That Saturday which was in early spring in Fa Wang District, was a summery Wednesday in Zone 3 on Tian Qin.

Lotus Prison was heavily guarded. In the sunset glow, it stood like a gilded steel cube. 

It was surrounded by the extensive forest of Cathay poplar, a lone island far removed from fortune and freedom.

There were still ten minutes before the end of today’s visitation hours. The prison guards, armed with electric batons and guns, rang the bell and led the inmates who had been unwinding at the prison yard back to the cell block.

The heavy cell doors shut, and the successive beeps from the electronic locks echoed throughout the block.

Just as the main gate on the entire floor was about to close, a guard with a communicator called out, “332187, you’ve a visitor.” 

Zhao Zemu, who was walking towards the bed, faltered. He looked at the communication pinhole in the cell. “Me?”

“Yeah. Someone’s here to see you.”

This was the tenth day after Zhao Zemu was transferred to Lotus Prison, and someone had come for him—

The youngest and only remaining heir of the Manson family, his childhood friend and playmate, George Manson.

“Did I surprise you?” The other man asked him, standing two metres away.

“A little.” Zhao Zemu was silent for a beat before saying, “Joe came a few days ago. He came by himself, so I thought…”

Manson nodded in understanding. “Thought that I left you a sip of wine but didn’t actually want to see you?”

Zhao Zemu didn’t speak for a long time, then suddenly huffed a laugh. 

“I had too much on my hands before this. The whole debacle got thrown my way; I couldn’t free myself,” said Manson.

Zhao Zemu nodded. “I know.”

It should have been a rather awkward subject.

Manson was unable to free himself because Brewer and Miller Manson were sentenced to death, leaving the family company in shambles; Zhao Zemu had a part in this, thanks to the evidence he provided. 

Those two gentlemen had committed many sins, not even letting off the youngest of them; likewise, Zhao Zemu had also intervened in this.

Whether the intention was good or bad, the relationship between Zhao Zemu and George Manson, and Zhao Company and Manson Group, was complicated, a ledger that might be difficult to disentangle in this lifetime.

But this awkward subject, in this time and place, between the two of them, seemed only natural and plain-spoken.

One asked, and the other answered. 

George Manson’s gaze swept around the room before returning to Zhao Zemu. “Is it hard living in here?”

Zhao Zemu smiled without offering a direct response.

That was for certain, but also only warranted.

No matter how it was spun, Zhao Company did have convoluted ties to Brewer and Miller. Because of him, his old friend had hovered on the line of life and death, as well as the lawyer who was sent to the emergency room due to a diving accident. 

He had swapped out the diving suit because there was powder that attracted sea snakes in it. The man that Brewer and Miller Manson planted hoped to lure sea snakes over with this, to bite George Manson who had gone underwater with them.

There were actually better ways to handle that affair, but he had missed the window of opportunity due to his hesitation. As such, he could only choose the worst course of action, such that no one could come out of this well.

Ultimately, he lacked conviction at that time, and the road he walked was unsavoury.

“I count myself lucky to have the chance to make amends and get back on the right track. Five years is what I got after taking the extenuating circumstances into account.” Zhao Zemu paused, then continued with slight regret, “It’s just a pity… I can’t drink the wine Joe stashed away at Cherry Estate.” 

The visiting room quietened down.

A moment passed and George Manson’s voice rang out again, “Premier wine tastes better with longer storage, why can’t you drink it?”

“Mlnf sfjgr…” Xfbguf Zjcrbc rffwfv ab mbcrlvfg la rfglberis. “Pc jcbatfg olnf sfjgr, P rtbeiv jirb tjnf rbgafv bea atf wfrr bc ws rlvf. Ds atfc, la’ii yf qfgofma alwlcu obg er ab tjnf j vglcx abufatfg.”

Ljnlcu qjmfv yfobgf vfjat’r vbbg jcv atfc mbcogbcafv klat tlr ojwlis’r mbega mjrf, atf qgbvluji qglcmfilcu ktb tjv remmewyfv ab vglcx jcv vlrrlqjalbc obg wbgf atjc j vfmjvf delfais mtjcufv tlr mtjgjmafg. 

