Chapter 535 Parents Extra 2 (End)

One week later.

Ying Shuyan gave birth to a daughter.

Shen Yutian looked at the small group of children with great joy and couldn't help but kiss the child's forehead.

The doctor stopped him: "The child's resistance is weak when he is born, and there are many bacteria in the mouth. Be careful of infecting your child."

Shen Yutian: "."It seems like this.

In my memory, the doctor emphasized that the two children born to Si Si should not be kissed.

 He ​​held the child and came to Ying Shuyan: "Look at our daughter, how cute she is." For such a small person, in both memories, she became famous through business and became a legendary existence.

Twice built an ancestral hall for Shuyan and allowed her to receive incense.

Perhaps, he will have two memories because his daughter has accumulated merit for them.

“Aunt Zhu said that the girl’s name is Si Si, Bao Si Si, a famous person in history, and the king’s favorite concubine. What do you think?”

"Very good, Shen Sisi." Shen Yutian was very excited: "She is so good, she looks like me."

"You're so young, how can I tell you that I look like you? It's good that you look like you, but you look white." Ying Shuyan smiled lightly.

"She looks like me, and her face looks like yours. She must be a great beauty." Shen Yutian said, "When I grow up and get married, I have to choose carefully." First of all, avoid those named Qin.

That son-in-law, although he had great achievements in both memories, was a lunatic.

Always want his precious daughter to accommodate.

Ying Shuyan smiled and said, "It's a disguised form of praising myself."

Shen Yutian also smiled: "It's just telling the truth."

ˆ “.”

Three days later. Ying Shuyan was discharged from the hospital.

It was only then that the Shen family’s parents found out that they had a granddaughter.

The former looked at his beautiful granddaughter with great admiration: "This girl is handsome, with round eyes, and she is smart at first sight."

The latter disdainfully said: “If you’re not a good mother, how good can your child be?” He doesn’t look very good either.

I really don’t know what my son is interested in.

Is Hu Meizi good at Kung Fu?

Ying Shuyan's smile disappeared and she lowered her eyebrows. She thought that she would not be recognized by her mother-in-law, but she did not expect such direct disapproval.

"You don't care about it, I do." Father Shen said, "Shu Yan, thank you for your hard work. I've prepared a red envelope for you."

Ying Shuyan responded generously: "Thank you, Dad."

"You're welcome." Father Shen said, "Yutian has filed a marriage report. You two will go get a certificate later and add the child's household registration. Your wedding will be held after you are out of confinement."

Ying Shuyan nodded: "It's all up to you."


After Shen's father and Shen's mother left, the eldest and second brothers of the Shen family came to visit, asking about their welfare, which was very lively.

Shen Ru arrived late and glanced at the child: "She looks like a skinny monkey, so ugly."

Shen Yutian: "You clown, get away. I'm going to get angry when I see you. I have the urge to crush you to death."

Shen Ru: “.”

The scene became tense for a while.

Second sister-in-law warmed up the scene: "Yutian, how much does the baby weigh after birth?"

“Six pounds and four taels.”

“It’s not light. Are you tired when Shuyan wears it with you? Does she suffer from severe vomiting during pregnancy?”

Ying Shuyan responded with a smile: "I'm not tired. Our girl is very good. She didn't make me vomit a few times. She could still work as usual when she was pregnant."

Shen Ru thought to herself that working normally means that you are born with a low life and are not good at work.

A village girl, who was not very beautiful, actually seduced her third brother.


“Then it’s easier for you than me. Our family is great, but it’s too much for me.”

ˆ “.”

Ying Shuyan chatted with him for a while, covered his mouth and yawned.

After Shen Yutian noticed it, he sent everyone away on the grounds that the child needed to rest, and then placed the child next to Ying Shuyan. She looked at the sleeping child and her heart became peaceful.

“Brother Shen, you should also take a nap.”

“I’m not tired.” Shen Yutian watched over his mother and daughter, feeling very satisfied.

time flies.

Three and a half years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Ying Shuyan has become accustomed to life in Yanjing. With her own ability, she got a job in the street office and gets along well with her two sisters-in-law.

With my mother-in-law and sister-in-law, things look pretty good on the surface.

Her little Sisi is in preschool.

This day off coincides with Shen’s mother’s birthday.

A family of three went to the old house for dinner.

As soon as he entered the door, Father Shen called out: "Si Si, come to grandpa's place."

Shen Sisi trotted forward and threw herself into his arms: "It smells like cigarette smoke. It's stinky. It's not as good as my dad."

“I am a manly person, your dad put it on my face.” Father Shen said.

Shen Sisi snorted: "Nonsense! My father didn't put on powder, he is a man. Women apply powder, just like my sister-in-law, who paints her eyebrows and eyes like a performer."

Father Shen laughed.

Shen Ru's fist hardened when she heard this: "Who taught you to describe me like this? Was it your mother?"

"Grandma said it. She also said that the person you are looking for is very strange in appearance. He has a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks and is disgusting." Yan Li, who came with Shen Ru, said: "."

Shen Ru screamed: "Damn girl! She has **** on her mouth."

Shen Sisi bared her teeth and said, "I'll wipe you out."

“Dad, take care of your granddaughter!” Shen Ru was very angry: “Her mother must have taught her, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to speak so much as a child. Rural people are best at swearing and lying.”

Ying Shuyan blushed angrily.

