Chapter 179: It seems that someone has pointed it out.

Chapter 179 It seems that there is an expert instructing you

Liverpool's goalkeeper Reina reacted quickly, a flying side throw, the fingertips will touch the ball.


After the ball changed direction slightly, it hit the inside of the goal post heavily and bounced to the other side of the goal.


There was another sound. It turned out that after the ball bounced off the right post, it hit the left post and bounced back.

At this time, Cristiano Ronaldo, who was alert, stretched his foot to block before Reina hugged the ball. Blocked the ball into Liverpool's goal.


Cristiano Ronaldo, who scored a goal, was soon surrounded by Crystal Palace players who came to celebrate.

After more than 70 minutes of fierce battle, with Ronaldo's goal finally breaking the deadlock, Crystal Palace led Liverpool 1:0.


Chen Ran on the sidelines also let out a sigh of relief at this time, and Benitez was really difficult to deal with.

With the same lineup, Liverpool's performance in this game has been much stronger than when they played against each other for the first time at the beginning of the season.

In particular, the maintenance of the overall formation makes up for the lack of individual ability of the players to the greatest extent.

Chen Ran has already made targeted arrangements for Liverpool's weak sideways.

Even so, it took Crystal Palace more than 70 minutes to score Liverpool's goal.

Benitez, worthy of being a master of tactics.

Once the deadlock is broken, the rest of the game is much easier.

Liverpool's players used to hold on with one breath. Now Ronaldo's goal seems to have pulled the valve core.

The situation on the field suddenly turned into a one-sided situation.

There has already been a decline in physical fitness, and now Liverpool players feel like they have lead blocks tied to their legs, and they are terribly tired every extra step.

Liverpool's formation could no longer be maintained, and Crystal Palace chased after the victory.

In the 85th and 91st minutes, Alves and Mascherano, who came on as substitutes, scored a goal each.

In the end, Crystal Palace beat Liverpool 3:0 at home, and Chen Ran got a "redraw card" while getting three points.

Looking at the "redraw card" in the system, Chen Ran's mouth twitched slightly. For African chiefs, the role of this card is a bit tasteless.

Forget it, something is better than nothing.

Perhaps, there will be a day when the salted fish will turn around in the African Emirates, right?

Crystal Palace defeated Liverpool again and completed a double play in the Premier League, which also made domestic fans thousands of miles away.

"Liverpool, the new Champions League champion, is just like that. It was double-killed by Crystal Palace? It seems that Crystal Palace has a good chance of winning the Champions League this season."

"Don't be so optimistic. Liverpool won the Champions League last season, which does not mean that they are stronger than AC Milan. If the two teams play a game again, Liverpool may not necessarily win."

"Haha, upstairs, did you forget that Crystal Palace has already played against AC Milan this season?"

"That's right. Crystal Palace's two games against AC Milan in the Champions League group stage were also unbeaten with one win and one draw."

"Ahem, you guys are a little off. I think what he said makes sense. It's no harm to be cautious."

"That's right. There are strong teams everywhere in the Champions League. After all, Crystal Palace is the first time to participate in the Champions League. It's hard to say whether they can make it to the end."

"Hehe, if I say you are too timid. What happened to the first time you participated in the Champions League? Didn't Crystal Palace win the first time in the Premier League before."

"Upstairs, the key is whether the Premier League and the Champions League are comparable? What is the level of the Premier League? What is the level of the Champions League? The difficulty is different, okay?"

"Don't take the Champions League too high, it's actually the same thing. There are weak teams in the Premier League, but there are also Benfica, PSV, Bremen, Rangers and Villarreal in the Champions League. team."

"Cough, I have to say this. You upstairs are too loud, aren't you? Which of these teams you are talking about is not a well-known and strong team? Although it is not comparable to the top ones, it is absolutely Not a weak team, okay?"

"Anyway, I think these teams must not be able to play Crystal Palace, so what is the difference between them and those weak Premier League teams?"


"Damn it! The old man upstairs has made a big move, so the other few can't refute it."

