"Isn't that what you thought?" Wen Ye looked at Xu Shen with a cold face, and said doubtfully.

"When will I think?" Xu Shen's voice seemed to be covered with frost.

"Didn't you always want to be in a group with him when you just transferred to another school?" Wen Ye remembered very clearly that Xu Shen ignored him at that time and concentrated on changing seats with Leng Feng.

These words choked Xu Shen, he thought for a long time and finally threw out one sentence: "Wanting to be in a group doesn't mean I want to mark him."

Wen Ye remembered very clearly that in the original book, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had always guarded Xue Xue with the intention of marking the other party, but later this guy Leng Feng took the lead. "You were distracted by Xue Xue's temporary mark during the weapon training two days ago."

"That's me... Forget it." Xu Shen didn't want to continue discussing this topic, and this explanation will go to another level, and it will talk about which mark is it that distracts him.

Wen Ye, who was sitting on the bench with the backrest, suddenly thought of the punch that Xu Shen was hit by Leng Feng just now, "Was it okay from that punch just now?"

Xu Shen glanced at his abdomen and said, "It's all right."

"No, that location is the internal organs, in case the internal organs are injured." Wen Ye stood up and rummaged through the medical box.

After finding the medical box, he hugged the box and sat next to Xu Shen, "Take off your clothes."

Xu Shen was stunned. The education he had received since he was a child made him unconsciously resist the behavior of being naked in front of others, which is very inconsistent with the etiquette of the royal family, "I will do it myself."

Looking at the coy His Royal Highness, the corner of Wen Ye's mouth twitched into a playful smile: "Could it be that you have been an Omega for a long time, and by the way, I am the opposite sex?"

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who was so excited, unzipped his coat with a snap, unbuttoned it one by one, and took off his shirt.

And after Wen Ye watched the other party take off his clothes slowly, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the room gradually became not quite right.

Presented in front of Wen Ye is an increasingly muscular male body. Although the broad shoulders have not exercised much muscle, the bones are very perfect.

This should be the first time Wen Ye saw the half-naked body of His Royal Highness, looking at the bruise on his lower abdomen, the color of the bruise had already begun to turn black, and it was even more ferocious against the white skin.

"Your skin is so fair." Wen Ye directly touched the skin on the opponent's chest. It was not only white but also smooth. "Is your skin so good when you were an Omega?"

Xu Shen stepped back a little bit, a little uncomfortable with the temperature of Wen Ye's palm, "It's hereditary."

"What are you retreating?" Wen Ye took a step forward dissatisfied, and directly covered the bruise on the opponent's abdomen with a little force, and the opponent took a cold breath.

When Wen Ye was a child, he often hit himself with bruises all over his body. Every time, my uncle treated the bruises with hot compresses and then rubbed them away. "First apply hot compresses and then press."

Xu Shen's expression was a little unnatural when he heard this, "Why don't I do it myself."

"You can't use your strength in that position!" Wen Ye directly pushed the opponent down on the sofa, and put the hot compress bag on the opponent's abdomen.

Xu Shen felt a warm temperature from his abdomen, and the young man in front of him slowly glanced at his upper body, and suddenly he had a feeling that he would not be provoked by the other party to take off his shirt, so he could just lift up the hem of his clothes.

"Your muscles have also formed after you have grown taller." Wen Ye couldn't help reaching out and poking the opponent's shoulder. It would be great if the opponent could develop an athlete's figure. "The raw shape of your muscles is actually pretty good."

Xu Shen felt that the other party's fingers touched his shoulder with a trace of coolness, and felt that there was such a strange feeling in the touched place.

"Okay, you can press it." Wen Ye took the hot compress bag away, "You helped me once before, and I will give it back to you this time."

"No need." Xu Shen quickly refused and wanted to sit up immediately, but was held down by the other party.

"Little girl, it's useless to struggle, you just follow me." Wen Ye pulled out an evil smile and pressed down hard with the other hand.

"Hmm..." Xu Shen snorted at the pain of being held down on the bruise.

"It's very painful. When I was young, bruises and bruises were massaged in this way." Wen Ye said, looking at the sweat beads emerging from the other party's forehead. "Actually, it hurts more at the beginning, and it will be fine when the bruise is rubbed away."

Xu Shen ignored the other party, but turned his head to the other side.

Wen Ye's eyes turned with a smirk, and suddenly he stood on top of Xu Shen, "Brother Xu, my craft is good."

Xu Shen turned his head and looked at the young man on his body, the young man's eyes were black and shiny, with a kind of malicious smile,

"You said that I've helped you for so long, and I've trained you and helped you deal with your opponents." After a pause, Wen Ye continued, "Can I ask for some reward?"

"What do you want?" Xu Shen asked in a low voice.

"I haven't thought about it for the time being, you will promise me three things unconditionally in the future." Wen Ye thought for a while and added: "It won't be hurtful, and it won't be something that makes it difficult for you to do."

Wen Yexin said that Xu Shen is the future emperor of the empire. After he knows that he is the son of Li Zhuang, he may not be able to blackmail so many things. After all, the Li family is famous for their loyalty. In the future, when I think of anything, I will ask the other party to ask for it.

