"Say what you want."

Zhao Yang has no doubt about him. He just thinks it's the problem on these documents.

However, when Su Zhili's question was thrown out, he was dumb for a moment.

"Since you are waiting for me here, why do you want Jin Chen to help you convey the matter of adding friends? Just ask me directly? "


Zhao Yangwan looks confused.

Su Zhili frowned. He only felt that the closer he was to the truth, the colder he was.

However, since she had asked, how could she give up halfway?

"Didn't you ask me?"

"I have nothing to ask you!" Although Zhao Yang vaguely felt that something was wrong, Su Zhili's topic was too wide. He couldn't keep up!

If you betray your boss by accident

Then sell it, Amen!

Sure enough, after listening to Zhao Yang's almost confirmed words, Su Zhili couldn't contain the radian of his mouth any more, "let's go, let's go in."


the monthly meeting of Soxhlet group has just begun.

Recently, because of Sophie's affairs, Su Fu's spirit has withered. It's only been a few days. It seems that he is several years old.

Pushing open the door of the conference room, Su Zhili saw Su Fu sitting on the throne.

At the moment of eye contact, she was unavoidably stunned.

Seeing this, Zhao Yang lowered his head and coughed with the volume that only Su Zhili could hear.

Suddenly, Su Zhili gathered his eyes and stepped in.

"What are you doing here?"

Su Fu was the first to speak.

He had been worried about Sophie's affairs. It's strange that he didn't run away when he saw the originator!

Su Zhili raised her eyes, and her small face was full of fearless courage. She looked straight at the past.

"Today is the monthly meeting of Soxhlet group. As a shareholder of Soxhlet group, I think I'm qualified to attend."

She and Su Fu did not have any communication between father and daughter. In their tone, they were all antagonistic.

The spacious meeting room was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

"Shareholders? Do you has the final say? "

Su Fu sniffed, glanced at Su Zhili from the corner of his eye, and said with disdain, "let's leave before I have patience. Otherwise, when the security guard comes up later, don't blame me for losing face."

"I have a share in Su's group, not to mention the security. Even if the police come, they can't drive me out of here."

Su Zhili's tone was arrogant, which was similar to Jin Chen's.

She thought, this should be the red of the near?


It should be - close to the dark!

She felt that when she spoke, she became more and more derogatory.

After all, just look at Su Fu's face at this time, it is enough to explain this fact.

"Who told you you had a part in sushi?" Su Fu bit his teeth and said angrily, "you said it yourself. Feifei has been harmed like that by you. You are no longer a member of the Su family. Now you dare to think about Su's shares? Su Zhili, you are so naive! "

"I think you're naive, aren't you?" Su Zhili tilted her head, pretended to be puzzled, and looked around at all the people present. She said, "are all the people here actually from the Su family? It seems that I really don't have enough weight in the Su family. I have so many relatives that I haven't seen them before. "


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