After climbing for a certain distance, she could reach the landline on the table by one meter.

But her weak body could no longer support her, and her deep fatigue eroded her consciousness.

The brain forcibly conveyed to her the idea of ​​giving up resistance and falling asleep like this.

She raised her eyes to look at the landline on the table, her vision gradually blurred.

When she closed her eyes wearily, she told herself from the bottom of her heart: No, Qin Yahan, you can't just die like this, you can't let Mu Yebai get what you want, and you can't let your parents send white-haired people to black-haired people!

She clasped her hands on the floor, almost bleeding.

The strong desire to survive makes her hold up her eyelids.

She raised her hand, clutched the corner of the table in front, dragged her heavy body, and gradually reached the landline with her hand, dialing the only number she remembered.

However, when the phone rang only once, she heard the sound of someone opening the door outside the room.

And the phone she dialed hasn't been connected yet.

She was nervous and terrified.

If the two servants saw her secretly calling, they would definitely tell Mu Yebai.

At that time, Mu Yebai would not give her a way to survive in order to protect herself.

She hung up the phone without hesitation, and moved a little in the direction of the sofa on the right when the maid opened the door.

When the maid walked in, she saw Qin Yahan lying on the ground, reaching out to the coffee table.

"what are you doing!"

The maid put down the hot towel in her hand and stared at Qin Yahan with full alertness in her tone.

In order to prevent the maid from doubting, Qin Yahan stared straight at the fruit plate on the coffee table, and said weakly, "I'm hungry."

The maid put down her vigilance and said impatiently: "It's really troublesome!"

After finishing speaking, the maid helped Qin Yahan up and helped her to the bed without gentleness, and warned: "Don't move around. You are half dead. Can't you just wait for death in bed? We have to increase our workload. !"

The maid was very impatient. Seeing Qin Yahan's face flushed from the high fever, she picked up a hot towel and put it on her forehead.

Qin Yahan originally had a high fever due to a severe cold. Now that a hot towel was placed on her forehead, she felt dizzy.

At this moment, she felt extremely difficult even to open her mouth, and she didn't even have the strength to ask the maid for help.

As her vision gradually blurred, her gaze had been fixed on the landline on the table in front of her.

She can only hope that the phone call just now will work.

Although there was only one sound, it was her last hope.

Yujing Bieyuan.

Bai Liyue stared at the unfamiliar number on the phone, lost in thought.

There was only one sound, and she hung up before she could answer.

I wanted to call and ask, but after meditation, she felt something was wrong.

This is her private phone number. Those who know this number are her closest people.

Thinking of this, she immediately picked up the pen and paper on the table, wrote down the number, and handed it to Lin Ze who was waiting at the door.

"Hurry up and get someone to check this number!"

Lin Ze took the number and asked, "Madam, what do you do to check this?"

"There are only a handful of people who know my private phone number. Excluding Jingchen and the others, only Yahan could call me. Although I'm not sure, I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!"

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

Seeing Lin Ze walking out of the hall, Bai Liyue quickly got through Dongfang Han's phone.

When Dongfang Han received Bai Liyue's call, he almost immediately asked: "Sister-in-law, is there news from Yahan!"

Bai Liyue's tone was serious.

"Just now, I suddenly received a call and hung up after rang. It was Jiangcheng's number, but it was an unfamiliar number.

Few people know my number. Suddenly calling me at this time, I suspect it may be Yahan's distress signal!

If it was her, she hung up suddenly, it must be because she was afraid of being discovered, or had already been discovered, so I didn't dare to call back, so as not to startle the snake. "

Hearing this message, Dongfang Han immediately said: "Sister-in-law, you send me the phone!"

"Send it to you right away. If you have any news, remember to let me know in advance."


Hanging up, Bai Liyue quickly sent him the phone number just now.

Then, holding her phone tightly, she paced back and forth in the hall.

She hopes in her heart, it must be Yahan, it must be her!

When she was wandering back and forth uncomfortably, her mobile phone suddenly rang a text message alert tone.

She stopped and opened the text message.

It is an anonymous text message.

"Qin Yahan is in my hands now. You are only allowed to come to redeem Qin Yahan at 8 o'clock tonight. Remember, you are the only one, otherwise, I guarantee you will never see Qin Yahan!

There is no need to notify the police in delusion, or send someone to rescue Qin Yahan in advance, I have my eyeliner within a few miles of the place where Qin Yahan is.

If I found out that there were people from the police station or suspicious people nearby, Qin Yahan would die immediately! "

In this message, there was also an address and a photo of Qin Yahan lying on the bed.

Bai Liyue clicked on the photo and zoomed in to see that it was indeed Yahan!

Yahan was lying on the bed, her face was very ugly, she seemed to be sick.

It is not difficult for Bai Liyue to guess who sent this text message.

Since he dared to text her so blatantly, and even sent her the address, he must have been fully prepared long ago, and he is not afraid of her going to investigate.

If she sends someone to this address now, Yahan will be in danger.

She couldn't take Yahan's life to take this risk.

It seems that tonight, she must go by herself.

Looking at the address on the phone, she took a deep breath.

This address is an area to be developed in Jiangcheng. It is a bit remote and there are almost empty lots around it.

If she sneaks people over, she will definitely be spotted immediately.

It's just that she can't understand, why did Mu Yebai let her go alone to redeem Qin Yahan?

Moreover, the ransom of a penny was never mentioned.

Just thinking about it, Lin Ze walked in from outside.

"Madam, I have found it. The address of this phone is in a residential building two kilometers away from Miss Qin's accident."

With that, Lin Ze took out his mobile phone and handed Bai Liyue the address he found.

After reading this address, Bai Liyue compared it with the address of the anonymous text message just now, and found that these two addresses are basically two different places.

She didn't think too much, and immediately said to Lin Ze: "Don't say so much, quickly send someone over to check this residential building! Yahan is probably here!"

"Okay, ma'am!"

Bai Liyue and Lin Ze left the hall together.

The two took some people to the residential building.

At the same time, Dongfanghan also found the address of this residential building and called Bai Liyue.

"Sister-in-law, the address of this phone is not too far away from the place where Yahan's accident happened. I suspect Yahan is there now, and I'm on my way now!"