Ma Yizhou really didn't believe it, but Shen Lan quickly gave the material evidence, that is, a small box with a long life lock, "this is the one in Yan Ran's swaddling clothes, you see."

as like as two peas on the animal.

Ma Yizhou took another look at Qi Yanran.

Fortunately, Qi Yanran doesn't look like her parents very much, so she can't see any clue It's just that the two of the Fei family are not like each other. Is it a gene mutation?

"As for the birthmark on your chest, it may not be convenient for you to look at it, but if your sister-in-law comes, it will be convenient for you to look at it."

Mayi said nothing more.

"I'll come to you in two days."

This is for Qi Yanran.

"All right."

Feifu got the latest information. He was a little surprised. He didn't expect that changmingsuo was really in Qi's family.

I thought it might be Qi Xiaoran, but I didn't expect it was Qi Yanran.

"The two sisters look alike?"

"No, but they're beautiful." This is a very objective evaluation.

That night.

Fei Cheng and his wife talked about it.

When the couple came back to look for someone, his wife, Xu Anzhi, actually put down a lot. When she learned that she might have found her own daughter, she was still overjoyed, "so fast? Is it really a little girl

Fei Cheng put his wife in his arms, eyes deep, "can't completely determine, but certainly have a relationship with the Qi family, after all, long life lock or that year."

"I want to see that girl."

"I'll arrange it tomorrow."

That day.

Ma Yizhou leads Qi Yanran to a high-end coffee shop.

When Qi Yanran was a daughter of the Qi family, she lingered outside the door, but she never came in. She spent 5000 yuan at a time.


There are few people in the coffee shop. There is a soothing and elegant piano solo.

"Miss Qi, this way, please."

Fei Cheng and Xu Anzhi are already waiting there. Xu Anzhi is especially nervous. If she is really a daughter, what kind of mentality should she face after losing her for so many years.

At this time, the heart beat like a drum.

Fei Cheng reached out and grabbed her hand under the table. "If it's true, she will understand you and me."


"Mr. and Mrs. Fei, they're here."

Qi Yanran was a little surprised.

It's Ma Yizhou's brother and sister-in-law. How did they change people?

She was a little puzzled. She was at a loss.

I feel like I've been cheated.

"Miss Qi, these are Mr. and Mrs. Fei, the chairman of the Fischer plutocrats in the United States."


She didn't hear much about it, but she also knew something about it. Fei was in China recently, and she heard that the background was amazing?

On the table.

A woman's temperament is more elegant than the ladies she has ever met

Qi Yanran felt that she had found a treasure in her heart. She tried her best to calm her heart down and called them generously and appropriately, "Mr. Fei, Mrs. Fei, Hello, I'm Qi Yanran."

The little girl was clean, good-looking and a little shy in her generosity.

Everything is really good, the only drawback is

The couple looked at each other.

It's not like them.

The three first talked about some unimportant topics, just when they were about to have coffee.

Qi Yanran takes the coffee in hand, and suddenly Xu Anzhi helps her make it.

"Little girl, drink less coffee and lemonade." When changing the lemonade in the past, suddenly accidentally splashed on Qi Yanran's clothes.

"Oh, why am I so careless." Xu Anzhi has a face of remorse.

Qi Yanran has already guessed, isn't this the routine?

Before she came, she guessed that these people would try their best to see her birthmark. Fortunately, she had been prepared!

Xu Anzhi took the man to the bathroom.

There is also a skirt in her bag.

She blushed, "Miss Qi, I'm so sorry Fortunately, I always bring spare dresses with me. Do you think I can wear them? "

Qi Yan Ran looked one eye, gave to recognize.

Isn't that Chanel's new limited edition?

That skirt, at least five figures.

Even higher.

She tried it on quietly, and showed half of her naked body. There was a small birthmark of plum blossom petals on her chest. After seeing it, Xu An Zhi settled down.

In the memory.

Her eyes were a little red.

Tears seem to flow out at any time.

Xu Anzhi has always been a very emotional woman. Qi Yanran seems to be a little strange, "Mrs. Fei, what's wrong with you?"Xu an knew Leng for a while before he came back to himself, "no, let's go."

Back at the table, Xu an tries not to lose control, but his attitude has been much more gentle. All the way, he has been asking Qi Yanran how she has been doing these years.

"Mrs. Fei asked me why? My parents are very kind to me. I think I'm much luckier than many children. It's good to be born in a well-off family and loved by my parents. "

She seemed content.

But the more she said it, the more tears ran down her eyes.

She couldn't help it.

"Sorry, I..."

Qi Yan Ran understood and nodded.

Xu Anzhi would like to say.

In fact, you're not the only one.

Xiaokang family?

You could have been the apple of their eyes and lived like a princess. Originally, you were not in the Qi family, but loved by them, but now

Fei Cheng held his wife and sighed.