"Haha, I've learned a lot today. This is the real-life version of the tongue-in-cheek group of Confucians."

In addition to the Crystal Palace game against Liverpool, there is another strong conversation in this round of the Premier League, that is, Arsenal against Chelsea.

Originally, Chen Ran also expected Arsenal to help Crystal Palace stop Chelsea, but he found that he still thought too much.

Chelsea won Arsenal 2:0 cleanly at home, still only four points behind Crystal Palace, clinging to it.

After this game, Crystal Palace have nine days to rest.

Next, is the most troublesome Premier League Christmas devil schedule.

On December 26th, in the eighteenth round of the Premier League, Crystal Palace defeated Bolton 1:0 at home;

On December 29th, in the nineteenth round of the Premier League, Crystal Palace defeated Blackburn 2-0 away.

On December 31st, in the twentieth round of the Premier League, Crystal Palace defeated Everton 1:0 at home;

On January 2, in the twenty-first round of the Premier League, Crystal Palace defeated Fulham 2:1 away;

On January 7th, in the third round of the FA Cup, Crystal Palace defeated Northampton 4:1 at home.

Fortunately, Crystal Palace did not encounter any strong teams in the Christmas Devils schedule this year. Under Chen Ran's careful adjustment, Crystal Palace has successfully spent this year's Premier League Christmas Devils schedule with a wave of five consecutive victories.

This result was even better than Chen Ran expected.

After winning five games, Chen Ran also got a lot of good things from the system.

In addition to the first-level harvest card, the first-level rehabilitation card and the first-level eagle-eye guardian card, there is also a winning bonus of 2 million euros and a chance to negotiate a sponsor.

A chance to negotiate a sponsor?

This thing can also be used as a system winning reward?

While Chen Ran was thinking about this new reward, Stephen walked into his office.

"Chen, I have good news for you. Our car brand sponsors, which have not made progress before, are now available."

"Oh? Which one is it?"

Hearing Stephen's report, Chen Ran immediately understood that this was the "sponsor negotiation opportunity" rewarded by the system.

"You should be familiar with this company, from China, called Shencheng Auto."


Hearing this familiar name, Chen Ran didn't react for a long time.

Although Shencheng Auto is one of the top auto companies in China, its products are basically sold in China.

How could they think of running to England to sponsor Crystal Palace?

Is it really a sponsorship from the system?

"Chen, what's wrong? Is there anything wrong with this company?"

Seeing that Chen Ran's reaction was a bit wrong, Stephen quickly asked a question.

"Oh, this company is a big company in China, so there is no problem. It's just that as far as I know, their products are basically sold in China. How could they come to sponsor our Crystal Palace?"

"I also asked this question. Their people said that our Crystal Palace is very popular in China now, and the number of fans is also increasing, so we want to expand our influence among Chinese fans by sponsoring our Crystal Palace."

That makes sense.

However, in terms of popularity in China, Crystal Palace is definitely not as good as Shanghai Auto.

Chen Ran thought about it, but still felt that the power of the system played a big role in this matter.

"Do they plan to sponsor our Crystal Palace in the name of the group, or a certain brand?"

"What? Does this Shencheng Automobile have many brands of cars?"

Stephen, who didn't know much about Shencheng Auto, asked curiously.

"That's right. There are joint ventures between Shencheng Auto, Volkswagen of Germany and GM of the United States, so you need to ask what name you use to sponsor our Crystal Palace."

"They said to use a new brand that will be launched soon, called 'Roewe'."

said, Stephen handed Chen Ran the relevant information.

It turned out to be to promote this independent brand.

Hearing the name of "Roewe", Chen Ran immediately understood the intention of Shencheng Auto.

For a long time, Shencheng Motors has been producing and selling joint-venture brand cars, and they have no products they can handle. This is what they have been criticized for.

Now they also want to make their own brand. In order to better promote this new brand, Shencheng Motors took a fancy to Crystal Palace, which has recently become very popular in China.

This is more reasonable.

"How much are they asking for?"

