When Duan Yunxuan heard what he Ruiting said, he suddenly felt that maosai was suddenly opened and stopped. Looking into his eyes, he was shocked.

he opened his lips slightly and wanted to say something, but he suddenly closed his mouth. In an instant, the room was quiet.

"Yes..." Duan Yunxuan seems to talk to himself, and seems to agree with he Ruiting's statement, but he keeps spinning that sentence in his mind, but he can't find the person he provokes.

"I don't know who I've been in contact with to get in touch with him." Finally, he shook his head dejectedly, saying that the search for his head was still fruitless, which also made him more worried about his comrades in arms. Now, one by one, it seems that he has been seriously injured by a planned plan.

Duan Yunxuan is such a heavy love and righteousness person. Seeing that it is his own reason, he can't help but lower his head a little bit, as if he is complaining about his own fault.

He Ruiting and Duan Yunxi discussed for a moment, but still had no clue about this matter, so they began to be silent.

Seeing Duan Yunxuan's face at a loss, he sighed slightly in his heart. He also knew that when he knew it was his will that caused his comrades to lie in the hospital bed, the expression on his face could not help but be dignified.

Slightly squint black eyes, he Ruiting can only say that now the biggest suspect must be Fang Yuesheng.

"Don't blame yourself." He Ruiting patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, and gave him a kind of courage to regain his courage: "I have already sent people to check this matter before, so don't be impatient, you can help me to catch Chen Qian."

Chen Qian is Fang Yuesheng's third mistress. He Ruiting thinks that he will capture the Last Mistress and learn his important news without any effort. This time, he can still do so.

Duan Yunxuan doesn't know who Chen Qian is. When he hears the name, the first one related to her must be Fang Yuesheng. His body is slightly shaken, and his eyes look at he Ruiting with a trace of disbelief.

But then the shock was deeply buried in his eyes. The sooner the dark and truth of the matter were found out, nature would do no harm to them, and fewer comrades in arms would be hurt as a result.

"Well!" Duan Yunxuan tried to nod his head: "I'll check it right away."

This matter is related to many things. No matter for Duan Yunxuan or he Ruiting, it is necessary to investigate this matter by hand, and they all agree that this matter is very important.

"Well, check it carefully and don't reveal any clues. We only need to investigate this matter in secret before we can get rid of those despicable people." He Ruiting's eyes again bloom brilliance, the importance of this matter can not be underestimated.

"I see." Duan Yunxuan took out his mobile phone, as if he was looking up something, so he added: "I started to act in the evening."

After he Ruiting listened, he raised his eyebrows slightly. It seems that Duan Yunxuan has been impatient, but this is a good thing. It is good for them to start first and become stronger.

"Good." He nodded, leaned slightly against the back chair behind him, squinted his narrow eyes comfortably, and then said, "I'll catch you, call me, and we'll book seats."

This matter is closer to capturing a mistress than the last time. It is a matter of great importance, and we have to arouse their attention. To set a position first is also to be afraid of divulging information. For the sake of conservatism, this is the most effective way.

He Ruiting stretched out his hand and knocked on the table again and again, which seemed to push the solidified atmosphere in the air more seriously. Two people in the office had the same worries.

Duan Yunxuan had no prejudice to he Ruiting's method. He nodded and took a look at his watch. It was noon now. Naturally, it took several hours for this matter to be busy. So he picked up the coat that he hung on the sofa at random, and finally showed a rare smile on his face.

"Then I'll go first." He went to the door and finished this sentence. Before he Ruiting nodded or retorted, he slipped away from the office.

For a moment, there was no serious atmosphere in the office. He Ruiting frowned slightly and kneaded the temples on both sides. This matter had already made him two big.

When he calmed down, he didn't know whether he was unintentional or intentional. Su Jinyi's smiling face was swirling in his head. The tension and boredom of his body suddenly dissipated like a cloud of smoke, but he couldn't wait to see the woman in his heart.

He also "Teng" stood up from the chair, picked up the coat on the hanger and went home early.

On the way to the car, his inner desire made him almost drive on the highway. After calming down for several times, he drove slowly, but the speed was still very fast.

In less than ten minutes, he stopped his car and came to the door of his home. He saw a slight crack in the door. Compared with the previous departure, it happened that the door was not closed.

It doesn't matter. When he opens the door, Su Jinyi is nestled in the sofa with a bowl in her hand, watching TV comfortably.

Su Jinyi seemed to hear the noise coming from the door. She stopped her movements and turned to see her tall body. Her face was blooming with a flower like smile: "I'm back so early today."

He Ruiting changed his shoes in the porch, walked in and saw her smiling face on a small face. Even her eyebrows and eyes were not consciously softened. Her voice also said gently, "well, I'm back in advance."Looking at what was in her bowl, she frowned slightly, and suddenly remembered that this was the soup that he and she drank together in the morning.

Su Jinyi looked at the soup in his bowl along his sight, then laughed again and said in doubt: "this is the soup made by Lin ma. Just now she specially asked me to drink it while it is hot."

He Ruiting nodded: "well, I know." After that, she sat alone beside her, and Su Jinyi drank all the last mouthful of soup and put it on the table.

"Tired of work today." She rarely came back from work to ask him about his situation in the company. After seeing her for a pause, she said, "there should be nothing wrong."

"Well..." He Ruiting didn't intend to tell her about the incident, which would only make her worry more about

, so he nodded and said, "everything went well."

Su Jin Yi seems to be suddenly liberated, smile, said to herself: "good."

She immediately remembered what, turned a pair of eyes to look at him: "he Ruiting, I have something to discuss with you."

"Well?" He Ruiting turns his head to see her a serious appearance, monosyllabic inquiry, eyes from the beginning to the end in her body, never left.

"I want to go out and find a job." When she saw his pleasant appearance, she took a breath and suggested to him with a smile that she had already planned to do so.