Chapter 133 Boss, thank you!


Fortunately, the referee came over at this time and stopped a possible conflict in time.

"Roy, pay attention to your actions!"

Because Ronaldo avoided Keane's flying shovel, the referee did not draw a card to Keane, but only gave a verbal warning.

"Got it, sir. I'm rushing, clean."

Kean spread his hands out in an innocent look.

"Better like this!"

Because of his autobiography, Keane has now been blacklisted by England referees and has become a key target.

Kean himself knows that his reputation is not good, so his actions on the court now have actually restrained a lot.

On the sidelines, Chen Ran, who saw the scene just now, was also taken aback.

If Ronaldo was injured by a shovel, the loss would be immeasurable.

At this moment, Chen Ran even had the idea of ​​replacing Ronaldo to avoid the limelight.

Fortunately, reason made him dismiss this idea. If he really did this, then Ronaldo would probably never reach the height of his previous life.

However, although Chen Ran did not replace Ronaldo, he still made some adjustments and called Cesc Fabregas to the sidelines.

"Ceske, don't give Ronaldo more passes after you and little Luka. Give more from Ribery, after attracting Manchester United's defensive attention, and then suddenly pass the ball to Ronaldo. Understand? ?"

"Understood, boss."

Cesc Fabregas nodded, he knew that Chen Ran did this to avoid injury to Ronaldo.

As a result, Ferguson soon discovered that Crystal Palace's offensive focus shifted from the left to the right.

And on this side, Manchester United's Ryan Giggs is actually more like a winger. The breakthrough is sharp and the threat is huge. Crystal Palace's right-back Maicon was so overwhelmed by him that he did not dare to come forward for assists.

But relative to his offensive ability, Giggs can't provide much help on defense. After all, everyone's physical fitness is limited, and Giggs' physical fitness is consumed in high-speed sprints when attacking.

So Manchester United's defense on the left basically relies on Heinze alone.

As soon as Chen Ran adjusted the offensive direction, Heinze's pressure immediately increased greatly.

Ribery's small steel cannon is not as dazzling as Ronaldo, but its power is not small at all.

Once, twice, three times.

Ribery continuously broke through Heinze's defense, which suddenly made Ferguson unable to sit still.

"Roy, hurry to the left to help!"

Because another central midfielder of Manchester United, Scholes, is also more offensive than defensive.

So there is no way, Ferguson can only transfer Keane, who specializes in dirty work, to the left.


Seeing Keane's position moving to the left, Chen Ran immediately called Cesc Fabregas' name from the sidelines.

Fabregas, who heard the voice, glanced at Chen Ran and nodded slightly, he knew what Chen Ran was calling him.

Soon, when the ball came to Cesc Fabregas again, he saw his ankle shake, but this time the ball flew to the left of Crystal Palace, where Cristiano Ronaldo was.

"Not good, fooled."

Seeing this scene, Ferguson secretly screamed bad.

At this time, Cristiano Ronaldo had already received the ball, a Marseille roundabout, passed Fletcher who rushed to grab the ball, and dashed towards Manchester United's penalty area with the ball.

"Little Luca!"

Seeing Manchester United's right back Gary Neville coming up to block again, Ronaldo did not hesitate to pass the ball while calling Modric's name.

And he himself, bypassed Gary Neville and continued forward.

With the accumulation of one game after another, the cooperation between the main players of Crystal Palace has become very proficient.

Hearing Cristiano Ronaldo's cry, Modric understood it. After catching the ball, there was no pause. Before Scholes came to press, he made a pick pass and picked the ball directly over the head of Manchester United center back Sylvester. .

At this time, the ball has flown into Manchester United's penalty area.

fell behind Sylvester, and Manchester United's other central defender Ferdinand was still marking Tony, and goalkeeper Carroll was far away from the ball, which happened to be a defensive vacuum.


Carroll let out an angry roar, because he saw a lightning-like figure approaching the ball's landing spot.

is Cristiano Ronaldo, he and Modric played another classic two-to-one.

The ball bounces off the ground and the height is just right.

What are you waiting for?

Cristiano Ronaldo now only has the ball in his eyes, and even the goal and goalkeeper Carroll no longer exist.


A powerful volley, the ball like a shooting star, slid across Carroll's fingertips and directly into the net.


