The shadow squatted down, looked at him for a moment, and said in a low voice, "do you want to live?"

There were a few grunts in the Butler's throat.

The visitor laughed, stood up slowly, and whispered, "it's a pity that you and I have been fighting for a lifetime. As a result, you don't even know who I am. In the end, I can't escape a dead word."

He turned his head and looked at the car that had been hit so badly that he laughed a few times and turned to the other end of the long bridge.

The Butler's eyes closed slowly, and the fire and shadow disappeared from his world.

There was a siren in the distance and it didn't take long to get to the bridge.

The car that caused the accident is still there, and both of them have been badly hit.

After investigating the scene, the traffic police looked at each other.

"The car is retrograde. There are no survivors."

"The driver's license is here. He's a local. It seems that he drank a lot of wine." Several people went to the front of the car, the smell of gasoline and smoke could not cover the driver's alcohol.

"This license plate belongs to SSL company, tut, such a good car..." After checking the license plate, everyone gathered around the captain and waited for his reply.

“ssl?” The captain twisted his eyebrows and muttered, "this is a big company Contact your family first. "

"Yes." The team members spread out to investigate, take photos and contact their families.

The moonlight fell on the bridge coldly and melted into the pool of blood flowing on the ground, and the tragic smell of blood stayed in the wind for a long time.


Chi Jingshen stood at the window, his face livid.

Princess Zhao Jing leaned over Chi's mother and was shaking with tears.

"Why did the old man come out so late? In this direction, it is out of the city. Are they looking for you Liu zhe asked in a puzzled way.

"It's too late for Joe to ask about it. He came to see the old man last night." Chi Jingshen said solemnly.

Ding Dong

The elevator arrived, and within seconds, the two lawyers of the old man came in with thick paper bags.

"Are you all here? It's time to read the will. " The lawyer nodded to Chi Jingshen and looked around.

"Yes." Chi's mother poured two cups of coffee and said hoarsely, "it's time to start."

The lawyer opened the file bag, took a look at Zhao Jingfei, and began to read: "share to Chi Jingshen. A small building in Venice presented to Ms. Yu Xiaofan. In addition... "

He paused, looked around, and whispered, "all the savings are for the real granddaughter of the Zhao family."

"Ah?" They thought they had heard wrong and looked at the lawyer blankly.

"What do you mean?" Chi's mother stood up and asked hoarsely, "isn't it Jing Fei?"

"No, there is another person. Mr. Zhao entrusted Qiao man to look for it, and explained that Mr. Qiao man would accompany Ms. Zhao to Swiss bank to inherit this legacy."

"It's really interesting that the old man lied to us. He already knows the whereabouts of one billion dollars, but he still keeps it from us, and he wants to take it as his own." Liu zhe changed his face and said angrily.

"That's not the point. Who's the granddaughter?" Chi's mother interrupted Liu Zhe and asked.

"To Mr. Joman." The lawyer shook his head and said calmly.

"That's what Joe went to see the old man last night." Liu zhe patted his forehead and said in a low voice, "when the old man comes out, he also goes to see this girl. Who is it? "

Zhao Jingfei slowly sat up straight, staring at the blood red eyes, said hoarsely, "warm."

"Ah?" The crowd turned to look at her in astonishment.

"I found something wrong with my grandfather these days. He would not say anything to him So it is... " Zhao Jingfei stood up, covered her heart and cried, "I don't want anything from my grandfather. Leave it to xiaonuan."

"Jing Fei." Chi's mother helped her and said sadly, "don't worry, make sure first."

"These two days, grandfather is always surrounded by warmth. You didn't find Did he actually know that? " Princess Zhao looked at Chi's mother and burst into tears, "whose child am I? Why do you do this to me? "

A room of people looked at her, she suddenly and violently trembled, pale, straight back.

"She had an asthma attack." Chi's mother hugged her, pinched her, and urged Liu Zhe to get her medicine.

Several hands and feet to Zhao Jingfei on the sofa, give her medicine, water, waiting for her to recover.

"How could that happen?" Liu zhe whispered.

"Master, this is really Oh, how can it be warm? I'm dizzy! " Mother Chi held her head and whispered, "xiaonuan just had a baby. I don't want her excited This is really... "

"Joe man has been informed, and he will come to confirm it. What's more, I've got the photos of the scene. Look at this one... " The assistant goes to Chi Jingshen and hands him a picture.