Shen Yutian said: "My Sisi never lies. If she says it was her grandma who said it, then her grandma said it."

Shen’s mother lacked confidence in front of Yan Li: “.I didn’t say anything.”

"Don't make any noise. Xiaoru, I'm not talking about you. Why do you always care about a child?" Father Shen touched the child's hand: "Look at these little hands, they are so strong. Just like your father, I will send you to be a soldier in the future. You Are you willing?"

"I don't want to. I want to be the biggest and biggest factory director in the world." Shen Sisi jumped off Father Shen's lap and opened Ying Shuyan's bag: "Grandma, this is the gift I bought for you. ”

"Did you buy it? Real or fake." Shen's mother opened the gift box and found a silk scarf in a gaudy color. "Did your mother pick it?" People in the village have always had bad tastes.

“Dad took me with him. I picked it myself. It’s beautiful. I earned it myself. If you don’t like it, give it to me and I’ll bring it myself.”

Shen’s mother: “I didn’t say it didn’t look good.” Her granddaughter bought it, so she still had to take it with her.

Father Shen was surprised: "How do you make money by yourself?"

"I earned money from selling silkworms. I raised a lot of silkworms at home. I brought them to school for five cents a piece. My classmates treasured them and the supply exceeded demand." Shen Sisi touched her pocket and took out a piece of toffee: "Grandpa, here it is. You eat. When it’s your birthday, I’ll make money to buy you a gift.”

Father Shen almost choked on his saliva: "Who taught you how to speculate?"

"You still have to teach me this. Just think about it and you can make money. Dad said that I was born to be a businessman."

Father Shen: "." He glared at Shen Yutian and said, "You can't do this in the future. Be careful to have someone arrest you and put you in a dark room."

"Ah, so scary? Then tell grandma not to celebrate her birthday. You have to earn money to buy gifts yourself to show your sincerity. Once she celebrates her birthday, I have to earn money."

Mother Shen: ",,,,,,, you still blame me, you are so sharp-tongued, little clever girl, how can you be so smart." You are older, and you can actually make money.

“It’s up to you, grandma.”

Shen's mother was so happy that she said, "Girl, come here, I'll give you a gift too."

Shen Sisi followed her into the house.

Shen's mother opened the jewelry box and put a gold bracelet on the child's wrist.

The child raised his wrist and admired it, um, not bad. Golden and beautiful. She rolled her eyes and saw the gold ring in the jewelry box. "Grandma, this ring of yours is very beautiful, can you give it to me?

My mother’s birthday is coming soon. I spent all my money to buy a gift for you. Grandpa said I can’t buy or sell. "After Shen Sisi finished speaking, she changed the topic: "Forget it, you probably can't bear it, so I won't want it. When I grow up and have money, I will buy it for my mother, the most beautiful one. But grandma, I will also buy it for you. I am very willing to give up to you. You are my favorite in this family. I don’t like anyone else because they are all stingy. When I grow up, I will only respect you. "

Mother Shen bared her teeth and smiled: "My grandson is discerning. Who says I can't bear it, but I am willing to bear it. Here, here it is."

Shen Sisi looked at Shen's mother's face and said, "I'm here to thank grandma for my mother."

"You girl, how did you learn so many words? Why do you always talk in one way?" Shen's mother looked at the child's face that was very similar to Shen Yutian's, and couldn't help feeling curious.

“It’s up to you. When others praise me for being smart or awesome, I always say that my grandma is educated and she teaches well.”

Shen’s mother gradually lost her ability to think: “My good grandson, okay?”

Shen Sisi touched the ring and smiled.

Come out of Shen’s mother’s room.

She jumped up to Ying Shuyan and said, "Mom, grandma gave me a gold bracelet. Does it look good? She also gave you a gold ring. You can try it on."

Ying Shuyan pursed her lips and smiled.

Her little Sisi never goes back empty-handed every time she comes here.

Only little Sisi can impress her mother-in-law.

Second sister-in-law is secretly envious that her mother-in-law is so cunning and she can take advantage of her as soon as she comes.

How did you teach it?

Her family is Shangrong, and she is still a boy.

I have never received any good things from my mother-in-law.

Ying Shuyan opened her hands and said, "It looks good, thank you, Mom."

Shen’s mother gave a cool hum.

Shen Ru said: "Mom, what do I have?"

“You are a soon-to-be mother, are you ashamed to argue with little Sisi?”

Shen Ru: “.”

ˆ “.”

The whole family celebrated their birthday noisily.

Stay in the old house.

In the evening, Shen Yutian and his family of three went out for a walk. Shen Sisi saw a man selling candied haws in a street shop and shouted for some.

Shen Yutian stopped the car to buy it.

Ying Shuyan led Ying Sisi and followed her.

The latter took the candied haws, put it to his mouth and bit it slowly.

Walking through the street.

Her eyes were fixed on the street corner: "Dad, there is a brother in front of me. He lowered his head and seemed to be crying." She ran over holding the candied haws in hand: "Brother, you eat it. After eating it, you don't want to cry anymore."

The boy raised his head, revealing a childish and cold face: "I didn't cry."

"Okay, I made a mistake." Shen Sisi took out the toffee and said, "I'll give it to you."


“Si Si.” Shen Yutian quickly picked her up and left.

For no other reason, the brat is Qin Yanci!

Childhood sweethearts, even more so!

It’s over~~~~~~