After scoring the goal, Ronaldo took off his shirt excitedly and celebrated wildly.

Crystal Palace lead Manchester United 1:0.

At this time, Chen Ran on the sidelines was unusually calm.

He glanced at Keane, who was not far away. The guy had a gloomy face, staring closely at Ronaldo who was celebrating wildly with his teammates.

It's not good, this guy will report badly, don't hold back and want to attack Ronaldo, right?

Thinking of this, Chen Ran immediately called Mascherano and Evra from the bench, and called the captain Simeone to the sidelines.

"Diego, later I will replace Modric with Mascherano and Ronaldo with Evra."

"You, Mascherano and Cesc Fabregas played the defensive midfielder, and then the team's tactics changed back to the defensive counterattack again."

"Also, after Manchester United kicks off for a while, try to make a dead ball as soon as possible, so I can make a substitution immediately."

"Got it, boss."

are all old rivers and lakes. As soon as Simeone saw Chen Ran replacing Ronaldo in a rare way, he immediately understood his intention.

Soon, as soon as Manchester United kicked off, Simeone rushed up and pulled Rooney down.

The referee blew the whistle, and Crystal Palace logically replaced Ronaldo and Modric.

On the field, Keane, who had not yet reacted, was taken aback for a moment.

This kickoff is a foul. It’s totally unnecessary. What does Crystal Palace mean?

Looking at Ronaldo, who was walking reluctantly off the court, Keane seemed to understand something.

He turned his head and glanced at Chen Ran who was standing on the sidelines.

"This coward has a good coach."

At this time, Ronaldo, who had already walked to the sidelines, was complaining to Chen Ran unknowingly.

"Boss, I'm in very good shape today and I'm sure I can still score goals. Why did you replace me so early?"

"Haha, brat, three games a week, aren't you tired. Wouldn't it be better for you to come down early and rest?"

Chen Ran laughed, reached out and rubbed Ronaldo's head hard.

"Boss, you messed up my hairstyle, which will affect my handsome image."

C Luo muttered dissatisfiedly while avoiding Chen Ran's hand.

"Fuck off. No matter how handsome you are, can you be as handsome as me?"

"Yes, boss, you are the most handsome, okay?"

Ronaldo rolled his eyes helplessly, and walked to the bench with his arms around Modric who was snickering on the side.

Although Modric is usually taciturn, he is an observant and caring person.

"Chris, the boss replaced you, in fact, to protect you."

"What's the meaning?"

"Did you forget the guy who slapped you before?"

"You mean that Manchester United captain Keane?"

"Yes, that's him. This guy is not a good guy, don't you know about him?"

"What can he do? Is he famous?"

Cristiano Ronaldo was also aroused by Modric's curiosity at this time. He usually has a rich spare time, and he has no time to care about the situation of the opponent's players.

"That guy once deliberately kicked his opponent into serious injuries in order to retaliate, and even admitted it in his autobiography."

"So exaggerated?"

Cristiano Ronaldo was also stunned when he heard it, and he couldn't help but turn his head to look back at Keane, who was still playing on the court.

At this time, he felt a little scared.

After all, Ronaldo is not yet 20 years old. It was the first time that he met such a villain, and he felt a little nervous.

Fortunately, there is a boss!

Thinking of this, Ronaldo turned to look at Chen Ran's back again.

was secretly grateful: "Boss, thank you!"

On the other side, seeing Chen Ran's substitution, Ferguson's first reaction was that once the Chinese boy took the lead, the routine of shrinking back to defense was staged again.

Now Chen Ran's commanding style, not to mention Premier League coaches like Ferguson, even journalists and fans who often watch Crystal Palace games, are already well aware of it.

At Old Trafford, whether or not Ferguson is afraid of Crystal Palace's counter-attack, he must let the team press the attack.

Because this is Manchester United's home ground, the fans will not allow Manchester United to be like other weak teams, when facing Crystal Palace, even if they are behind, they will not press the attack.

So, Ferguson called up Alan Smith from the bench and used him to replace Fletcher at right midfielder.

The    formation is still 442, but Manchester United's entire formation is now over half-time.

This time, the pressure on the Crystal Palace defense line increased sharply.