Chen Ran asked the most concerned question.

"Because there is no jersey advertisement, their asking price is only 2 million euros per year, which is the same as the previous offer from the Japanese car company that you rejected."

"What is the duration of the contract?"

"They said they wanted to be able to sign a three-year contract."

2 million euros per year, three-year contract, frankly, Chen Ran is not very satisfied.

Only 2 million euros a year, this is just his winning bonus for a Premier League game.

And three years is too long. In three years, Crystal Palace is estimated to have won the Champions League.

"Stephen, you told them that 2 million euros a year is fine, but we only sign for one year."

"One year? Chen, is this too short?"

"It can't go any longer. If we win the Champions League this year, we end up signing a three-year contract with only 2 million euros a year in sponsorship. Don't you think it's a big loss?"

"That's right."

Hearing Chen Ran say this, Stephen also thought it was very reasonable.

However, he reacted quickly.

"Chen, do you think the Champions League is so easy to win? We Crystal Palace only participated in the Champions League for the first time this season. How could we win the Champions League? You think this is the Premier League."

"Be bolder, Stephen. Haven't you heard of it? 'Bold to death, starving to death'. Oh, well, I forgot you're British."

Having been with Chen Ran for a long time, Stephen has also taught himself a lot of Chinese now. Although it was too complicated, he still understood the general meaning.

"Okay, Chen, since you're so confident, I'll reply to them like this. But what if they don't agree and the negotiation is terminated?"

Stephen asked worriedly.

Because many of the bulls that Chen Ran blew at the time have now been realized, so now Stephen is a little blind to Chen Ran.

As long as Chen Ran insists that it is possible, even if Stephen thinks it is unlikely, he will support Chen Ran's decision in the end, and will implement it unswervingly.

"The termination is termination. It is only 2 million euros, and we Crystal Palace have no shortage of this little money now."

"If we can really win the Champions League this season, then there will definitely be bigger sponsorships waiting for us next year. At that time, we will make up for the money we lost this year, even the principal and profit."

Regarding the    car sponsorship, Stephen replied to Shencheng Auto according to Chen Ran's meaning, and now it is up to the other party to decide.

After the end of the Premier League's Christmas Devil schedule, Crystal Palace ushered in a more than ten-day rest period.

Chen Ran gave the team members three days off, and he also spent three days with Cheryl.

Then, he threw himself into the intense preparations.

Because, the first game after returning from the holiday was the head-to-head clash between Crystal Palace and Chelsea.

Now, halfway through the Premier League, Crystal Palace are just four points ahead of Chelsea.

In this direct contest, if Crystal Palace wins, the lead will be extended to seven points.

But once Crystal Palace lost, Chelsea immediately reduced the points gap between the two teams to one point.

Everyone understands that the outcome of this game is likely to directly determine the ownership of the Premier League championship this season.

Just before this match, Chen Ran received a piece of good news.

That's the answer from Shencheng Auto, agreeing to Chen Ran's request to only sign a one-year contract.

However, they also put forward new conditions.

"Chen, Shencheng Motors proposed to add a priority renewal right to the contract."

"Priority renewal right?"

"Yes. The specific content is that if a new sponsor joins the competition after the contract expires next year, then under the same conditions, we must sign a contract with Shencheng Auto."

"Hehe, it seems that there are experts at Shencheng Motors."

Hearing the new conditions of Shencheng Auto, Chen Ran couldn't help laughing. There are so many smart people.

"Stephen, do you think you should agree to this condition?"

Chen Ran still respected his friend very much, even though he already had the answer in his heart, he still asked Stephen for his opinion.

"I think I can agree to this one. After all, there is competition, so the price will not be low, so we won't suffer."

"That's good, since you feel the same way, Stephen. Then you go and tell Shencheng Auto, we agree to this condition."

Just as Chen Ran was preparing for the match against Chelsea, Mourinho was also sharpening his knife and preparing to take the Crystal Palace flag.

"José, how confident are you in this game against Crystal Palace?"

(end of this chapter)