"Okay." Xu Shen recalled everything the other party had done since he transferred to another school, and a strange fluctuation arose in his heart.

"Then it's settled." Wen Yexin thought that when His Royal Highness became the emperor, he would be able to raise more conditions. According to the financial strength of the empire, what generous rewards could he get?

The young man half-kneeled above Xu Shen, the ends of his hair would slightly block the other's line of sight, the distance between the two was so close that Xu Shen felt bewitched by the person in front of him.

But when the other party left, the feeling of emptiness left behind made people feel an inexplicable regret in their hearts.

After the bruises were dealt with, the tutoring for the two of them was not over yet. Seeing Xu Shen put on his coat and sit upright in front of him and turn on the terminal to continue his lecture, Wen Ye felt that this night might be difficult to pass.


Wen Ye took the so-called make-up exam the next morning, and a few people were scattered outside the classroom of the make-up exam, showing that not many failed the exam.

Wen Ye, who was standing at the door of the classroom waiting to enter, covered his mouth and yawned. Last night's tutoring was so late that he was listless now.

"Student, are you taking the make-up exam too?" A slightly frivolous voice came from behind Wen Ye.

Wen Ye looked back and saw the boundless blue ocean, and the man in the dark green military uniform looked at him with a smile.

"Kayli?" Wen Ye recognized that this was the senior student he had seen before.

"Hey, you actually remember my name." Carey made a surprised expression, "You see we are destined to meet each other twice in just three days."

"Hehe." Wen Ye didn't want to pay attention to the other party's flirting with him. He could feel that this man was trying to hook up with Xiao O, but unfortunately he was not an Omega. "You can focus more on foreign schools. As far as I know, military schools There's no Omega in it."

"Who said I like Omega?" Carey had a playful smile in his eyes.

"Wen Ye, Kai Li, why don't you come in?" The teacher stood at the door and looked at the two of them dissatisfied.

Wen Ye, who got the question on the terminal, felt his eyes brighten. It really was the area drawn by His Royal Highness, and it was worthwhile for him to work hard all night for several days.

Time passed quickly, and the exam was over in a short while. After handing in the papers in the terminal, Wen Ye stood up and was about to leave the classroom.

"Hello, junior." Kaili suddenly stopped him from behind, "We will meet again."

With a bit of disapproval, Wen Ye left the remedial exam classroom and returned to his class, because the remedial exam took up self-study time, so when Wen Ye returned, most of the people were already chatting in the classroom.

"Brother Wen, how did you do in the exam?" After Wen Ye returned to his seat, Zheng Nan turned around and asked.

"Of course it's okay." Wen Ye brushed the bangs on his forehead with his hand, with a little pride.

At this time, a cold snort came from the side, "You are the only one in our class to make up the exam, and there are only three people in the whole grade."

Wen Ye turned his head and saw that it was actually Leng Feng who had been silent all this time. It seemed that yesterday he threw the opponent directly outside the dormitory to blow the wind all night so that the two of them officially took over the beam. "Generally, those with high combat effectiveness will be more biased."

"How high is your fighting power?" Leng Feng snorted coldly

Wen Ye narrowed his eyes and stretched his wrist and said, "I want to know my real combat ability, why don't we find a place to have a good fight?"

After chatting last night, I realized that Xue Xue had already applied a new type of inhibitor to target the temporary mark. I didn't have a strong feeling. If this guy had a conspiracy to target Xue Xue all the time, and because of this, he would hurt His Royal Highness.

Wen Ye's eyes darkened, he didn't mind cleaning up the other party.

At this time, the teacher suddenly came in, "What? You want to have a fight? 3 points will be deducted for fighting between students in the military academy!"

Wen Ye immediately put on an innocent smile at the teacher, "No, it's just a discussion."

"Wait for your actual combat exercises and then slowly learn from each other. The group information has been released, and I will announce the list now." The teacher directly projected the information in the terminal to the big screen in the classroom.

Wen Ye saw that the screen was divided into two opposing forces, one was blue and the other was red.

"This time, the distribution will be made according to the two hostile forces. You will have your own camps to protect. You will be divided according to your actual combat levels and classes. Each group will have the roles of Marshal-Deputy Staff Officer, Squad Leader, and Soldier. Our grade is the lowest, so all members They are all soldiers, and the requirement is to obey the orders of their superiors.”

"Planet Mutsu is a two-person partner for the first two months. Points will be awarded according to the information you have received and the weapons and food you have paid. The third month will be a team battle. The winning side will have the right to double the points."

The teacher roughly explained the basic precautions for training on stage. Wen Ye saw that the color of the terminals sent to him and Xu Shen was blue, so he pushed Zheng Nan and the others in the front row, "What color are you?"

"Blue." Zheng Nan looked at the color in his hand.

At this time Xue Xue turned her head and said to Xu Shen, "Brother Shen, I seem to be red."

Xu Shen glanced at the terminal in the other party's hand, the red eyes were a bit dazzling.

Wen Ye heard the other party's words and turned his head to look at Leng Feng, "Now there is a blatant reason to deal with you."