Chapter 87 87 New View On Life

Name:Football singularity Author:

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[4 AM]


[Ding: The skill Birds Eye View has been fully integrated with the host's body]

[Ding: Host temporary blindness should resolve itself in thirty minutes.]

(System services will not bear any responsibility if anything goes wrong)


[5:30 AM]

The sun had just packed over the horizon of Florida ready to welcome a new day. Birds could be seen dancing in the sky merely enjoying the serene atmosphere of the morning. In a small villa in one of the gated communities on the outskirts of Orlando, a six-year-old boy could be seen laying peacefully on his bed.

The morning sun rays sneaked their way past the thin curtains shining upon the boy's peaceful body. Next to the boy, a young German shepherd lay next to him in a protective manner seemingly guarding him. Although the dog's eyes were seemingly shut light twitch of his ears every now and then suggest that he was already awake.

The boy whose name is Rakim started getting a little restless as the rays of the sun intensified on his face. Seemingly fighting a battle to remain in dreamland he tossed and turned a couple of times but that only served to annoy the dog.

"Woof WOOF" The dog barked loudly as he quickly jumped up on his fours nearly dodging getting kicked off the bed. He seemed more confused than anything at the sudden movements of his owner as if not used to him being a restless human.

Hearing the loud bark Rakim's movements abruptly stopped as his eyes fluttered open trying to get a sense of his surroundings. Trying to shake off the remnants of his dreams a surprised looked graced his face as he tried to orient himself. Seemingly not expecting to wake up in his own room he lightly rubbed his eyes as his gaze shifted from his ceiling to the dog that was giving him an odd look.

"What's up Zeus, it's not even time for our morning run yet," Rakim murmured, his voice still drowsy from sleep, to which Zeus proceeded to wag his tail in response, as he barked with excitement and anticipation. It was clear that the energetic pup was eager to start their day, oblivious to his owner's need for a few more moments of rest.

"Haha alright we can go early today but I'm racing you," Rakim chuckled lightly, after realizing that his furry companion wouldn't take no for an answer. With a groan, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stretched his arms upward, yawning to banish the last remnants of sleep from his body.

"Wow was my vision always this good?" he muttered in a daze as he gazed out of the window seemingly transfixed by a sparrow perched up on a tree. He rubbed his eyes a couple of times seemingly not believing what he is seeing. Trying to get up on his feet he wobbled slightly only to fall back on the bed earning a curious look for Zeus.


'Hey Eva, what's going on with me,' I asked her after feeling a little lightheaded as soon as I got up. Weirdly, my eyesight is by far better, almost as if I've got that twenty-twenty vision that was all the rage back then.

[Just take a second your whole body's visual feedback has just changed it'll take you a second to get used to it,] She said sounding rather serious snapping me back to the skill I had bought last night. That would make sense as to why my vision is better now and I can notice details from things further away.

'Alright I get that but what is with the liability warning from the system?' I asked her surprised after reading the system notification from when I was asleep. Honestly, I wasn't expecting that kind of warning from the system.

[Don't worry about it, it's probably nothing, but you should be able to get up now] Is all she said as she conveniently diverted my attention. She was right my sense cleared up and all the fuzziness disappeared.

'Okay pull up my skills menu then,' I told her wanting to check if there is something I should worry about.


->Singularity Skills:

Bronze Level Goal Sense (Passive)

-A skill that gives the host a 20% probability to locate an area that gives him a high chance of scoring a goal.

-The skill is limited to off-the-ball movement, meaning the host cannot be in possession of the ball for the skill to activate.

Bird's eye view (Passive)

-A skill that widens the host's field of vision, giving him a more accurate view of the ongoings on the pitch.


Looks like I was worried for no reason everything seems alright plus my field of vision is so wide now. Heck, I can even see things that used to be in my blind spot in the past. Let's just focus on the wins if there is really a problem down the road, I'll just Nagg Eva about it until she fixes it.

"All right, Zeus, let's go," I called out to him as I quickly slipped on my running gear making sure to grab a pair of Nike running shoes to put on when I get downstairs. Going to my bathroom I went through my morning routine in no time eager to get started. Putting on a headband to hold back my hair I quickly made my way back to my room where Zeus was patiently waiting for me. He simply barked in acknowledgement as he jumped off the bed in excitement already making his way out of the room.

Picking up my headphones I quickly followed him down the stair getting to the kitchen to the kitchen in no time. Quickly changing the water in his bowl and giving him something for breakfast I made my way to the fridge. Drinking half a litre worth of water in one go was all I could handle but it was enough.

Grabbing an apple off the counter I was finally ready to go but just as I was about to open the back door, I felt someone staring at me. A second later they appeared in my field of vision before I could even fully turn around. This increase in my visual senses will take some time to get used to for sure.

"Hey Mom, how's your morning so far?" I asked my mom who had an unimpressed look on her face as she looked down at me from the second-floor balcony. Surprisingly, she was also dressed in her running clothes wearing purple leggings that matches her sports T-shirt. To finish her look was a purple bobble that tied her wavy hair keeping it away from her face.

"I could ask you the same thing, you know how I feel about you going out on your own," she said in a stern tone as she made her way down the stairs all the while her turquoise-golden eyes seemed to get more intense by the second. I could tell that she was angry by the fact that she didn't even pay attention to Zeus. He couldn't read the atmosphere in the room and tried getting her attention by running around her.

"Sorry, I just couldn't sleep and was going to go around the lake with Zeus," I told her with a slight embarrassment on my face not being able to make eye contact with her. She's not usually this strict but for some reason, she gets overprotective when it comes to me leaving the house on my own.

At first, I thought it was just her being a worrywart but after a couple of months of living here I understood where her fears stem from. For one I'm young and the other reason I'm black in America. I never understood this in my past life as life was all about surviving the next day but now that I live here it's like seeing a T-Rex in the city.

I guess the fact that I could be gunned down for simply fitting a description hasn't fully set in yet. After all this place is basically paradise when compared to the war-torn Congo but I guess even this place has its monsters. Mom's worries make sense since she probably never expected to have to worry about light skin son who will be subjected to this.

"Sigh let's just go together, I've just finished my Yoga session anyways," she said with an apologetic expression after hearing my words. Relief washed over me as she agreed to accompany me on my morning run. Her overprotectiveness stemmed from genuine concern, and I understood that now more than ever.

"Okay lets go, Zeus is already restless," was my answer as I quickly slid open the back door and made my way out to the backyard. Picking up one of my footballs I tossed it in the air before calmly trapping it on my right foot.

"C'mon let's go" I shouted at her as I quickly made my way to the gate that led directly to the lake at the far end of the garden. Not needing a second prompt from me Zeus quickly raced ahead of me, more excited than me at being out in the fresh air.





To Be Continued...