☆ Shota Komori ☆

The story that Mayu-nee shared with me was something that blew my mind.

I had no idea it was this serious.

To tell you the truth, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t afraid to be a fake boyfriend for Mayu-nee.

I mean, I’m scared as h**l. Extremely scared.

Because what kind of a screwed up guy sends a girl a hidden picture of himself to her new house?

If Mayu-nee gets a boyfriend, who knows what he’ll do?

If I’m not careful, it’s quite possible that he’ll get upset and attack me.

Considering my own safety, I should have definitely refused Mayu-nee’s request.

But still… I think Mayu-nee must have felt the same way at that time.

Of course, if she went to save me, there was a possibility that she would be harmed.

Even so, Mayu-nee stood in front of me just because she was my childhood friend.

She stood up for me.

So I, a man, must stand in front of her this time.

Of course, I myself know better than anyone that I’m a powerless, talentless, and an ordinary person.

But my first love, who saved me when I was a child, is now sending me an SOS.

What kind of a man would I be if I didn’t reach out to her here? I can’t just forget about the favor I received and turn a blind eye.

That’s why I decided to take on something that was out of my control.

☆ Shizuku Natsukawa ☆

Maybe I’m sitting a little too far? I can’t hear Shota-kun’s conversation at all.

I couldn’t help but be curious about Takamine-san’s important talk, and I ended up following them.

I’ve been following them since the first day she moved to the school… This makes me a heavy stalker, doesn’t it?

Really, what am I doing here? Ever since I fell in love with him, I can’t believe what I’m doing and saying.

But I can’t stand it, so I don’t have a choice.

If you don’t like it, take responsibility for it, Shota-kun.

I watched them carefully with some frustration.

I strained my ears to hear even a fragment of their conversation, but…

Ah, Mou! I still can’t hear them!

But if I get any closer, they’ll know I’ve been following them and trying to eavesdrop…

In a situation where I should give up, I desperately tried to keep my head on straight.

I wondered if there was any way I could listen in on Shota-kun’s conversation.

I’m probably wasting more brain power than I’ve ever done in my life.

As I was searching for a good idea, I saw a waitress delivering drinks to their table.

–This is it!

“Um… Excuse me.”

“Yes. How can I help you?”

I caught the waitress who had stopped by Shota-kun’s table just a moment ago.

She’s about three or four years older than me, probably a college student.

In order to get information out of her–

“–Um, you were delivering drinks to that table over there earlier, right?”

“Y-Yeah… What’s wrong with that? Ah, was that your drink, by any chance?”


“No, that’s not it. I just want to know what they were saying to each other.”


As expected, the waitress looked at me suspiciously.

I continued on without concern.

“Actually… He’s my bo-boyfriend. And yet, here he is, alone with another woman. I’m just wondering what they’re talking about.”

“Ah… I see.”

Since we are both women, she seemed to have taken my intentions into consideration.

The fact that she forgot to use formal language is more proof than anything.

Eventually, the waitress looked over at Shota-kun, and as if murmuring softly into my ear,

“I really shouldn’t say these things because of the privacy of our customers–but this is special, okay? I don’t know all the details either, but he said something about going out with her because he can’t forgive stalkers. Maybe he’s trying to have an affair?”


As soon as I heard the waitress’ words, my eyes went black.

It was darker than Shigeru Matsuzaki. No, I’m not even joking. (T/N: A Japanese singer and actor.)

I was so upset that such an incomprehensible thought came to my mind.

A stalker… They meant me!?

Ehh!? Ehh!? No way!?

Does this mean they know I’m stalking them like this!? And going out because he can’t forgive stalkers… That’s just perfect–

The waitress kept talking to me while I was in a daze.

To be honest, I couldn’t hear a word she was saying.

Because for the first time in my life–

–I’ve been heartbroken.