Liu Rufeng could block that knife with his innate body protecting spirit, but he didn't. First, they don't want to expose their strength too early; Second, he also has a tiancanyi. There is no problem blocking ah Jie's sleeve knife. Even if the other side shoots with a gun, it can't hurt him, because the tiancanyi is more tough than the bulletproof jacket.

But there were only a few people at the scene who knew that he had silk clothes. Wang Lin didn't know anything about it. All of them were scared for a moment, just like seeing a monster.

As a last resort, Liu Rufeng didn't put down his heavy hands, but ah Jie's despicable behavior made him angry, so he broke his wrist and kicked him in the belly. Ah Jie was seriously injured and had already fainted, but he never thought about the reason.

Liu Rufeng's side is over, and Chi Lei's side is over soon. As a result, Chi Lei's fist breaks Heilong's left arm. Only Xi Yang is still entangled with Leng Yu. It seems that he is still struggling.

After Chi Lei's solution, he immediately joined Xi Yang's regiment and fought against the enemy.

Liu Rufeng did not go up to help, but carefully observed Lengyu's moves. Liu Rufeng found that his boxing style was very special. He didn't show much agility between advance and retreat, but he was continuous and tight. Although it seems that the attack is not very fierce, explosive power is not enough, but it implies a dense dark strength. It's really hard for Xi Yang to break his defense. Even Chi Lei joined the regiment, and it's hard to win him in a short time.

Liu Rufeng is already in a trance. He is constantly guessing Leng Yu's way. He feels that he is thinking of an old boxing, which belongs to Neijia boxing, and has already developed his dark strength.

Just when Liu Rufeng was in a trance, he suddenly heard a burst of harsh laughter behind him. That kind of laughter was extremely ugly and made people get goose bumps all over.

"Ha ha ha... Don't fight, don't fight. What's your family doing? Mr. Lu doesn't inform me when he comes. I'll come down to meet him. "

Hear the voice behind, Liu Rufeng can't help but turn around and find a tall fat man walking a few meters away.

Yes, it's Wang Lin.

Wang Lin saw today's situation in the room. The other party's people are too strong, and his own people are not rivals. If this goes on, his three beloved bodyguards must fall. So without hesitation, he dressed and went downstairs.

Walking through the motions is Wang Lin's best skill. Even if he is angry in his heart, he can't show it on his face. This is why he can protect himself in front of the powerful Han family.

Moreover, today Lu Heng's people have completely gained the upper hand. At this time, he did not dare to be so domineering as usual. Then he put on a close look and walked over with a smile.

As soon as he came out, his bodyguards immediately said respectfully, "young master."

Wang Lin didn't even look at these people. Instead, he said in a cold voice, "get out of here, they're all gone!" Those bodyguards suddenly a burst of tension, disheartened left.

Chi Lei and Xi Yang also stop, a few steps to Liu Rufeng next to stand. Heilong grabs the broken arm with his other hand and grins to Wang Lin, and Leng Yu follows him.

"Young master." The black dragon cried out, with a look of pain and shame on his face.

Wang Lin took a look at the black dragon, and then looked at ah Jie, who was lying in the distance. He frowned and said to Leng Yu, "Leng Yu, take them to treat the injury."

"Yes, young master." Before leaving, Leng Yu takes a look at Liu Rufeng. His eyes seem to express something.

After they left, Wang Lin's eyes fell on Liu Rufeng and his smiling face was full of complicated emotions.

Liu Rufeng didn't take Wang Lin as a root onion at all. He just regarded Wang Lin as a playboy who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun. So he gave a smile, but his eyes showed a trace of disdain. "Mr. Lu is in the car. If you meet him, you can go."

The tone was easy-going, but it was provocative.

Let Wang Lin open the door for Mr. Lu. How is that possible?

Lu Heng is always respectful to Wang Lin when he comes here. How can it be reversed today?

Wang Lin was extremely upset at this time. He wanted to run up and strangle the boy in front of him, but after thinking about it, he put up with it. He also knew that Liu Rufeng was so powerful that even ah Jie was not his opponent. He had almost nothing left but to be abused.

"Ah... Yes, I almost forgot to patronize you." Wang Lin hit ha ha, then step toward Lu Heng's car.

Lu Heng is always sitting in the car, like a Buddha statue in a temple. He saw the whole scene clearly, and the blood in his body was gradually boiling with the changes on the field. He was so nervous that he was relieved to see Liu Rufeng take ah Jie easily.

Seeing Wang Lin's stiff expression coming up, Lu Heng's thought also began to do a fierce ideological struggle, "do I wait for him to open the door, or take the initiative to go down?"

In fact, today's tossing is enough. Lu Heng is very satisfied. Even if he takes the initiative now, it has greatly exceeded his expectations. But it's a bit awkward to go on like this. If you look at Liu Rufeng, he's squeezing his eyes at him. That means he won't get out of the car.

Lu Heng is not a man with no idea. He immediately understands how to deal with it.

"Brother Lu..." Wang Lin has opened the door with a smile, and his venomous eyes immediately fall on Lu Heng.

But that hostile look was fleeting and soon softened“ Brother Lu, if you don't say that you're here in advance, I'll come down to meet you. How could you make such a big mistake? "

Wang Lin said that, but he kept staring at the expression on Lu Heng's face. He wanted to see what Lu Heng, who had been in a low voice in front of him all the time, had become. If he couldn't make it to the table, no matter how powerful his subordinates were, it would be useless.

Lu Heng naturally doesn't give in vain. He used to pretend to be patient. Now that he's making a big scene today, he doesn't have to pretend any more. So he just a faint smile, smile quickly convergence, straight face frown way: "Wang Lin, don't you know I come today? You should have opened the door ahead of time and lined up to meet, but you were always closed. Your servants are even more angry. They dare to threaten to smash my car. That's not what you mean... "

"No, it's not... How can I? It's all the nonsense of those guys who don't have eyes. I will punish them severely." Wang Lin said with a smile, peeping at Lu Heng's current momentum. He could not help but be shocked. That kind of bullying atmosphere formed a powerful aura.

"That's good. Since it's not you, forget it. Now that I'm here, I can't help sitting up, can I? Come on, help me out of the car. " Lu Heng gently smile, but with a smile of contempt.

Wang Lin is the young master of the Wang family. No matter in terms of status or origin, he is now a head higher than Lu Heng. Wang Lin did not expect that Lu Heng would do so. This is a direct threat to him in front of everyone.