Chapter 99 Monopoly Skirmish

Name:Football singularity Author:
Chapter 99 Monopoly Skirmish

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I demand your power stones as I was deemed to be worthy by the singularity to present you with its hero's tale, so motivate me to write more and upload chapters faster.}


"Woah your hair looks sick bro," Liam exclaimed as soon as Mom and I entered the house. From the looks of it, he was hanging out with Emma and the rest of our friend group. The odd thing however was the fact that May's brother Reece and Bennett were also here.

"Cheers, I had to sit a long while for this," I told him shaking my head slightly to show off my hair a little more. Emma was the first to reach my side doing her best to resist the urge to touch my hair. She was giving me puppy eyes as she admired my dreadlocks from up close almost causing me to nod in approval.

I don't mind if she touches my hair, but it's a slippery slope. If I let her touch my hair, I won't have a good enough excuse to deny the other people in the room. Knowing May, she will Nagg me non-stop until I let her touch my hair as well and I don't really want to deal with that. Thinking of the possible headache I just patted her head and made my way to the couch to join the rest.

"You're a little bit more good-looking," May commented as soon as I sat down reaching a handout to try to touch one of my locks. Reacting quickly, I slapped away her hand and gave her a deadpan stare.

"You can't touch it just yet," I told her with a slight glare warning her not to do it again. My glare was met with a pout before she proceeded to look away in protest.

"Dude why did you let them put worms on your head," Bennette suddenly commented from across the table. Taken aback for a second at hearing his voice I was reminded of his existence in my Livingroom.

The boy was laughing at his own joke, but no one was really joining in not even his best friend. I could tell that Reece wanted to join in on the joke but upon noticing the deadpan looks from the rest of us he remained silent. Guess his not as thick skin as I thought he was, then again maybe it's just a momentary case of common sense. Looking at his slightly reddening cheeks from the second-hand embarrassment I could only give him a sympathetic look.

"what's that look for?" Reece exclaimed as he was quick to notice the odd look, I was giving the pair of them.

"Nothing, what are you guys up to anyways," I quickly said changing the subject having no intentions of giving Bennet any more attention.

"Oh, we're about to play Monopoly you came just in time to join in," Liam told me as he pulled out a box from the board game. Not questioning where he even kept the game this whole time, I quickly helped set up the game excited to join in the game.

? ? ? ? .


We spent the rest of that Saturday afternoon playing a variety of board games after Monopoly escalated into a small scuffle. Although the game is supposed to be for family and friends. However, it caused more harm than good if I'm being honest.

Reece and Bennett tried to form an alliance but that was easily seen through by everyone. Through deliberate targeting and a bit of bad luck, they had money problems. However, that's when it started, may instead of taking her brother's last amount of money she offered to pay off his debts with the bank for one of his properties.

He managed to negotiate to not have to pay the next three times he landed on her property. Seeing May's action caused a chain reaction with everyone around the table. Liv was the first to react sealing an alliance with Emma, making it so they didn't have to pay rent on each other's properties.

I could only sulk at the fact that my sister didn't let me into their alliance, but little did anyone know that Liam and I were in a secret alliance. You might be wondering how we were able to fool them given the fact that we are best friends. Well, the answer to that is simple we actively tried to make it difficult for each other.

I would buy missing properties he needed and so would he and somehow when we ended up using them to avoid paying rent or have the other party pay off our loans. Although we all thought we were smart and were in an advantageous situation none of us could hold a candle with Jenna.

She somehow managed to form an open alliance with May and Bennett. May was left eliminated after her crazy move that escalated the dynamics of the game, so Jenna was her saving grace. Bennett on the other hand was left stranded since his partner almost went bankrupt.

So, when she offered to help him with a lone with some questionable terms he readily agreed. Let's just say he went bankrupt in three rounds because he still had to pay the rest of us. However, the nail on the coffin was when Jenna got all his properties in exchange for paying his debt as part of their agreement.

You see that should have startled me a little as she was moving a little too sly, but I had a secret alliance with her and didn't think much of it. Well, if I had known that everyone at the table had a secret alliance with her, I would have panicked more. By the time I noticed something was fishy It was already too late and people around the table were dropping like flies.


"Hey, sis just let me have a freebie, just this once," Liam pleaded for mercy after landing on her most expensive property Broadwalk. She had a hotel built on it and just the price would make Liam go bankrupt after a round of bad rolls.

It was comical to see him pleading for her to spare him only to be ignored and asked to pay up. It did help me as I was able to buy a set of his properties after he went bankrupt. He didn't opt to let anyone get his properties after not being able to pay his sister and directly declared bankruptcy in the most dramatic way.

Seeing Jenna ruthlessly shake her head upon hearing his request, He dramatically got up from his seat frustrated just emanating from him. For a moment I thought he was going to flip the board in anger but instead, he picked up his piece with a lost look. Dramatically dropping his silver dog back into the box, he slumped to the ground and started spilling his complaints to Zues who had a lost look.

I was feeling sorry for him, but I should have focused on myself since both May and Jenna teamed up and drove me to bankruptcy in the next two turns. It happened so fast that by the time I realised what happened I was begging Emma to avenge me. A slow tear filled with emotions spilt out of my left eye fully expressing my current the game. We had decided on this rule so that no one could interfere with those still playing. However now that I think about it emotion.

The thing that made me even angrier was that once you are out of the game you are not allowed to comment on anything to do with the game. We had decided on this rule so that no one could interfere with those still playing. However now that I think about it Jenna was pretty genius to come up with this rule.

Now that I realised that Jenna had played me from start to finish, I could only join Liam in spilling my complaints to Zeus. He looked more confused now that I joined the conversation he was having with Liam. Then again, he was probably thinking of how to get rid of us so he can go back to enjoying his nap.

Emma the good sister she is came through for me and dove Jenna to bankruptcy, but she sold her properties to May in the round before. In the end, what should have been a fun game escalated into an all-out battle of wits. The Final winner was May who had escalated the playing board into turmoil.

It was a bitter pill to swallow but finding out that she and Jenna were working together made more sense. They had us all fooled, when Jenna revealed that she was a little chess genius it made a lot more sense. I didn't take the loss to heart thou as I had Zeus as my little therapist.


"Woah your hair is sick bro," Max exclaimed with huge fan fair as soon as I made my way onto the field for training.

Today I've been dealing with all sorts of comments on my hair. Some love the look to the point where they try to touch it. Good thing that I have Liam as a sort of bodyguard and surprisingly Lexi helped too for an entirely different reason though. According to her, she had reached an agreement with Emma. She wouldn't tell me what the deal is but since she was helping, I couldn't complain.

"Cheers bro," I answered him as I quickly dabbed him up with our own handshake. The good thing for me is that he didn't shower me with questions like the rest of the kids today.

Don't get me wrong I love the attention but asking questions like can your hair get wet? Does your new hair make you more aerodynamic? Do you have to wake up early every morning to make your hair like that? Can you make my hair like that, I reckon I could pull it off.

Those are just some of the more common questions I had to deal with. One guy with bald hair even asked me if he could get that hairstyle totally forgetting his lack of hair. It was all bad though I finally understand why some of my classmates love to shake their hade to adjust their hair.

After a day of dealing with all kinds of weird people, I'm just glad that I get to unwind by kicking the ball around for a bit. I still love my hair though don't bet me wrong it just brings out a weird side in the people around me. It's like an irresistible charm that comes with the new hair, and they just can't resist it.





To Be Continued...