Chapter 255 has been exposed!

won the first of two key battles, and Crystal Palace was relieved up and down.

Moreover, on the second day after Chen Ran brought the team back to London, Stephen also brought another good news.

"Chen, Gatorade and Coca-Cola have sent new offers."

Seeing Stephen's beaming look, Chen Ran knew that the sponsorship negotiations must have made crucial progress.

"Oh? These two companies are worthy of being mortal enemies. They sent quotations at the same time. It seems that commercial spies are everywhere."

"Haha, Pepsi and Coca-Cola have been fighting for so many years, and it's nothing new to put eyeliner on rivals. This time, it was mainly because you led Crystal Palace to win the Club World Cup, which made these two companies raise their bids. "

"Really? From your appearance, the price should be good. Let's talk about it, what is the price of the two companies?"

"Okay. Gatorade agreed with your plan to sponsor us 10 million euros a year on the basis of adding the word 'sport'. However, they asked for a five-year contract."

"Five years? They're pretty smart."

"Chen, do you think the five-year contract is too long?"

Seeing that Chen Ran frowned slightly when he heard about the time of five years, Stephen immediately guessed what Chen Ran was thinking.

"It's a bit long. Five years later, let alone dominating European football, our Crystal Palace is at least one of the top giant clubs in Europe."

"In this way, Stephen, go and continue the negotiation with Gatorade on the issue of the contract period, and try to shorten the time to three years."

"Ok, I see."

Stephen continued to report on Coca-Cola's offer while recording Chen Ran's request.

"As for Coca-Cola, they also raised the offer to 15 million euros per year, also asking for a five-year contract."

"It's also five years? It seems that there are so many smart people."

"Stephen, just like Gatorade, you will continue to negotiate with Coca-Cola to try to reduce the contract period to three years. Finally, based on the results of the negotiations with these two companies, we will decide who to sign."

"Understood, I will handle this matter myself."

Just as Stephen was about to leave, the fat little Louis hurried in, holding a newspaper in his hand, and started shouting as soon as he entered the door.

"Chen, something happened, something happened!"

"What are you panicking about? Hold your breath and speak slowly."

Seeing Louis' startled look, Chen Ran glared at him angrily.


The little fat man photographed the newspaper in Chen Ran's desk.

"Look, the matter about the Galaxy Football Group was dug up by the Sun and made their headlines today."

"I believe that this news will soon spread throughout Europe, and even the world."

Chen Ran picked up the Sun newspaper on the table and took a look, good guy, his handsome photo once again appeared on the front page of the Sun newspaper.

The big title is particularly eye-catching.

"Chen Ran's Football Kingdom!"

The names of the four clubs of Crystal Palace, William II, Recife Sports and Shencheng East Asia are arranged in a tree diagram below.

And each club's name is accompanied by detailed information.

The content of the article is even more sensational.

It is Chen Ran's ambition, not just to dominate the Premier League, or even European football.

Chen Ran's real goal is to build a football kingdom spanning five continents.

"It's not completely made up. It seems that The Sun has put a lot of effort into this report."

Chen Ran was very calm, while looking at the newspaper in his hand, he still had a few comments in his mood.

"Chen, aren't you in a hurry?"

Seeing Chen Ran's reaction, Little Fatty was also a little surprised.

Galaxy Football Group is still in its infancy and has just taken shape.

In addition to Crystal Palace, the other three clubs are not on the table at all.

At this time, shouldn't the news be blocked, vulgar development, and then open to the public after the development and growth?

"In a hurry? What's the hurry?"

"News from the Galaxy Football Group."

"Louis, I didn't plan to hide this news at all, and I can't hide it. Your family has been in the football circle for so many years, what news do you think you can hide?"

"Especially in such a big deal as the acquisition of a club, as long as you pay a little attention, you can find all kinds of clues."

"Uh, that's right."

Little Fatty touched his head, and he often inquired about news from the broker circle, and he deeply agreed with Chen Ran's judgment.

"So, now that it's been exposed by The Sun, it doesn't matter, even I think it's a good thing."

"A good thing? Chen, as soon as the report of the Sun comes out, every move of the Galaxy Football Group in the future will definitely be closely watched by people who are interested. Is this still a good thing?"

This time, not only the little fat man was confused, but even Stephen, who stayed and didn't leave, looked at Chen Ran in confusion.

"Of course it's a good thing. You also know that no one has done this project of mine before, so I don't know how everyone will react."

"The Sun's report this time can be used as a test for us to see how many people support and how many people oppose this new thing."

"If there is not much opposition, then we can proceed with this plan with peace of mind."

"If the voice of opposition is too loud, and even something irresistible occurs. Then we can also stop losses in time while the investment is not big now."

"So that's the case, you really have a smart mind, Chen."

Chen Ran's analysis made the little fat man suddenly realize, and the flattery immediately sent it up without money.

"This is indeed a good way. Even the worst result can at least reduce our losses."

Stephen also nodded in agreement, as soon as money was involved, he immediately became serious.

"Luis, you've been paying close attention to the reaction to the new Galaxy Football Group recently. Not just the media, but other clubs, the FA and even UEFA and FIFA, I'd like to know their reactions. "

"Activate all your relationships, don't be afraid to spend money. And your dad, please ask him to find out about this."

"Also, you can find some reliable Internet navy. If you find someone taking a rhythm on the Internet and maliciously attacking us, you must be ready to fight at any time. Understand?"

"Okay, Chen, don't worry, I'm good at these things, and I cover them."

As soon as he heard that there was going to be a war, the little fat man, who had been a little panicked recently, immediately became energetic, patted his chest and assured Chen Ran.

hesitated for a while, then Chen Ran turned to look at Stephen again.

