【Stomach Pain】

Pain which Shota Komori is feeling.

【Déjà vu】

The illusion of having experienced it once before.

Lunch break at the beginning of the week.

He was caught in an uncomfortable situation.

“Komori-kun–” “Sho-chan–“

“”How about having lunch together?””


Even though Shota Komori has yet to utter a single word, the situation created an instantaneous stir.

(No, I’m the one who should be saying ‘huh?’)

Natsukawa and Takamine send out sparks from their gazes at each other.

Komori is now experiencing a sense of déjà vu.

It is because he remembered Mayuka Takamine bringing a homemade lunch box right after she transferred to the school.

However, although the situation is similar to the last time, there is one crucial difference.

It is Mayuka Takamine’s romantic feelings.

Until the other day, she had identified Shota Komori as a mediocre supporting mob, but as she interacted with him, she fell in love with him.

It was humiliating for her.

(I never thought I’d fall for Komori… So this is what it means when the hunter becomes the hunted. I feel sorry for myself. But now that I’ve developed romantic feelings for him, I’m not going to let her have Komori.)

The last shuraba was provisional, so to speak, due to it being a sham relationship. It was fake. This time, however, the air is heavier as Natsukawa and Takamine’s feelings are strongly directed towards Komori.

The proof of this is…

“Tanaka-kun isn’t breathing!”

“Get the AED! Hurry!”

“Sato-san’s eyes are also going white…!”

“Stay with me! Sato-san!”

“Come back, Tanaka! You said it yourself, didn’t you? After school, you said you’d confess to someone with the premise of marriage!”

Under the pressure of Natsukawa and Takamine, classmates Tanaka and Sato are in a life-threatening situation.

As for Tanaka, it was a complete flag.

Even he, who was seated far from them, lost consciousness.

Shota Komori, who is being pressured at both ends of the spectrum, is…

(Why is this turning into a drama scene between my current girlfriend and my ex-girlfriend!? No, it’s not like that, right? We don’t have that kind of relationship at all, right? What the h**l is this!? Natsukawa-san is Sunagawa-kun’s girlfriend, and I’m Mayu-nee’s boyfriend only to keep her stalker in check. Ehh? Could it be that Natsukawa-san and Mayu-nee don’t get along with each other very well? Is it possible that I’m just being used as an excuse to get into a fight? I don’t want that! I will never be that pipeline! Can you please do this without me!?)

He does not seem to understand his own position well.

He has been a bit of a loner so far, and he doesn’t think that he is being fawned over in the slightest.

“You really helped me the other night, Komori-kun. Thank you,” said Natsukawa.

The first jab is thrown. Takamine read the subvocal sound in the unnecessary word “night”.

(Natsukawa~! You b*****d, seriously get off your asses! I know you guys were out together from the phone. And you’re telling me that right in front of me, the girlfriend! Don’t you dare provoke me. There are certain things you can do and can’t do, even if you’ve declared war. If you do it poorly, it can lead to a murder case, you know!? What’s worse, because I’ve fallen in love with Komori, this provocation is so unpleasant that it makes my stomach churn! I’m about to show my true colors in front of Komori!)