☆ Mayuka Takamine ☆

13:00 p.m. I’m in front of a restaurant where I can enjoy my favorite cheese dish.

Since the outlet mall opened only recently, the surrounding area is filled with people.

Tch. This Komori… What kind of nerves does he have to keep me, a woman, waiting?

Even if it’s a facade, I’m asking him out on a date, so he should be the one waiting for me instead.

Why is he, the man, late?

Just when I was about to voice such dissatisfaction,

[I’ve arrived near the store Mayu-nee told me about. I’m near the big bear figurine.]

Hmm? A bear figurine?

I immediately check my surroundings.

The bear figurine is… Ah, that one, Eh, what!?

Don’t lie to me, Komori!

All I see near the bear figurine is a man who looks like he’d be popular with the ladies!

That son of a b***h… He’s talking nonsense just because he’s late!?

He’s a very lascivious man–

“Hey. Are you alone? Would you like to have lunch with me?”

Tch. Trying to hit on me when I’m getting frustrated.

I looked up and saw a blond guy who looked bright.

He looked like a college student.

…Hah~. So annoying.

Don’t hit on high school girls, go hook up with college girls who seem easy to spread their legs. (T/N: Damn, savage.)

“…I’m sorry. I’m waiting for my boyfriend.”

If you get it, get the h**l out of here.

“Ehh? It’s fine, isn’t it? Leave your boyfriend waiting and come hang out with me.”

Ah, for God’s sake! I told you I have a boyfriend!

Get the h**l out of here. What a real pain in the a*s… Should I just show my true colors?

…No, it’s crowded here. You never know who’s watching and from where.

It would be even worse if rumors spread in class that Mayuka Takamine is a black-hearted person.

What the h**l. I’ll have to use a more subtle approach. This way, he’ll give up.

“Um… I’m a high school girl.”

How’s that? If you find out that I’m underage, you’re going to–

“–Really!? I thought you were a college girl because you look so mature! It’s totally fine. Perhaps I’m even lucky? It’s great to be able to hang out with a high school girl.”

Oi, is he serious!? This guy must be out of his mind!

I’m under 18 years old! Don’t tell me he’s trying to prey on a high school girl!?

This guy’s no good! Holy s**t! Let’s get the h**l out of here. It’s better not to deal with this kind of situation.

“Hey, where are you going? Come on, just for a little bit. Just a little bit.”

The flirtatious guy grabbed my arm.

I reflexively raised my voice.

“Stop! Don’t touch–“

“–Can you stop? She’s my girlfriend.”


It was a familiar voice. But the Komori I knew was not there.

It wasn’t just his looks.

It was also his atmosphere.

He had a sharp look in his eyes, as if he were avenging his parents’ death.

It was like a good man who had fallen into the darkness and had become a madman who wanted to take revenge even if it meant stabbing someone in the back.

To be frank, the aura that Komori gave off was far worse than this flirtatious guy.

“Are you by any chance Mayu-nee’s stalker? If so, please turn yourself in now.”

“Huh!? Stalker!? What are you talking about!? I was only talking to–“

“–Law Concerning Regulation of Stalking and Other Related Matters.”

His voice sounded as though the air was frozen.


“Article 3, No person shall be followed so as to cause the other person to feel threatened with bodily harm to their personal safety, the peace and quiet of their residence, their reputation, or their freedom of action.”

“Oi, what are you saying…”

“Article 18, Any person who commits stalking shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not more than one year or a fine of not more than one million yen. If you approach Mayu-nee any further, you shall be punished by any means. Even if it’s by entrapping you.”

Komori clawed at the flirtatious guy’s hand as if he was egging him on.

I had goosebumps as I watched this guy change for the first time.

“Whoa… What the h**l is wrong this guy? He must be crazy!”

The blonde, feeling awkward, shook off Komori’s hand and left the place as if to run away.

As soon as the man fled out of sight,

“I’m sorry. Mayu-nee…”

“Eh? What for?”

“I think my knees are shaking so bad I can’t move. Can I borrow your shoulder?”

You’re a lousy man too, really.