simply reset to his original appearance. Many people would experience a lack of coordination and strength in their muscles during this process, so the doctors and nurses in charge would advise their patients to participate in a certain amount of physical and strength training.

However, for someone like Yan Suizhi who had never been one to play by the rules, ‘no hard requirement’ was equivalent to ‘no requirement at all’.

In the morning, the nurse attending to him in the ward checked his vitals and nodded, saying, “You’re recovering well; it would be even better if you add in rehab.” 

Before she could elaborate, the esteemed Professor Yan had effortlessly guided her away from the topic with a couple of words, leaving the girl dizzy-headed and laughing. It was only after she left the ward and got off her shift that she abruptly realised what she had forgotten.

And so the young nurse hurriedly instructed her colleague who was rotating in to remind the doctor on his ward rounds about this.

Ward rounds weren’t difficult; they were considered a routine task. Usually, they were not handled by a leading doctor like Lin Yuan when a junior doctor would also do.

Recently, the doctor who did the rounds at the restricted wards was a young doctor a few years out of university.

The young man had just stepped out of the ivory tower and had yet to run into someone like Dean Yan, the epitome of ‘looks can be deceiving’.

When he first entered the ward, he repeated thrice in his head “I’m here to supervise the rehabilitation of the patient.” He was a bit more prepared than the previous nurse, and even scheduled rehab for 9:30 to 11 in the morning and 3 to 5 in the afternoon. It was a moderate, perfectly set pace.

In the end, only five minutes elapsed before the dean’s sparkling wit and humour led him completely off track.

Twenty minutes later, he found that it was entirely possible for him to chit chat in the ward all day. 

It was only when Dean Yan tactfully expressed that he would like to take a nap that he put away the record pages and left the ward, even feeling a bit unfulfilled as he walked away.

As for his rehab… there was no such thing.

When Lin Yuan first learned of this, he didn’t put too much stock in it. He was in the lab and couldn’t get away, so he sent an assistant from his team to check it out, and in passing, indoctrinate a certain dean with the eight types of benefits of rehabilitation for genetic surgery.

What ended up happening was that the research assistant was back in less than ten minutes. 

Lin Yuan had assumed that it must have gone smoothly for him to have come back so quickly and didn’t question him. He inquired after the experiment, only to find that the cute little assistant hadn’t even had the opportunity to pop the word ‘rehab’ into the conversation.

Yan Suizhi, who took down three people in a day, infuriated Dr Lin.

He made a trip up to the top floor while waiting for his dinner, then saw Gu Yan receiving two ‘nourishing meals’ from the nurse.

The meals in the hospital were specially tailored for individual patients according to the requirements of the medical prescription. Sure, it was healthy and nutritious, but it was not delicious or tasty. 

Gg Olc tjv bcmf gfdefrafv j qbgalbc obg tlwrfio, kjcalcu ab rafq lcab atf rtbfr bo tlr qjalfcar. Cr j gfreia, atja wfji ifoa tlw eaafgis wlrfgjyif. Lbk rtbeiv tf qea la… la kjr yijcv yfsbcv yfilfo.

Lf rjk atf wfji vlrqfcrfv ys atf tbrqlaji lc jmmbgvjcmf klat tlr gfdelgfwfcar jcv lcfzqilmjyis ofia uelia qglmx ja tlw. Rfnfgatfifrr, tf tjv qifcas bo fzqfglfcmf lc ugjqqilcu klat atlr wbgji rageuuif, rb tf kjr jyif ab ragjlutafc tlr fzqgfrrlbc ja bcmf, obiibklcu Xe Tjc atgbeut atf vbbg.

“Dr Lin?” Yan Suizhi padded over in the hospital’s indoor slippers, taking the meal from Gu Yan, waving at Lin Yuan. “Are you here to brave through this dinner with us?”

“No.” Lin Yuan denied without a second thought. 

Yan Suizhi regarded him with a half-smile.

Dr Lin cleared his throat and said, “I came here to inquire about the situation. I heard that you had three doctors storm out of here today?”

Yan Suizhi laughed. “Who filed the malicious accusation against me?”

Even in a hospital, proper etiquette was indispensable. Before unpacking the meal, he passed Gu Yan a piece of antibacterial tissue, then took one for himself, unhurriedly wiping his hands. 

His composure caused Dr Lin to lose his steam.

“Am I wrong?” Lin Yuan mentally took a step back.

Yan Suizhi said, “First off, it’s not three doctors. One was a nurse and one was a researcher. Secondly, I saw them leave in a good mood, or at least they had beams on their faces. They didn’t seem upset. Lastly, I suggest you take a look at the surveillance instead of smearing me with baseless words.”

Unable to out-talk him, Lin Yuan took another mental step back. 

“That young nurse has always been suggestible, so forget about her. Dr Li as well, since he’s a fresh grad. Let’s focus on that assistant researcher of mine. He doesn’t normally go off-topic, so how did he get duped by you?”