His hair was cropped and his temperament was more restrained, his shirt buttons no longer unfastened below the chest.

Zhao Zemu couldn’t smell anything beyond the thick bulletproof glass. But he guessed that George Manson should no longer have that inseparable smell of alcohol around him.

He finally saw the eyes that this old friend had in their adolescence, what the other should be at heart.

It was a fine look on him. 

In another five years, what would he, George Manson, and Joe look like? Zhao Zemu struggled to imagine it.

But… he reckoned it would be even better.

While the sun was setting over there, Fa Wang District in De Carma was still in the late afternoon. 

Here, another group of old friends gathered, making merry at the always quiet lakeside villa.

The previous soirees were organised in Yan Suizhi’s apartment in Maze University’s campus, where it was more convenient for students to come and go.

It was the first time that the party was brought to this private lakeside villa.

Therefore, everyone was curious about every square of the residence, not even leaving out the landscape in the yard. 

But they were shy to display their curiosity too overtly in front of the dean, and as such they took advantage of the time when Yan Suizhi went upstairs to get something to hound Gu Yan.

“Are these two branches a form that you hired someone to style?” asked Laura.

Gu Yan, “No. They’re withered.”

Laura, “…” 

This missy was afflicted by the ‘disease’ classical of students from Maze University—blind worship of the dean.

She stared at withered branches, thinking hard before squeezing out, “Then why haven’t they been cleared? Does the dean appreciate this type of aesthetic?”

Gu Yan, “They died just two days ago; I haven’t had the time to clear them.”

Laura, “…” 

By the side, Elena found a justifiable reason, “That’s normal. Just think about it. It’s been months since the dean’s accident; it was likely left unattended during that time, so it’s natural that they’d wither. Isn’t that right, Gu?”

Gu Yan said placidly, “Actually, a portion of them were saplings delivered just a week ago.”

Elena, “Then why…”

“You’ll have to ask the dean how, after a week of home rest, he managed to bring the garden to this state.” 

Laura, “The problem must lie with the plants that were bought.”

Gu Yan, “…”

During their conversation, a lorry pulled into the courtyard, and a man with a big beard poked his head out of the open window, complaining, “I heard that. Who’s that complaining about my plants?”

It could be his imposing build, but Laura silently took a step back and pushed the distinguished Lawyer Gu forward with her fingers. 

This band of friends truly had a way of rendering Gu Yan speechless.

“Just try and find someone on De Carma who has better ornamental plants than I do,” the bearded man muttered and got out of the car.

Gu Yan made simple introductions for Laura and the rest. “Gao Lin, an expert in ornamental plant breeding.”

“Ohhh, I’ve heard of him!” Elena said, “Joe often mentions him, but I didn’t know that you were familiar with him, too.” 

Gu Yan raised his chin toward a room on the second floor. “The gentleman whom Mr Gao is most well-acquainted with is upstairs.”

“The dean?”

This time, without the distinguished Lawyer Gu having to speak, Gao Lin snatched the mic. “Yan? Yeah! We’re pretty much old pals now. A third of the flowering plants from my greenhouse die by his hands every year.”

Everyone, “…” 

“Including this yard of withered plants.”


“Perhaps in the near future, it will also include the batch I’m delivering today.”


As they spoke, there was suddenly an unhurried knock on a window of a room on the upper floor.

Everyone looked up to see Yan Suizhi propped by the window with the wine that he had gone to fetch, mirth sparkling as he looked down at them. His gaze swept across Gu Yan, then met Gu Yan’s eyes. “To speak ill of me in such loud voices, are you afraid that I wouldn’t hear you?”

Laura and the others hastily shook their heads. “No, no we weren’t.”

“What are we drinking tonight, Dean Yan?” Jason Charles asked, smoothly changing the subject. 

Yan Suizhi said, “Cherry Estate just sent it over the day before; Silvershine.”

Everyone cheered.

Gu Yan walked under the window and glanced at the rambunctious crowd a short distance away. He looked up and said to Yan Suizhi, “Remember to send a bottle to those two reporters.”

