At this moment, Bai Liyue has returned to her residence.

She hugged her notebook and was lying on the sofa chatting with some of her babies.

Several children kept asking when she would go home.

She replied sharply: "Immediately, I'll be back in two days at the earliest!"

Then, she received a happy emoticon from several children.

Bai Liyue curled her lips and smiled. Just as she was about to reply to their news, Lin Ze walked in from outside.

"Madam, Bai Yirou is crazy!"

Lin Ze's words made her stop the hand that was typing on the keyboard.

She closed her notebook and looked at Lin Ze in surprise: "Crazy?"

"Yes, she was stunned by Huangfuxun before, and she was a little abnormal after waking up. In the afternoon, I heard that she bit her tongue and committed suicide. Not only is she crazy now, she can't even speak."

Bai Liyue frowned.

With Bai Yirou's personality, even if he is crazy, he is unlikely to commit suicide. How does it sound like someone deliberately "covered his mouth".

She looked up at Lin Ze and asked, "Isn't the king's guard chief interrogating her all the time? Didn't ask anything?"


After Lin Ze answered, Bai Liyue confirmed: "It seems that someone was afraid that she would say something that made her shut up."

And this person is probably Huang Fuxun.

Huangfuxun asked Bai Yirou to impersonate a princess, there must be some purpose.

Now that the Dongchuang incident has happened, Bai Yirou has become a useless scapegoat.

Thinking of this, she murmured: "But where did Bai Yirou come from the princess mother's token? Is it Huangfuxun who gave it to her?"

Bai Liyue became more confused as she thought about it.

If Huangfuxun gave Bai Yirou a token, where did Huangfuxun come from?

Does Huangfuxun know who the real princess is?

One by one mystery made her instantly confused.

She shook her head, put aside the messy thoughts in her mind, and asked, "By the way, what is the princess mother's token?"

Lin Ze shook his head.

"The missing person notice issued by the king previously only stated that the princess had been lost for 20 years and had her mother's token on her body. However, in order to prevent someone from pretending to be malicious, it did not indicate what this token was."

Bai Liyue nodded and leaned back on the sofa.

"Forget it, Bai Yirou has already exposed it anyway, these have nothing to do with us.

What we have to do now is to wait, at most two days, the princess should be able to see the king! "

Looking at Bai Liyue's confident appearance, Lin Ze asked, "Madam, are you sure that the princess and the maid who guards her will eat your cakes?"

"The princess can definitely understand what I mean. She will definitely eat. As for the maids who are on duty at her door, I can't guarantee it, but the pastries I make are delicious and delicious. I think they will not refuse."

Bai Liyue smiled lightly and deliberately boasted.

In fact, she can't guarantee that the maid will eat.

Can only take a gamble.

Whether Dongfang Yi can escape this disaster depends on her luck.

Early the next morning.

The door of Huangfu Yuncheng's room was knocked on the door quickly.

"His Royal Highness, it's not good, something has happened!"

The voice of the maid at the door was tense and urgent.

Huangfu Yuncheng was awakened. Hearing the noise outside, he raised his eyebrows impatiently.

"What's up?"

"It was the princess who had an accident! The maids who took care of the princess in the past few days have all been infected by the princess!"

Hearing this, Huangfu Yuncheng opened his eyes so suddenly, got up and looked in the direction of the door, and couldn't say: "What?"

The maid repeated again: "His Royal Highness, early this morning, the maids who took care of the princess have been infected by the princess in the past few days!"

Huangfu Yuncheng sat on the bed, puzzled.

He knew very well that Dongfangyi had no infectious diseases at all, so how could it infect other people?

He got up quickly and went to the room where Dongfang Yi was.

The four maids on duty at the door of Dongfangyi's room were covering their mouths and sobbing.

There are countless red rashes on their arms, necks, and faces, making their scalp numb.

Huangfu Yuncheng subconsciously covered his mouth, and moved a little away from them.

The other maids dared not get close to these four people, and they left all the way away.

"His Royal Highness, they are all infected, what can we do about this!"

Huangfu Yuncheng looked at the four people with rashes, and said to the maid behind him: "What are you doing in a daze? Go ask the doctor to come over and see what's going on!"

After speaking, he reminded him in a cold voice: "Externally tell the public to invite the doctor to see the princess, don't publicize today's affairs! If there is a little bit of wind, I will ask you!"

The maid quickly replied: "Yes, Your Highness."

Then Huangfu Yuncheng ordered: "Open the door!"

The maid hurried forward and opened Dongfang Yi's door.

When Huangfu Yuncheng walked in, he found Dongfangyi lying on the bed with hot cheeks and the same symptoms as the maid at the door. They were all countless rashes.

Moreover, Dongfangyi was still unconscious.


Huangfu Yuncheng shook her a few times, but she didn't move at all.

His eyes suddenly became very flustered.

He hugged Dongfang Yi unscrupulously, strode out of the room, and repeated his mouth over and over again: "Yiyi, hold on, the doctor will be here soon!"

When he hugged Dongfang Yi back to his room, Dongfang Wan happened to be in the corridor.

Seeing him so nervous, Dongfang Yi, her heart was filled with jealousy and hatred.

At this moment, although she didn't know what happened to Dongfang Yi.

But in her heart, she cursed Dongfangyi over and over again, wanting Dongfangyi to die quickly!

Soon, the doctor came to the prince's bedroom.

However, they could not detect the cause.

Because, judging from the results of the examination, Dongfangyi's body had no problems except for some fever.

This inexplicable rash makes the doctor very difficult.

Huangfu Yuncheng was anxious like a headless fly, but could do nothing.

Fearing to disturb the king, Huangfu Yuncheng blocked all news and locked up the four "infected" maids.

And strictly ordered other maids not to spread the matter.

The maid in the entire dormitory was panicked.

They are all afraid whether this terrible disease will be transmitted to them.

the other side.

Bai Liyue had been waiting at the residence for a day, but there was no news from Huangfu Yuncheng.

She admired Huangfu Yuncheng a little bit, and she was even suppressed by such a big incident.

Soon, Lin Ze, who went out to inquire about the news, returned to his residence.

"Madam, early this morning, the maid in the prince's dormitory did indeed invite several doctors over, and those doctors have not come out until now.

However, there was no other news from Huangfu Yuncheng, and it looked calm. Are you sure, is your medicine useful? "

Bai Liyue touched her chin, and said in thought, "The medicine should be fine."

The special medicine she put in the cake yesterday is not a poison.

Only after eating, a small red rash similar to allergies will appear all over the body.

But in fact, it doesn't hurt or itchy, and it has no effect on the body.

However, having a rash all over the body and not knowing the cause of it will definitely make people feel a kind of fear.

Huangfu Yuncheng said that Dongfangyi had an infectious disease.

As long as it gets to the king's side, Dongfangyi will be saved!