Drunk Day Garden.

Huangfu Liyue asked about his father's whereabouts and kept looking here.

When she stepped into the Drunken Sun Garden, she was inexplicably warm looking at the garden full of crabapples.

On the gravel road in the middle of the begonia tree, the king stood among the garden begonias, his back slightly melancholy.


Her voice made the king look back quickly.

Today, Huangfu Liyue is wearing a blue dress.

When the king watched her slowly walking, he shook for a moment.

He still remembered that the first time she saw Feng Suying, she was wearing a cyan dress.

Standing in this Begonia Garden, the scenes of the past seemed to be in front of him, making him a little distressed.

Huangfu Liyue didn't notice his father's expression, but was anxious to tell him about Ji Lingxi.

"Father, I have something to report to you!"

Only then did the king regain his senses.

"Nuo Xi, what's the matter in such a hurry?"

"Princess Lingxi has become very abnormal recently, and Dabao and the others have discovered that there seems to be something strange in the princess' body!"

This made the king a little puzzled.

"Nuo Xi, tell me clearly, what?"

Huangfu Liyue couldn't describe what it was, and only said, "I don't know, but it seems to be a living creature. Based on my years of experience in medicine, this is too abnormal, so I rushed to report to my father."

The king found it incredible.

But he naturally believed the words of his own daughter.

Moreover, Ji Lingxi is now a distinguished guest of Country Y, and he promised the Queen of Country E to take good care of her.

If something happens to Ji Lingxi here, the Queen of Country E will never stop.

This matter must be taken seriously.

"Nuo Xi, don't worry, I will immediately send the imperial doctor to Princess Lingxi to see!"

When the king finished speaking, he strode out.

Huangfu Liyue stepped forward and said, "Father, wait a minute! Now, Princess Lingxi hasn't realized that there is something wrong with her body.

Yesterday, I had given an excuse to get the pulse of Princess Lingxi, but her pulse was okay. I thought she had to do a full-body examination.

But you can't rashly ask the royal doctor to see her again, otherwise, if there is no problem with her body later, wouldn't it be settled? "

The king nodded.

"It's still your consideration. You have to think of a way for Princess Lingxi to go for an examination, and you can't tell the public to ask her to go to the doctor.

Otherwise, if this word spreads out, others will guess what is wrong with Princess Lingxi's body, which will affect her reputation. "

After a few seconds of contemplation, the king proposed: "Yes, let Yuncheng and Princess Lingxi do a pre-marital inspection together.

In this way, it is fair to say that if there is any problem with Princess Lingxi's body, he can be healed immediately! "

Huangfu Liyue smiled and nodded.

"Father Wang Yingming."

Soon, the king ordered Huangfu Yuncheng and Ji Lingxi to go to the Royal Hospital for pre-marital examinations.

Soon, Richard reported the news to the queen.

At this moment, the queen was standing in the nursery, staring at the baby in the cradle, with a look of doubt in her eyes.

"Okay, what kind of pre-marital check-up?"

Richard stood behind her and replied: "Your Majesty said that Princess Lingxi is the only daughter of the Queen of Country E and must be considered for her.

The eldest prince is married for the third time, and a pre-marital checkup can also give Princess Lingxi peace of mind. "

The queen smiled coldly and reached out to touch the small face of the sleeping baby in the cradle.

"I see, the purpose of your majesty's pre-marital inspection is not to inspect Yuncheng, but to inspect that Ji Lingxi."

The queen felt like a mirror in her heart.

Before the prince married a wife, he hasn't checked this rule before marriage.

After all, the prince always checks his body regularly.

If there is any problem with the body, it will be checked out long ago.

The king suddenly ordered a pre-marriage checkup, definitely wanting to see Ji Lingxi's physical condition.

But why did the king do this?

Thinking of this, the queen stroking the baby's hand in the cradle suddenly stopped.

In her eyes, danger appeared instantly.

"Could it be that your Majesty discovered what's wrong with Ji Lingxi?"

When she said this, she withdrew her hand abruptly.

This sudden movement caused her fingertips to scratch the baby's face in an instant.

The little baby felt the pain and started crying instantly.

The crying of the full house made the queen very irritable.

She directed at the maid who took care of Huangfuxu directly at the door and said: "Come here! Hurry up and coax him to me!"

The maid hurried in and looked at Huangfu Xu's face in the cradle with a red line, and she was surprised for a moment.

She didn't dare to ask the origin of the injury, and quickly picked up the little baby and coaxed it in her arms.

"Hey, don't cry."

Unexpectedly, not only did Huangfuxu not stop crying, but he cried even harder.

The queen instantly coldened her face.

"Even a child can't be coaxed, what's the use of me letting you come!"

The maid fell on her knees in shock.

"The queen pardons sin."

The queen frowned, annoyed by the noise of crying.

"Pick him away, don't let me hear this cry!"


The maid hurriedly carried Huangfu Xu out, not daring to let his cry annoy the queen.

The queen rubbed her temples and said annoyedly: "Sure enough, it is a seed born by a lowly woman, and she is born to be unwelcome!"

Richard hurriedly comforted: "Queen, don't be angry, this child is the eldest prince anyway, and is also your grandson."

The queen's eyes were cold, and she sneered: "My grandson? Humph! If it wasn't for your majesty to look at me more often, I wouldn't raise the seed of this humble woman!"

The king was usually indifferent to her and didn't care.

This child is the king's grandson, and now he is raised by her. At any rate, the king can say a few more words to her because of this child, and he won't be indifferent to her.

She knew that the child still had some value, so she kept him by her side.


The queen put away her sullen eyes, looked at Richard, and returned to the topic just now.

"Your Majesty asked Ji Lingxi to do an examination, and 80% of them were aware of something abnormal in her body.

Seeing that Yuncheng was about to marry Ji Lingxi, he couldn't make mistakes at this point. "

Richard didn't quite understand what she meant.

"Queen, can that thing be checked out?"

The queen shook her head uncertainly.

"It stands to reason that it should be impossible to check it out, but we can't bet.

You go to the hospital now and wait for Yuncheng and the others to complete their physical examination.

If there is a problem, you know what to do! "

With the queen's gloomy eyes, Richard watched with sweat on his back.

"Yes, Queen, I understand."

Royal hospital.

Huangfu Yuncheng and Ji Lingxi's whole body examination has been completed.

However, the results of the inspection still need to wait an hour or two.

After Huangfu Yuncheng and Ji Lingxi left, Huangfu Liyue came to the hospital and entered the doctor's office where they were examined.

Seeing Huangfu Liyue's arrival, the doctor quickly got up.


"Don't be polite, have the results of the inspection come out?"