Back when he was looking into the George Manson case on Tian Qin, Bens had done him a favour and Yan Suizhi had promised him a bottle of Silvershine. Incidentally, Cherry Estate was fermenting a fresh batch a few days ago; afraid that it would slip his mind, he asked Gu Yan to remind him. 

“I did, I just sent a message to Cherry Estate.” Yan Suizhi’s eyes darted towards Gao Lin’s car. He asked, “You got him to send another batch of sprouts?”


“What did you get?”

Gu Yan said, “You’ll find out when they grow up.” 

Yan Suizhi arched his eyebrows. “Where did you learn how to be cryptic? I’m rather worried that they won’t survive to see the light of day.”

“Don’t worry, you’ve got me.”

The crowd turned loud with excitement again during their exchange.

Following the noise, Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan looked over and saw a white car driving through the boulevard to stop outside the courtyard. 

The car was a model that the space shuttle company had released several years ago. They were once familiar with the sight, but as it had been too long since they last saw it, they didn’t register it at first.

It was only after two figures came out of the car that everyone suddenly recalled that this was Ke Jin’s car. It hadn’t been driven since his mental health took a downturn, and it wasn’t until today that its engine finally started up again.

“Ke Jin! Joe!” Laura waved at them from afar and said with a smile, “Anyone who’s late will be punished with a drink, got that? No one will be let off!”

“You’re the ones who are early, don’t try to trick me.” Young Master Joe pointed at his smart device. “3 p.m. on the dot. We’re right on time.” 

“The golden ten-minutes, you hear!” Everyone started jeering at him.

“Screw you! That’s a rule that your law school’s pettifoggers came up with, nothing whatsoever to do with me!” Joe cursed back in good fun.

Laura whipped her head around. “Ke Jin, he called you a ‘pettifogger’. Thoughts?”

Joe, “…” 

This lady, chaos incarnate, shouted to the second floor, “Dean Yan! O’ Great Young Master Joe has branded us all as ‘pettifoggers’!”

Yan Suizhi smiled. “I heard.”

“What should we do about him?” Everyone started kicking up a fuss.

“Chase him out.” 

As lil’ Young Master Joe was being persecuted by his old friends, Gao Lin trudged through the crowd, saplings and tree pots in his arms, calling out loudly as he watched the fun, “Excuse me, make way! This tree drops leaves at the drop of a hat, don’t say I didn’t warn you if it smacks your face!”

Eventually, Joe had nowhere to dodge, and, dead-tired, he supported himself on Ke Jin’s shoulder, heavily winded.

The crowd had also ceased the commotion and chatted away.

“When do you plan to get back into practice?” asked Laura. 

“I’ve already arranged it with the firm. I’ll be returning in April,” said Ke Jin.

“That’s wonderful.”

Laura sighed with emotion. She turned her head to Joe, asking, “I heard that you’ve recently moved in with Ke Jin?”

“Yeah,” Young Master Joe explained, “Old Fox and Ms Eunice have been working on a project lately and couldn’t allow me, a snoop from another company, prying their trade secrets, to stay around, so they swept me out of the house. I was forced to settle down on Ke Jin’s turf.” 

Laura poohed. “Excuses. I’ve just met with your sister. This excuse can’t be any more fake.”

Joe immediately asked Ke Jin, “Am I faking it?”

Ke Jin, “Um… not too bad.”

Joe, “Did you have to sound so grudging?” 

Ke Jin amended, “It’s not a lie. It makes sense.”

Young Master Joe instantly puffed up. “Yep, that’s me. I never tell any lies.”

Just then, Gao Lin passed by carrying a sapling. The wind blew down a leaf, which slapped Young Master Joe right in the face.


A crisp and compelling sound.

Joe, “…”

Ke Jin gave a start. Then, he turned his head over and laughed.

Those gloomy affairs had become distant and hazy, never to cast shadows again. 

Just like a gentle breeze flitting through hundred-acre woods, birds dancing atop tree canopies.

The warmest spring sun shone over them, whereupon splendour spilled across the long road.