Ryan Giggs on the left, Alan Smith on the right, and Scholes in the middle, constantly passing the ball to Van Nistelrooy and Rooney in front.

Van Nistelrooy, who is at his peak, needs a body and a body, a header and a header, and shooting skills and shooting skills. Vidic is very difficult to defend against him.

and Manchester United's other striker Wayne Rooney, although it is still a little immature. But compared to the past, the current Rooney aura has not dissipated, and there are often eye-catching performances.

Crystal Palace's Thiago Silva, who is responsible for marking Rooney, is also in an immature developmental stage, and there will be some mistakes from time to time.

If you deal with some weak teams, Vidic still has the energy to help Thiago Silva check the gaps, but now Vidic is still too busy to take care of himself, how can he still have the energy to help Thiago Silva?

Fortunately, Rooney's ability to seize opportunities is also lacking, so Crystal Palace's goal is not lost now.

However, when Chen Ran saw this situation on the sidelines, his heart sank.

The fire of war has burned to their restricted area, which is not a good phenomenon.

However, in order to protect Ronaldo, Chen Ran has used up all the substitutions, and now he can only rely on these players on the field to deal with it.

At this time, Chen Ran suddenly thought of Mascherano.

When this guy played for Barcelona in his previous life, he was transformed from a midfielder to a central defender, and he performed well.

Although Mascherano is still very young now, he has not yet tried the position of central defender.

But I believe that with his defensive talent, he should also be able to help Thiago Silva and Vidic.

Thinking of this, Chen Ran immediately called Simeone, who was closer to him, on the sidelines.

"Diego, you go tell Mascherano, let him move back and help Thiago Silva and Vidic defend the opponent's two strikers."

"Boss, what do you mean, let Mascherano play the central defender?"

"Accurately speaking, it is a free agent in the backcourt. Wherever there is a loophole, he will go to the position where Gareth once played."


Soon, Chen Ran's adjustment was immediate.

Mascherano is really talented defensively, although he has never played that position.

But he performed very well, always appearing in key positions.

There were a few times when Van Nistelrooy and Rooney had gotten rid of Vidic and Thiago Silva, and they were about to kick the ball.

As a result, Mascherano suddenly appeared out of nowhere, blocked the siege in time, and made Ferguson, who had been paying close attention to the situation on the sidelines, jumped with anger.


Chen Ran is also terrified to watch here, very meow, I hope to maintain the lead until the end of the game.


Suddenly, the referee blew his whistle and stopped the game.

Simeone's running posture suddenly became limping, his left hand covered his thigh, his right hand held high to signal to the referee, and then he sat down on the turf.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ran immediately had an ominous premonition in his heart.

The last time Southgate sat on the ground suddenly like this, it is estimated that Simeone is now 80% injured.

But, I don't have any substitutions in my hand.

House leakage happens to rain overnight, why is it so unlucky?

Chen Ran can only hope that the team doctor can bring him good news.

However, things did not develop in the direction Chen Ran hoped. After checking Simeone's injury, the team doctor made a substitution gesture off the court.

Change your hair, Crystal Palace has no quota for substitutions, don't you know?

Chen Ran scratched his hair hard, and when Simeone came off the field, the field became 10 on 11, and Cesc Fabregas was the only one left in the defensive midfield position.

And Cesc Fabregas is not a specialized defensive midfielder, so he has no choice but to bring Mascherano back to play the midfielder.


Chen Ran shouted to Mascherano from the sidelines and called him to his side.

"Boss, what's your order?"

Mascherano also knew that the team was encountering difficulties now and took the initiative to ask Chen Ran.

"Now go back to play the defensive midfielder and help Cesc Fabregas guard the front of the penalty area."


At this time, Simeone was also carried to the sidelines on a stretcher, and Chen Ran hurried over.

"Diego, are you seriously injured?"

"Boss, I'm fine. The team doctor said it was a groin strain."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Chen Ran secretly rejoiced that it was not a serious injury.

No way, the intensive schedule is indeed a very severe test for these veterans.

After    instructed the team doctor to take good care of Simeone, Chen Ran had to put his mind back on the pitch.

There are less than 20 minutes of the game, can Crystal Palace hold up?

There may be an update tonight, so I'll post it when I'm done.

(end of this chapter)