"Stephen, now that the Galaxy Football Group's plan is exposed, it is uncertain how various parties will react."

"As for the sponsorship period of Gatorade and Coca-Cola, I don't plan to care about it anymore, just sign it for five years."

"I want to see if the two companies will change after the news of the Galaxy Football Group is exposed."

"You go to Gatorade first, and then to Coca-Cola. Whoever doesn't add new conditions will sign first. Understand?"


Stephen nodded slowly, Chen Ran's meaning was clear to him, this was also testing the sponsor's reaction to the Galaxy Football Group.

When Chen Ran set up tasks in the Crystal Palace Club's office, the outside was already in a frenzy because of the Galaxy Football Group.

Whether it is newspapers, magazines, TV or the Internet, as long as it is related to football and sports, the topic of Galaxy Football Group is discussed.

Even some financial media came to rub the heat and started talking about the amount of money Chen Ran would spend to establish the Galaxy Football Group, and the possible returns and so on.

"We all underestimated the ambition of the Chinese."

"Not only does he want to win the Premier League and the Champions League, his real purpose is to build an unprecedented football kingdom and dominate the world football."

"So far, Galaxy Football Group has owned four clubs from England, the Netherlands, Brazil and China, all over Europe, Asia and South America. We have reason to believe that the goal of the Chinese is to make his football The kingdom is spread over five continents."

"From the perspective of the targets chosen by Galaxy Football Group, in addition to Chen Ran's home country, China, the United Kingdom, Brazil and the Netherlands are all traditional football powerhouses. Obviously, his acquisition target is very targeted."

"Strongly recommend that FIFA ban the existence of such trusts as Galaxy Football Group."

"The Chinese people want to dominate the world football, and the Galaxy Football Group is his tool. We must kill his conspiracy in the cradle."

Far away in China, the Galaxy Football Group, a new thing, has also detonated the football circle of the whole country.

The popularity of   Crystal Palace Post Bar has reached a new high because of this matter.

"Good guy, I'm a good guy. If Chen Ran doesn't make a move, it's a big deal when he makes a move."

"That's right. It's been quiet, and it has quietly acquired four clubs."

"It seems that the Internet is right. Chen Ran really wants to build a football kingdom."

"I think it's a good idea. If all the clubs that Chen Ran acquired could win the local league championship, that scene would make me feel emotional."

"What I'm more concerned about is that Director Xu's Shencheng East Asia has also become a member of Galaxy Football Group. Did Director Xu also sell his football base to Chen Ran?"

"It shouldn't be. Next to Xu's football base is Crystal Palace's youth training base. Chen Ran doesn't need to buy another one. I guess it's just a cooperation between the two teams on the team."

"Upstairs, Crystal Palace's youth training base on Smart Island has changed its name a few months ago. Even the signboard has been changed. The current name is 'Galaxy Football (Huaguo) Youth Training Base'."

"That's right, I saw it too. I'm from Smart Island. I was wondering at the time, did Crystal Palace quit? I asked the staff and they didn't get the result. I didn't expect there would be such a huge plan behind it."

"I'll go. It turns out that Chen Ran has already made a move. The confidentiality work is really well done."

"According to the online statement, there is a lack of African and North American teams on the Galaxy Football Group's map. It seems that Chen Ran's next move is likely to be these two places."

"Chen Ran is playing football. If he can really build a football kingdom, it will create history."

"Looking forward to the day when the Galaxy Football Kingdom dominates the world of football!"

"Looking forward to +1!"

"Looking forward to +2!"

As a member of Galaxy Football Group, Shencheng East Asia is also very uneasy today.

Especially the little players below, thinking that they can become a brother team under the same owner as the Premier League champion, the Champions League champion, and the World Club Cup champion, one by one is so excited that they can’t help themselves, how can they still have the heart to train?

"Old Xu, I think we should take a day off today. As soon as the news spreads, how can these little red guys still have the heart to train?"

Seeing that the young players who have always been most afraid of Guidance Xu, even if Guidance Xu loses his temper today, it doesn't work, so Coach Jiang had no choice but to get close to Director Xu and persuade him.

No way, such a shocking news, let alone these children, even the old man was very excited when he first learned the news.

"Okay, let's all disband and have a day off today."

Instructor Xu also knew that today's situation was special, and if he continued to train forcibly, it would not have any good results, so he had to announce his disbandment with kindness.


A burst of cheers resounded through the sky, and the young players suddenly gathered together in groups of three or five to discuss the explosive news excitedly.

shook his head helplessly, and Director Xu had no choice but to go back to the office to make tea with Coach Jiang with a wry smile.

"Old Xu, I don't know if I should say it or not."

took over the tea made by Director Xu, Coach Jiang hesitated for a while, but finally couldn't hold back.

"Okay, what can't we say after so many years of friendship?"

Instructor Xu replied casually while drinking tea.

"Old Xu, if I remember correctly, when you transferred the shares of Shencheng East Asia, you only gave Chen Ran 49% of the shares, right?"

"That's right, what's wrong?"

Hearing Coach Jiang mentioning the matter of the team's shares, Director Xu was stunned for a moment, and then put the teacup in his hand on the table.

"Is that kid Chen Ran looking for you?"

Guo Xu, who had been rolling around in the football circle for most of his life, was instantly alert.

"No, don't get me wrong. In Shencheng East Asia, Chen Ran knows you alone. He probably doesn't even know my name."

Seeing that Guidance Xu was about to misunderstand, Coach Jiang waved his hands again and again.

"Well, it's good that I didn't look for you. It seems that the kid is quite measured."

Seeing Coach Jiang deny it, Director Xu took a sip from the teacup on the table again. The fierce aura that burst out just now seemed to have never appeared before.

"Then why did you remember the matter of raising the shares?"

(end of this chapter)