Chi Jingshen holds the mobile phone. The car and the dead have been carried away. There are several blood stains on the place where the housekeeper fell, one of which is a letter: T."What does that mean?" Liu zhe comes over and stares at the picture.

Chi Jingshen shakes his head, holds his chin with both hands, and stares at the bloody letter. He is more sober than anyone else. If it's an accident, that's fine. If someone did it on purpose, the killer knew that the warm identity could not be concealed, and he would make a car accident. Why?

The old man didn't know who was poisoning in the laboratory when he died. Does it mean that this man did not have too much interaction with his life, but he hated him deeply. Now this person appears again, no, or this person has been in Lishui, he came out to revenge! He directly sent Mr. Zhao to hell, and in the case that he had just learned who his own granddaughter was, he did not let him recognize him!

Chi Jing deeply thinks that Zhao's family has become the real master. Do you care now? What should I do? Is the purpose of the other party to force him to do it?

No one is a fool, the real game player will calculate all the steps behind! His opponent is very good, maybe he is standing outside the building of NS, waiting to see his play.

Liu zhe also thought of this, walked quickly to him and said anxiously, "this is forcing you to push the warmth out."

The other side is in the dark, he is in the light, warmth is his weakness All the people looked at him, waiting for him to speak.

Ding Dong

There was another sound of the elevator.

The assistant came into the office with Joe slow and warm.

"Is it important for Princess Jing not to be sent to the hospital?" Warm looking at Zhao Jingfei lying on the sofa, she asked in a low voice.

Everyone gazed at her with mixed expressions.

Warm heart some hair, so looking at her what? It's like she did it!

When the old man left, she couldn't tell what she felt. The culprit who killed her father and ruined so many families did not even leave her with the truth, so she left!

"Well, now please tell us the answer from Mr. Qiao man. Who is the real granddaughter of the Zhao family?" The lawyer raised his glasses and asked solemnly.

Qiao looked around slowly, raised a stack of documents in his hand, and said seriously, "master Zhao asked me to investigate the whereabouts of Zhao's granddaughter. I have made a detailed report."

There are audio, photos and records in the report. It's very detailed.

Liu zhe read it quickly. There was a dead silence in the room.

Warm as if in a dream, she looked at Liu zhe blankly, until his last word ended for several minutes, but also failed to respond.

"The real granddaughter of the Zhao family is warmth." Jo slowly clasped her hands in front of her and said, "she will inherit one billion Swiss bank deposits."

Liu zhe looks at Chi Jingshen and waits for his voice.

"Me?" Warmth finally made a sound. She stood up, pointed to her nose and asked, "is it me that you said warmth?"

"It's you." Joe nodded slowly.

Warm the brain, a blank, buzzing for a while, blank again.

My God, is this playing with her? Are you kidding? The one who ruined her family suddenly became her relative?

Hehe, it's really a slippery day!

"Ms. warm, Miss Zhao Jingfei, Mr. Chi Jingshen and Ms. Yu Xiaofan, this is Mr. Zhao's will. The accountant will make a detailed liquidation for you. In addition, Mr. Qiao man will accompany warm lady to Switzerland

Are you kidding? What the hell are you doing? " She turned to look at Chi Jingshen and wanted to get a hint from him, but he just looked at her quietly.

The parents she has loved for so many years are not their parents, and the people she has hated for so many years are blood relatives

Warm, headache.

Looking at the sofa, she sat down melancholy. Their faces were blurred in her eyes at the moment, but the old man's face gradually became clear. She tried to think of him, trying to find something similar to her in his face.

But she couldn't find it.

Life is like a roller coaster, two months after the warmth was dropped to the bottom, suddenly stood on the top of life.

She never imagined that she would have such a rich day.

One billion!

And she looked at the document in front of her, her hand shaking slightly. As long as she signs, she will be surnamed Zhao, Zhao Nuan What a strange name.

"Little warm?" Chi's mother looked at her and whispered, "what's the matter? Is it uncomfortable?"

Warm shook his head, put down the pen, and whispered, "it's so sudden, I have to talk to mom."

"Your mother hasn't been in touch with you for years. Can't you figure out why?" Chi asked her.

Warm lift eyes, smile bitterly. Yeah, now I've figured it out. It is because it is not Lin Hui's blood that Lin Hui will forget her existence. So, at the end of the day, she still didn't have a family around.

What happened to the white dove pharmaceutical factory became her business? Ha ha, what a satire!