The 50 million that Mike took away, which he had prepared for a long time, was intended to be used to deal with Mike's action, but he didn't expect that it would be used so soon.

But he found that Mike did not use the 50 million, and Su Jinyi's whereabouts still have no news.

This time's kidnapping is different from Su Jinyi's last disappearance. This time, he knew it was Mike who started it.

Day by day, but Su Jinyi's whereabouts were not found, which made he Ruiting almost lose patience.

Duan Yunxuan and Xiaoqiu are half dead with guilt, but he Ruiting doesn't need their guilt.

He just wants to know where Su Jinyi is now.

"We've checked the traffic records of that day, and we can't find any clues at all. It's been three days. I'm sorry, Ruiting. " Duan Yunxuan guilt looking at he Ruiting said.

If it was not for his carelessness, Su Jinyi would not have been kidnapped.

"No news at all, maybe it's good news. Don't worry, Mike, I've found out my identity. Maybe I can find Jin Yi's whereabouts through this. Check out the man's assets. " He Ruiting reached out and knocked on the table. The purpose of his going abroad this time was to investigate the identity of Mike.

I didn't expect to let him find something.

He Yiyi!

The name he didn't want to mention was still in front of him like this.

But what he didn't expect was that Mike was her husband!

What's more, Mike's biological mother is mentally ill.

Mike, obviously, has inherited this.

Therefore, his actions can not be considered with normal people's thinking.

He Ruiting is worried about this man, and is cruel to Su Jin.

"In fact, is it possible that Jin Yi never left the villa? It's so big over there. Isn't it a simple thing to want Tibetans? " Xiaoqiu is also in the office of he Ruiting at the moment. She doesn't dare to stay at home alone now, and Duan Yunxuan is not at ease.

So as long as Duan Yunxuan is there, she will be there.

Xiao Qiu's words make Duan Yunxuan frown.

"We've been looking around when people are missing, but we've checked those places, there's no such thing."

"Have you checked everything? Not a single place has been left out? " He Ruiting asked coldly.

When he came back, he received the news that Su Jinyi was missing. Mike seemed to know when he would come back. He offered him a condition directly. He Ruiting couldn't refuse such a condition.

Fifty million.

For he Ruiting, he couldn't touch his foundation.

But with this 50 million, Mike can do a lot!

He is only worried about Su Jinyi's safety now!

"I'll find it." He Ruiting finished and picked up the coat to go, but was Duan Yunxuan a pull.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute. Now we have no clue. If we look for it in such a hurry, I'm afraid that you will fall into Mike's trap." Duan Yunxuan looks at he Ruiting and says.

"Even if it is a trap, I will go to find Jin Yi for her safety!"

If such delay goes on, he Ruiting really doesn't know what kind of torture Su Jin will encounter!

"That man's goal is just me." He Ruiting interrupts Duan Yunxuan.

He went abroad to investigate the clear things, all show that Mike's purpose is because of him, so whether Duan Yiyi approaches Xiaoqiu or this time's kidnapping, he Ruiting comes for him.

As long as he appears, Su Jinyi will be safe!

"Mike took so much money and didn't let anyone go. He didn't say anything else. He clearly wanted to bring you down first, and then let you have no room to turn over! Ruiting, think twice Duan Yunxuan took he Ruiting's hand and said.

His words let he Ruiting look at him, and then opened his hand.

"I have a sense of propriety."

"Ruiting! He Ruiting Duan Yunxuan looked at he Ruiting, whose head would not go outside. He stamped his feet in anger.

His reaction let Xiaoqiu hold him.

"Stop yelling. I don't think he will listen to you. If I am the one who was kidnapped today, you are afraid that he will always be nervous." Xiao Qiu looks at Duan Yunxuan and says.

"What nonsense are you talking about! I'll protect you. " Words are so said, but Xiao Qiu's words still let Duan Yunxuan not obstruct he Ruiting again.

Xiaoqiu is right. If she knows Xiaoqiu now. Duan Yunxuan is only afraid that he will get mad revenge on Mike. Let him know what is repentance, because Su Jin intends to Duan Yunxuan, so that he can calmly analyze what Mike has done.

This is what the bystander sees clearly.

Duan Yunxuan naturally won't let he Ruiting go to Su Jinyi alone. If he Ruiting does something at this time, it will not turn the sky.

Xiaoqiu can't do without people here. Duan Yunxuan asks his own people to help him Ruiting.

This time, they are dead. They must guard after he Ruiting. They can't lose him again like Su Jinyi.These bodyguards dare not relax themselves.

So Mike's people don't have a chance to do anything.

Mike and he Ruiting negotiation, never need to come out on their own, he let his people go out, and then pass the message out, even if he Ruiting wants to do something, he can not find any weakness of Mike.

When Mike's people told him that Horatio was coming back to the Grange again, a smile rose from the corner of Mike's mouth.

What he liked most was that he saw Horatio whirling around like a headless fly.

I'm in a hurry, but I can't do anything about it.

Mike's mind, his men do not know, after all, these people are paid to come.

All they have to do is listen to Mike.

"Go and tell this man to take off his clothes and run around the villa. You must run, or you won't see his wife again. Go ahead. " Mike looked at

he Ruiting in the monitoring, and his smile deepened.

He seemed to have seen he Ruiting lose face in front of people.

Su Jinyi naturally did not know he Ruiting came.

Because at this time, she is trying to escape.

She endured a day without eating, but secretly pulled the food aside, creating the illusion that she had eaten.

As expected, they are much more powerful.

She stood up and looked out of the window. Sure enough, she could see the shape of the villa where they had lived before.

Now Su Jinyi is sure that Mike knew what they were doing from the beginning.

Even wherever they are, Mike has the ability to find them and do it to them.

I don't know what kind of identity Mike is and what method he uses.

In short, it is right not to underestimate.

The villa was not protected by iron railings, but made it convenient for her.

Su Jinyi pushed open the window and jumped directly from the second floor. As soon as she landed, she immediately felt the pain from her feet.

She gritted her teeth to make no noise.