Chapter 17 The Big Shuffle

After securing Guardiola, Simeone and Southgate, Chen Ran took the new coaching staff to meet the players of the team.

was in the pre-season preparation period, and then the head coach was suddenly replaced, and the new head coach was his own club owner.

The current mood of the Crystal Palace players can only be described by their confused faces and at a loss.

After introducing the assistant coaches, Chen Ran stood in front of the players and looked at the complicated expressions on everyone's faces with interest.

There are many people here, and it is difficult to see them again in the future.

"Hello everyone, we meet again. However, I am now not only the president of the club, but also your head coach. Isn't it surprising?"


A sparse answer.

"Well, I know you all have questions. Now I can answer your questions in person, just ask if you want."

"Boss, are you serious about being the head coach?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I take the coaching certificate."

"Boss, the newspaper said that this is your first time coaching a professional team, is that true?"

"Yes, it's true what they say. But everyone has a first time, doesn't it?"

"Boss, didn't you say you want to create a football dynasty?"

"Yeah, am I not starting now? Let me tell you the good news, I have introduced a lot of new players this time. Your next competition will be cruel."


Special meow, is this good news?

A group of players scolded mother in their hearts.

"Well, it seems that you don't have enough confidence in me. It's okay, I can understand. If anyone wants to transfer, you can sign up directly with Stephen. I won't stop you, let's get together."

After finishing speaking, Chen Ran took the coaching staff and turned to leave, leaving only the players to gather in twos and threes to discuss their whereabouts.

"Boss, do you really allow them all to transfer?" Southgate couldn't help but ask.

"According to the standard of the Premier League, I have evaluated the ability of these players. Except for a few who can play in the Premier League, all of them fail. Then you say, what do I keep them for?"

"Premier League standard? Boss, Crystal Palace is only a Championship team, are your requirements too high?"

Southgate secretly complained, if these players had the strength of the Premier League, would Crystal Palace still stay in the Championship?

"Gareth, it's not that I have high requirements. My goal is to create a football dynasty. If you follow this standard, do you still think it's high?"

"This is really not high"

Not only did Southgate stop talking, but even Guardiola and Simeone, who had been on the sidelines for a while, also fell silent.

So the boss is not just shouting slogans?

Is the boss trying to play for real?

"Don't worry, I won't let them all go. At most half of them. After all, we also need substitutes, and there are local players who need to be filled."

"However, this time I have brought in a total of more than a dozen new players, which is equivalent to rebuilding the entire team. I will give you three a task, that is, each of you will design a play style based on the new players."

"I want to remind you that this is the first test for you, and I will give each of you a score. After the season is over, the person with the highest total score is the head coach of the team next season."

As soon as Chen Ran finished speaking, the three people who were still relaxed immediately tightened up.

said goodbye to Chen Ran, turned around and ran to Stephen to ask for player information.

"Sample, still can't cure you?"

Chen Ran hummed a little song proudly.

La Liga, Bundesliga, Premier League three major league champions plus the Champions League champion coach Guardiola;

La Liga champion plus Europa League champion coach Simeone;

England national team coach Gareth Southgate.

In addition to Southgate who has not won any championships, the other two will be the top coaches in world football for more than ten years.

Although they are still rookies in the coaching world, it is only a matter of time before they shine with their talents.

As the saying goes, three cobblers top one Zhuge Liang, what if there were three Zhuge Liang?

Besides, if it is not enough, the youth training director Tuchel can always be on top.

Thinking of this, Chen Ran immediately looked forward to the new season.

Three days passed quickly.

On this day, as long as the media covering football in all England, they all appeared at the press conference of Crystal Palace Club, and even Sky TV sent SNG vehicles to broadcast live.

Be aware that this is just a press conference, or a press conference for a Championship team.

Similar treatment, usually only those Premier League giants can enjoy it.

At this moment, I have to say that Chen Ran's hype plan succeeded.

"Hey, have you heard? Crystal Palace brought in a lot of new players this time."

"I heard that there seem to be a dozen or so."

"More coming, more going. I heard Crystal Palace are now hawking the original players."

"Really? That's really a big change."

"That's right, it seems that the Chinese man is not just talking about it, but playing it real."

"A dozen players? I don't know if there are any stars in it."

"I'm afraid it's not possible. The loan amounted to 30 million euros, and Ronaldo from Portugal accounted for 10 million, and the remaining dozen people were at most 20 million, with an average of less than 2 million per person."

"That's right, what do Chinese people know about football? I guess they were tricked by those agents and found a bunch of bargains to make up the numbers."

"There is indeed such a possibility. Finally, a fat sheep who doesn't understand anything came, and those guys probably made a lot of money this time."

"I can't manage that much, who would let people throw money? Anyway, I only need the news to be good enough."

The bustling press conference hall was full of reporters' discussions.

There are teasing, ironic, mocking, and anticipating.

Chen Ran appeared under the spotlight.

1.85 meters tall, with a handsome face, a neat hairstyle, a tailored suit, and leather shoes that are so bright that they can be seen, and strode to the podium.

"Good afternoon everyone, I'm Chen Ran."

"Thank you all for coming to the Crystal Palace club's press conference."

"Today, I am honored to introduce to you the new players who have joined Crystal Palace this season."

"First of all, let's welcome Gareth Southgate, the captain who led Crystal Palace to the English Premier League title in 1993 with warm applause!"

"Gareth, welcome home!"

"Clap clap"

Maybe it's to give Chen Ran a face, maybe it's because Southgate is an active England international.

In short, the applause at the scene was quite warm.

"Unexpectedly, this Chinese bought back the old captain of Crystal Palace. It seems that he does not understand football at all."

"That's right. However, Southgate is an active international player. Crystal Palace bought him, and it is estimated that he spent a lot of money."

"It's inevitable. It's not like you don't know the boss of Middlesbrough. You only have money in your eyes. If someone is willing to take over the 33-year-old Southgate, it will definitely be slaughtered."

"Anyway, this beginning is a bit unexpected. I'm a little bit looking forward to what surprises this Chinese person will bring us."

"Humph, it's not necessarily a surprise or a shock."

(end of this chapter)