“What do you mean by dupe…”

Yan Suizhi was just about to correct him when Gu Yan, who had wiped his hands clean and tossed the tissue into the trash disposal bin, explained to Lin Yuan, “Unfortunately, your deputy is a Maze University graduate who also appears to have taken a minor in law for a year. He is just as susceptible to such duping.”

Lin Yuan, “…” 

Are all of you from Maze University under a thrall?

He was seriously considering whether to add another stipulation for ‘Anyone associated with Maze University’s law school are mandated to take a psychological test’ for anyone applying to work in his lab in the future.

Otherwise, he’d end up getting a mob of masochists, and Yan Suizhi would have them wrapped around his little finger.

“Back to the topic.” Lin Yuan asked, “Why won’t you do rehab?” 

“It’s not a hard requirement, no? Have you considered—”

Before Yan Suizhi could weave his tales, Lawyer Gu exposed him. “Ignore his nonsense. He just doesn’t think that rehab is aesthetically pleasing enough so he is disinclined to partake in it.”

A certain dean tch’ed, glaring at him huffily.

Lin Yuan, “…” 

Meanwhile, Yan Suizhi had just opened his meal to discover at least three food items that he didn’t like to eat in it. He tried to use the interval while Gu Yan was talking to Lin Yuan to sneak stuff he didn’t want to eat over to Gu Yan’s side.

But before he could act, as though prescient, Gu Yan lidded his own meal.

Yan Suizhi, “…”

“Just bear with it for another two meals,” said Gu Yan. 

Under the weight of his gaze, Yan Suizhi compromised without contention after a few seconds. He put on a pleasant smile and nodded, saying, “Alright, then. Since our Student Gu has decreed it, I’ll eat even ingest arsenic.”

At that, he even shot Lin Yuan a smile. “See, look how amenable I’m being. How is it possible that I’d dupe a child just to avoid rehab?”

Lin Yuan, mentally, ‘Go to hell! Who’s going to believe that? Where am I going to find someone able to counter you?!’

Dr Lin, recognising he had lost, stormed away without a backward glance. 

Thus, rehabilitation was a closed topic.

But Yan Suizhi was surprisingly resilient, adjusting without much trouble, soon regaining freedom of movement.

The next tug-of-war was over the smart device.

On the fourth day after Yan Suizhi came to, he was unable to resist pulling up various evidence files, audio clips, and video recordings to get some work done. However, according to his physical indicators and recovery status, he was declared unfit for office work for at least five days, especially not work that required him to use his eyes and brain for extended time. 

Lin Yuan had witnessed Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan at work. They had zero concept of time when they were busy.

Sleeping, eating, recreation, relaxing…


This time, Dr Lin didn’t bother sending anyone, going over in person to confiscate Dean Yan’s smart device. He bore the brunt of the dean’s narrowed eyes, mulishly heading back down. 

Well, Yan Suizhi was in no hurry.

Dr Lin ‘threw a fit’ about removing it, so he let the other take it, then perched his reading glasses on his nose again.

The reading glasses contained a diverse catalogue of books in its storage—serious, diverting, interesting, bleak, tragic, fulfilling… there was anything one could possibly seek.

Yan Suizhi selected a casual read. 

It was the book that he was reading on the space shuttle when he was hauled by Gu Yan to Wine City for a business trip on his first day at Southcross. He hadn’t completed it then, and since he had free time now, he continued where he left off.

He didn’t remember much about its contents nor did he really take it in.

He read it rather flippantly. Every time Lin Yuan dropped by, he could immediately set the book down and repeat the cycle of brainwashing.

Lin Yuan alone bore the responsibility that three lives couldn’t endure, conceding that very night. “Okay, okay, that’s enough. About your smart device… I think it’s safer left with Lawyer Gu.” 

He winked at Gu Yan, theatrically mouthing, ‘Lawyer Gu, I’m depending on you. You mustn’t hand it over to him. I have faith in you!’

But forgetting one thing—

Lawyer Gu, in actuality, did have extremely high credibility. 99% of the time, he was extremely principled, efficient, and unswayable. As for the 1% of the time…

Yan Suizhi was his only exception. 

The same night, Yan Suizhi used a mix of cajolery and trickery to retrieve his smart device from Gu Yan’s possession.

After all, as significant others, there was nothing that a lingering kiss couldn’t fix.

And if it really wasn’t enough?

A few more kisses would do the trick. 

As it happened, Yan Suizhi getting back his smart device was a wise and timely move.

At midnight, Yan Suizhi was leaning against Gu Yan, reading a dossier, when he received an unexpected message on his smart device.

The sender was a name he hadn’t seen in many a day. The reporter, Bens. 

The message body was this:

-Someone is trying to boot Lawyer Gu from the First-Class Lawyer nomination list. It’ll happen either today or tomorrow. You wanted me to pre-empt you, but to tell the truth… I don’t think it makes a difference. It’s too late to stop it from happening or have it retracted.