He knew that if he continued to talk about it today, it would be fruitless. He could only wait.

Xu Anzhi could almost identify this as their daughter, but there was something wrong with her appearance

"The most accurate result is DNA."

Fei City is also a gentleman in some aspects. If he investigates secretly, maybe he can get rid of many things.

But the mistake is that he talked to Qi Yanran directly.

Qi Yan Ran was surprised. "You said I might belong to you and Mrs. Fei Daughter

"Yes, but to take a surname, DNA testing is the best way."

Qi Yanran did not agree, but took a hair, "Na, this is my hair."

Fei City is clear.

And there's a lot more that he doesn't know.

Qi Yanran had already guessed that there would be such a story.

So be prepared.

Her hair used to be yellow, but now it's dyed the same black as Qi Xiaoxiao.

Before, Qi Xiaoxiao had lived at home. She had hair on her clothes and comb. It's safe to use it.

Filch took the DNA and went to the secret investigation.

The results came out very quickly.

There's almost no suspense.

The fit is 99.9%. What does that mean?

"Ah Cheng, it seems that Yan Ran is really our daughter."

With this result, the couple's mentality has also changed, there is a sense of relief.

Xu Anzhi devoted himself wholeheartedly, and felt the joy of being a mother again.

But Feicheng always felt that there was something wrong. As for where it was, he couldn't say for a moment

"Acheng, if I want to recognize my daughter, the Qi family won't disagree!"

After all, she also inquired about the fact that the Qi family treated the eldest daughter as if they were their own, but they didn't treat the younger daughter very well. Maybe there was something wrong with her character.

Xu Anzhi thinks so.

Fei City picks eyebrows.

"No! Now that Yanran has been pushed out, I hope she can recognize her ancestors and return to their ancestors, and they can also get some benefits! "

The Qi family is now pushing the wall down. If someone helps, how can they disagree?

Xu An Zhi's eyes are red, "then help After all, the family has raised Yanran for so many years, so it should be regarded as a gift. "

" I know, you can rest assured that I will deal with it. "

Their daughter is theirs, and the benefits to the Qi family will never be less.

It's just that it's a problem to recognize my daughter's coming back. How should I recognize her!

You want to come back directly, and recognize your ancestors?

Compared with his calm, Xu Anzhi is much more impatient, "I want to smile, Acheng, you have to deal with things early, I want to make up for my daughter."

"It won't be long."

Qi Yanran once had a dream of a lady for a long time, but the Queen's dream didn't come true. This time, it was a good opportunity from heaven, and heaven was helping her! She was about to wake up in a dream!

And push your daughter to someone else's house.

Although it's not pleasant to say, Shen Lan is not unhappy when she thinks of the large amount of money of the Fei family, but Qi Guofu's look is not good. "My daughter's surname is Fei. It's my kind. Why?"

"Why? It's because you're not as useful as the Fei family! "

Qi Guofu said nothing.


Fei Cheng gave the Qi family 10 million yuan, which is definitely not a small sum. The main reason is that Xu Anzhi thinks that the Qi family is too kind to her daughter, so it's not kind to give less.

Given the money, Fei City went straight to the point and took his daughter home.

Although Qi Yanran was a little uncomfortable, she left with the man.

Fei house is in the center of the imperial capital, the most prosperous area, and also the rich area. It's a big garden villaThe gate.

Xu An Zhi wears a thin coat and looks forward to it.

When I saw Qi Yanran, my eyes were red again.

But I don't know what to say

Fei Cheng sighed.

"Yan Ran, I..."

Qi Yanran is a big square, "Dad, mom."

Fei Cheng's face is full of surprise, and Xu Anzhi is not only a surprise, but also moved. She holds Qi Yanran in her arms. Her tears are like a flood, and she can't hold them

"I've been waiting for more than 20 years, but I didn't expect that..."

This kind of scene is very moving, and at this time, feizihan came back with his brother feiziqian, just to see this scene, she was a little silly.

What's that thing holding her mother?

Although her mother is sentimental, she has a habit of cleanliness. No one can touch her. What's her father's eyes?


Fei Zihan felt that he was struck by thunder

But her brother was calm.

"What's going on?"

Fei Ziqian didn't know how to explain it, so he had to put it off to his father, "just ask him."

Qi Yanran is still there and has a deep love with Xu Anzhi's mother and daughter. They are both envious when they say that. This acting skill is also

But this looks in the Fei Zi Han eye actually incomparably dazzling.

"Mom, do you know who you're holding! You've never held me like that

Fei Zihan is very jealous.

Qi Yanran was frightened and turned to see.

Fei Zihan looks angry and ferocious.

Xu Anzhi knew her daughter's character, she sniffed, "Zihan, you talk well, this is your sister Yanran."


She has a sister. Why doesn't she know?

She strode to Qi Yanran, frowned and said in a cold voice, "what are you! What's the point of approaching my mother! "